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synced 2025-03-07 00:37:34 +00:00
Closes #1986 , was missing a check if there were any lines in the list. Calling the method with an empty line set would have yielded an empty set (behavior unknown). Although calling the method without lines is unintended, should handle behavior correctly now. Fix yielding an empty set if the first line(s) are empty. Add test to verify parsing works for multiple lines. Add test to verify parsing yields nothing for no lines. Add test to verify parsing yields nothing for empty lines.
557 lines
23 KiB
557 lines
23 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// <summary>
/// Logic for exporting and importing <see cref="PKM"/> data in Pokémon Showdown's text format.
/// </summary>
public class ShowdownSet
// String to Values
private static readonly string[] StatNames = { "HP", "Atk", "Def", "SpA", "SpD", "Spe" };
private static readonly string[] genders = {"M", "F", ""};
private static readonly string[] genderForms = {"", "F", ""};
private const string Language = "en";
private const int LanguageID = 2;
private static readonly string[] types = Util.GetTypesList(Language);
private static readonly string[] forms = Util.GetFormsList(Language);
private static readonly string[] species = Util.GetSpeciesList(Language);
private static readonly string[] items = Util.GetItemsList(Language);
private static readonly string[] g2items = Util.GetStringList("ItemsG2", Language);
private static readonly string[] g3items = Util.GetStringList("ItemsG3", Language);
private static readonly string[] natures = Util.GetNaturesList(Language);
private static readonly string[] moves = Util.GetMovesList(Language);
private static readonly string[] abilities = Util.GetAbilitiesList(Language);
private static readonly string[] hptypes = types.Skip(1).ToArray();
private static int MAX_SPECIES => species.Length-1;
// Default Set Data
public string Nickname { get; set; }
public int Species { get; private set; } = -1;
public int Format { get; private set; } = PKX.Generation;
public string Form { get; private set; }
public string Gender { get; private set; }
public int HeldItem { get; private set; }
public int Ability { get; private set; } = -1;
public int Level { get; private set; } = 100;
public bool Shiny { get; private set; }
public int Friendship { get; private set; } = 255;
public int Nature { get; set; }
public int FormIndex { get; private set; }
public int[] EVs { get; private set; } = {00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00};
public int[] IVs { get; private set; } = {31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31};
public int[] Moves { get; private set; } = {0, 0, 0, 0};
public readonly List<string> InvalidLines = new List<string>();
private int[] IVsSpeedFirst => new[] {IVs[0], IVs[1], IVs[2], IVs[5], IVs[3], IVs[4]};
private int[] IVsSpeedLast => new[] {IVs[0], IVs[1], IVs[2], IVs[4], IVs[5], IVs[3]};
private int[] EVsSpeedFirst => new[] {EVs[0], EVs[1], EVs[2], EVs[5], EVs[3], EVs[4]};
private int[] EVsSpeedLast => new[] {EVs[0], EVs[1], EVs[2], EVs[4], EVs[5], EVs[3]};
// Parsing Utility
public ShowdownSet(string input = null)
if (input == null)
string[] lines = input.Split(new[] { "\r\n", "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
public ShowdownSet(IEnumerable<string> lines)
if (lines == null)
private void LoadLines(IEnumerable<string> lines)
lines = lines.Select(z => z.Replace("'", "’").Replace("–", "-").Trim()); // Sanitize apostrophes & dashes
lines = lines.Where(z => z.Length > 2);
// Showdown Quirks
Form = ConvertFormFromShowdown(Form, Species, Ability);
// Set Form
string[] formStrings = PKX.GetFormList(Species, types, forms, genderForms);
FormIndex = Math.Max(0, Array.FindIndex(formStrings, z => z.Contains(Form ?? "")));
private void ParseLines(IEnumerable<string> lines)
int movectr = 0;
foreach (string line in lines)
if (line.StartsWith("-"))
string moveString = ParseLineMove(line);
int move = Array.IndexOf(moves, moveString);
if (move < 0)
InvalidLines.Add($"Unknown Move: {moveString}");
Moves[movectr++] = move;
if (movectr == 4)
return; // End of moves, end of set data
string[] brokenline = line.Split(new[] { ": " }, StringSplitOptions.None);
if (brokenline.Length == 1)
brokenline = new[] {brokenline[0], string.Empty};
switch (brokenline[0])
case "Trait":
case "Ability": { Ability = Array.IndexOf(abilities, brokenline[1].Trim()); break; }
case "Level": { if (int.TryParse(brokenline[1].Trim(), out int val)) Level = val; else InvalidLines.Add(line); break; }
case "Shiny": { Shiny = brokenline[1].Trim() == "Yes"; break; }
case "Happiness": { if (int.TryParse(brokenline[1].Trim(), out int val)) Friendship = val; else InvalidLines.Add(line); break; }
case "Nature": { Nature = Array.IndexOf(natures, brokenline[1].Trim()); break; }
case "EV":
case "EVs": { ParseLineEVs(brokenline[1].Trim()); break; }
case "IV":
case "IVs": { ParseLineIVs(brokenline[1].Trim()); break; }
case "Type": { brokenline = new[] {line}; goto default; } // Type: Null edge case
// Either Nature or Gender ItemSpecies
if (brokenline[0].Contains(" @ "))
string[] pieces = line.Split(new[] {" @ "}, StringSplitOptions.None);
string itemstr = pieces.Last().Trim();
else if (brokenline[0].Contains("Nature"))
string naturestr = line.Split(' ')[0].Trim();
int nature = Array.IndexOf(natures, naturestr);
if (nature < 0)
InvalidLines.Add($"Unknown Nature: {naturestr}");
Nature = nature;
else // First Line does not contain an item
private void ParseItemStr(string itemstr)
int item = Array.IndexOf(items, itemstr);
if (item >= 0)
HeldItem = item;
if ((item = Array.IndexOf(g3items, itemstr)) >= 0)
HeldItem = item;
Format = 3;
if ((item = Array.IndexOf(g2items, itemstr)) >= 0)
HeldItem = item;
Format = 2;
InvalidLines.Add($"Unknown Item: {itemstr}");
public string Text => GetText();
private string GetText()
if (Species == 0 || Species > MAX_SPECIES)
return string.Empty;
var result = new List<string>();
// First Line: Name, Nickname, Gender, Item
string form = ConvertFormToShowdown(Form, Species);
// IVs
if (GetStringStats(out IEnumerable<string> ivstr, IVsSpeedLast, 31))
result.Add($"IVs: {string.Join(" / ", ivstr)}");
// EVs
if (GetStringStats(out IEnumerable<string> evstr, EVsSpeedLast, 0))
result.Add($"EVs: {string.Join(" / ", evstr)}");
// Secondary Stats
if (Ability > -1 && Ability < abilities.Length)
result.Add($"Ability: {abilities[Ability]}");
if (Level != 100)
result.Add($"Level: {Level}");
if (Shiny)
result.Add("Shiny: Yes");
if (Nature > -1)
result.Add($"{natures[Nature]} Nature");
// Moves
return string.Join(Environment.NewLine, result);
private string GetStringFirstLine(string form)
string specForm = species[Species];
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(form))
specForm += $"-{form.Replace("Mega ", "Mega-")}";
string result = Nickname != null && PKX.GetSpeciesNameGeneration(Species, LanguageID, Format) != Nickname ? $"{Nickname} ({specForm})" : specForm;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Gender))
result += $" ({Gender})";
if (HeldItem > 0)
switch (Format)
case 2: if (HeldItem < g2items.Length)
result += $" @ {g2items[HeldItem]}";
case 3: if (HeldItem < g3items.Length)
result += $" @ {g3items[HeldItem]}";
default: if (HeldItem < items.Length)
result += $" @ {items[HeldItem]}";
return result;
private static bool GetStringStats(out IEnumerable<string> result, int[] stats, int ignore)
var list = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < stats.Length; i++)
if (stats[i] == ignore) continue; // ignore unused EVs
list.Add($"{stats[i]} {StatNames[i]}");
result = list;
return list.Count > 0;
private IEnumerable<string> GetStringMoves()
foreach (int move in Moves.Where(move => move != 0 && move < moves.Length))
var str = $"- {moves[move]}";
if (move == 237) // Hidden Power
str += $" [{hptypes[HiddenPower.GetType(IVs)]}]";
yield return str;
/// <summary>
/// Converts the <see cref="PKM"/> data into an importable set format for Pokémon Showdown.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pkm">PKM to convert to string</param>
/// <returns>Multi line set data</returns>
public static string GetShowdownText(PKM pkm)
if (pkm.Species == 0)
return string.Empty;
return new ShowdownSet(pkm).Text;
public ShowdownSet(PKM pkm)
if (pkm.Species <= 0)
Nickname = pkm.Nickname;
Species = pkm.Species;
HeldItem = pkm.HeldItem;
Ability = pkm.Ability;
EVs = pkm.EVs;
IVs = pkm.IVs;
Moves = pkm.Moves;
Nature = pkm.Nature;
Gender = genders[pkm.Gender < 2 ? pkm.Gender : 2];
Friendship = pkm.CurrentFriendship;
Level = PKX.GetLevel(pkm.Species, pkm.EXP);
Shiny = pkm.IsShiny;
FormIndex = pkm.AltForm;
string[] Forms = PKX.GetFormList(Species, types, forms, genderForms, pkm.Format);
Form = pkm.AltForm > 0 && pkm.AltForm < Forms.Length ? Forms[pkm.AltForm] : string.Empty;
Format = pkm.Format;
private void ParseFirstLine(string line)
// Gender Detection
string last3 = line.Substring(line.Length - 3);
if (last3 == "(M)" || last3 == "(F)")
Gender = last3.Substring(1, 1);
line = line.Substring(0, line.Length - 3);
else if (line.Contains(species[678])) // Meowstic Edge Case with no gender provided
Gender = "M";
// Nickname Detection
if (line.Contains("(") && line.Contains(")"))
private bool ParseSpeciesForm(string spec)
spec = spec.Trim();
if ((Species = Array.IndexOf(species, spec)) >= 0) // success, nothing else!
return true;
// Forme string present.
int end = spec.LastIndexOf('-');
if (end < 0)
return false;
Species = Array.IndexOf(species, spec.Substring(0, end).Trim());
Form = spec.Substring(end + 1);
if (Species >= 0)
return true;
// failure to parse, check edge cases
var edge = new[] {784, 250, 032, 029}; // all species with dashes in English Name (Kommo-o, Ho-Oh, Nidoran-M, Nidoran-F)
foreach (var e in edge)
if (!spec.StartsWith(species[e].Replace("♂", "-M").Replace("♀", "-F")))
Species = e;
Form = spec.Substring(species[e].Length);
return true;
// Version Megas
end = spec.LastIndexOf('-', Math.Max(0, end - 1));
if (end < 0)
return false;
Species = Array.IndexOf(species, spec.Substring(0, end).Trim());
Form = spec.Substring(end + 1);
return Species >= 0;
private void ParseSpeciesNickname(string line)
int index = line.LastIndexOf("(", StringComparison.Ordinal);
string n1, n2;
if (index > 1) // correct format
n1 = line.Substring(0, index - 1);
n2 = line.Substring(index).Trim();
n2 = ReplaceAll(n2, string.Empty, "[", "]", "(", ")"); // Trim out excess data
else // nickname first (manually created set, incorrect)
int end = line.IndexOf(")", StringComparison.Ordinal);
n2 = line.Substring(index + 1, end - 1);
n1 = line.Substring(end + 2);
if (ParseSpeciesForm(n2))
// successful parse on n2=>Species/Form, n1 is nickname
Nickname = n1;
// other case is possibly true (or both invalid).
Nickname = n2;
private string ParseLineMove(string line)
string moveString = line.Substring(line[1] == ' ' ? 2 : 1);
if (!moveString.Contains(moves[237])) // Hidden Power
return moveString;
// Defined Hidden Power
if (moveString.Length > 13)
string type = moveString.Remove(0, 13);
type = ReplaceAll(type, string.Empty, "[", "]", "(", ")"); // Trim out excess data
int hpVal = Array.IndexOf(hptypes, type); // Get HP Type
if (IVs.Any(z => z != 31))
if (!HiddenPower.SetIVsForType(hpVal, IVs))
InvalidLines.Add($"Invalid IVs for Hidden Power Type: {type}");
else if (hpVal >= 0)
IVs = PKX.SetHPIVs(hpVal, IVs); // Get IVs
InvalidLines.Add($"Invalid Hidden Power Type: {type}");
return moves[237];
private void ParseLineEVs(string line)
string[] evlist = SplitLineStats(line);
if (evlist.Length == 1)
InvalidLines.Add("Unknown EV input.");
for (int i = 0; i < evlist.Length / 2; i++)
bool valid = ushort.TryParse(evlist[i * 2 + 0], out ushort EV);
int index = Array.IndexOf(StatNames, evlist[i * 2 + 1]);
if (valid && index > -1)
EVs[index] = EV;
InvalidLines.Add($"Unknown EV Type input: {evlist[i * 2]}");
EVs = EVsSpeedFirst;
private void ParseLineIVs(string line)
string[] ivlist = SplitLineStats(line);
if (ivlist.Length == 1)
InvalidLines.Add("Unknown IV input.");
for (int i = 0; i < ivlist.Length / 2; i++)
bool valid = byte.TryParse(ivlist[i * 2 + 0], out byte IV);
int index = Array.IndexOf(StatNames, ivlist[i * 2 + 1]);
if (valid && index > -1)
IVs[index] = IV;
InvalidLines.Add($"Unknown IV Type input: {ivlist[i * 2]}");
IVs = IVsSpeedFirst;
private static string ConvertFormToShowdown(string form, int spec)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(form))
if (spec == 774) // Minior
form = "Meteor";
return form;
switch (spec)
case 550 when form == "Blue":
return "Blue-Striped";
case 666 when form == "Poké Ball":
return "Pokeball"; // Vivillon
case 718: // Zygarde
form = form.Replace("-C", string.Empty);
form = form.Replace("50%", string.Empty);
return form.Replace("100%", "Complete");
case 774: // Minior
if (form.StartsWith("M-"))
return "Meteor";
return form.Replace("C-", string.Empty);
case 800 when form == "Dusk": // Necrozma
return $"{form}-Mane";
case 800 when form == "Dawn": // Necrozma
return $"{form}-Wings";
case 676: // Furfrou
case 658: // Greninja
case 744: // Rockruff
return string.Empty;
if (Legal.Totem_USUM.Contains(spec) && form == "Large")
return Legal.Totem_Alolan.Contains(spec) && spec != 778 ? "Alola-Totem" : "Totem";
return form.Replace(" ", "-");
private static string ConvertFormFromShowdown(string form, int spec, int ability)
form = form?.Replace(" ", "-"); // inconsistencies are great
switch (spec)
case 550 when form == "Blue-Striped": // Basculin
return "Blue";
case 658 when ability == 210: // Greninja
return "Ash"; // Battle Bond
case 666 when form == "Pokeball": // Vivillon
return "Poké Ball";
// Zygarde
case 718 when string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(form) && ability == 211:
return "50%-C";
case 718 when string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(form):
return "50%";
case 718 when form == "Complete":
return "100%";
case 718 when ability == 211:
return "-C"; // Power Construct
case 744 when ability == 020: // Rockruff-1
return "Dusk";
// Minior
case 774 when !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(form) && form != "Meteor":
return $"C-{form}";
// Necrozma
case 800 when form == "Dusk-Mane":
return "Dusk";
case 800 when form == "Dawn-Wings":
return "Dawn";
if (Legal.Totem_USUM.Contains(spec) && form?.EndsWith("Totem") == true)
return "Large";
return form;
private static string[] SplitLineStats(string line)
// Because people think they can type sets out...
return line
.Replace("SAtk", "SpA").Replace("Sp Atk", "SpA")
.Replace("SDef", "SpD").Replace("Sp Def", "SpD")
.Replace("Spd", "Spe").Replace("Speed", "Spe").Split(new[] { " / ", " " }, StringSplitOptions.None);
private static string ReplaceAll(string original, string to, params string[] toBeReplaced)
return toBeReplaced.Aggregate(original, (current, v) => current.Replace(v, to));
/// <summary>
/// Fetches <see cref="ShowdownSet"/> data from the input <see cref="lines"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lines">Raw lines containing numerous multi-line set data.</param>
/// <returns><see cref="ShowdownSet"/> objects until <see cref="lines"/> is consumed.</returns>
public static IEnumerable<ShowdownSet> GetShowdownSets(IEnumerable<string> lines)
var setLines = new List<string>(8);
foreach (var line in lines)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line))
if (setLines.Count == 0)
yield return new ShowdownSet(setLines);
if (setLines.Count != 0)
yield return new ShowdownSet(setLines);
/// <summary>
/// Fetches ShowdownSet lines from the input <see cref="PKM"/> data.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">Pokémon data to summarize.</param>
/// <returns>Consumable list of <see cref="ShowdownSet.Text"/> lines.</returns>
public static IEnumerable<string> GetShowdownSets(IEnumerable<PKM> data) => data.Select(GetShowdownText);
/// <summary>
/// Fetches ShowdownSet lines from the input <see cref="PKM"/> data, and combines it into one string.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">Pokémon data to summarize.</param>
/// <param name="separator">Splitter between each set.</param>
/// <returns>Single string containing all <see cref="ShowdownSet.Text"/> lines.</returns>
public static string GetShowdownSets(IEnumerable<PKM> data, string separator) => string.Join(separator, data.Select(GetShowdownText));