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using System.Linq;
using static PKHeX.Core.LegalityCheckStrings;
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// <summary>
/// Verifies the <see cref="PKM.OT_Name"/>.
/// </summary>
public sealed class TrainerNameVerifier : Verifier
protected override CheckIdentifier Identifier => CheckIdentifier.Trainer;
private readonly string[] SuspiciousOTNames =
public override void Verify(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pkm = data.pkm;
switch (data.EncounterMatch)
case EncounterTrade _:
case MysteryGift g when !g.IsEgg:
case EncounterStatic5N _:
return; // already verified
var ot = pkm.OT_Name;
if (ot.Length == 0)
if (pkm.TID == 0 && pkm.SID == 0)
data.AddLine(Get(LOT_IDs0, Severity.Fishy));
else if (pkm.VC)
if (pkm.SID != 0)
else if (pkm.TID == pkm.SID)
data.AddLine(Get(LOT_IDEqual, Severity.Fishy));
else if (pkm.TID == 0)
data.AddLine(Get(LOT_TID0, Severity.Fishy));
else if (pkm.SID == 0)
data.AddLine(Get(LOT_SID0, Severity.Fishy));
else if ((pkm.TID == 12345 && pkm.SID == 54321) || IsOTNameSuspicious(ot))
data.AddLine(Get(LOTSuspicious, Severity.Fishy));
if (pkm.VC)
else if (ot.Length > Legal.GetMaxLengthOT(data.Info.Generation, (LanguageID)pkm.Language))
if (!IsEdgeCaseLength(pkm, data.EncounterOriginal, ot))
data.AddLine(Get(LOTLong, Severity.Invalid));
if (ParseSettings.CheckWordFilter)
if (WordFilter.IsFiltered(ot, out string bad))
data.AddLine(GetInvalid($"Wordfilter: {bad}"));
if (WordFilter.IsFiltered(pkm.HT_Name, out bad))
data.AddLine(GetInvalid($"Wordfilter: {bad}"));
if (ContainsTooManyNumbers(ot, data.Info.Generation))
data.AddLine(GetInvalid("Wordfilter: Too many numbers."));
public static bool IsEdgeCaseLength(PKM pkm, IEncounterable e, string ot)
if (e.EggEncounter)
if (e is WC3 wc3 && pkm.IsEgg && wc3.OT_Name == ot)
return true; // Fixed OT Mystery Gift Egg
bool eggEdge = pkm.IsEgg ? pkm.IsTradedEgg || pkm.Format == 3 : pkm.WasTradedEgg;
if (!eggEdge)
return false;
var len = Legal.GetMaxLengthOT(e.Generation, LanguageID.English); // max case
return ot.Length <= len;
if (e is MysteryGift mg && mg.OT_Name.Length == ot.Length)
return true; // Mattle Ho-Oh
return false;
public void VerifyOTG1(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pkm = data.pkm;
string tr = pkm.OT_Name;
VerifyG1OTWithinBounds(data, tr);
if (data.EncounterOriginal is EncounterStatic s && (s.Version == GameVersion.Stadium || s.Version == GameVersion.Stadium2))
data.AddLine(VerifyG1OTStadium(pkm, tr, s));
if (pkm.Species == (int)Species.Mew)
var OTMatch = (tr == Legal.GetG1OT_GFMew((int)LanguageID.Japanese))
|| (tr == Legal.GetG1OT_GFMew((int)LanguageID.English));
if (!OTMatch || pkm.TID != 22796)
if (pkm.OT_Gender == 1 && ((pkm.Format == 2 && pkm.Met_Location == 0) || (pkm.Format > 2 && pkm.VC1)))
private void VerifyG1OTWithinBounds(LegalityAnalysis data, string str)
if (StringConverter12.GetIsG1English(str))
if (str.Length > 7 && !(data.EncounterOriginal is EncounterTrade)) // OT already verified; GER shuckle has 8 chars
else if (StringConverter12.GetIsG1Japanese(str))
if (str.Length > 5)
else if (data.pkm.Korean && StringConverter2KOR.GetIsG2Korean(str))
if (str.Length > 5)
private CheckResult VerifyG1OTStadium(PKM pkm, string tr, IVersion s)
if (pkm.OT_Gender != 0)
return GetInvalid(LG1OTGender);
int tid = pkm.TID;
if (pkm.Japanese)
if (tid == Legal.GetGBStadiumOTID_JPN(s.Version) && Legal.Stadium1JP == tr)
return GetValid(LG1StadiumJapanese);
if (s.Version == GameVersion.Stadium && tid == 2000)
if (tr == "STADIUM" || tr == "STADE" || tr == "STADIO" || tr == "ESTADIO")
return GetValid(LG1StadiumInternational);
else // Stadium2
if (tid == 2000 && tr == "Stadium")
return GetValid(LG1StadiumInternational);
if (tid == 2001 && (tr == "Stade" || tr == "Stadion" || tr == "Stadio" || tr == "Estadio"))
return GetValid(LG1StadiumInternational);
return GetInvalid(LG1Stadium);
private bool IsOTNameSuspicious(string name)
return SuspiciousOTNames.Any(name.StartsWith);
public static bool ContainsTooManyNumbers(string str, int originalGeneration)
if (originalGeneration <= 3)
return false; // no limit from these generations
int max = originalGeneration < 6 ? 4 : 5;
if (str.Length <= max)
return false;
int count = GetNumberCount(str);
return count > max;
private static int GetNumberCount(string str)
static bool IsNumber(char c)
if ('0' <= c)
return c <= '9';
return c <= '9' && '0' <= c;
return str.Count(IsNumber);