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synced 2025-02-17 05:48:44 +00:00
Were originally permitted because Generation == 0; now we properly indicate the origin of all Initial/Encounter/Shared moves and use that to remove anything not from the environment. Invalid/Sketch moves are still permitted to be Gen0 and skipped because their verification is a different branch. ty notflyy (discord)
97 lines
4 KiB
97 lines
4 KiB
using System;
using System.Text;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// <summary>
/// Stores parsed data about how a move was learned.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Info">Info about the game it was learned in.</param>
/// <param name="EvoStage">Evolution stage index within the <see cref="MoveLearnInfo.Environment"/> evolution list it existed in.</param>
/// <param name="Generation">Rough indicator of generation the <see cref="MoveLearnInfo.Environment"/> was.</param>
/// <param name="Expect">Optional value used when the move is not legal, to indicate that another move ID should have been in that move slot instead.</param>
public readonly record struct MoveResult(MoveLearnInfo Info, byte EvoStage = 0, byte Generation = 0, ushort Expect = 0)
public bool IsParsed => this != default;
public bool Valid => Info.Method.IsValid();
internal MoveResult(LearnMethod method, LearnEnvironment game = 0) : this(new MoveLearnInfo(method, game), Generation: game.GetGeneration()) { }
public string Summary(ISpeciesForm current, EvolutionHistory history)
var sb = new StringBuilder(48);
if (Info.Method.HasExpectedMove())
var name = ParseSettings.MoveStrings[Expect];
var str = LegalityCheckStrings.LMoveFExpectSingle_0;
sb.Append(' ').AppendFormat(str, name);
return sb.ToString();
var detail = GetDetail(history);
if (detail.Species == 0)
return sb.ToString();
if (detail.Species == current.Species && detail.Form == current.Form)
return sb.ToString();
sb.Append(' ').Append(ParseSettings.SpeciesStrings[detail.Species]);
if (detail.Form != current.Form)
return sb.ToString();
private EvoCriteria GetDetail(EvolutionHistory history)
var evos = Info.Environment.GetEvolutions(history);
var stage = EvoStage;
if (stage >= evos.Length)
return default;
return evos[stage];
/// <summary> Checks if the Move should be present in a Relearn move pool (assuming Gen6+ origins). </summary>
/// <remarks>Invalid moves that can't be validated should be here, hence the inclusion.</remarks>
public bool ShouldBeInRelearnMoves() => IsRelearn || !Valid;
public bool IsRelearn => Info.Method.IsRelearn();
public Severity Judgement => Valid ? Severity.Valid : Severity.Invalid;
public string Rating => Judgement.Description();
public string Format(string format, int index, PKM pk, EvolutionHistory history) => string.Format(format, Rating, index, Summary(pk, history));
public static MoveResult Initial(LearnEnvironment game) => new(LearnMethod.Initial, game);
public static readonly MoveResult Relearn = new(LearnMethod.Relearn);
public static readonly MoveResult Empty = new(LearnMethod.Empty);
public static readonly MoveResult Duplicate = new(LearnMethod.Duplicate);
public static readonly MoveResult EmptyInvalid = new(LearnMethod.EmptyInvalid);
public static readonly MoveResult Sketch = new(LearnMethod.Sketch);
public static MoveResult Unobtainable(ushort expect) => new(LearnMethod.UnobtainableExpect) { Expect = expect };
public static MoveResult Unobtainable() => new(LearnMethod.Unobtainable);
/// <summary>
/// Checks if all <see cref="MoveResult"/>s in the span are <see cref="Valid"/>.
/// </summary>
public static bool AllValid(ReadOnlySpan<MoveResult> span)
foreach (var result in span)
if (!result.Valid)
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Checks if all <see cref="MoveResult"/>s in the span are <see cref="IsParsed"/>.
/// </summary>
public static bool AllParsed(ReadOnlySpan<MoveResult> span)
foreach (var result in span)
if (!result.IsParsed)
return false;
return true;