Kurt fbba64c0e6 Clean up catch rate comparisons
Add dragonite to the uncapturable list, removes catchrate comparison for dragonite since it's filtered out.

Skip some linq by doing the loop directly in the method. Replace local methods with captured variables with direct if-returns.
2021-05-18 10:38:01 -07:00

509 lines
23 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using PKHeX.Core;
using static PKHeX.Core.Legal;
using static PKHeX.Core.GameVersion;
using static PKHeX.Core.Species;
namespace PKHeX
/// <summary>
/// Miscellaneous GB Era restriction logic for legality checking
/// </summary>
internal static class GBRestrictions
private static readonly int[] G1CaterpieMoves = { 33, 81 };
private static readonly int[] G1WeedleMoves = { 40, 81 };
//private static readonly int[] G1MetapodMoves = { 33, 81, 106 };
private static readonly int[] G1KakunaMoves = { 40, 81, 106 };
private static readonly int[] G1Exeggcute_IncompatibleMoves = { 78, 77, 79 };
internal static readonly int[] Stadium_CatchRate =
167, // Normal Box
168, // Gorgeous Box
private static readonly HashSet<int> Stadium_GiftSpecies = new()
/// <summary>
/// Species that have a specific minimum amount of moves based on their evolution state.
/// </summary>
private static readonly HashSet<int> SpecialMinMoveSlots = new()
internal static bool TypeIDExists(int type) => Types_Gen1.Contains(type);
/// <summary>
/// Valid type IDs extracted from the Personal Table used for R/G/B/Y games.
/// </summary>
private static readonly HashSet<int> Types_Gen1 = new()
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
/// <summary>
/// Species that have a catch rate value that is different from their pre-evolutions, and cannot be obtained directly.
/// </summary>
internal static readonly HashSet<int> Species_NotAvailable_CatchRate = new()
internal static readonly HashSet<int> Trade_Evolution1 = new()
private static int[] GetMinLevelLearnMoveG1(int species, List<int> moves)
var result = new int[moves.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
result[i] = MoveLevelUp.GetIsLevelUp1(species, moves[i], 100, 0, 0).Level;
return result;
private static int[] GetMaxLevelLearnMoveG1(int species, List<int> moves)
var result = new int[moves.Count];
int index = PersonalTable.RB.GetFormIndex(species, 0);
if (index == 0)
return result;
var pi_rb = ((PersonalInfoG1)PersonalTable.RB[index]).Moves;
var pi_y = ((PersonalInfoG1)PersonalTable.Y[index]).Moves;
for (int m = 0; m < moves.Count; m++)
bool start = pi_rb.Contains(moves[m]) && pi_y.Contains(moves[m]);
result[m] = start ? 1 : Math.Max(GetHighest(LevelUpRB), GetHighest(LevelUpY));
int GetHighest(IReadOnlyList<Learnset> learn) => learn[index].GetLevelLearnMove(moves[m]);
return result;
private static List<int>[] GetExclusiveMovesG1(int species1, int species2, IEnumerable<int> tmhm, IEnumerable<int> moves)
// Return from two species the exclusive moves that only one could learn and also the current pokemon have it in its current moveset
var moves1 = MoveLevelUp.GetMovesLevelUp1(species1, 0, 1, 100);
var moves2 = MoveLevelUp.GetMovesLevelUp1(species2, 0, 1, 100);
// Remove common moves and remove tmhm, remove not learned moves
var common = new HashSet<int>(moves1.Intersect(moves2).Concat(tmhm));
var hashMoves = new HashSet<int>(moves);
moves1.RemoveAll(x => !hashMoves.Contains(x) || common.Contains(x));
moves2.RemoveAll(x => !hashMoves.Contains(x) || common.Contains(x));
return new[] { moves1, moves2 };
internal static void GetIncompatibleEvolutionMoves(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList<int> moves, IReadOnlyList<int> tmhm, out int previousspecies, out IList<int> incompatible_previous, out IList<int> incompatible_current)
switch (pkm.Species)
case (int)Nidoking when moves.Contains(31) && moves.Contains(37):
// Nidoking learns Thrash at level 23
// Nidorino learns Fury Attack at level 36, Nidoran♂ at level 30
// Other moves are either learned by Nidoran♂ up to level 23 or by TM
incompatible_current = new[] { 31 };
incompatible_previous = new[] { 37 };
previousspecies = 33;
case (int)Exeggutor when moves.Contains(23) && moves.Any(m => G1Exeggcute_IncompatibleMoves.Contains(m)):
// Exeggutor learns Stomp at level 28
// Exeggcute learns Stun Spore at 32, PoisonPowder at 37 and Sleep Powder at 48
incompatible_current = new[] { 23 };
incompatible_previous = G1Exeggcute_IncompatibleMoves;
previousspecies = 103;
case (int)Vaporeon or (int)Jolteon or (int)Flareon:
incompatible_previous = new List<int>();
incompatible_current = new List<int>();
previousspecies = 133;
var ExclusiveMoves = GetExclusiveMovesG1((int)Eevee, pkm.Species, tmhm, moves);
var EeveeLevels = GetMinLevelLearnMoveG1((int)Eevee, ExclusiveMoves[0]);
var EvoLevels = GetMaxLevelLearnMoveG1(pkm.Species, ExclusiveMoves[1]);
for (int i = 0; i < ExclusiveMoves[0].Count; i++)
// There is a evolution move with a lower level that current Eevee move
var el = EeveeLevels[i];
if (EvoLevels.Any(ev => ev < el))
for (int i = 0; i < ExclusiveMoves[1].Count; i++)
// There is an Eevee move with a greater level that current evolution move
var el = EvoLevels[i];
if (EeveeLevels.Any(ev => ev > el))
incompatible_previous = Array.Empty<int>();
incompatible_current = Array.Empty<int>();
previousspecies = 0;
internal static int GetRequiredMoveCount(PK1 pk, IReadOnlyList<int> moves, LegalInfo info, IReadOnlyList<int> initialmoves)
if (!pk.Gen1_NotTradeback) // No Move Deleter in Gen 1
return 1; // Move Deleter exits, slots from 2 onwards can always be empty
int required = GetRequiredMoveCount(pk, moves, info.EncounterMoves.LevelUpMoves, initialmoves);
if (required >= 4)
return 4;
// tm, hm and tutor moves replace a free slots if the pokemon have less than 4 moves
// Ignore tm, hm and tutor moves already in the learnset table
var learn = info.EncounterMoves.LevelUpMoves;
var tmhm = info.EncounterMoves.TMHMMoves;
var tutor = info.EncounterMoves.TutorMoves;
var union = initialmoves.Union(learn[1]);
required += moves.Count(m => m != 0 && union.All(t => t != m) && (tmhm[1].Any(t => t == m) || tutor[1].Any(t => t == m)));
return Math.Min(4, required);
private static int GetRequiredMoveCount(PKM pk, IReadOnlyList<int> moves, IReadOnlyList<int>[] learn, IReadOnlyList<int> initialmoves)
if (SpecialMinMoveSlots.Contains(pk.Species))
return GetRequiredMoveCountSpecial(pk, moves, learn);
// A pokemon is captured with initial moves and can't forget any until have all 4 slots used
// If it has learn a move before having 4 it will be in one of the free slots
int required = GetRequiredMoveSlotsRegular(pk, moves, learn, initialmoves);
return required != 0 ? required : GetRequiredMoveCountDecrement(pk, moves, learn, initialmoves);
private static int GetRequiredMoveSlotsRegular(PKM pk, IReadOnlyList<int> moves, IReadOnlyList<int>[] learn, IReadOnlyList<int> initialmoves)
int species = pk.Species;
int catch_rate = ((PK1)pk).Catch_Rate;
// Caterpie and Metapod evolution lines have different count of possible slots available if captured in different evolutionary phases
// Example: a level 7 caterpie evolved into metapod will have 3 learned moves, a captured metapod will have only 1 move
if ((species == (int)Metapod || species == (int)Butterfree) && catch_rate == 120)
// Captured as Metapod without Caterpie moves
return initialmoves.Union(learn[1]).Distinct().Count(lm => lm != 0 && !G1CaterpieMoves.Contains(lm));
// There is no valid Butterfree encounter in generation 1 games
if ((species == (int)Kakuna || species == (int)Beedrill) && (catch_rate == 45 || catch_rate == 120))
if (species == (int)Beedrill && catch_rate == 45) // Captured as Beedril without Weedle and Kakuna moves
return initialmoves.Union(learn[1]).Distinct().Count(lm => lm != 0 && !G1KakunaMoves.Contains(lm));
// Captured as Kakuna without Weedle moves
return initialmoves.Union(learn[1]).Distinct().Count(lm => lm != 0 && !G1WeedleMoves.Contains(lm));
return IsMoveCountRequired3(species, pk.CurrentLevel, moves) ? 3 : 0; // no match
private static bool IsMoveCountRequired3(int species, int level, IReadOnlyList<int> moves) => species switch
// Species that evolve and learn the 4th move as evolved species at a greater level than base species
// The 4th move is included in the level up table set as a pre-evolution move,
// it should be removed from the used slots count if is not the learn move
(int)Pidgeotto => level < 21 && !moves.Contains(018), // Whirlwind
(int)Sandslash => level < 27 && !moves.Contains(040), // Poison Sting
(int)Parasect => level < 30 && !moves.Contains(147), // Spore
(int)Golduck => level < 39 && !moves.Contains(093), // Confusion
(int)Dewgong => level < 44 && !moves.Contains(156), // Rest
(int)Weezing => level < 39 && !moves.Contains(108), // Smoke Screen
(int)Haunter or (int)Gengar => level < 29 && !moves.Contains(095), // Hypnosis
_ => false,
private static int GetRequiredMoveCountDecrement(PKM pk, IReadOnlyList<int> moves, IReadOnlyList<int>[] learn, IReadOnlyList<int> initialmoves)
int usedslots = initialmoves.Union(learn[1]).Where(m => m != 0).Distinct().Count();
switch (pk.Species)
case (int)Venonat: // Venonat; ignore Venomoth (by the time Venonat evolves it will always have 4 moves)
if (pk.CurrentLevel >= 11 && !moves.Contains(48)) // Supersonic
if (pk.CurrentLevel >= 19 && !moves.Contains(93)) // Confusion
case (int)Kadabra or (int)Alakazam: // Abra & Kadabra
int catch_rate = ((PK1)pk).Catch_Rate;
if (catch_rate != 100)// Initial Yellow Kadabra Kinesis (move 134)
if (catch_rate == 200 && pk.CurrentLevel < 20) // Kadabra Disable, not learned until 20 if captured as Abra (move 50)
case (int)Cubone or (int)Marowak: // Cubone & Marowak
if (!moves.Contains(39)) // Initial Yellow Tail Whip
if (!moves.Contains(125)) // Initial Yellow Bone Club
if (pk.Species == 105 && pk.CurrentLevel < 33 && !moves.Contains(116)) // Marowak evolved without Focus Energy
case (int)Chansey:
if (!moves.Contains(39)) // Yellow Initial Tail Whip
if (!moves.Contains(3)) // Yellow Lvl 12 and Initial Red/Blue Double Slap
case (int)Mankey when pk.CurrentLevel >= 9 && !moves.Contains(67): // Mankey (Low Kick)
case (int)Pinsir when pk.CurrentLevel >= 21 && !moves.Contains(20): // Pinsir (Bind)
case (int)Gyarados when pk.CurrentLevel < 32: // Gyarados
default: return usedslots;
return usedslots;
private static int GetRequiredMoveCountSpecial(PKM pk, IReadOnlyList<int> moves, IReadOnlyList<int>[] learn)
// Species with few mandatory slots, species with stone evolutions that could evolve at lower level and do not learn any more moves
// and Pikachu and Nidoran family, those only have mandatory the initial moves and a few have one level up moves,
// every other move could be avoided switching game or evolving
var mandatory = GetRequiredMoveCountLevel(pk);
switch (pk.Species)
case (int)Exeggutor when pk.CurrentLevel >= 28: // Exeggutor
// At level 28 learn different move if is a Exeggute or Exeggutor
if (moves.Contains(73))
mandatory.Add(73); // Leech Seed level 28 Exeggute
if (moves.Contains(23))
mandatory.Add(23); // Stomp level 28 Exeggutor
case (int)Pikachu when pk.CurrentLevel >= 33:
mandatory.Add(97); // Pikachu always learns Agility
case (int)Tangela:
mandatory.Add(132); // Tangela always has Constrict as Initial Move
// Add to used slots the non-mandatory moves from the learnset table that the pokemon have learned
return mandatory.Count + moves.Where(m => m != 0).Count(m => !mandatory.Contains(m) && learn[1].Contains(m));
private static List<int> GetRequiredMoveCountLevel(PKM pk)
int species = pk.Species;
int basespecies = EvoBase.GetBaseSpecies(pk).Species;
int maxlevel = 1;
int minlevel = 1;
if (species == (int)Tangela) // Tangela moves before level 32 are different in RB vs Y
minlevel = 32;
maxlevel = pk.CurrentLevel;
else if (species is >= (int)NidoranF and <= (int)Nidoking && pk.CurrentLevel >= 8)
maxlevel = 8; // Always learns a third move at level 8
if (minlevel > pk.CurrentLevel)
return new List<int>();
return MoveLevelUp.GetMovesLevelUp1(basespecies, 0, maxlevel, minlevel);
internal static IEnumerable<GameVersion> GetGen2Versions(IEncounterable enc, bool korean)
if (ParseSettings.AllowGen2Crystal(korean) && enc.Version is C or GSC)
yield return C;
yield return GS;
internal static IEnumerable<GameVersion> GetGen1Versions(IEncounterable enc)
if (enc.Species == (int)Eevee && enc.Version == Stadium)
// Stadium Eevee; check for RB and yellow initial moves
yield return RB;
yield return YW;
yield break;
if (enc.Version == YW)
yield return YW;
yield break;
// Any encounter marked with version RBY is for pokemon with the same moves and catch rate in RB and Y,
// it is sufficient to check just RB's case
yield return RB;
private static bool GetCatchRateMatchesPreEvolution(PK1 pkm, int catch_rate)
// For species catch rate, discard any species that has no valid encounters and a different catch rate than their pre-evolutions
var table = EvolutionTree.GetEvolutionTree(1);
var chain = table.GetValidPreEvolutions(pkm, maxLevel: pkm.CurrentLevel);
foreach (var entry in chain)
var s = entry.Species;
if (Species_NotAvailable_CatchRate.Contains(s))
if (catch_rate == PersonalTable.RB[s].CatchRate || catch_rate == PersonalTable.Y[s].CatchRate)
return true;
// Krabby encounter trade special catch rate
int species = pkm.Species;
if (catch_rate == 204 && (species is (int)Krabby or (int)Kingler))
return true;
if (Stadium_GiftSpecies.Contains(species) && Stadium_CatchRate.Contains(catch_rate))
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Checks if the <see cref="pkm"/> can inhabit <see cref="GameVersion.Gen1"></see>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pkm">Data to check</param>
/// <returns>true if can inhabit, false if not.</returns>
private static bool CanInhabitGen1(this PKM pkm)
// Korean Gen2 games can't trade-back because there are no Gen1 Korean games released
if (pkm.Korean || pkm.IsEgg)
return false;
// Gen2 format with met data can't receive Gen1 moves, unless Stadium 2 is used (Oak's PC).
// If you put a Pokemon in the N64 box, the met info is retained, even if you switch over to a Gen I game to teach it TMs
// You can use rare candies from within the lab, so level-up moves from RBY context can be learned this way as well
// Stadium 2 is GB Cart Era only (not 3DS Virtual Console).
if (pkm is ICaughtData2 {CaughtData: not 0} && !ParseSettings.AllowGBCartEra)
return false;
// Sanity check species, if it could have existed as a pre-evolution.
int species = pkm.Species;
if (species <= MaxSpeciesID_1)
return true;
return EvolutionLegality.FutureEvolutionsGen1.Contains(species);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the Tradeback status depending on various values.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pkm">Pokémon to guess the tradeback status from.</param>
internal static TradebackType GetTradebackStatusInitial(PKM pkm)
if (pkm is PK1 pk1)
return GetTradebackStatusRBY(pk1);
if (pkm.Format == 2 || pkm.VC2) // Check for impossible tradeback scenarios
return !pkm.CanInhabitGen1() ? TradebackType.Gen2_NotTradeback : TradebackType.Any;
// VC2 is released, we can assume it will be TradebackType.Any.
// Is impossible to differentiate a VC1 pokemon traded to Gen7 after VC2 is available.
// Met Date cannot be used definitively as the player can change their system clock.
return TradebackType.Any;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the Tradeback status depending on the <see cref="PK1.Catch_Rate"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pkm">Pokémon to guess the tradeback status from.</param>
private static TradebackType GetTradebackStatusRBY(PK1 pkm)
if (!ParseSettings.AllowGen1Tradeback)
return TradebackType.Gen1_NotTradeback;
// Detect tradeback status by comparing the catch rate(Gen1)/held item(Gen2) to the species in the pkm's evolution chain.
var catch_rate = pkm.Catch_Rate;
if (catch_rate == 0)
return TradebackType.WasTradeback;
bool matchAny = GetCatchRateMatchesPreEvolution(pkm, catch_rate);
if (!matchAny)
return TradebackType.WasTradeback;
if (HeldItems_GSC.Contains((ushort)catch_rate))
return TradebackType.Any;
return TradebackType.Gen1_NotTradeback;
internal static bool IsTradedKadabraG1(PKM pkm)
if (pkm is not PK1 {Species: (int)Kadabra} pk1)
return false;
if (pk1.TradebackStatus == TradebackType.WasTradeback)
return true;
if (ParseSettings.ActiveTrainer.Game == (int)Any)
return false;
var IsYellow = ParseSettings.ActiveTrainer.Game == (int)YW;
if (pk1.TradebackStatus == TradebackType.Gen1_NotTradeback)
// If catch rate is Abra catch rate it wont trigger as invalid trade without evolution, it could be traded as Abra
// Yellow Kadabra catch rate in Red/Blue game, must be Alakazam
var table = IsYellow ? PersonalTable.RB : PersonalTable.Y;
if (pk1.Catch_Rate == table[(int)Kadabra].CatchRate)
return true;
if (IsYellow)
return false;
// Yellow only moves in Red/Blue game, must be Alakazam
if (pk1.HasMove((int)Move.Kinesis)) // Kinesis, yellow only move
return true;
if (pk1.CurrentLevel < 20 && pk1.HasMove((int)Move.Disable)) // Obtaining Disable below level 20 implies a yellow only move
return true;
return false;