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synced 2025-03-08 01:07:27 +00:00
Extract Species Name logic to SpeciesName Extract Language logic to Language Remove FormConverter wrapper for string[] fetch Rearrange some logic to more appropriate locations, update access modifiers / types Move some pkm array methods to arrayutil, make generic PKX.GetVCLanguage was a dupe of _K12.GuessedLanguage() so just expose the method PKX is now back to pkm data manip only
319 lines
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319 lines
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using System;
using System.Linq;
using static PKHeX.Core.LegalityCheckStrings;
using static PKHeX.Core.CheckIdentifier;
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// <summary>
/// Verifies miscellaneous data including <see cref="PKM.FatefulEncounter"/> and minor values.
/// </summary>
public sealed class MiscVerifier : Verifier
protected override CheckIdentifier Identifier => Misc;
public override void Verify(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pkm = data.pkm;
if (pkm.IsEgg)
if (pkm is IContestStats s && s.HasContestStats())
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LEggContest, Egg));
switch (pkm)
case PK5 pk5 when pk5.PokeStarFame != 0 && pk5.IsEgg:
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LEggShinyPokeStar, Egg));
case PK4 pk4 when pk4.ShinyLeaf != 0:
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LEggShinyLeaf, Egg));
case PK4 pk4 when pk4.PokéathlonStat != 0:
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LEggPokeathlon, Egg));
case PK3 _ when pkm.Language != 1: // All Eggs are Japanese and flagged specially for localized string
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LOTLanguage, LanguageID.Japanese, (LanguageID)pkm.Language), Egg));
if (pkm is PK7 pk7 && pk7.ResortEventStatus >= 20)
if (pkm is PB7 pb7)
VerifyBelugaStats(data, pb7);
public void VerifyMiscG1(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pkm = data.pkm;
if (pkm.IsEgg)
if (pkm.PKRS_Cured || pkm.PKRS_Infected)
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LEggPokerus, Egg));
if (!(pkm is PK1 pk1))
VerifyMiscG1Types(data, pk1);
VerifyMiscG1CatchRate(data, pk1);
private void VerifyMiscG1Types(LegalityAnalysis data, PK1 pk1)
var Type_A = pk1.Type_A;
var Type_B = pk1.Type_B;
if (pk1.Species == (int)Species.Porygon)
// Can have any type combination of any species by using Conversion.
if (!GBRestrictions.TypeIDExists(Type_A))
if (!GBRestrictions.TypeIDExists(Type_B))
else // Both match a type, ensure a gen1 species has this combo
var TypesAB_Match = PersonalTable.RB.IsValidTypeCombination(Type_A, Type_B);
var result = TypesAB_Match ? GetValid(LG1TypeMatchPorygon) : GetInvalid(LG1TypePorygonFail);
else // Types must match species types
var Type_A_Match = Type_A == PersonalTable.RB[pk1.Species].Type1;
var Type_B_Match = Type_B == PersonalTable.RB[pk1.Species].Type2;
var first = Type_A_Match ? GetValid(LG1TypeMatch1) : GetInvalid(LG1Type1Fail);
var second = Type_B_Match ? GetValid(LG1TypeMatch2) : GetInvalid(LG1Type2Fail);
private void VerifyMiscG1CatchRate(LegalityAnalysis data, PK1 pk1)
var e = data.EncounterMatch;
var catch_rate = pk1.Catch_Rate;
var result = pk1.TradebackStatus == TradebackType.Gen1_NotTradeback
? GetWasNotTradeback()
: GetWasTradeback();
CheckResult GetWasTradeback()
if (catch_rate == 0 || Legal.HeldItems_GSC.Contains((ushort)catch_rate))
return GetValid(LG1CatchRateMatchTradeback);
if (pk1.TradebackStatus == TradebackType.WasTradeback)
return GetInvalid(LG1CatchRateItem);
return GetWasNotTradeback();
CheckResult GetWasNotTradeback()
if ((e as EncounterStatic)?.Version == GameVersion.Stadium || e is EncounterTradeCatchRate)
return GetValid(LG1CatchRateMatchPrevious); // Encounters detected by the catch rate, cant be invalid if match this encounters
if ((pk1.Species == 149 && catch_rate == PersonalTable.Y[149].CatchRate) || (GBRestrictions.Species_NotAvailable_CatchRate.Contains(pk1.Species) && catch_rate == PersonalTable.RB[pk1.Species].CatchRate))
return GetInvalid(LG1CatchRateEvo);
if (!data.Info.EvoChainsAllGens[1].Any(c => RateMatchesEncounter(c.Species)))
return GetInvalid(pk1.Gen1_NotTradeback ? LG1CatchRateChain : LG1CatchRateNone);
return GetValid(LG1CatchRateMatchPrevious);
bool RateMatchesEncounter(int species)
if (catch_rate == PersonalTable.RB[species].CatchRate)
return true;
if (catch_rate == PersonalTable.Y[species].CatchRate)
return true;
return false;
private static void VerifyMiscFatefulEncounter(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pkm = data.pkm;
var EncounterMatch = data.EncounterMatch;
switch (EncounterMatch)
case WC3 w when w.Fateful:
if (w.IsEgg)
// Eggs hatched in RS clear the obedience flag!
if (pkm.Format != 3)
return; // possible hatched in either game, don't bother checking
if (pkm.Met_Location <= 087) // hatched in RS
break; // ensure fateful is not active
// else, ensure fateful is active (via below)
VerifyWC3Shiny(data, w);
case WC3 w:
if (w.Version == GameVersion.XD)
return; // Can have either state
VerifyWC3Shiny(data, w);
case MysteryGift g when g.Format != 3: // WC3
VerifyReceivability(data, g);
VerifyFatefulMysteryGift(data, g);
case EncounterStatic s when s.Fateful: // ingame fateful
case EncounterSlot x when x.Version == GameVersion.XD: // ingame pokespot
case EncounterTrade t when t.Fateful:
if (pkm.FatefulEncounter)
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LFatefulInvalid, Fateful));
private static void VerifyMiscEggCommon(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pkm = data.pkm;
if (pkm.Move1_PPUps > 0 || pkm.Move2_PPUps > 0 || pkm.Move3_PPUps > 0 || pkm.Move4_PPUps > 0)
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LEggPPUp, Egg));
if (pkm.Move1_PP != pkm.GetMovePP(pkm.Move1, 0) || pkm.Move2_PP != pkm.GetMovePP(pkm.Move2, 0) || pkm.Move3_PP != pkm.GetMovePP(pkm.Move3, 0) || pkm.Move4_PP != pkm.GetMovePP(pkm.Move4, 0))
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LEggPP, Egg));
var EncounterMatch = data.EncounterOriginal;
var HatchCycles = (EncounterMatch as EncounterStatic)?.EggCycles;
if (HatchCycles == 0 || HatchCycles == null)
HatchCycles = pkm.PersonalInfo.HatchCycles;
if (pkm.CurrentFriendship > HatchCycles)
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LEggHatchCycles, Egg));
if (pkm.Format >= 6 && EncounterMatch is EncounterEgg && !pkm.Moves.SequenceEqual(pkm.RelearnMoves))
var moves = string.Join(", ", LegalityAnalysis.GetMoveNames(pkm.Moves));
var msg = string.Format(LMoveFExpect_0, moves);
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(msg, Egg));
private static void VerifyFatefulMysteryGift(LegalityAnalysis data, MysteryGift g)
var pkm = data.pkm;
if (g is PGF p && p.IsShiny)
var Info = data.Info;
Info.PIDIV = MethodFinder.Analyze(pkm);
if (Info.PIDIV.Type != PIDType.G5MGShiny && pkm.Egg_Location != Locations.LinkTrade5)
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LPIDTypeMismatch, PID));
var result = pkm.FatefulEncounter != pkm.WasLink
? GetValid(LFatefulMystery, Fateful)
: GetInvalid(LFatefulMysteryMissing, Fateful);
private static void VerifyReceivability(LegalityAnalysis data, MysteryGift g)
var pkm = data.pkm;
switch (g)
case WC6 wc6 when !wc6.CanBeReceivedByVersion(pkm.Version) && !pkm.WasTradedEgg:
case WC7 wc7 when !wc7.CanBeReceivedByVersion(pkm.Version) && !pkm.WasTradedEgg:
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LEncGiftVersionNotDistributed, GameOrigin));
case WC6 wc6 when wc6.RestrictLanguage != 0 && wc6.Language != wc6.RestrictLanguage:
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LOTLanguage, wc6.RestrictLanguage, pkm.Language), CheckIdentifier.Language));
case WC7 wc7 when wc7.RestrictLanguage != 0 && wc7.Language != wc7.RestrictLanguage:
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LOTLanguage, wc7.RestrictLanguage, pkm.Language), CheckIdentifier.Language));
private static void VerifyWC3Shiny(LegalityAnalysis data, WC3 g3)
// check for shiny locked gifts
if (!g3.Shiny.IsValid(data.pkm))
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LEncGiftShinyMismatch, Fateful));
private static void VerifyFatefulIngameActive(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pkm = data.pkm;
var result = pkm.FatefulEncounter
? GetValid(LFateful, Fateful)
: GetInvalid(LFatefulMissing, Fateful);
public void VerifyVersionEvolution(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pkm = data.pkm;
if (pkm.Format < 7 || data.EncounterMatch.Species == pkm.Species)
// No point using the evolution tree. Just handle certain species.
switch (pkm.Species)
case 745 when (pkm.AltForm == 0 && Moon()) || (pkm.AltForm == 1 && Sun()): // Lycanroc
case 791 when Moon(): // Solgaleo
case 792 when Sun(): // Lunala
bool Sun() => pkm.Version == (int)GameVersion.SN || pkm.Version == (int)GameVersion.US;
bool Moon() => pkm.Version == (int)GameVersion.MN || pkm.Version == (int)GameVersion.UM;
if (pkm.IsUntraded)
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LEvoTradeRequired, Evolution));
private static void VerifyBelugaStats(LegalityAnalysis data, PB7 pb7)
// ReSharper disable once CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator -- THESE MUST MATCH EXACTLY
if (!IsCloseEnough(pb7.HeightAbsolute, pb7.CalcHeightAbsolute))
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LStatIncorrectHeight, Encounter));
// ReSharper disable once CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator -- THESE MUST MATCH EXACTLY
if (!IsCloseEnough(pb7.WeightAbsolute, pb7.CalcWeightAbsolute))
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LStatIncorrectWeight, Encounter));
if (pb7.Stat_CP != pb7.CalcCP && !IsStarter(pb7))
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LStatIncorrectCP, Encounter));
if (IsTradeEvoRequired7b(data.EncounterOriginal, pb7))
var unevolved = LegalityAnalysis.SpeciesStrings[pb7.Species];
var evolved = LegalityAnalysis.SpeciesStrings[pb7.Species + 1];
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LEvoTradeReqOutsider, unevolved, evolved), Evolution));
private static bool IsCloseEnough(float a, float b)
var ia = BitConverter.ToInt32(BitConverter.GetBytes(a), 0);
var ib = BitConverter.ToInt32(BitConverter.GetBytes(b), 0);
return Math.Abs(ia - ib) <= 7;
private static bool IsTradeEvoRequired7b(IEncounterable enc, PKM pb7)
// There's no everstone! All Trade evolutions must evolve.
// Anything with current level == met level, having a HT, and being a trade-evolvable species must be evolved.
// Kadabra → Alakazam
// Machoke → Machamp
// Graveler → Golem
// Haunter → Gengar
if (pb7.Species != enc.Species)
return false;
if (!tradeEvo7b.Contains(enc.Species))
return false;
if (pb7.Met_Level != pb7.CurrentLevel)
return false;
return !pb7.IsUntraded;
private static readonly int[] tradeEvo7b = { 064, 067, 075, 093 };
private static bool IsStarter(PKM pb7) => (pb7.Species == 25 && pb7.AltForm == 8) || (pb7.Species == 133 && pb7.AltForm == 1);