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synced 2025-02-17 05:48:44 +00:00
With the approaching games, PKM sprites are a different size from the 3DS era (as already hinted by LGPE, which has 56x68). It'll be a little easier to manage with this portion of the library walled off from the rest of the codebase. Eventually the net46 target will use fody or something to merge in these extra dependency dll's automatically to not disturb the usual exe/dll experience.
79 lines
3.5 KiB
79 lines
3.5 KiB
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using PKHeX.Core;
using PKHeX.Drawing;
using PKHeX.WinForms.Properties;
namespace PKHeX.WinForms
public partial class KChart : Form
private readonly SaveFile SAV;
private readonly string[] species = GameInfo.Strings.specieslist;
private readonly string[] abilities = GameInfo.Strings.abilitylist;
private readonly bool alolanOnly;
private readonly int[] baseForm;
private readonly int[] formVal;
public KChart(SaveFile sav)
WinFormsUtil.TranslateInterface(this, Main.CurrentLanguage);
SAV = sav;
alolanOnly = SAV is SAV7 && DialogResult.Yes == WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Alolan Dex only?");
Array.Resize(ref species, SAV.Personal.TableLength);
var AltForms = SAV.Personal.GetFormList(species, SAV.MaxSpeciesID);
species = SAV.Personal.GetPersonalEntryList(AltForms, species, SAV.MaxSpeciesID, out baseForm, out formVal);
for (int i = 1; i < species.Length; i++)
DGV.Sort(DGV.Columns[0], ListSortDirection.Ascending);
private void PopEntry(int index)
var p = SAV.Personal[index];
int s = index > SAV.MaxSpeciesID ? baseForm[index] : index;
var f = index <= SAV.MaxSpeciesID ? 0 : formVal[index];
bool alolan = s > 721 || Legal.PastGenAlolanNatives.Contains(s);
if (alolanOnly && !alolan)
var row = new DataGridViewRow();
int r = 0;
row.Cells[r++].Value = s.ToString("000") + (f > 0 ? "-"+f.ToString("00") :"");
row.Cells[r++].Value = SpriteUtil.GetSprite(s, f, 0, 0, false, false, SAV.Generation);
row.Cells[r++].Value = species[index];
row.Cells[r++].Value = s > 721 || Legal.PastGenAlolanNatives.Contains(s);
row.Cells[r].Style.BackColor = ImageUtil.ColorBaseStat((int)((Math.Max(p.BST - 175, 0)) / 3f));
row.Cells[r++].Value = p.BST.ToString("000");
row.Cells[r++].Value = SpriteUtil.GetTypeSprite(p.Type1, SAV.Generation);
row.Cells[r++].Value = p.Type1 == p.Type2 ? Resources.slotTrans : SpriteUtil.GetTypeSprite(p.Type2, SAV.Generation);
row.Cells[r].Style.BackColor = ImageUtil.ColorBaseStat(p.HP);
row.Cells[r++].Value = p.HP.ToString("000");
row.Cells[r].Style.BackColor = ImageUtil.ColorBaseStat(p.ATK);
row.Cells[r++].Value = p.ATK.ToString("000");
row.Cells[r].Style.BackColor = ImageUtil.ColorBaseStat(p.DEF);
row.Cells[r++].Value = p.DEF.ToString("000");
row.Cells[r].Style.BackColor = ImageUtil.ColorBaseStat(p.SPA);
row.Cells[r++].Value = p.SPA.ToString("000");
row.Cells[r].Style.BackColor = ImageUtil.ColorBaseStat(p.SPD);
row.Cells[r++].Value = p.SPD.ToString("000");
row.Cells[r].Style.BackColor = ImageUtil.ColorBaseStat(p.SPE);
row.Cells[r++].Value = p.SPE.ToString("000");
row.Cells[r++].Value = abilities[p.Abilities[0]];
row.Cells[r++].Value = abilities[p.Abilities[1]];
row.Cells[r].Value = abilities[p.Abilities.Length <= 2 ? 0 : p.Abilities[2]];