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synced 2025-03-07 00:37:34 +00:00
Checks.cs initially started out small, but over the years it has grown to handle multiple types of checks. With all these checks next to eachother, it's hard to see the overall groups. Splitting them up (potentially further?) allows for more focused maintenance & understanding. Not sure if I'm happy with the overall bandaids used (checks no longer done within LegalityAnalysis so variable repointing is excessively used), but I'm happier the way it is now compared to the huge Checks.cs
392 lines
19 KiB
392 lines
19 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using static PKHeX.Core.LegalityCheckStrings;
namespace PKHeX.Core
public class MemoryVerifier : Verifier
protected override CheckIdentifier Identifier => CheckIdentifier.Memory;
public override void Verify(LegalityAnalysis data)
var hist = VerifyHistory(data);
private CheckResult VerifyHistory(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pkm = data.pkm;
var Info = data.Info;
var EncounterMatch = data.EncounterMatch;
if (Info.Generation < 6)
if (pkm.Format < 6)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, V128, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.OT_Affection != 0 && Info.Generation <= 2 || IsInvalidContestAffection(pkm))
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V129, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.OT_Memory > 0 || pkm.OT_Feeling > 0 || pkm.OT_Intensity > 0 || pkm.OT_TextVar > 0)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V130, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.Format >= 6 && Info.Generation != pkm.Format && pkm.CurrentHandler != 1)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V124, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.HT_Gender > 1)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V131, pkm.HT_Gender), CheckIdentifier.History);
if (EncounterMatch is WC6 wc6 && wc6.OT_Name.Length > 0)
if (pkm.OT_Friendship != PersonalTable.AO[EncounterMatch.Species].BaseFriendship)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V132, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.OT_Affection != 0 && (pkm.AO || !pkm.IsUntraded) && IsInvalidContestAffection(pkm))
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V133, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.CurrentHandler != 1)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V134, CheckIdentifier.History);
else if (EncounterMatch is WC7 wc7 && wc7.OT_Name.Length > 0 && wc7.TID != 18075) // Ash Pikachu QR Gift doesn't set Current Handler
if (pkm.OT_Friendship != PersonalTable.USUM[EncounterMatch.Species].BaseFriendship)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V132, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.OT_Affection != 0)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V133, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.CurrentHandler != 1)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V134, CheckIdentifier.History);
else if (EncounterMatch is MysteryGift mg && mg.Format < 6 && pkm.Format >= 6)
if (pkm.OT_Affection != 0 && IsInvalidContestAffection(pkm))
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V133, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.CurrentHandler != 1)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V134, CheckIdentifier.History);
// Geolocations
var geo = new[]
pkm.Geo1_Country, pkm.Geo2_Country, pkm.Geo3_Country, pkm.Geo4_Country, pkm.Geo5_Country,
pkm.Geo1_Region, pkm.Geo2_Region, pkm.Geo3_Region, pkm.Geo4_Region, pkm.Geo5_Region,
// Check sequential order (no zero gaps)
bool geoEnd = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
if (geoEnd && geo[i] != 0)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V135, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (geo[i] != 0)
if (geo[i + 5] != 0)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V136, CheckIdentifier.History);
geoEnd = true;
if (pkm.Format >= 7)
return VerifyHistory7(data, geo);
// Determine if we should check for Handling Trainer Memories
// A Pokémon is untraded if...
bool untraded = pkm.HT_Name.Length == 0 || pkm.Geo1_Country == 0;
if (EncounterMatch is MysteryGift gift)
untraded |= !pkm.WasEventEgg;
untraded &= gift.IsEgg;
if (EncounterMatch is EncounterLink link && !link.OT)
untraded = false;
else if (Info.Generation < 6)
untraded = false;
if (untraded) // Is not Traded
if (pkm.HT_Name.Length != 0)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V146, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.Geo1_Country != 0)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V147, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.HT_Memory != 0)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V148, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.CurrentHandler != 0) // Badly edited; PKHeX doesn't trip this.
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V139, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.HT_Friendship != 0)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V140, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.HT_Affection != 0)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V141, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.XY && pkm is IContestStats s && s.HasContestStats())
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V138, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (VerifyHistoryUntradedHandler(pkm, out CheckResult chk1))
return chk1;
if (EncounterMatch.Species != pkm.Species && VerifyHistoryUntradedEvolution(pkm, Info.EvoChainsAllGens, out CheckResult chk2))
return chk2;
else // Is Traded
if (pkm.Format == 6 && pkm.HT_Memory == 0 && !pkm.IsEgg)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V150, CheckIdentifier.History);
// Memory ChecksResult
if (pkm.IsEgg)
if (pkm.HT_Memory != 0)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V149, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.OT_Memory != 0)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V151, CheckIdentifier.History);
else if (!(EncounterMatch is WC6))
if (pkm.OT_Memory == 0 ^ !pkm.Gen6)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V152, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (Info.Generation < 6 && pkm.OT_Affection != 0)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V129, CheckIdentifier.History);
// Unimplemented: Ingame Trade Memories
return new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, V145, CheckIdentifier.History);
private CheckResult VerifyHistory7(LegalityAnalysis data, int[] geo)
var pkm = data.pkm;
var EncounterMatch = data.EncounterMatch;
var Info = data.Info;
if (pkm.VC1)
var hasGeo = geo.Any(d => d != 0);
if (!hasGeo)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V137, CheckIdentifier.History);
if ((2 >= Info.Generation || Info.Generation >= 7) && pkm is IContestStats s && s.HasContestStats())
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V138, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (!pkm.WasEvent && pkm.HT_Name.Length == 0) // Is not Traded
if (VerifyHistoryUntradedHandler(pkm, out CheckResult chk1))
return chk1;
if (EncounterMatch.Species != pkm.Species && VerifyHistoryUntradedEvolution(pkm, Info.EvoChainsAllGens, out CheckResult chk2))
return chk2;
return new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, V145, CheckIdentifier.History);
private static bool VerifyHistoryUntradedHandler(PKM pkm, out CheckResult result)
result = null;
if (pkm.CurrentHandler != 0) // Badly edited; PKHeX doesn't trip this.
result = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V139, CheckIdentifier.History);
else if (pkm.HT_Friendship != 0)
result = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V140, CheckIdentifier.History);
else if (pkm.HT_Affection != 0)
result = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V141, CheckIdentifier.History);
return false;
return true;
private static bool VerifyHistoryUntradedEvolution(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList<EvoCriteria>[] chain, out CheckResult result)
result = null;
// Handling Trainer string is empty implying it has not been traded.
// If it must be trade evolved, flag it.
if (pkm.Species == 350) // Milotic
if (Legal.IsTradeEvolved(chain, pkm.Format))
return false;
if (pkm is IContestStats s && s.CNT_Beauty < 170) // Beauty Contest Stat Requirement
result = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V143, CheckIdentifier.History);
else if (pkm.CurrentLevel == 1)
result = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V144, CheckIdentifier.History);
return false;
return true;
if (!Legal.IsTradeEvolved(chain, pkm.Format))
return false;
result = new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V142, CheckIdentifier.History);
return true;
private CheckResult VerifyCommonMemory(PKM pkm, int handler)
Memories.GetMemoryVariables(pkm, out int m, out int t, out int i, out int f, out string tr, handler);
int matchingMoveMemory = Array.IndexOf(Memories.MoveSpecificMemories[0], m);
if (matchingMoveMemory != -1 && pkm.Species != 235 && !Legal.GetCanLearnMachineMove(pkm, Memories.MoveSpecificMemories[1][matchingMoveMemory], 6))
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V153, tr), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
if (m == 6 && !Memories.LocationsWithPKCenter[0].Contains(t))
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V154, tr), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
if (m == 21) // {0} saw {2} carrying {1} on its back. {4} that {3}.
if (!Legal.GetCanLearnMachineMove(new PK6 { Species = t, EXP = PKX.GetEXP(100, t) }, 19, 6))
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V153, tr), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
if ((m == 16 || m == 48) && (t == 0 || !Legal.GetCanKnowMove(pkm, t, 6)))
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V153, tr), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
if (m == 49 && (t == 0 || !Legal.GetCanRelearnMove(pkm, t, 6))) // {0} was able to remember {2} at {1}'s instruction. {4} that {3}.
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V153, tr), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
if (i < Memories.MemoryMinIntensity[m])
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V254, tr, Memories.MemoryMinIntensity[m]), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
if (m != 4 && (Memories.MemoryFeelings[m] & (1 << f)) == 0)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V255, tr), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
return new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, string.Format(V155, tr), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
private void VerifyOTMemoryIs(LegalityAnalysis data, int m, int i, int t, int f)
var pkm = data.pkm;
if (pkm.OT_Memory != m)
data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V197, V205, m), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
if (pkm.OT_Intensity != i)
data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V198, V205, i), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
if (pkm.OT_TextVar != t)
data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V199, V205, t), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
if (pkm.OT_Feeling != f)
data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V200, V205, f), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
public void VerifyOTMemory(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pkm = data.pkm;
if (pkm.Format < 6)
var Info = data.Info;
if (Info.Generation < 6 || pkm.IsEgg)
VerifyOTMemoryIs(data, 0, 0, 0, 0); // empty
switch (data.EncounterMatch)
case EncounterTrade _:
switch (Info.Generation)
case 6:
break; // Undocumented, uncommon, and insignificant -- don't bother.
case 7:
VerifyOTMemoryIs(data, 1, 3, 40, 5);
case WC6 g when !g.IsEgg:
VerifyOTMemoryIs(data, g.OT_Memory, g.OT_Intensity, g.OT_TextVar, g.OT_Feeling);
case WC7 g when !g.IsEgg:
VerifyOTMemoryIs(data,g.OT_Memory, g.OT_Intensity, g.OT_TextVar, g.OT_Feeling);
if (Info.Generation >= 7)
VerifyOTMemoryIs(data, 0, 0, 0, 0); // empty
switch (pkm.OT_Memory)
case 2: // {0} hatched from an Egg and saw {1} for the first time at... {2}. {4} that {3}.
if (pkm.Egg_Location == 0)
data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V160, V205), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
case 4: // {0} became {1}’s friend when it arrived via Link Trade at... {2}. {4} that {3}.
data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V161, V205), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
case 6: // {0} went to the Pokémon Center in {2} with {1} and had its tired body healed there. {4} that {3}.
int matchingOriginGame = Array.IndexOf(Memories.LocationsWithPKCenter[0], pkm.OT_TextVar);
if (matchingOriginGame != -1)
int gameID = Memories.LocationsWithPKCenter[1][matchingOriginGame];
if (pkm.XY && gameID != 0 || pkm.AO && gameID != 1)
data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V162, V205), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
data.AddLine(VerifyCommonMemory(pkm, 0));
case 14:
if (!Legal.GetCanBeCaptured(pkm.OT_TextVar, Info.Generation, (GameVersion)pkm.Version))
data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V165, V205), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
data.AddLine(Severity.Valid, string.Format(V164, V205), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
if (pkm.XY && Memories.Memory_NotXY.Contains(pkm.OT_Memory))
data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V163, V205), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
if (pkm.AO && Memories.Memory_NotAO.Contains(pkm.OT_Memory))
data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V163, V205), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
data.AddLine(VerifyCommonMemory(pkm, 0));
public void VerifyHTMemory(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pkm = data.pkm;
if (pkm.Format < 6)
var Info = data.Info;
if (pkm.Format >= 7)
* Bank Transfer adds in the Link Trade Memory.
* Trading 7<->7 between games (not Bank) clears this data.
if (pkm.HT_Memory == 0)
if (pkm.HT_TextVar != 0 || pkm.HT_Intensity != 0 || pkm.HT_Feeling != 0)
data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V329, CheckIdentifier.Memory);
// Transfer 6->7 & withdraw to same HT => keeps past gen memory
// Don't require link trade memory for these past gen cases
int gen = Info.Generation;
if (3 <= gen && gen < 7 && pkm.CurrentHandler == 1)
if (pkm.HT_Memory != 4)
data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V156, CheckIdentifier.Memory);
if (pkm.HT_TextVar != 0)
data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V157, CheckIdentifier.Memory);
if (pkm.HT_Intensity != 1)
data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V158, CheckIdentifier.Memory);
if (pkm.HT_Feeling > 10)
data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V159, CheckIdentifier.Memory);
switch (pkm.HT_Memory)
case 0:
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pkm.HT_Name))
data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V150, CheckIdentifier.Memory); return;
case 1: // {0} met {1} at... {2}. {1} threw a Poké Ball at it, and they started to travel together. {4} that {3}.
data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V202, V206), CheckIdentifier.Memory); return;
case 2: // {0} hatched from an Egg and saw {1} for the first time at... {2}. {4} that {3}.
data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V160, V206), CheckIdentifier.Memory); return;
case 14:
if (Legal.GetCanBeCaptured(pkm.HT_TextVar, 6))
data.AddLine(Severity.Valid, string.Format(V164, V206), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V165, V206), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
data.AddLine(VerifyCommonMemory(pkm, 1));
// ORAS contests mistakenly apply 20 affection to the OT instead of the current handler's value
private static bool IsInvalidContestAffection(PKM pkm) => pkm.OT_Affection != 255 && pkm.OT_Affection % 20 != 0;