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synced 2025-03-07 00:37:34 +00:00
Checks.cs initially started out small, but over the years it has grown to handle multiple types of checks. With all these checks next to eachother, it's hard to see the overall groups. Splitting them up (potentially further?) allows for more focused maintenance & understanding. Not sure if I'm happy with the overall bandaids used (checks no longer done within LegalityAnalysis so variable repointing is excessively used), but I'm happier the way it is now compared to the huge Checks.cs
246 lines
11 KiB
246 lines
11 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using static PKHeX.Core.LegalityCheckStrings;
namespace PKHeX.Core
public class AbilityVerifier : Verifier
protected override CheckIdentifier Identifier => CheckIdentifier.Ability;
public override void Verify(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pkm = data.pkm;
var Info = data.Info;
var EncounterMatch = data.EncounterMatch;
int[] abilities = pkm.PersonalInfo.Abilities;
int abilval = Array.IndexOf(abilities, pkm.Ability);
if (abilval < 0)
bool? AbilityUnchanged = true;
// 3 states flag: true for unchanged, false for changed, null for uncertain/allowing PID mismatch
// if true, check encounter ability
// if true or false, check PID/AbilityNumber
if (3 <= pkm.Format && pkm.Format <= 5 && abilities[0] != abilities[1]) // 3-5 and have 2 distinct ability now
AbilityUnchanged = VerifyAbilityPreCapsule(data, abilities, abilval);
if (EncounterMatch is PCD d)
if (VerifyAbilityPCD(data, d, AbilityUnchanged, abilities))
else // Check Ability Mismatches
int? EncounterAbility = (EncounterMatch as EncounterStatic)?.Ability ??
(EncounterMatch as EncounterTrade)?.Ability ??
(EncounterMatch as EncounterLink)?.Ability;
if (EncounterAbility != null && VerifySetAbility(data, EncounterAbility, AbilityUnchanged, abilities, abilval))
return; // result added via VerifySetAbility
switch (Info.Generation)
case 5: VerifyAbility5(data, abilities); break;
case 6: VerifyAbility6(data, abilities); break;
case 7: VerifyAbility7(data, abilities); break;
if (3 <= Info.Generation && Info.Generation <= 4 && pkm.AbilityNumber == 4)
else if (AbilityUnchanged != null && abilities[pkm.AbilityNumber >> 1] != pkm.Ability)
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(pkm.Format < 6 ? V113 : V114));
private bool VerifyAbilityPCD(LegalityAnalysis data, PCD pcd, bool? abilityUnchanged, int[] abilities)
var pkm = data.pkm;
if (pcd.Species == pkm.Species && pkm.Ability == pcd.Gift.PK.Ability) // Edge case (PID ability gift mismatch)
else if (pkm.Format >= 6 && abilities[0] == abilities[1] && pkm.AbilityNumber == 1)
data.AddLine(GetValid(V115)); // gen3-5 transfer with same ability -> 1st ability that matches
else if (pkm.Format >= 6 && abilities[0] != abilities[1] && pkm.AbilityNumber < 4) // Ability Capsule can change between 1/2
if (!(abilityUnchanged ?? false))
return false;
return true;
private bool VerifySetAbility(LegalityAnalysis data, int? EncounterAbility, bool? AbilityUnchanged, int[] abilities, int abilval)
var pkm = data.pkm;
if (pkm.AbilityNumber == 4 && EncounterAbility != 4)
return true;
if (data.EncounterMatch is EncounterTradePID z)
if (z.Species != pkm.Species)
return false; // Must match PID ability, handle via default check path
if (EncounterAbility == 1 << abilval)
return true;
if (!(AbilityUnchanged ?? false) || EncounterAbility == 0 || pkm.AbilityNumber == EncounterAbility)
return false;
if (IsAbilityCapsuleModified(pkm, abilities, EncounterAbility))
return true;
// Ability Capsule can change between 1/2
private static bool IsAbilityCapsuleModified(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList<int> abilities, int? EncounterAbility)
if (pkm.Format < 6)
return false; // Ability Capsule does not exist
if (abilities[0] == abilities[1])
return false; // Cannot alter ability index if it is the same as the other ability.
if (pkm.AbilityNumber == 4)
return false; // Cannot alter to hidden ability.
if (EncounterAbility == 4)
return false; // Cannot alter from hidden ability.
return true;
private bool? VerifyAbilityPreCapsule(LegalityAnalysis data, int[] abilities, int abilval)
var pkm = data.pkm;
// CXD pokemon could have any ability without maching PID
if (pkm.Version == (int)GameVersion.CXD && pkm.Format == 3)
return null;
// gen3 native or gen4/5 origin
if (pkm.Format == 3 || !pkm.InhabitedGeneration(3))
return true;
// Evovled in gen4/5
if (pkm.Species > Legal.MaxSpeciesID_3)
return false;
// gen3Species will be zero for pokemon with illegal gen 3 encounters, like Infernape with gen 3 "origin"
var gen3Species = data.Info.EvoChainsAllGens[3].FirstOrDefault()?.Species ?? 0;
if (gen3Species == 0)
return true;
// Fall through when gen3 pkm transferred to gen4/5
return VerifyAbilityGen3Transfer(data, abilities, abilval, gen3Species);
private bool? VerifyAbilityGen3Transfer(LegalityAnalysis data, int[] abilities, int abilval, int Species_g3)
var pkm = data.pkm;
var Info = data.Info;
var pers = (PersonalInfoG3)PersonalTable.E[Species_g3];
if (pers.Ability1 != pers.Ability2) // Excluding Colosseum/XD, a gen3 pkm must match PID if it has 2 unique abilities
return pkm.Version != (int)GameVersion.CXD;
int Species_g4 = Info.EvoChainsAllGens[4].FirstOrDefault()?.Species ?? 0;
int Species_g5 = pkm.Format == 5 ? Info.EvoChainsAllGens[5].FirstOrDefault()?.Species ?? 0 : 0;
if (Math.Max(Species_g5, Species_g4) > Species_g3) // it has evolved in either gen 4 or gen 5; the ability must match PID
return false;
var Evolutions_g45 = Math.Max(Info.EvoChainsAllGens[4].Count, pkm.Format == 5 ? Info.EvoChainsAllGens[5].Count : 0);
if (Evolutions_g45 > 1)
// Evolutions_g45 > 1 and Species_g45 = Species_g3 with means both options, evolve in gen 4-5 or not evolve, are possible
if (pkm.Ability == pers.Ability1)
// It could evolve in gen 4-5 an have generation 3 only ability
// that means it have not actually evolved in gen 4-5, ability do not need to match PID
return null;
if (pkm.Ability == abilities[1])
// It could evolve in gen4-5 an have generation 4 second ability
// that means it have actually evolved in gen 4-5, ability must match PID
return false;
// Evolutions_g45 == 1 means it have not evolved in gen 4-5 games,
// ability do not need to match PID, but only generation 3 ability is allowed
if (pkm.Ability != pers.Ability1)
// Not evolved in gen4-5 but do not have generation 3 only ability
return null;
private void VerifyAbility5(LegalityAnalysis data, int[] abilities)
var pkm = data.pkm;
switch (data.EncounterMatch)
case PGF g:
VerifyAbilityMG456(data, abilities, g.AbilityType);
case EncounterSlot w:
// Hidden Abilities for Wild Encounters are only available at a Hidden Grotto
bool grotto = w.Type == SlotType.HiddenGrotto;
if (pkm.AbilityNumber == 4 ^ grotto)
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(grotto ? V217 : V108));
case EncounterEgg e when pkm.AbilityNumber == 4:
// Hidden Abilities for some are unbreedable (male only distribution)
if (Legal.MixedGenderBreeding.Contains(e.Species) || Legal.FixedGenderFromBiGender.Contains(e.Species))
break; // from female
if ((pkm.PersonalInfo.Gender & 0xFF) == 0 || Legal.Ban_BreedHidden.Contains(e.Species))
private void VerifyAbility6(LegalityAnalysis data, int[] abilities)
var pkm = data.pkm;
var EncounterMatch = data.EncounterMatch;
if (EncounterMatch is EncounterSlot slot && pkm.AbilityNumber == 4)
bool valid = slot.Permissions.DexNav || slot.Type == SlotType.FriendSafari || slot.Type == SlotType.Horde;
if (!valid)
else if (EncounterMatch is WC6 g)
VerifyAbilityMG456(data, abilities, g.AbilityType);
else if (Legal.Ban_NoHidden6.Contains(pkm.SpecForm) && pkm.AbilityNumber == 4)
private void VerifyAbility7(LegalityAnalysis data, int[] abilities)
var pkm = data.pkm;
var EncounterMatch = data.EncounterMatch;
if (EncounterMatch is EncounterSlot slot && pkm.AbilityNumber == 4)
bool valid = slot.Type == SlotType.SOS;
if (!valid)
else if (EncounterMatch is WC7 g)
VerifyAbilityMG456(data, abilities, g.AbilityType);
else if (Legal.Ban_NoHidden7.Contains(pkm.SpecForm) && pkm.AbilityNumber == 4)
private void VerifyAbilityMG456(LegalityAnalysis data, int[] abilities, int cardtype)
var pkm = data.pkm;
int abilNumber = pkm.AbilityNumber;
if (cardtype < 3 && abilNumber != 1 << cardtype) // set number
// Ability can be flipped 0/1 if Ability Capsule is available, is not Hidden Ability, and Abilities are different.
if (pkm.Format >= 6 && cardtype < 2 && abilNumber < 3 && abilities[0] != abilities[1])
else if (cardtype == 3 && abilNumber == 4) // 1/2 only