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synced 2025-03-05 07:47:38 +00:00
Closes #4128 I don't want to decipher to manual interactions to the Battle Frontier structures now. Prints were just work values, and fly flags were event flags.
319 lines
12 KiB
319 lines
12 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using static System.Buffers.Binary.BinaryPrimitives;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="SaveFile"/> format for <see cref="GameVersion.HGSS"/>
/// </summary>
public sealed class SAV4HGSS : SAV4
public SAV4HGSS() : base(GeneralSize, StorageSize)
Dex = new Zukan4(this, PokeDex);
public SAV4HGSS(byte[] data) : base(data, GeneralSize, StorageSize, GeneralSize + GeneralGap)
Dex = new Zukan4(this, PokeDex);
public override Zukan4 Dex { get; }
protected override SAV4 CloneInternal4() => State.Exportable ? new SAV4HGSS((byte[])Data.Clone()) : new SAV4HGSS();
public override PersonalTable4 Personal => PersonalTable.HGSS;
public override ReadOnlySpan<ushort> HeldItems => Legal.HeldItems_HGSS;
public override int MaxItemID => Legal.MaxItemID_4_HGSS;
public const int GeneralSize = 0xF628;
private const int StorageSize = 0x12310; // Start 0xF700, +0 starts box data
private const int GeneralGap = 0xD8;
protected override int FooterSize => 0x10;
protected override BlockInfo4[] ExtraBlocks =>
new BlockInfo4(0, 0x23000, 0x2AC0), // Hall of Fame
new BlockInfo4(1, 0x26000, 0x0BB0), // Battle Hall
new BlockInfo4(2, 0x27000, 0x1D60), // Battle Video (My Video)
new BlockInfo4(3, 0x29000, 0x1D60), // Battle Video (Other Videos 1)
new BlockInfo4(4, 0x2B000, 0x1D60), // Battle Video (Other Videos 2)
new BlockInfo4(5, 0x2D000, 0x1D60), // Battle Video (Other Videos 3)
private void Initialize()
Version = GameVersion.HGSS;
protected override int EventWork => 0xDE4;
protected override int EventFlag => 0x10C4;
public override BattleFrontierFacility4 MaxFacility => BattleFrontierFacility4.Arcade;
private void GetSAVOffsets()
AdventureInfo = 0;
Trainer1 = 0x64;
Party = 0x98;
PokeDex = 0x12B8;
Extra = 0x230C;
ChatterOffset = 0x4E74;
Geonet = 0x8D44;
WondercardFlags = 0x9D3C;
WondercardData = 0x9E3C;
DaycareOffset = 0x15FC;
Seal = 0x4E20;
Box = 0;
private Span<byte> LockCapsuleSpan => General.Slice(0xB064, PCD.Size);
public PCD LockCapsuleSlot
get => new(LockCapsuleSpan.ToArray());
set => value.Data.CopyTo(LockCapsuleSpan);
public MapUnlockState4 MapUnlockState
get => (MapUnlockState4)((General[0xBAE7] >> 3) & 3);
set => General[0xBAE7] = (byte)((General[0xBAE7] & 0xE7) | ((byte)value << 3));
#region Storage
// box{pk4[30}[18]
// u32 currentBox
// u32 counter
// g4str[18] boxNames
// byte[18] boxWallpapers
// -- each box is chunked, padded to nearest 0x100 (resulting in 0x10 trailing zeroes)
// -- The final 0x16 bytes in the Storage block are unused (padding to nearest 0x100).
private const int BOX_COUNT = 18;
private const int BOX_SLOTS = 30;
private const int BOX_NAME_LEN = 40; // 20 characters
private const int BOX_DATA_LEN = (BOX_SLOTS * PokeCrypto.SIZE_4STORED) + 0x10; // 0xFF0, each box chunk is padded to nearest 0x100
private const int BOX_END = BOX_COUNT * BOX_DATA_LEN; // 18 * 0x1000
private const int BOX_NAME = 0x12008; // after current & counter
private const int BOX_WP = BOX_NAME + (BOX_COUNT * BOX_NAME_LEN); // 0x122D8;
private const int BOX_FLAGS = 18 + BOX_WP; // 0x122EA;
public override int GetBoxOffset(int box) => box * 0x1000;
private static int GetBoxNameOffset(int box) => BOX_NAME + (box * BOX_NAME_LEN);
protected override int GetBoxWallpaperOffset(int box) => BOX_WP + box;
// 8 bytes current box (align 32) & (stored count?)
public override int CurrentBox
get => Storage[BOX_END];
set => Storage[BOX_END] = (byte)value;
public override byte[] BoxFlags
get => [ Storage[BOX_FLAGS] ];
set => Storage[BOX_FLAGS] = value[0];
public int Counter
get => ReadInt32LittleEndian(Storage[(BOX_END + 4)..]);
set => WriteInt32LittleEndian(Storage[(BOX_END + 4)..], value);
private Span<byte> GetBoxNameSpan(int box) => Storage.Slice(GetBoxNameOffset(box), BOX_NAME_LEN);
public override string GetBoxName(int box) => GetString(GetBoxNameSpan(box));
public override void SetBoxName(int box, ReadOnlySpan<char> value)
const int maxlen = 8;
var span = GetBoxNameSpan(box);
SetString(span, value, maxlen, StringConverterOption.ClearZero);
private static int AdjustWallpaper(int value, int shift)
// Pt's Special Wallpapers 1-8 are shifted by +0x8
// HG/SS Special Wallpapers 1-8 (Primo Phrases) are shifted by +0x10
if (value >= 0x10) // special
return value + shift;
return value;
public override int GetBoxWallpaper(int box)
int offset = GetBoxWallpaperOffset(box);
int value = Storage[offset];
return AdjustWallpaper(value, -0x10);
public override void SetBoxWallpaper(int box, int value)
value = AdjustWallpaper(value, 0x10);
Storage[GetBoxWallpaperOffset(box)] = (byte)value;
public override IReadOnlyList<InventoryPouch> Inventory
var info = ItemStorage4HGSS.Instance;
InventoryPouch[] pouch =
new InventoryPouch4(InventoryType.Items, info, 999, 0x644), // 0x644-0x8D7 (0x8CB)
new InventoryPouch4(InventoryType.KeyItems, info, 1, 0x8D8), // 0x8D8-0x99F (0x979)
new InventoryPouch4(InventoryType.TMHMs, info, 99, 0x9A0), // 0x9A0-0xB33 (0xB2F)
new InventoryPouch4(InventoryType.MailItems, info, 999, 0xB34), // 0xB34-0xB63 (0xB63)
new InventoryPouch4(InventoryType.Medicine, info, 999, 0xB64), // 0xB64-0xC03 (0xBFB)
new InventoryPouch4(InventoryType.Berries, info, 999, 0xC04), // 0xC04-0xD03
new InventoryPouch4(InventoryType.Balls, info, 999, 0xD04), // 0xD04-0xD63
new InventoryPouch4(InventoryType.BattleItems, info, 999, 0xD64), // 0xD64-0xD97
return pouch.LoadAll(General);
set => value.SaveAll(General);
public override int M { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(General[0x1234..]); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(General[0x1234..], (ushort)value); }
public override int X { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(General[0x123C..]); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(General[0x123C..], (ushort)(X2 = value)); }
public override int Y { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(General[0x1240..]); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(General[0x1240..], (ushort)(Y2 = value)); }
public override Span<byte> Rival_Trash
get => RivalSpan;
set { if (value.Length == MaxStringLengthOT * 2) value.CopyTo(RivalSpan); }
private Span<byte> RivalSpan => General.Slice(0x22D4, MaxStringLengthOT * 2);
public override int X2 { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(General[0x236E..]); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(General[0x236E..], (ushort)value); }
public override int Y2 { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(General[0x2372..]); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(General[0x2372..], (ushort)value); }
public override int Z { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(General[0x2376..]); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(General[0x2376..], (ushort)value); }
public int Badges16
get => General[Trainer1 + 0x1F];
set => General[Trainer1 + 0x1F] = (byte)value;
private const int OFS_GearRolodex = 0xC0EC;
private const byte GearMaxCallers = (byte)(PokegearNumber.Ernest + 1);
public PokegearNumber GetCallerAtIndex(int index) => (PokegearNumber)General[OFS_GearRolodex + index];
public void SetCallerAtIndex(int index, PokegearNumber caller) => General[OFS_GearRolodex + index] = (byte)caller;
public Span<PokegearNumber> GetPokeGearRoloDex()
var arr = General.Slice(OFS_GearRolodex, GearMaxCallers);
return MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, PokegearNumber>(arr);
public void SetPokeGearRoloDex(ReadOnlySpan<PokegearNumber> value)
if (value.Length > GearMaxCallers)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(value));
MemoryMarshal.AsBytes(value).CopyTo(General.Slice(OFS_GearRolodex, GearMaxCallers));
public void PokeGearUnlockAllCallers()
for (int i = 0; i < GearMaxCallers; i++)
SetCallerAtIndex(i, (PokegearNumber)i);
public void PokeGearClearAllCallers(int start = 0)
var dex = GetPokeGearRoloDex();
private static ReadOnlySpan<PokegearNumber> NotTrainers =>
public void PokeGearUnlockAllCallersNoTrainers()
var dex = GetPokeGearRoloDex();
// clear remaining callers
// Apricorn Pouch
public int GetApricornCount(int index) => General[0xE558 + index];
public void SetApricornCount(int index, int count) => General[0xE558 + index] = (byte)count;
// Pokewalker
public const int WalkerPair = 0xE5E0;
private const int OFS_WALKER = 0xE704;
public uint PokewalkerSteps { get => ReadUInt32LittleEndian(General[OFS_WALKER..]); set => WriteUInt32LittleEndian(General[OFS_WALKER..], value); }
public uint PokewalkerWatts { get => ReadUInt32LittleEndian(General[(OFS_WALKER + 0x4)..]); set => WriteUInt32LittleEndian(General[(OFS_WALKER + 4)..], value); }
public const int PokewalkerCourseFlagCount = 32;
public void GetPokewalkerCoursesUnlocked(Span<bool> value)
if (value.Length != PokewalkerCourseFlagCount)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(value));
FlagUtil.GetBitFlagArray(General[(OFS_WALKER + 0x8)..], value);
public void SetPokewalkerCoursesUnlocked(ReadOnlySpan<bool> value)
if (value.Length != PokewalkerCourseFlagCount)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(value));
FlagUtil.SetBitFlagArray(General[(OFS_WALKER + 0x8)..], value);
public void PokewalkerCoursesUnlockAll() => PokewalkerCoursesSetAll(0x07FF_FFFFu); // 31 used
public void PokewalkerCoursesUnlockNone() => PokewalkerCoursesSetAll(0);
public void PokewalkerCoursesSetAll(uint bitFlags) => WriteUInt32LittleEndian(General[(OFS_WALKER + 0x8)..], bitFlags);
// Swarm
public override uint SwarmSeed { get => ReadUInt32LittleEndian(General[0x68A8..]); set => WriteUInt32LittleEndian(General[0x68A8..], value); }
public override uint SwarmMaxCountModulo => 20;
public override int BP { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(General[0x5BB8..]); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(General[0x5BB8..], (ushort)value); }
// Roamers
public Roamer4 RoamerRaikou => GetRoamer(0);
public Roamer4 RoamerEntei => GetRoamer(1);
public Roamer4 RoamerLatias => GetRoamer(2);
public Roamer4 RoamerLatios => GetRoamer(3);
private Roamer4 GetRoamer(int index)
const int size = Roamer4.SIZE;
var ofs = 0x68B4 + (index * size);
var mem = GeneralBuffer.Slice(ofs, size);
return new Roamer4(mem);
// Pokeathlon
public uint PokeathlonPoints { get => ReadUInt32LittleEndian(General[0xE548..]); set => WriteUInt32LittleEndian(General[0xE548..], value); }
public enum MapUnlockState4 : byte
Johto = 0,
JohtoPlus = 1,
JohtoKanto = 2,
Invalid = 3,