PKHeX/PKHeX.WinForms/Subforms/Save Editors/SAV_MailBox.cs
Kurt cce4707604
Enable nullable for winforms csproj (#3037)
Handle all warnings
obviously the usage of null! could potentially be avoided if the object init wasn't such garbage, but here we are with years of old junk and lack of abstraction in the GUI project
2020-10-18 11:02:39 -07:00

602 lines
24 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using PKHeX.Core;
namespace PKHeX.WinForms
public partial class SAV_MailBox : Form
private readonly SaveFile Origin;
private readonly SaveFile SAV;
public SAV_MailBox(SaveFile sav)
WinFormsUtil.TranslateInterface(this, Main.CurrentLanguage);
SAV = (Origin = sav).Clone();
Gen = SAV.Generation;
p = SAV.PartyData;
editing = true;
Messages = new[]
new[] { NUD_Message00, NUD_Message01, NUD_Message02, NUD_Message03 },
new[] { NUD_Message10, NUD_Message11, NUD_Message12, NUD_Message13 },
new[] { NUD_Message20, NUD_Message21, NUD_Message22, NUD_Message23 }
PKMLabels = new[] { L_PKM1, L_PKM2, L_PKM3, L_PKM4, L_PKM5, L_PKM6 };
PKMHeldItems = new[] { L_HeldItem1, L_HeldItem2, L_HeldItem3, L_HeldItem4, L_HeldItem5, L_HeldItem6 };
PKMNUDs = new[] { NUD_MailID1, NUD_MailID2, NUD_MailID3, NUD_MailID4, NUD_MailID5, NUD_MailID6 };
AppearPKMs = new[] { CB_AppearPKM1, CB_AppearPKM2, CB_AppearPKM3 };
Miscs = new[] { NUD_Misc1, NUD_Misc2, NUD_Misc3 };
NUD_BoxSize.Visible = L_BoxSize.Visible = Gen == 2;
GB_MessageTB.Visible = Gen == 2;
GB_MessageNUD.Visible = Gen != 2;
Messages[0][3].Visible = Messages[1][3].Visible = Messages[2][3].Visible = Gen == 4 || Gen == 5;
NUD_AuthorSID.Visible = Gen != 2;
Label_OTGender.Visible = CB_AuthorLang.Visible = CB_AuthorVersion.Visible = Gen == 4 || Gen == 5;
L_AppearPKM.Visible = AppearPKMs[0].Visible = Gen != 5;
AppearPKMs[1].Visible = AppearPKMs[2].Visible = Gen == 4;
NUD_MessageEnding.Visible = Gen == 5;
L_MiscValue.Visible = NUD_Misc1.Visible = NUD_Misc2.Visible = NUD_Misc3.Visible = Gen == 5;
for (int i = p.Count; i < 6; i++)
PKMNUDs[i].Visible = PKMLabels[i].Visible = PKMHeldItems[i].Visible = false;
if (Gen != 3)
for (int i = 0; i < PKMNUDs.Length; i++)
PKMNUDs[i].Value = i;
PKMNUDs[i].Enabled = false;
switch (SAV)
case SAV2 sav2:
m = new Mail2[6 + 10];
for (int i = 0; i < m.Length; i++)
m[i] = new Mail2(sav2, i);
NUD_BoxSize.Value = SAV.Data[0x834];
MailItemID = new[] { 0x9E, 0xB5, 0xB6, 0xB7, 0xB8, 0xB9, 0xBA, 0xBB, 0xBC, 0xBD };
PartyBoxCount = 6;
case SAV3 sav3:
m = new Mail3[6 + 10];
for (int i = 0; i < m.Length; i++)
var ofs = sav3.GetMailOffset(i);
var data = sav.GetData(ofs, Mail3.SIZE);
m[i] = new Mail3(data, ofs, sav3.Japanese);
MailItemID = Enumerable.Range(0x79, 12).ToArray();
PartyBoxCount = 6;
case SAV4 sav4:
m = new Mail4[p.Count + 20];
for (int i = 0; i < p.Count; i++)
m[i] = new Mail4(((PK4)p[i]).HeldMailData);
for (int i = p.Count, j = 0; i < m.Length; i++, j++)
int ofs = sav4.GetMailOffset(j);
m[i] = new Mail4(sav4.GetMailData(ofs), ofs);
var l4 = (Mail4)m.Last();
ResetVer = l4.AuthorVersion;
ResetLang = l4.AuthorLanguage;
MailItemID = Enumerable.Range(0x89, 12).ToArray();
PartyBoxCount = p.Count;
case SAV5 sav5:
m = new Mail5[p.Count + 20];
for (int i = 0; i < p.Count; i++)
m[i] = new Mail5(((PK5)p[i]).GetHeldMailData());
for (int i = p.Count, j = 0; i < m.Length; i++, j++)
int ofs = SAV5.GetMailOffset(j);
var data = sav5.GetMailData(ofs);
m[i] = new Mail5(data, ofs);
var l5 = (Mail5)m.Last();
ResetVer = l5.AuthorVersion;
ResetLang = l5.AuthorLanguage;
MailItemID = Enumerable.Range(0x89, 12).ToArray();
PartyBoxCount = p.Count;
if (Gen == 2 || Gen == 3)
CB_AppearPKM1.DataSource = new BindingSource(GameInfo.FilteredSources.Species.ToList(), null);
else if (Gen == 4 || Gen == 5)
var species = GameInfo.FilteredSources.Species.ToList();
foreach (ComboBox a in AppearPKMs)
a.DataSource = new BindingSource(species, null);
CB_AuthorVersion.DataSource = new BindingSource(Gen == 4
? new[] {
new ComboItem("Diamond", (int)GameVersion.D),
new ComboItem("Pearl", (int)GameVersion.P),
new ComboItem("Platinum", (int)GameVersion.Pt),
new ComboItem("HeartGold", (int)GameVersion.HG),
new ComboItem("SoulSilver", (int)GameVersion.SS),
: new[] {
new ComboItem("Black", (int)GameVersion.B),
new ComboItem("White", (int)GameVersion.W),
new ComboItem("Black2", (int)GameVersion.B2),
new ComboItem("White2", (int)GameVersion.W2),
}, null);
CB_AuthorLang.DataSource = new BindingSource(new[] {
// not sure
new ComboItem("JPN", 1),
new ComboItem("ENG", 2),
new ComboItem("FRE", 3),
new ComboItem("ITA", 4),
new ComboItem("GER", 5),
new ComboItem("ESP", 7),
new ComboItem("KOR", 8),
}, null);
var ItemList = GameInfo.Strings.GetItemStrings(Gen, SAV.Version);
foreach (int item in MailItemID)
entry = -1;
editing = false;
if (LB_PartyHeld.Items.Count > 0)
LB_PartyHeld.SelectedIndex = 0;
else if (LB_PCBOX.Items.Count > 0)
LB_PCBOX.SelectedIndex = 0;
private readonly int[] HoennListMixed = {
private void LoadList()
if (entry < PartyBoxCount) MakePartyList();
else MakePCList();
private void MakePartyList()
for (int i = 0; i < PartyBoxCount; i++)
private void MakePCList()
if (Gen == 2)
for (int i = PartyBoxCount, j = 0, boxsize = (int)NUD_BoxSize.Value; i < m.Length; i++, j++)
if (j < boxsize)
for (int i = PartyBoxCount; i < m.Length; i++)
private void LoadPKM(bool isInit)
editing = true;
for (int i = 0; i < p.Count; i++)
if (isInit)
PKMLabels[i].Text = GetSpeciesNameFromCB(p[i].Species);
int j = Array.IndexOf(MailItemID, p[i].HeldItem);
PKMHeldItems[i].Text = j >= 0 ? CB_MailType.Items[j + 1].ToString() : "(not Mail)";
if (Gen != 3)
int k = ((PK3)p[i]).HeldMailID;
PKMNUDs[i].Value = k >= -1 && k <= 5 ? k : -1;
editing = false;
private readonly Mail[] m = null!;
private bool editing;
private int entry;
private readonly NumericUpDown[][] Messages;
private readonly NumericUpDown[] PKMNUDs, Miscs;
private readonly Label[] PKMLabels, PKMHeldItems;
private readonly ComboBox[] AppearPKMs;
private readonly int Gen;
private readonly byte ResetVer, ResetLang;
private readonly int PartyBoxCount;
private string loadedLBItemLabel = null!;
private bool LabelValue_GenderF;
private readonly int[] MailItemID = null!;
private readonly IList<PKM> p;
private void Save()
switch (Gen)
case 2:
foreach (var n in m) n.CopyTo(SAV);
// duplicate
int ofs = 0x600;
int len = 0x2F * 6;
Array.Copy(SAV.Data, ofs, SAV.Data, ofs + len, len);
ofs += len << 1;
SAV.Data[ofs] = (byte)NUD_BoxSize.Value;
len = (0x2F * 10) + 1;
Array.Copy(SAV.Data, ofs, SAV.Data, ofs + len, len);
case 3:
foreach (var n in m) n.CopyTo(SAV);
case 4:
for (int i = 0; i < p.Count; i++)
for (int i = p.Count; i < m.Length; i++)
case 5:
for (int i = 0; i < p.Count; i++)
for (int i = p.Count; i < m.Length; i++)
if (p.Count > 0)
SAV.PartyData = p;
private void TempSave()
Mail mail = m[entry];
mail.AuthorName = TB_AuthorName.Text;
mail.AuthorTID = (ushort)NUD_AuthorTID.Value;
mail.MailType = CBIndexToMailType(CB_MailType.SelectedIndex);
// ReSharper disable once ConstantNullCoalescingCondition
int v = (int?)CB_AppearPKM1.SelectedValue ?? 0;
if (Gen == 2)
mail.AppearPKM = v;
mail.SetMessage(TB_MessageBody21.Text, TB_MessageBody22.Text);
mail.AuthorSID = (ushort)NUD_AuthorSID.Value;
for (int y = 0, xc = Gen == 3 ? 3 : 4; y < 3; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < xc; x++)
mail.SetMessage(y, x, (ushort)Messages[y][x].Value);
if (Gen == 3)
mail.AppearPKM = v < 252 ? v : HoennListMixed[v - 252];
// ReSharper disable once ConstantNullCoalescingCondition
mail.AuthorVersion = (byte)((int?)CB_AuthorVersion.SelectedValue ?? 0);
// ReSharper disable once ConstantNullCoalescingCondition
mail.AuthorLanguage = (byte)((int?)CB_AuthorLang.SelectedValue ?? 0);
mail.AuthorGender = (byte)((mail.AuthorGender & 0xFE) | (LabelValue_GenderF ? 1 : 0));
switch (mail)
case Mail4 m4:
for (int i = 0; i < AppearPKMs.Length; i++)
m4.SetAppearPKM(i, (AppearPKMs[i].SelectedValue as int?) + 7 ?? 0);
case Mail5 m5:
for (int i = 0; i < Miscs.Length; i++)
m5.SetMisc(i, (ushort)Miscs[i].Value);
m5.MessageEnding = (ushort)NUD_MessageEnding.Value;
private List<string> CheckValid()
var ret = new List<string>();
// Gen3
// A: held item is mail, but heldMailID is not 0 to 5. it should be 0 to 5, or held not mail.
// B: held item is mail, but mail is empty(mail type is 0). it should be not empty, or held not mail and heldMailId -1.
// C: held item is not mail, but heldMailID is not -1. it should be -1, or held mail and mail not empty.
// D: other pkm have same heldMailID. it should be different.
// E: mail is not empty, but no pkm refer to the mail. it should be empty, or someone refer to the mail.
if (Gen == 3)
int[] heldMailIDs = new int[p.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < p.Count; i++)
int h = ((PK3)p[i]).HeldMailID;
heldMailIDs[i] = h;
if (ItemIsMail(p[i].HeldItem))
if (h < 0 || h > 5) //A
ret.Add($"Party#{i + 1} MailID mismatch");
else if (m[h].IsEmpty == true) //B
ret.Add($"Party#{i + 1} MailID mismatch");
else if (h != -1) //C
ret.Add($"Party#{i + 1} MailID mismatch");
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
var index = i;
if (heldMailIDs.Count(v => v == index) > 1) //D
ret.Add($"MailID{i} duplicated");
if (m[i].IsEmpty == false && heldMailIDs.All(v => v != index)) //E
ret.Add($"MailID{i} not referred");
// Gen2, Gen4
// P: held item is mail, but mail is empty(invalid mail type. g2:not 181 to 189, g4:12 to 255). it should be not empty or held not mail.
// Q: held item is not mail, but mail is not empty. it should be empty or held mail.
else if (Gen == 2 || Gen == 4)
for (int i = 0; i < p.Count; i++)
if (ItemIsMail(p[i].HeldItem))
if (m[i].IsEmpty == true) //P
ret.Add($"MailID{i} MailType mismatch");
else if (m[i].IsEmpty == false) //Q
ret.Add($"MailID{i} MailType mismatch");
// Gen5
// P
// gen5, move mail to pc will not erase mail data, still remains, duplicates.
else if (Gen == 5)
for (int i = 0; i < p.Count; i++)
if (ItemIsMail(p[i].HeldItem))
if (m[i].IsEmpty == true) //P
ret.Add($"MailID{i} MailType mismatch");
// Gen*
// Z: mail type is illegal
for (int i = 0; i < m.Length; i++)
if (m[i].IsEmpty == null) // Z
ret.Add($"MailID{i} MailType mismatch");
return ret;
private void B_Cancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => Close();
private void B_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (entry >= 0) TempSave();
var Err = CheckValid();
if (Err.Count != 0 && DialogResult.Yes != WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, $"{Err.Aggregate($"Validation Error. Save?{Environment.NewLine}", (tmp, v) => $"{tmp}{Environment.NewLine}{v}")}"))
private string GetLBLabel(int index) => m[index].IsEmpty != true ? $"{index}: From {m[index].AuthorName}" : $"{index}: (empty)";
private bool ItemIsMail(int itemID) => Array.IndexOf(MailItemID, itemID) >= 0;
private int MailTypeToCBIndex(Mail mail) => Gen <= 3 ? 1 + Array.IndexOf(MailItemID, mail.MailType) : (mail.IsEmpty == false ? 1 + mail.MailType : 0);
private int CBIndexToMailType(int cbindex) => Gen <= 3 ? (cbindex > 0 ? MailItemID[cbindex - 1] : 0) : (cbindex > 0 ? cbindex - 1 : 0xFF);
private string GetSpeciesNameFromCB(int index)
foreach (var i in CB_AppearPKM1.Items.OfType<ComboItem>())
if (index == i.Value)
return i.Text;
return "PKM";
private DialogResult ModifyHeldItem()
DialogResult ret = DialogResult.Abort;
var s = p.Select((pkm, i) => ((sbyte)PKMNUDs[i].Value == entry) && ItemIsMail(pkm.HeldItem) ? pkm : null).ToArray();
if (s.Count(v => v != null) == 0)
return ret;
var msg = $"{s.Select((v, i) => v == null ? string.Empty : $"{Environment.NewLine} {PKMLabels[i].Text}: {PKMHeldItems[i].Text} -> {CB_MailType.Items[0]}").Aggregate($"Modify PKM's HeldItem?{Environment.NewLine}", (tmp, v) => $"{tmp}{v}")}{Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}Yes: Delete Mail & Modify PKM{Environment.NewLine}No: Delete Mail";
ret = WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, msg);
if (ret != DialogResult.Yes)
return ret;
foreach (var pkm in s)
if (pkm == null)
pkm.HeldItem = 0;
if (Gen == 3)
((PK3)pkm).HeldMailID = -1;
return ret;
private void B_Delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (entry < 0)
if (entry < p.Count)
if (ModifyHeldItem() == DialogResult.Cancel)
switch (m[entry])
case Mail4 m4: m4.SetBlank(ResetLang, ResetVer); break;
case Mail5 m5: m5.SetBlank(ResetLang, ResetVer); break;
default: m[entry].SetBlank(); break;
private void EntryControl(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (editing) return;
editing = true;
int partyIndex = LB_PartyHeld.SelectedIndex;
int pcIndex = LB_PCBOX.SelectedIndex;
if (entry >= 0)
if (GetLBLabel(entry) != loadedLBItemLabel)
if (sender == LB_PartyHeld && partyIndex >= 0)
entry = partyIndex;
LB_PartyHeld.SelectedIndex = partyIndex;
LB_PCBOX.SelectedIndex = -1;
else if (sender == LB_PCBOX && pcIndex >= 0)
entry = PartyBoxCount + pcIndex;
LB_PCBOX.SelectedIndex = pcIndex;
LB_PartyHeld.SelectedIndex = -1;
entry = -1;
editing = false;
if (entry >= 0)
loadedLBItemLabel = GetLBLabel(entry);
private void LoadMail()
editing = true;
Mail mail = m[entry];
TB_AuthorName.Text = mail.AuthorName;
NUD_AuthorTID.Value = mail.AuthorTID;
CB_MailType.SelectedIndex = MailTypeToCBIndex(mail);
int v = mail.AppearPKM;
if (Gen == 2)
AppearPKMs[0].SelectedValue = v;
TB_MessageBody21.Text = mail.GetMessage(false);
TB_MessageBody22.Text = mail.GetMessage(true);
editing = false;
NUD_AuthorSID.Value = mail.AuthorSID;
for (int y = 0, xc = Gen == 3 ? 3 : 4; y < 3; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < xc; x++)
Messages[y][x].Value = mail.GetMessage(y, x);
if (Gen == 3)
if (v < 252)
AppearPKMs[0].SelectedValue = v;
v = Array.IndexOf(HoennListMixed, v);
AppearPKMs[0].SelectedValue = v >= 0 ? (252 + v) : 0;
editing = false;
CB_AuthorVersion.SelectedValue = (int)mail.AuthorVersion;
CB_AuthorLang.SelectedValue = (int)mail.AuthorLanguage;
LabelValue_GenderF = (mail.AuthorGender & 1) != 0;
switch (mail)
case Mail4 m4:
for (int i = 0; i < AppearPKMs.Length; i++)
AppearPKMs[i].SelectedValue = Math.Max(0, m4.GetAppearPKM(i) - 7);
case Mail5 m5:
for (int i = 0; i < Miscs.Length; i++)
Miscs[i].Value = m5.GetMisc(i);
NUD_MessageEnding.Value = m5.MessageEnding;
editing = false;
private readonly string[] gendersymbols = { "♂", "♀" };
private void LoadOTlabel()
Label_OTGender.Text = gendersymbols[LabelValue_GenderF ? 1 : 0];
Label_OTGender.ForeColor = Main.Draw.GetGenderColor(LabelValue_GenderF ? 1 : 0);
private void Label_OTGender_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
LabelValue_GenderF ^= true;
private void NUD_BoxSize_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) => MakePCList();
private void NUD_MailIDn_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (editing || Gen != 3) return;
int index = Array.IndexOf(PKMNUDs, (NumericUpDown)sender);
if (index < 0 || index >= p.Count) return;
((PK3)p[index]).HeldMailID = (sbyte)PKMNUDs[index].Value;