2023-07-27 20:03:28 -04:00

529 lines
22 KiB

using static PKHeX.Core.LegalityCheckStrings;
using static PKHeX.Core.Ball;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// <summary>
/// Verifies the <see cref="PKM.Ball"/> value.
/// </summary>
public sealed class BallVerifier : Verifier
protected override CheckIdentifier Identifier => CheckIdentifier.Ball;
private CheckResult NONE => GetInvalid(LBallNone);
public override void Verify(LegalityAnalysis data)
if (data.Entity.Format <= 2)
return; // no ball info saved
var result = VerifyBall(data);
private static int IsReplacedBall(IVersion enc, PKM pk) => pk switch
// Trading from PLA origin -> SW/SH will replace the Legends: Arceus ball with a regular Poké Ball
PK8 when enc.Version == GameVersion.PLA => (int)Poke,
// No replacement done.
_ => (int)None,
private CheckResult VerifyBall(LegalityAnalysis data)
var Info = data.Info;
var enc = Info.EncounterMatch;
var ball = IsReplacedBall(enc, data.Entity);
if (ball != 0)
return VerifyBallEquals(data, ball);
// Fixed ball cases -- can be only one ball ever
switch (enc)
case MysteryGift g:
return VerifyBallMysteryGift(data, g);
case EncounterTrade t:
return VerifyBallEquals(data, t.Ball);
case EncounterStatic {Gift: true} s:
return VerifyBallEquals(data, s.Ball);
case EncounterSlot8GO: // Already a strict match
return GetResult(true);
case EncounterSlot8b {IsMarsh: true}:
return VerifyBallEquals(data, (int)Safari);
// Capture / Inherit cases -- can be one of many balls
var pk = data.Entity;
if (pk.Species == (int)Species.Shedinja && enc.Species != (int)Species.Shedinja) // Shedinja. For gen3, copy the ball from Nincada
// Only a Gen3 origin Shedinja can copy the wild ball.
// Evolution chains will indicate if it could have existed as Shedinja in Gen3.
// The special move verifier has a similar check!
if (pk is { HGSS: true, Ball: (int)Sport }) // Can evolve in DP to retain the HG/SS ball (separate byte) -- not able to be captured in any other ball
return VerifyBallEquals(data, (int)Sport);
if (Info.Generation != 3 || Info.EvoChainsAllGens.Gen3.Length != 2) // not evolved in Gen3 Nincada->Shedinja
return VerifyBallEquals(data, (int)Poke); // Poké ball Only
// Capturing with Heavy Ball is impossible in Sun/Moon for specific species.
if (pk is { Ball: (int)Heavy, SM: true } && enc is not EncounterEgg && BallBreedLegality.AlolanCaptureNoHeavyBall.Contains(enc.Species))
return GetInvalid(LBallHeavy); // Heavy Ball, can inherit if from egg (US/UM fixed catch rate calc)
return enc switch
EncounterStatic e => VerifyBallStatic(data, e),
EncounterSlot w => VerifyBallWild(data, w),
EncounterEgg => VerifyBallEgg(data),
EncounterInvalid => VerifyBallEquals(data, pk.Ball), // ignore ball, pass whatever
_ => VerifyBallEquals(data, (int)Poke),
private CheckResult VerifyBallMysteryGift(LegalityAnalysis data, MysteryGift gift)
if (gift is { Generation: 4, Species: (int)Species.Manaphy, Ball: 0 }) // there is no ball data in Manaphy PGT Mystery Gift from Gen4
return VerifyBallEquals(data, (int)Poke); // Pokeball
return VerifyBallEquals(data, gift.Ball);
private CheckResult VerifyBallStatic(LegalityAnalysis data, EncounterStatic s)
if (s is EncounterStatic5 { EntreeForestDreamWorld: true })
return VerifyBallEquals(data, BallUseLegality.DreamWorldBalls);
return VerifyBallEquals(data, BallUseLegality.GetWildBalls(data.Info.Generation, s.Version));
private CheckResult VerifyBallWild(LegalityAnalysis data, EncounterSlot w)
var req = w.FixedBall;
if (req != None)
return VerifyBallEquals(data, (int) req);
return VerifyBallEquals(data, BallUseLegality.GetWildBalls(data.Info.Generation, w.Version));
private CheckResult VerifyBallEgg(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pk = data.Entity;
if (data.Info.Generation < 6) // No inheriting Balls
return VerifyBallEquals(data, (int)Poke); // Must be Pokéball -- no ball inheritance.
return pk.Ball switch
(int)Master => GetInvalid(LBallEggMaster), // Master Ball
(int)Cherish => GetInvalid(LBallEggCherish), // Cherish Ball
_ => VerifyBallInherited(data),
private CheckResult VerifyBallInherited(LegalityAnalysis data) => data.Info.EncounterMatch.Context switch
EntityContext.Gen6 => VerifyBallEggGen6(data), // Gen6 Inheritance Rules
EntityContext.Gen7 => VerifyBallEggGen7(data), // Gen7 Inheritance Rules
EntityContext.Gen8 => VerifyBallEggGen8(data),
EntityContext.Gen8b => VerifyBallEggGen8BDSP(data),
EntityContext.Gen9 => VerifyBallEggGen9(data),
_ => NONE,
private CheckResult VerifyBallEggGen6(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pk = data.Entity;
if (pk.Ball == (int)Poke)
return GetValid(LBallEnc); // Poké Ball
var enc = data.EncounterMatch;
var species = enc.Species;
if (pk.Gender == 2 || BallBreedLegality.BreedMaleOnly6.Contains(species)) // Genderless
return VerifyBallEquals(data, (int)Poke); // Must be Pokéball as ball can only pass via mother (not Ditto!)
Ball ball = (Ball)pk.Ball;
if (ball == Safari) // Safari Ball
if (!BallBreedLegality.Inherit_Safari.Contains(species))
return GetInvalid(LBallSpecies);
if (IsHiddenAndNotPossible(pk))
return GetInvalid(LBallAbility);
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
if (ball.IsApricornBall()) // Apricorn Ball
if (!BallBreedLegality.Inherit_Apricorn6.Contains(species))
return GetInvalid(LBallSpecies);
if (IsHiddenAndNotPossible(pk))
return GetInvalid(LBallAbility);
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
if (ball == Sport) // Sport Ball
if (!BallBreedLegality.Inherit_Sport.Contains(species))
return GetInvalid(LBallSpecies);
if (IsHiddenAndNotPossible(pk))
return GetInvalid(LBallAbility);
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
if (ball == Dream) // Dream Ball
if (BallBreedLegality.Ban_DreamHidden.Contains(species) && IsHiddenAndNotPossible(pk))
return GetInvalid(LBallAbility);
if (BallBreedLegality.Inherit_Dream.Contains(species))
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
return GetInvalid(LBallSpecies);
if (ball is >= Dusk and <= Quick) // Dusk Heal Quick
if (!BallBreedLegality.Ban_Gen4Ball_6.Contains(species))
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
return GetInvalid(LBallSpecies);
if (ball is >= Ultra and <= Premier) // Don't worry, Safari was already checked.
if (BallBreedLegality.Ban_Gen3Ball.Contains(species))
return GetInvalid(LBallSpecies);
if (BallBreedLegality.Ban_Gen3BallHidden.Contains((ushort)(species | (enc.Form << 11))) && IsHiddenAndNotPossible(pk))
return GetInvalid(LBallAbility);
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
if (species > 650 && species != 700) // Sylveon
if (IsBallPermitted(BallUseLegality.WildPokeballs6, pk.Ball))
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
return GetInvalid(LBallSpecies);
if (ball >= Dream)
return GetInvalid(LBallUnavailable);
return NONE;
private CheckResult VerifyBallEggGen7(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pk = data.Entity;
if (pk.Ball == (int)Poke)
return GetValid(LBallEnc); // Poké Ball
var species = data.EncounterMatch.Species;
if (species is >= 722 and <= 730) // G7 Starters
return VerifyBallEquals(data, (int)Poke);
Ball ball = (Ball)pk.Ball;
if (ball == Safari)
if (!(BallBreedLegality.Inherit_Safari.Contains(species) || BallBreedLegality.Inherit_SafariMale.Contains(species)))
return GetInvalid(LBallSpecies);
if (BallBreedLegality.Ban_SafariBallHidden_7.Contains(species) && IsHiddenAndNotPossible(pk))
return GetInvalid(LBallAbility);
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
if (ball.IsApricornBall()) // Apricorn Ball
if (!BallBreedLegality.Inherit_Apricorn7.Contains(species))
return GetInvalid(LBallSpecies);
if (BallBreedLegality.Ban_NoHidden7Apricorn.Contains((ushort)(species | (pk.Form << 11))) && IsHiddenAndNotPossible(pk))
return GetInvalid(LBallAbility);
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
if (ball == Sport) // Sport Ball
if (!BallBreedLegality.Inherit_Sport.Contains(species))
return GetInvalid(LBallSpecies);
if ((species is (int)Species.Volbeat or (int)Species.Illumise) && IsHiddenAndNotPossible(pk)) // Volbeat/Illumise
return GetInvalid(LBallAbility);
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
if (ball == Dream) // Dream Ball
if (BallBreedLegality.Inherit_Dream.Contains(species) || BallBreedLegality.Inherit_DreamMale.Contains(species))
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
return GetInvalid(LBallSpecies);
if (ball is >= Dusk and <= Quick) // Dusk Heal Quick
if (!BallBreedLegality.Ban_Gen4Ball_7.Contains(species))
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
return GetInvalid(LBallSpecies);
if (ball is >= Ultra and <= Premier) // Don't worry, Safari was already checked.
if (!BallBreedLegality.Ban_Gen3Ball_7.Contains(species))
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
return GetInvalid(LBallSpecies);
if (ball == Beast)
if (species == (int)Species.Flabébé && pk.Form == 3 && IsHiddenAndNotPossible(pk))
return GetInvalid(LBallAbility); // Can't obtain Flabébé-Blue with Hidden Ability in wild
if (species == (int)Species.Voltorb && IsHiddenAndNotPossible(pk))
return GetInvalid(LBallAbility); // Can't obtain with Hidden Ability in wild (can only breed with Ditto)
if ((species is >= (int)Species.Pikipek and <= (int)Species.Kommoo) || BallBreedLegality.AlolanCaptureOffspring.Contains(species))
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
if (BallBreedLegality.PastGenAlolanScans.Contains(species))
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
// next statement catches all new alolans
if (species > (int)Species.Volcanion)
return VerifyBallEquals(data, BallUseLegality.WildPokeballs7);
if (ball > Beast)
return GetInvalid(LBallUnavailable);
return NONE;
private CheckResult VerifyBallEggGen8BDSP(LegalityAnalysis data)
var species = data.EncounterMatch.Species;
if (species == (int)Species.Phione)
return VerifyBallEquals(data, (int)Poke);
if (species is (int)Species.Cranidos or (int)Species.Shieldon)
return VerifyBallEquals(data, BallUseLegality.DreamWorldBalls);
var pk = data.Entity;
Ball ball = (Ball)pk.Ball;
var balls = BallUseLegality.GetWildBalls(8, GameVersion.BDSP);
if (IsBallPermitted(balls, (int)ball))
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
if (species is (int)Species.Spinda)
return GetInvalid(LBallSpecies); // Can't enter or exit, needs to adhere to wild balls.
// Cross-game inheritance
if (IsGalarCatchAndBreed(species))
if (IsBallPermitted(BallUseLegality.WildPokeballs8, (int)ball))
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
if (IsPaldeaCatchAndBreed(species))
if (IsBallPermitted(BallUseLegality.WildPokeballs9, (int)ball))
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
if (ball == Safari)
if (!(BallBreedLegality.Inherit_Safari.Contains(species) || BallBreedLegality.Inherit_SafariMale.Contains(species)))
return GetInvalid(LBallSpecies);
if (BallBreedLegality.Ban_SafariBallHidden_7.Contains(species) && IsHiddenAndNotPossible(pk))
return GetInvalid(LBallAbility);
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
if (ball.IsApricornBall()) // Apricorn Ball
if (!BallBreedLegality.Inherit_Apricorn7.Contains(species))
return GetInvalid(LBallSpecies);
if (BallBreedLegality.Ban_NoHidden8Apricorn.Contains((ushort)(species | (pk.Form << 11))) && IsHiddenAndNotPossible(pk)) // lineage is 3->2->origin
return GetInvalid(LBallAbility);
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
if (ball == Sport) // Sport Ball
if (!BallBreedLegality.Inherit_Sport.Contains(species))
return GetInvalid(LBallSpecies);
if ((species is (int)Species.Volbeat or (int)Species.Illumise) && IsHiddenAndNotPossible(pk)) // Volbeat/Illumise
return GetInvalid(LBallAbility);
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
if (ball == Dream) // Dream Ball
if (BallBreedLegality.Inherit_Dream.Contains(species) || BallBreedLegality.Inherit_DreamMale.Contains(species))
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
return GetInvalid(LBallSpecies);
if (ball is >= Dusk and <= Quick) // Dusk Heal Quick
if (!BallBreedLegality.Ban_Gen4Ball_7.Contains(species))
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
return GetInvalid(LBallSpecies);
if (ball is >= Ultra and <= Premier) // Don't worry, Safari was already checked.
if (!BallBreedLegality.Ban_Gen3Ball_7.Contains(species))
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
return GetInvalid(LBallSpecies);
if (ball == Beast)
// Most were already caught by Galar ball logic. Check for stuff not in SW/SH.
if (BallBreedLegality.AlolanCaptureOffspring.Contains(species))
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
if (BallBreedLegality.PastGenAlolanScans.Contains(species))
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
if (ball > Beast)
return GetInvalid(LBallUnavailable);
return GetInvalid(LBallEncMismatch);
private CheckResult VerifyBallEggGen8(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pk = data.Entity;
if (pk.Ball == (int)Poke)
return GetValid(LBallEnc); // Poké Ball
var species = data.EncounterMatch.Species;
if (IsGalarCatchAndBreed(species))
if (IsBallPermitted(BallUseLegality.WildPokeballs8, pk.Ball))
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
if (IsPaldeaCatchAndBreed(species))
if (IsBallPermitted(BallUseLegality.WildPokeballs9, pk.Ball))
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
Ball ball = (Ball)pk.Ball;
if (ball == Safari)
if (!(BallBreedLegality.Inherit_Safari.Contains(species) || BallBreedLegality.Inherit_SafariMale.Contains(species)))
return GetInvalid(LBallSpecies);
if (BallBreedLegality.Ban_SafariBallHidden_7.Contains(species) && IsHiddenAndNotPossible(pk))
return GetInvalid(LBallAbility);
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
if (ball.IsApricornBall()) // Apricorn Ball
if (!BallBreedLegality.Inherit_Apricorn7.Contains(species))
return GetInvalid(LBallSpecies);
if (BallBreedLegality.Ban_NoHidden8Apricorn.Contains((ushort)(species | (pk.Form << 11))) && IsHiddenAndNotPossible(pk)) // lineage is 3->2->origin
return GetInvalid(LBallAbility);
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
if (ball == Sport) // Sport Ball
if (!BallBreedLegality.Inherit_Sport.Contains(species))
return GetInvalid(LBallSpecies);
if ((species is (int)Species.Volbeat or (int)Species.Illumise) && IsHiddenAndNotPossible(pk)) // Volbeat/Illumise
return GetInvalid(LBallAbility);
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
if (ball == Dream) // Dream Ball
if (BallBreedLegality.Inherit_Dream.Contains(species) || BallBreedLegality.Inherit_DreamMale.Contains(species))
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
return GetInvalid(LBallSpecies);
if (ball is >= Dusk and <= Quick) // Dusk Heal Quick
if (!BallBreedLegality.Ban_Gen4Ball_7.Contains(species))
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
return GetInvalid(LBallSpecies);
if (ball is >= Ultra and <= Premier) // Don't worry, Safari was already checked.
if (!BallBreedLegality.Ban_Gen3Ball_7.Contains(species))
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
return GetInvalid(LBallSpecies);
if (ball == Beast)
if (species == (int)Species.Flabébé && pk.Form == 3 && IsHiddenAndNotPossible(pk))
return GetInvalid(LBallAbility); // Can't obtain Flabébé-Blue with Hidden Ability in wild
if ((species is >= (int)Species.Pikipek and <= (int)Species.Kommoo) || BallBreedLegality.AlolanCaptureOffspring.Contains(species))
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
if (BallBreedLegality.PastGenAlolanScans.Contains(species))
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
// next statement catches all new alolans
if (species > Legal.MaxSpeciesID_7_USUM)
return VerifyBallEquals(data, BallUseLegality.WildPokeballs8);
if (species > (int)Species.Volcanion)
return VerifyBallEquals(data, BallUseLegality.WildPokeballs7);
if (ball > Beast)
return GetInvalid(LBallUnavailable);
return NONE;
private CheckResult VerifyBallEggGen9(LegalityAnalysis data)
var enc = data.EncounterMatch;
var species = enc.Species;
if (species is >= (int)Species.Sprigatito and <= (int)Species.Quaquaval) // G9 Starters
return VerifyBallEquals(data, (int)Poke);
// PLA Voltorb: Only via PLA (transfer only, not wild) and GO
if (enc is { Species: (ushort)Species.Voltorb, Form: 1 })
return VerifyBallEquals(data, BallUseLegality.WildPokeballs8g);
// S/V Tauros forms > 1: Only local Wild Balls for Blaze/Aqua breeds -- can't inherit balls from Kantonian/Combat.
if (enc is { Species: (ushort)Species.Tauros, Form: > 1 })
return VerifyBallEquals(data, BallUseLegality.WildPokeballs9);
var pk = data.Entity;
if (IsPaldeaCatchAndBreed(species) && IsBallPermitted(BallUseLegality.WildPokeballs9, pk.Ball))
return GetValid(LBallSpeciesPass);
if (species > Legal.MaxSpeciesID_8)
return VerifyBallEquals(data, BallUseLegality.WildPokeballs9);
return VerifyBallEggGen8(data);
private static bool IsHiddenAndNotPossible(PKM pk)
if (pk.AbilityNumber != 4)
return false;
var abilities = (IPersonalAbility12H)pk.PersonalInfo;
return !AbilityVerifier.CanAbilityPatch(pk.Format, abilities, pk.Species);
private static bool IsGalarCatchAndBreed(ushort species)
if (species is >= (int)Species.Grookey and <= (int)Species.Inteleon) // starter
return false;
// Everything breed-able that is in the Galar Dex can be captured in-game.
var pt = PersonalTable.SWSH;
var pi = pt.GetFormEntry(species, 0);
if (pi.IsInDex)
return true;
// Foreign Captures
if (species is >= (int)Species.Treecko and <= (int)Species.Swampert) // Dynamax Adventures
return true;
if (species is >= (int)Species.Rowlet and <= (int)Species.Primarina) // Distribution Raids
return true;
return false;
private static bool IsPaldeaCatchAndBreed(ushort species)
if (species is >= (int)Species.Sprigatito and <= (int)Species.Quaquaval) // starter
return false;
var pt = PersonalTable.SV;
var pi = pt.GetFormEntry(species, 0);
if (pi.IsPresentInGame)
return true;
return false;
private CheckResult VerifyBallEquals(LegalityAnalysis data, int ball) => GetResult(ball == data.Entity.Ball);
private CheckResult VerifyBallEquals(LegalityAnalysis data, ulong permit) => GetResult(IsBallPermitted(permit, data.Entity.Ball));
private static bool IsBallPermitted(ulong permit, int ball)
if ((uint)ball >= 64)
return false;
return (permit & (1ul << ball)) != 0;
private CheckResult GetResult(bool valid) => valid ? GetValid(LBallEnc) : GetInvalid(LBallEncMismatch);