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synced 2025-03-08 09:17:50 +00:00
hovering would grab ILocation, which didn't use the flexible met location fetch. Just repoint stuff and have it as a virtual call, since most of these are fixed values, there's no point increasing the size of the classes besides those for gen4.
249 lines
8.3 KiB
249 lines
8.3 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// <summary>
/// Trade Encounter data
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Trade data is fixed level in all cases except for the first few generations of games.
/// </remarks>
public abstract record EncounterTrade : IEncounterable, IMoveset, ILocation, IEncounterMatch
public int Species { get; init; }
public int Form { get; init; }
public int Level { get; init; }
public virtual int LevelMin => Level;
public int LevelMax => 100;
public IReadOnlyList<int> Moves { get; init; } = Array.Empty<int>();
public abstract int Generation { get; }
public GameVersion Version { get; }
public int CurrentLevel { get; init; } = -1;
public abstract int Location { get; }
public int Ability { get; init; }
public int Gender { get; init; } = -1;
public Nature Nature { get; init; } = Nature.Random;
public Shiny Shiny { get; init; } = Shiny.Never;
public int Ball { get; init; } = 4;
public int TID { get; init; }
public int SID { get; init; }
public int OTGender { get; init; } = -1;
public IReadOnlyList<int> IVs { get; init; } = Array.Empty<int>();
public bool EggEncounter => false;
public int EggLocation { get; init; }
public bool EvolveOnTrade { get; init; }
public int TID7
TID = (ushort) value;
SID = value >> 16;
private const string _name = "In-game Trade";
public string Name => _name;
public string LongName => _name;
public bool IsNicknamed { get; init; } = true;
public bool IsShiny => Shiny.IsShiny();
public IReadOnlyList<string> Nicknames { get; internal set; } = Array.Empty<string>();
public IReadOnlyList<string> TrainerNames { get; internal set; } = Array.Empty<string>();
public string GetNickname(int language) => (uint)language < Nicknames.Count ? Nicknames[language] : string.Empty;
public string GetOT(int language) => (uint)language < TrainerNames.Count ? TrainerNames[language] : string.Empty;
public bool HasNickname => Nicknames.Count != 0 && IsNicknamed;
public bool HasTrainerName => TrainerNames.Count != 0;
protected EncounterTrade(GameVersion game) => Version = game;
public PKM ConvertToPKM(ITrainerInfo sav) => ConvertToPKM(sav, EncounterCriteria.Unrestricted);
public PKM ConvertToPKM(ITrainerInfo sav, EncounterCriteria criteria)
var pk = PKMConverter.GetBlank(Generation, Version);
ApplyDetails(sav, criteria, pk);
return pk;
protected virtual void ApplyDetails(ITrainerInfo sav, EncounterCriteria criteria, PKM pk)
var version = this.GetCompatibleVersion((GameVersion)sav.Game);
int lang = (int)Language.GetSafeLanguage(Generation, (LanguageID)sav.Language, version);
int level = CurrentLevel > 0 ? CurrentLevel : LevelMin;
if (level == 0)
level = Math.Max(1, LevelMin);
int species = Species;
if (EvolveOnTrade)
pk.EncryptionConstant = Util.Rand32();
pk.Species = species;
pk.Form = Form;
pk.Language = lang;
pk.OT_Name = pk.Format == 1 ? StringConverter12.G1TradeOTStr : HasTrainerName ? GetOT(lang) : sav.OT;
pk.OT_Gender = HasTrainerName ? Math.Max(0, OTGender) : sav.Gender;
pk.SetNickname(HasNickname ? GetNickname(lang) : string.Empty);
pk.CurrentLevel = level;
pk.Version = (int) version;
pk.TID = TID;
pk.SID = SID;
pk.Ball = Ball;
pk.OT_Friendship = pk.PersonalInfo.BaseFriendship;
SetPINGA(pk, criteria);
SetMoves(pk, version, level);
var time = DateTime.Now;
if (pk.Format != 2 || version == GameVersion.C)
SetMetData(pk, level, Location, time);
pk.OT_Gender = 0;
if (EggLocation != 0)
SetEggMetData(pk, time);
if (pk.Format < 6)
sav.ApplyHandlingTrainerInfo(pk, force: true);
if (pk is PK6 pk6)
protected virtual void SetPINGA(PKM pk, EncounterCriteria criteria)
var pi = pk.PersonalInfo;
int gender = criteria.GetGender(Gender, pi);
int nature = (int)criteria.GetNature(Nature);
int ability = criteria.GetAbilityFromNumber(Ability);
PIDGenerator.SetRandomWildPID(pk, Generation, nature, ability, gender);
pk.Nature = pk.StatNature = nature;
pk.Gender = gender;
protected void SetIVs(PKM pk)
if (IVs.Count != 0)
pk.SetRandomIVs(IVs, 0);
pk.SetRandomIVs(flawless: 3);
private void SetMoves(PKM pk, GameVersion version, int level)
var moves = Moves.Count != 0 ? Moves : MoveLevelUp.GetEncounterMoves(pk, level, version);
if (pk.Format == 1 && moves.All(z => z == 0))
moves = ((PersonalInfoG1)PersonalTable.RB[Species]).Moves;
private void SetEggMetData(PKM pk, DateTime time)
pk.Egg_Location = EggLocation;
pk.EggMetDate = time;
private static void SetMetData(PKM pk, int level, int location, DateTime time)
pk.Met_Level = level;
pk.Met_Location = location;
pk.MetDate = time;
public virtual bool IsMatchExact(PKM pkm, DexLevel evo)
if (IVs.Count != 0)
if (!Legal.GetIsFixedIVSequenceValidSkipRand(IVs, pkm))
return false;
if (!IsMatchNatureGenderShiny(pkm))
return false;
if (TID != pkm.TID)
return false;
if (SID != pkm.SID)
return false;
if (!IsMatchLevel(pkm, evo))
return false;
if (CurrentLevel != -1 && CurrentLevel > pkm.CurrentLevel)
return false;
if (Form != evo.Form && !FormInfo.IsFormChangeable(Species, Form, pkm.Form, pkm.Format))
return false;
if (OTGender != -1 && OTGender != pkm.OT_Gender)
return false;
if (EggLocation != pkm.Egg_Location)
return false;
// if (z.Ability == 4 ^ pkm.AbilityNumber == 4) // defer to Ability
// continue;
if (!Version.Contains((GameVersion)pkm.Version))
return false;
return true;
private bool IsMatchLevel(PKM pkm, DexLevel evo)
if (!pkm.HasOriginalMetLocation)
return evo.Level >= Level;
if (Location != pkm.Met_Location)
return false;
if (pkm.Format < 5)
return evo.Level >= Level;
return pkm.Met_Level == Level;
protected virtual bool IsMatchNatureGenderShiny(PKM pkm)
if (!Shiny.IsValid(pkm))
return false;
if (Gender != -1 && Gender != pkm.Gender)
return false;
if (Nature != Nature.Random && pkm.Nature != (int)Nature)
return false;
return true;
public EncounterMatchRating GetMatchRating(PKM pkm)
if (IsMatchPartial(pkm))
return EncounterMatchRating.PartialMatch;
if (IsMatchDeferred(pkm))
return EncounterMatchRating.Deferred;
return EncounterMatchRating.Match;
protected virtual bool IsMatchDeferred(PKM pkm) => false;
protected virtual bool IsMatchPartial(PKM pkm) => false;