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synced 2024-12-19 08:53:28 +00:00
Added an Edited property for the save blank slot (encrypted) is initialized once and can be used elsewhere instead of constantly being recreated for no reason. Fixed having 32 boxes for non-saves All SAV editing forms now set the Edited flag when saving->close.
331 lines
12 KiB
331 lines
12 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace PKHeX
public partial class SAV_PokedexXY : Form
public SAV_PokedexXY()
CP = new[] { CHK_P1, CHK_P2, CHK_P3, CHK_P4, CHK_P5, CHK_P6, CHK_P7, CHK_P8, CHK_P9, };
CL = new[] { CHK_L1, CHK_L2, CHK_L3, CHK_L4, CHK_L5, CHK_L6, CHK_L7, };
Util.TranslateInterface(this, Main.curlanguage);
sav = (byte[])Main.SAV.Data.Clone();
editing = false;
LB_Species.SelectedIndex = 0;
TB_Spinda.Text = BitConverter.ToUInt32(sav, Main.SAV.Spinda).ToString("X8");
private CheckBox[] CP, CL;
public byte[] sav;
public bool[,] specbools = new bool[9, 0x60 * 8];
public bool[,] langbools = new bool[7, 0x60 * 8];
public bool[] foreignbools = new bool[0x52 * 8];
bool editing = true;
private void Setup()
// Clear Listbox and ComboBox
// Fill List
#region Species
var species_list = Util.getCBList(Main.specieslist, null);
species_list.RemoveAt(0); // Remove 0th Entry
CB_Species.DisplayMember = "Text";
CB_Species.ValueMember = "Value";
CB_Species.DataSource = species_list;
for (int i = 1; i < Main.specieslist.Length; i++)
LB_Species.Items.Add(i.ToString("000") + " - " + Main.specieslist[i]);
private void changeCBSpecies(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (editing) return;
editing = true;
species = (int)CB_Species.SelectedValue;
LB_Species.SelectedIndex = species - 1; // Since we don't allow index0 in combobox, everything is shifted by 1
LB_Species.TopIndex = LB_Species.SelectedIndex;
editing = false;
private void changeLBSpecies(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (editing) return;
editing = true;
species = LB_Species.SelectedIndex + 1;
CB_Species.SelectedValue = species;
editing = false;
private void loadchks()
// Load Bools for the data
int pk = species;
L_Spinda.Visible = TB_Spinda.Visible = pk == 327;
// Load Partitions
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
CP[i].Checked = specbools[i, pk-1];
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
CL[i].Checked = langbools[i, pk-1];
if (pk < 650) { CHK_F1.Enabled = true; CHK_F1.Checked = foreignbools[pk - 1]; }
else { CHK_F1.Enabled = CHK_F1.Checked = false; }
if (pk > 721)
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
CP[i].Enabled = true;
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
CL[i].Checked = CL[i].Enabled = false;
CHK_P1.Enabled = true;
int index = LB_Species.SelectedIndex + 1;
PKX.PersonalParser.Personal MonData = PKX.PersonalGetter.GetPersonal(index);
int gt = MonData.GenderRatio;
CHK_P2.Enabled = CHK_P4.Enabled = CHK_P6.Enabled = CHK_P8.Enabled = (gt != 254); // Not Female-Only
CHK_P3.Enabled = CHK_P5.Enabled = CHK_P7.Enabled = CHK_P9.Enabled = (gt != 0) && (gt != 255); // Not Male-Only and Not Genderless
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
CL[i].Enabled = true;
private void removedropCB(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
((ComboBox)sender).DroppedDown = false;
private void changeDisplayed(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!(sender as CheckBox).Checked)
CHK_P6.Checked = (sender as CheckBox == CHK_P6);
CHK_P7.Checked = (sender as CheckBox == CHK_P7);
CHK_P8.Checked = (sender as CheckBox == CHK_P8);
CHK_P9.Checked = (sender as CheckBox == CHK_P9);
if (CHK_P6.Checked) CHK_P2.Checked = true;
if (CHK_P7.Checked) CHK_P3.Checked = true;
if (CHK_P8.Checked) CHK_P4.Checked = true;
if (CHK_P9.Checked) CHK_P5.Checked = true;
private void changeEncountered(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!(CHK_P2.Checked || CHK_P3.Checked || CHK_P4.Checked || CHK_P5.Checked))
CHK_P6.Checked = CHK_P7.Checked = CHK_P8.Checked = CHK_P9.Checked = false;
else if (!(CHK_P6.Checked || CHK_P7.Checked || CHK_P8.Checked || CHK_P9.Checked))
if (sender as CheckBox == CHK_P2 && CHK_P2.Checked)
CHK_P6.Checked = true;
else if (sender as CheckBox == CHK_P3 && CHK_P3.Checked)
CHK_P7.Checked = true;
else if (sender as CheckBox == CHK_P4 && CHK_P4.Checked)
CHK_P8.Checked = true;
else if (sender as CheckBox == CHK_P5 && CHK_P5.Checked)
CHK_P9.Checked = true;
private int species = -1;
private void setBools()
if (species < 0)
specbools[0, (species - 1)] = CHK_P1.Checked;
specbools[1, (species - 1)] = CHK_P2.Checked;
specbools[2, (species - 1)] = CHK_P3.Checked;
specbools[3, (species - 1)] = CHK_P4.Checked;
specbools[4, (species - 1)] = CHK_P5.Checked;
specbools[5, (species - 1)] = CHK_P6.Checked;
specbools[6, (species - 1)] = CHK_P7.Checked;
specbools[7, (species - 1)] = CHK_P8.Checked;
specbools[8, (species - 1)] = CHK_P9.Checked;
if (CHK_F1.Enabled) // species < 650 // (1-649)
foreignbools[species - 1] = CHK_F1.Checked;
langbools[0, (species - 1)] = CHK_L1.Checked;
langbools[1, (species - 1)] = CHK_L2.Checked;
langbools[2, (species - 1)] = CHK_L3.Checked;
langbools[3, (species - 1)] = CHK_L4.Checked;
langbools[4, (species - 1)] = CHK_L5.Checked;
langbools[5, (species - 1)] = CHK_L6.Checked;
langbools[6, (species - 1)] = CHK_L7.Checked;
private void B_Cancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void B_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Return back to the parent savefile
Array.Copy(sav, Main.SAV.Data, sav.Length);
Main.SAV.Edited = true;
private void saveChanges()
// Save back the Species Bools
// Return to Byte Array
for (int p = 0; p < 9; p++)
byte[] sdata = new byte[0x60];
for (int i = 0; i < 0x60 * 8; i++)
if (specbools[p, i])
sdata[i / 8] |= (byte)(1 << i % 8);
Array.Copy(sdata, 0, sav, Main.SAV.PokeDex + 8 + 0x60 * p, 0x60);
// Build new bool array for the Languages
bool[] languagedata = new bool[0x280 * 8];
for (int i = 0; i < 731; i++)
for (int l = 0; l < 7; l++)
languagedata[i * 7 + l] = langbools[l, i];
// Return to Byte Array
byte[] ldata = new byte[languagedata.Length / 8];
for (int i = 0; i < languagedata.Length; i++)
if (languagedata[i])
ldata[i / 8] |= (byte)(1 << i % 8);
Array.Copy(ldata, 0, sav, Main.SAV.PokeDexLanguageFlags, 0x280);
// Return Foreign Array
byte[] foreigndata = new byte[0x52];
for (int i = 0; i < 0x52 * 8; i++)
if (foreignbools[i])
foreigndata[i / 8] |= (byte)(1 << i % 8);
Array.Copy(foreigndata, 0, sav, Main.SAV.PokeDex + 0x64C, 0x52);
// Store Spinda Spot
uint PID = Util.getHEXval(TB_Spinda);
Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(PID), 0, sav, Main.SAV.Spinda, 4);
private void getBools()
// Fill Bit arrays
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
byte[] data = new byte[0x60];
Array.Copy(sav, Main.SAV.PokeDex + 8 + 0x60 * i, data, 0, 0x60);
BitArray BitRegion = new BitArray(data);
for (int b = 0; b < (0x60 * 8); b++)
specbools[i, b] = BitRegion[b];
// Fill Language arrays
byte[] langdata = new byte[0x280];
Array.Copy(sav, Main.SAV.PokeDexLanguageFlags, langdata, 0, 0x280);
BitArray LangRegion = new BitArray(langdata);
for (int b = 0; b < (721); b++) // 721 Species
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) // 7 Languages
langbools[i, b] = LangRegion[7 * b + i];
// Fill Foreign array
byte[] foreigndata = new byte[0x52];
Array.Copy(sav, Main.SAV.PokeDex + 0x64C, foreigndata, 0, 0x52);
BitArray ForeignRegion = new BitArray(foreigndata);
for (int b = 0; b < (0x52 * 8); b++)
foreignbools[b] = ForeignRegion[b];
private void B_GiveAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (CHK_L1.Enabled)
CHK_L1.Checked =
CHK_L2.Checked =
CHK_L3.Checked =
CHK_L4.Checked =
CHK_L5.Checked =
CHK_L6.Checked =
CHK_L7.Checked = ModifierKeys != Keys.Control;
if (CHK_P1.Enabled)
CHK_P1.Checked = ModifierKeys != Keys.Control;
if (CHK_F1.Enabled)
CHK_F1.Checked = ModifierKeys != Keys.Control;
int index = LB_Species.SelectedIndex+1;
PKX.PersonalParser.Personal MonData = PKX.PersonalGetter.GetPersonal(index);
int gt = MonData.GenderRatio;
CHK_P2.Checked = CHK_P4.Checked = (gt != 254) && ModifierKeys != Keys.Control;
CHK_P3.Checked = CHK_P5.Checked = (gt != 0) && (gt != 255) && ModifierKeys != Keys.Control;
if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Control)
foreach (var chk in new[] { CHK_P6, CHK_P7, CHK_P8, CHK_P9 })
chk.Checked = false;
else if (!(CHK_P6.Checked || CHK_P7.Checked || CHK_P8.Checked || CHK_P9.Checked))
if (gt != 254)
CHK_P6.Checked = true;
CHK_P7.Checked = true;
private void B_FillDex_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Write Checkboxes manually (Gender stuff done automatically by form)
for (int i = 0; i < CB_Species.Items.Count; i++)
CB_Species.SelectedIndex = i;
// Switch to byte editing
// Forms Bool Writing
for (int i = 0; i < 0x60; i++)
sav[Main.SAV.PokeDex + 0x368 + i] = 0xFF;
// Turn off Italian Petlil
sav[Main.SAV.PokeDexLanguageFlags + 0x1DF] &= 0xFE;
// Fetch the dex bools
// Reload the current entry