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615 lines
27 KiB
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace PKHeX
public static partial class Legal
// PKHeX master Wonder Card Database
internal static WC6[] WC6DB;
// PKHeX master personal.dat
private static readonly EggMoves[] EggMoveXY = EggMoves.getArray(Data.unpackMini(Properties.Resources.eggmove_xy, "xy"));
private static readonly Learnset[] LevelUpXY = Learnset.getArray(Data.unpackMini(Properties.Resources.lvlmove_xy, "xy"));
private static readonly EggMoves[] EggMoveAO = EggMoves.getArray(Data.unpackMini(Properties.Resources.eggmove_ao, "ao"));
private static readonly Learnset[] LevelUpAO = Learnset.getArray(Data.unpackMini(Properties.Resources.lvlmove_ao, "ao"));
private static readonly Evolutions[] Evolves = Evolutions.getArray(Data.unpackMini(Properties.Resources.evos_ao, "ao"));
private static readonly EncounterArea[] SlotsA;
private static readonly EncounterArea[] SlotsO;
private static readonly EncounterArea[] SlotsX;
private static readonly EncounterArea[] SlotsY;
private static readonly EncounterStatic[] StaticX;
private static readonly EncounterStatic[] StaticY;
private static readonly EncounterStatic[] StaticA;
private static readonly EncounterStatic[] StaticO;
private static EncounterStatic[] getSpecial(GameVersion Game)
if (Game == GameVersion.X || Game == GameVersion.Y)
return Encounter_XY.Where(s => s.Version == GameVersion.Any || s.Version == Game).ToArray();
// else if (Game == GameVersion.AS || Game == GameVersion.OR)
return Encounter_AO.Where(s => s.Version == GameVersion.Any || s.Version == Game).ToArray();
private static EncounterArea[] addXYAltTiles(EncounterArea[] GameSlots, EncounterArea[] SpecialSlots)
foreach (EncounterArea g in GameSlots)
EncounterArea slots = SpecialSlots.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Location == g.Location);
if (slots != null)
g.Slots = g.Slots.Concat(slots.Slots).ToArray();
return GameSlots;
static Legal() // Setup
StaticX = getSpecial(GameVersion.X);
StaticY = getSpecial(GameVersion.Y);
StaticA = getSpecial(GameVersion.AS);
StaticO = getSpecial(GameVersion.OR);
var XSlots = EncounterArea.getArray(Data.unpackMini(Properties.Resources.encounter_x, "xy"));
var YSlots = EncounterArea.getArray(Data.unpackMini(Properties.Resources.encounter_y, "xy"));
// Mark Horde Encounters
foreach (var area in XSlots)
int slotct = area.Slots.Length;
for (int i = slotct - 15; i < slotct; i++)
area.Slots[i].Type = SlotType.Horde;
foreach (var area in YSlots)
int slotct = area.Slots.Length;
for (int i = slotct - 15; i < slotct; i++)
area.Slots[i].Type = SlotType.Horde;
SlotsX = addXYAltTiles(XSlots, SlotsXYAlt);
SlotsY = addXYAltTiles(YSlots, SlotsXYAlt);
SlotsA = EncounterArea.getArray(Data.unpackMini(Properties.Resources.encounter_a, "ao"));
SlotsO = EncounterArea.getArray(Data.unpackMini(Properties.Resources.encounter_o, "ao"));
// Mark Encounters
foreach (var area in SlotsA)
for (int i = 32; i < 37; i++)
area.Slots[i].Type = SlotType.Rock_Smash;
int slotct = area.Slots.Length;
for (int i = slotct - 15; i < slotct; i++)
area.Slots[i].Type = SlotType.Horde;
for (int i = 0; i < slotct; i++)
area.Slots[i].AllowDexNav = area.Slots[i].Type != SlotType.Rock_Smash;
foreach (var area in SlotsO)
for (int i = 32; i < 37; i++)
area.Slots[i].Type = SlotType.Rock_Smash;
int slotct = area.Slots.Length;
for (int i = slotct - 15; i < slotct; i++)
area.Slots[i].Type = SlotType.Horde;
for (int i = 0; i < slotct; i++)
area.Slots[i].AllowDexNav = area.Slots[i].Type != SlotType.Rock_Smash;
internal static IEnumerable<int> getValidMoves(PK6 pk6)
{ return getValidMoves(pk6, -1, LVL: true, Relearn: false, Tutor: true, Machine: true); }
internal static IEnumerable<int> getValidRelearn(PK6 pk6, int skipOption)
List<int> r = new List<int> { 0 };
int species = getBaseSpecies(pk6, skipOption);
r.AddRange(getLVLMoves(species, 1, pk6.AltForm));
r.AddRange(getEggMoves(species, pk6.Species == 678 ? pk6.AltForm : 0));
r.AddRange(getLVLMoves(species, 100, pk6.AltForm));
return r.Distinct();
internal static IEnumerable<int> getBaseEggMoves(PK6 pk6, int skipOption, int gameSource)
int species = getBaseSpecies(pk6, skipOption);
if (gameSource == -1)
if (pk6.XY)
return LevelUpXY[species].getMoves(1);
// if (pk6.Version == 26 || pk6.Version == 27)
return LevelUpAO[species].getMoves(1);
if (gameSource == 0) // XY
return LevelUpXY[species].getMoves(1);
// if (gameSource == 1) // ORAS
return LevelUpAO[species].getMoves(1);
internal static IEnumerable<WC6> getValidWC6s(PK6 pk6)
var vs = getValidPreEvolutions(pk6).ToArray();
List<WC6> validWC6 = new List<WC6>();
foreach (WC6 wc in WC6DB.Where(wc => vs.Any(dl => dl.Species == wc.Species)))
if (pk6.Egg_Location == 0) // Not Egg
if (wc.CardID != pk6.SID) continue;
if (wc.TID != pk6.TID) continue;
if (wc.OT != pk6.OT_Name) continue;
if (wc.OTGender != pk6.OT_Gender) continue;
if (wc.PIDType == 0 && pk6.PID != wc.PID) continue;
if (wc.PIDType == 2 && !pk6.IsShiny) continue;
if (wc.PIDType == 3 && pk6.IsShiny) continue;
if (wc.OriginGame != 0 && wc.OriginGame != pk6.Version) continue;
if (wc.EncryptionConstant != 0 && wc.EncryptionConstant != pk6.EncryptionConstant) continue;
if (wc.Language != 0 && wc.Language != pk6.Language) continue;
if (wc.Form != pk6.AltForm && vs.All(dl => !FormChange.Contains(dl.Species))) continue;
if (wc.MetLocation != pk6.Met_Location) continue;
if (wc.EggLocation != pk6.Egg_Location) continue;
if (wc.Level != pk6.Met_Level) continue;
if (wc.Pokéball != pk6.Ball) continue;
if (wc.OTGender < 3 && wc.OTGender != pk6.OT_Gender) continue;
if (wc.Nature != 0xFF && wc.Nature != pk6.Nature) continue;
if (wc.Gender != 3 && wc.Gender != pk6.Gender) continue;
if (wc.CNT_Cool > pk6.CNT_Cool) continue;
if (wc.CNT_Beauty > pk6.CNT_Beauty) continue;
if (wc.CNT_Cute > pk6.CNT_Cute) continue;
if (wc.CNT_Smart > pk6.CNT_Smart) continue;
if (wc.CNT_Tough > pk6.CNT_Tough) continue;
if (wc.CNT_Sheen > pk6.CNT_Sheen) continue;
// Some checks are best performed separately as they are caused by users screwing up valid data.
// if (!wc.RelearnMoves.SequenceEqual(pk6.RelearnMoves)) continue; // Defer to relearn legality
// if (wc.OT.Length > 0 && pk6.CurrentHandler != 1) continue; // Defer to ownership legality
// if (wc.OT.Length > 0 && pk6.OT_Friendship != PKX.getBaseFriendship(pk6.Species)) continue; // Friendship
// if (wc.Level > pk6.CurrentLevel) continue; // Defer to level legality
// RIBBONS: Defer to ribbon legality
return validWC6;
internal static EncounterLink getValidLinkGifts(PK6 pk6)
return LinkGifts.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Species == pk6.Species && g.Level == pk6.Met_Level);
internal static EncounterSlot[] getValidWildEncounters(PK6 pk6)
List<EncounterSlot> s = new List<EncounterSlot>();
foreach (var area in getEncounterAreas(pk6))
s.AddRange(getValidEncounterSlots(pk6, area, DexNav: pk6.AO));
return s.Any() ? s.ToArray() : null;
internal static EncounterStatic getValidStaticEncounter(PK6 pk6)
// Get possible encounters
IEnumerable<EncounterStatic> poss = getStaticEncounters(pk6);
// Back Check against pk6
foreach (EncounterStatic e in poss)
if (e.Nature != Nature.Random && pk6.Nature != (int)e.Nature)
if (e.EggLocation != pk6.Egg_Location)
if (e.Location != 0 && e.Location != pk6.Met_Location)
if (e.Gender != -1 && e.Gender != pk6.Gender)
if (e.Level != pk6.Met_Level)
// Defer to EC/PID check
// if (e.Shiny != null && e.Shiny != pk6.IsShiny)
// continue;
// Defer ball check to later
// if (e.Gift && pk6.Ball != 4) // PokéBall
// continue;
// Passes all checks, valid encounter
return e;
return null;
internal static EncounterTrade getValidIngameTrade(PK6 pk6)
if (!pk6.WasIngameTrade)
return null;
int lang = pk6.Language;
if (lang == 0)
return null;
// Get valid pre-evolutions
IEnumerable<DexLevel> p = getValidPreEvolutions(pk6);
EncounterTrade z = null;
if (pk6.XY)
z = lang == 6 ? null : TradeGift_XY.FirstOrDefault(f => p.Any(r => r.Species == f.Species));
if (pk6.AO)
z = lang == 6 ? null : TradeGift_AO.FirstOrDefault(f => p.Any(r => r.Species == f.Species));
if (z == null)
return null;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if (z.IVs[i] != -1 && z.IVs[i] != pk6.IVs[i])
return null;
if (z.Shiny ^ pk6.IsShiny) // Are PIDs static?
return null;
if (z.TID != pk6.TID)
return null;
if (z.SID != pk6.SID)
return null;
if (z.Location != pk6.Met_Location)
return null;
if (z.Level != pk6.Met_Level)
return null;
if (z.Nature != Nature.Random && (int)z.Nature != pk6.Nature)
return null;
if (z.Gender != pk6.Gender)
return null;
// if (z.Ability == 4 ^ pk6.AbilityNumber == 4) // defer to Ability
// return null;
return z;
internal static EncounterSlot[] getValidFriendSafari(PK6 pk6)
if (!pk6.XY)
return null;
if (pk6.Met_Location != 148) // Friend Safari
return null;
if (pk6.Met_Level != 30)
return null;
IEnumerable<DexLevel> vs = getValidPreEvolutions(pk6);
List<EncounterSlot> slots = new List<EncounterSlot>();
foreach (DexLevel d in vs.Where(d => FriendSafari.Contains(d.Species) && d.Level >= 30))
var slot = new EncounterSlot
Species = d.Species,
LevelMin = 30,
LevelMax = 30,
Form = 0,
Type = SlotType.FriendSafari,
return slots.Any() ? slots.ToArray() : null;
internal static bool getDexNavValid(PK6 pk6)
IEnumerable<EncounterArea> locs = getDexNavAreas(pk6);
return locs.Select(loc => getValidEncounterSlots(pk6, loc, DexNav: true)).Any(slots => slots.Any(slot => slot.AllowDexNav && slot.DexNav));
internal static bool getHasEvolved(PK6 pk6)
return getValidPreEvolutions(pk6).Count() > 1;
internal static bool getHasTradeEvolved(PK6 pk6)
return Evolves[pk6.Species].Evos.Any(evo => evo.Level == 1); // 1: Trade, 0: Item, >=2: Levelup
internal static bool getIsFossil(PK6 pk6)
if (pk6.Met_Level != 20)
return false;
if (pk6.Egg_Location != 0)
return false;
if (pk6.XY && pk6.Met_Location == 44)
return Fossils.Contains(getBaseSpecies(pk6));
if (pk6.AO && pk6.Met_Location == 190)
return Fossils.Contains(getBaseSpecies(pk6));
return false;
internal static bool getEvolutionValid(PK6 pk6)
var curr = getValidPreEvolutions(pk6);
var poss = getValidPreEvolutions(pk6, 100);
if (SplitBreed.Contains(getBaseSpecies(pk6, 1)))
return curr.Count() >= poss.Count() - 1;
return curr.Count() >= poss.Count();
internal static IEnumerable<int> getLineage(PK6 pk6)
int species = pk6.Species;
List<int> res = new List<int>{species};
for (int i = 0; i < Evolves.Length; i++)
if (Evolves[i].Evos.Any(pk => pk.Species == species))
for (int i = -1; i < 2; i++)
res.Add(getBaseSpecies(pk6, i));
return res.Distinct();
internal static bool getCanBeCaptured(int species, int version = -1)
if (version < 0 || version == (int)GameVersion.X)
if (SlotsX.Any(loc => loc.Slots.Any(slot => slot.Species == species)))
return true;
if (FriendSafari.Contains(species))
return true;
if (StaticX.Any(enc => enc.Species == species && !enc.Gift))
return true;
if (version < 0 || version == (int)GameVersion.Y)
if (SlotsY.Any(loc => loc.Slots.Any(slot => slot.Species == species)))
return true;
if (FriendSafari.Contains(species))
return true;
if (StaticY.Any(enc => enc.Species == species && !enc.Gift))
return true;
if (version < 0 || version == (int)GameVersion.AS)
if (SlotsA.Any(loc => loc.Slots.Any(slot => slot.Species == species)))
return true;
if (StaticA.Any(enc => enc.Species == species && !enc.Gift))
return true;
if (version < 0 || version == (int)GameVersion.OR)
if (SlotsO.Any(loc => loc.Slots.Any(slot => slot.Species == species)))
return true;
if (StaticO.Any(enc => enc.Species == species && !enc.Gift))
return true;
return false;
internal static bool getCanLearnMachineMove(PK6 pk6, int move, int version = -1)
return getValidMoves(pk6, version, Machine: true).Contains(move);
internal static bool getCanRelearnMove(PK6 pk6, int move, int version = -1)
return getValidMoves(pk6, version, LVL: true, Relearn: true).Contains(move);
internal static bool getCanLearnMove(PK6 pk6, int move, int version = -1)
return getValidMoves(pk6, version, Tutor: true, Machine: true).Contains(move);
internal static bool getCanKnowMove(PK6 pk6, int move, int version = -1)
if (pk6.Species == 235 && !InvalidSketch.Contains(move))
return true;
return getValidMoves(pk6, Version: version, LVL: true, Relearn: true, Tutor: true, Machine: true).Contains(move);
private static int getBaseSpecies(PK6 pk6, int skipOption = 0)
if (pk6.Species == 292)
return 290;
if (pk6.Species == 242 && pk6.CurrentLevel < 3) // Never Cleffa
return 113;
DexLevel[] evos = Evolves[pk6.Species].Evos;
switch (skipOption)
case -1: return pk6.Species;
case 1: return evos.Length <= 1 ? pk6.Species : evos[evos.Length - 2].Species;
default: return evos.Length <= 0 ? pk6.Species : evos.Last().Species;
private static IEnumerable<EncounterArea> getDexNavAreas(PK6 pk6)
bool alpha = pk6.Version == 26;
if (!alpha && pk6.Version != 27)
return new EncounterArea[0];
return (alpha ? SlotsA : SlotsO).Where(l => l.Location == pk6.Met_Location);
private static IEnumerable<int> getLVLMoves(int species, int lvl, int formnum)
int ind_XY = PersonalTable.XY.getFormeIndex(species, formnum);
int ind_AO = PersonalTable.AO.getFormeIndex(species, formnum);
return LevelUpXY[ind_XY].getMoves(lvl).Concat(LevelUpAO[ind_AO].getMoves(lvl));
private static IEnumerable<EncounterArea> getEncounterSlots(PK6 pk6)
switch (pk6.Version)
case 24: // X
return getSlots(pk6, SlotsX);
case 25: // Y
return getSlots(pk6, SlotsY);
case 26: // AS
return getSlots(pk6, SlotsA);
case 27: // OR
return getSlots(pk6, SlotsO);
default: return new List<EncounterArea>();
private static IEnumerable<EncounterStatic> getStaticEncounters(PK6 pk6)
switch (pk6.Version)
case 24: // X
return getStatic(pk6, StaticX);
case 25: // Y
return getStatic(pk6, StaticY);
case 26: // AS
return getStatic(pk6, StaticA);
case 27: // OR
return getStatic(pk6, StaticO);
default: return new List<EncounterStatic>();
private static IEnumerable<EncounterArea> getEncounterAreas(PK6 pk6)
return getEncounterSlots(pk6).Where(l => l.Location == pk6.Met_Location);
private static IEnumerable<EncounterSlot> getValidEncounterSlots(PK6 pk6, EncounterArea loc, bool DexNav)
const int fluteBoost = 4;
const int dexnavBoost = 30;
int df = DexNav ? fluteBoost : 0;
int dn = DexNav ? fluteBoost + dexnavBoost : 0;
List<EncounterSlot> slotdata = new List<EncounterSlot>();
// Get Valid levels
IEnumerable<DexLevel> vs = getValidPreEvolutions(pk6);
// Get slots where pokemon can exist
IEnumerable<EncounterSlot> slots = loc.Slots.Where(slot => vs.Any(evo => evo.Species == slot.Species && evo.Level >= slot.LevelMin - df));
// Filter for Met Level
int lvl = pk6.Met_Level;
var encounterSlots = slots.Where(slot => slot.LevelMin - df <= lvl && lvl <= slot.LevelMax + (slot.AllowDexNav ? dn : df)).ToList();
// Pressure Slot
EncounterSlot slotMax = encounterSlots.OrderByDescending(slot => slot.LevelMax).FirstOrDefault();
if (slotMax != null)
slotMax = new EncounterSlot(slotMax) { Pressure = true, Form = pk6.AltForm };
if (!DexNav)
// Filter for Form Specific
? encounterSlots.Where(slot => slot.Form == pk6.AltForm)
: encounterSlots);
if (slotMax != null)
return slotdata;
List<EncounterSlot> eslots = encounterSlots.Where(slot => !WildForms.Contains(pk6.Species) || slot.Form == pk6.AltForm).ToList();
if (slotMax != null)
foreach (EncounterSlot s in eslots)
bool nav = s.AllowDexNav && (pk6.RelearnMove1 != 0 || pk6.AbilityNumber == 4);
EncounterSlot slot = new EncounterSlot(s) { DexNav = nav };
if (slot.LevelMin > lvl)
slot.WhiteFlute = true;
if (slot.LevelMax + 1 <= lvl && lvl <= slot.LevelMax + fluteBoost)
slot.BlackFlute = true;
if (slot.LevelMax != lvl && slot.AllowDexNav)
slot.DexNav = true;
return slotdata;
private static IEnumerable<EncounterArea> getSlots(PK6 pk6, IEnumerable<EncounterArea> tables)
IEnumerable<DexLevel> vs = getValidPreEvolutions(pk6);
List<EncounterArea> slotLocations = new List<EncounterArea>();
foreach (var loc in tables)
IEnumerable<EncounterSlot> slots = loc.Slots.Where(slot => vs.Any(evo => evo.Species == slot.Species));
EncounterSlot[] es = slots.ToArray();
if (es.Length > 0)
slotLocations.Add(new EncounterArea { Location = loc.Location, Slots = es });
return slotLocations;
private static IEnumerable<DexLevel> getValidPreEvolutions(PK6 pk6, int lvl = -1)
if (lvl < 0)
lvl = pk6.CurrentLevel;
if (pk6.Species == 292 && pk6.Met_Level + 1 <= lvl && lvl >= 20)
return new List<DexLevel>
new DexLevel { Species = 292, Level = lvl },
new DexLevel { Species = 290, Level = lvl-1 }
var evos = Evolves[pk6.Species].Evos;
List<DexLevel> dl = new List<DexLevel> { new DexLevel { Species = pk6.Species, Level = lvl } };
foreach (DexLevel evo in evos)
if (lvl >= pk6.Met_Level && lvl >= evo.Level)
dl.Add(new DexLevel {Species = evo.Species, Level = lvl});
else break;
if (evo.Level > 1) // Level Up (from previous level)
return dl;
private static IEnumerable<EncounterStatic> getStatic(PK6 pk6, IEnumerable<EncounterStatic> table)
IEnumerable<DexLevel> dl = getValidPreEvolutions(pk6);
return table.Where(e => dl.Any(d => d.Species == e.Species));
private static IEnumerable<int> getValidMoves(PK6 pk6, int Version, bool LVL = false, bool Relearn = false, bool Tutor = false, bool Machine = false)
List<int> r = new List<int> { 0 };
int species = pk6.Species;
int lvl = pk6.CurrentLevel;
bool ORASTutors = Version == -1 || pk6.AO || !pk6.IsUntraded;
if (FormChangeMoves.Contains(species)) // Deoxys & Shaymin & Giratina (others don't have extra but whatever)
int formcount = PersonalTable.AO[species].FormeCount;
for (int i = 0; i < formcount; i++)
r.AddRange(getMoves(species, lvl, i, ORASTutors, Version, LVL, Tutor, Machine));
if (Relearn) r.AddRange(pk6.RelearnMoves);
return r.Distinct().ToArray();
r.AddRange(getMoves(species, lvl, pk6.AltForm, ORASTutors, Version, LVL, Tutor, Machine));
IEnumerable<DexLevel> vs = getValidPreEvolutions(pk6);
foreach (DexLevel evo in vs)
r.AddRange(getMoves(evo.Species, evo.Level, pk6.AltForm, ORASTutors, Version, LVL, Tutor, Machine));
if (species == 479) // Rotom
if (species == 25) // Pikachu
if (Relearn) r.AddRange(pk6.RelearnMoves);
return r.Distinct().ToArray();
private static IEnumerable<int> getMoves(int species, int lvl, int form, bool ORASTutors, int Version, bool LVL, bool Tutor, bool Machine)
List<int> r = new List<int> { 0 };
if (Version < 0 || Version == 0)
int index = PersonalTable.XY.getFormeIndex(species, form);
PersonalInfo pi = PersonalTable.XY.getFormeEntry(species, form);
if (LVL) r.AddRange(LevelUpXY[index].getMoves(lvl));
if (Tutor) r.AddRange(getTutorMoves(species, form, ORASTutors));
if (Machine) r.AddRange(TMHM_XY.Where((t, m) => pi.TMHM[m]));
if (Version < 0 || Version == 1)
int index = PersonalTable.AO.getFormeIndex(species, form);
PersonalInfo pi = PersonalTable.AO.getFormeEntry(species, form);
if (LVL) r.AddRange(LevelUpAO[index].getMoves(lvl));
if (Tutor) r.AddRange(getTutorMoves(species, form, ORASTutors));
if (Machine) r.AddRange(TMHM_AO.Where((t, m) => pi.TMHM[m]));
return r;
private static IEnumerable<int> getEggMoves(int species, int formnum)
int ind_XY = PersonalTable.XY.getFormeIndex(species, formnum);
int ind_AO = PersonalTable.AO.getFormeIndex(species, formnum);
return EggMoveAO[ind_AO].Moves.Concat(EggMoveXY[ind_XY].Moves);
private static IEnumerable<int> getTutorMoves(int species, int formnum, bool ORASTutors)
PersonalInfo pkAO = PersonalTable.AO.getFormeEntry(species, formnum);
// Type Tutor
List<int> moves = TypeTutor.Where((t, i) => pkAO.TypeTutors[i]).ToList();
// Varied Tutors
if (ORASTutors)
for (int i = 0; i < Tutors_AO.Length; i++)
for (int b = 0; b < Tutors_AO[i].Length; b++)
if (pkAO.SpecialTutors[i][b])
// Keldeo - Secret Sword
if (species == 647)
return moves;