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synced 2025-02-16 21:38:40 +00:00
Updates from net46->net7, dropping support for mono in favor of using the latest runtime (along with the performance/API improvements). Releases will be posted as 64bit only for now. Refactors a good amount of internal API methods to be more performant and more customizable for future updates & fixes. Adds functionality for Batch Editor commands to `>`, `<` and <=/>= TID/SID properties renamed to TID16/SID16 for clarity; other properties exposed for Gen7 / display variants. Main window has a new layout to account for DPI scaling (8 point grid) Fixed: Tatsugiri and Paldean Tauros now output Showdown form names as Showdown expects Changed: Gen9 species now interact based on the confirmed National Dex IDs (closes #3724) Fixed: Pokedex set all no longer clears species with unavailable non-base forms (closes #3720) Changed: Hyper Training suggestions now apply for level 50 in SV. (closes #3714) Fixed: B2/W2 hatched egg met locations exclusive to specific versions are now explicitly checked (closes #3691) Added: Properties for ribbon/mark count (closes #3659) Fixed: Traded SV eggs are now checked correctly (closes #3692)
307 lines
14 KiB
307 lines
14 KiB
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using PKHeX.Core;
using PKHeX.Drawing.PokeSprite.Properties;
namespace PKHeX.Drawing.PokeSprite;
/// <summary>
/// Singleton that builds sprite images.
/// </summary>
public static class SpriteUtil
/// <summary>Square sprite builder instance</summary>
public static readonly SpriteBuilder5668s SB8s = new();
/// <summary>Circle sprite builder instance (used in Legends: Arceus)</summary>
public static readonly SpriteBuilder5668c SB8c = new();
/// <summary>Circle sprite builder instance (used in Brilliant Diamond, Shining Pearl, Scarlet, and Violet)</summary>
public static readonly SpriteBuilder5668a SB8a = new();
/// <summary>Current sprite builder reference used to build sprites.</summary>
public static SpriteBuilder Spriter { get; private set; } = SB8s;
/// <summary>
/// Changes the builder mode to the requested mode.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">Requested sprite builder mode</param>
/// <remarks>If an out of bounds value is provided, will not change.</remarks>
public static void ChangeMode(SpriteBuilderMode mode) => Spriter = mode switch
SpriteBuilderMode.SpritesArtwork5668 => SB8a,
SpriteBuilderMode.CircleMugshot5668 => SB8c,
SpriteBuilderMode.SpritesClassic5668 => SB8s,
_ => Spriter,
private const int MaxSlotCount = 30; // slots in a box
private static int SpriteWidth => Spriter.Width;
private static int SpriteHeight => Spriter.Height;
private static int PartyMarkShiftX => SpriteWidth - 16;
private static int SlotLockShiftX => SpriteWidth - 14;
private static int SlotTeamShiftX => SpriteWidth - 19;
private static int FlagIllegalShiftY => SpriteHeight - 16;
/// <summary>
/// Sets up the sprite builder to behave with the input <see cref="sav"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sav">Save File to be generating sprites for.</param>
public static void Initialize(SaveFile sav)
public static Image GetBallSprite(int ball)
string resource = SpriteName.GetResourceStringBall(ball);
return (Bitmap?)Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(resource) ?? Resources._ball4; // Poké Ball (default)
public static Image? GetItemSprite(int item) => Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject($"item_{item}") as Image;
public static Image GetSprite(ushort species, byte form, int gender, uint formarg, int item, bool isegg, Shiny shiny, EntityContext context = EntityContext.None, SpriteBuilderTweak tweak = SpriteBuilderTweak.None)
return Spriter.GetSprite(species, form, gender, formarg, item, isegg, shiny, context, tweak);
private static Image GetSprite(PKM pk, SpriteBuilderTweak tweak = SpriteBuilderTweak.None)
var formarg = pk is IFormArgument f ? f.FormArgument : 0;
var shiny = !pk.IsShiny ? Shiny.Never : (ShinyExtensions.IsSquareShinyExist(pk) ? Shiny.AlwaysSquare : Shiny.AlwaysStar);
var img = GetSprite(pk.Species, pk.Form, pk.Gender, formarg, pk.SpriteItem, pk.IsEgg, shiny, pk.Context, tweak);
if (pk is IShadowCapture {IsShadow: true})
const int Lugia = (int)Species.Lugia;
if (pk.Species == Lugia) // show XD shadow sprite
img = Spriter.GetSprite(Spriter.ShadowLugia, Lugia, pk.SpriteItem, pk.IsEgg, shiny, pk.Context, tweak);
GetSpriteGlow(pk, 75, 0, 130, out var pixels, out var baseSprite, true);
var glowImg = ImageUtil.GetBitmap(pixels, baseSprite.Width, baseSprite.Height, baseSprite.PixelFormat);
return ImageUtil.LayerImage(glowImg, img, 0, 0);
if (pk is IGigantamaxReadOnly { CanGigantamax: true})
var gm = Resources.dyna;
return ImageUtil.LayerImage(img, gm, (img.Width - gm.Width) / 2, 0);
if (pk is IAlpha {IsAlpha: true})
var alpha = Resources.alpha;
return ImageUtil.LayerImage(img, alpha, SlotTeamShiftX, 0);
return img;
private static Image GetSprite(PKM pk, SaveFile sav, int box, int slot, bool flagIllegal = false)
bool inBox = (uint)slot < MaxSlotCount;
bool empty = pk.Species == 0;
var tweak = inBox && sav.IsWallpaperRed(box)
? SpriteBuilderTweak.BoxBackgroundRed
: SpriteBuilderTweak.None;
var sprite = empty ? Spriter.None : pk.Sprite(tweak: tweak);
if (!empty)
if (SpriteBuilder.ShowTeraType != SpriteBackgroundType.None && pk is ITeraType t)
var type = t.TeraType;
sprite = ApplyTeraColor((byte)type, sprite, SpriteBuilder.ShowTeraType);
if (flagIllegal)
var la = new LegalityAnalysis(pk, sav.Personal, box != -1 ? SlotOrigin.Box : SlotOrigin.Party);
if (!la.Valid)
sprite = ImageUtil.LayerImage(sprite, Resources.warn, 0, FlagIllegalShiftY);
else if (pk.Format >= 8 && MoveInfo.IsDummiedMoveAny(pk))
sprite = ImageUtil.LayerImage(sprite, Resources.hint, 0, FlagIllegalShiftY);
if (SpriteBuilder.ShowEncounterColorPKM != SpriteBackgroundType.None)
sprite = ApplyEncounterColor(la.EncounterOriginal, sprite, SpriteBuilder.ShowEncounterColorPKM);
if (SpriteBuilder.ShowExperiencePercent)
sprite = ApplyExperience(pk, sprite, la.EncounterMatch);
if (inBox) // in box
var flags = sav.GetSlotFlags(box, slot);
// Indicate any battle box teams & according locked state.
int team = flags.IsBattleTeam();
if (team >= 0)
sprite = ImageUtil.LayerImage(sprite, Resources.team, SlotTeamShiftX, 0);
if (flags.HasFlag(StorageSlotSource.Locked))
sprite = ImageUtil.LayerImage(sprite, Resources.locked, SlotLockShiftX, 0);
// Some games store Party directly in the list of pokemon data (LGP/E). Indicate accordingly.
int party = flags.IsParty();
if (party >= 0)
sprite = ImageUtil.LayerImage(sprite, PartyMarks[party], PartyMarkShiftX, 0);
if (flags.HasFlag(StorageSlotSource.Starter))
sprite = ImageUtil.LayerImage(sprite, Resources.starter, 0, 0);
if (SpriteBuilder.ShowExperiencePercent && !flagIllegal)
sprite = ApplyExperience(pk, sprite);
return sprite;
private static Image ApplyTeraColor(byte elementalType, Image img, SpriteBackgroundType type)
var color = TypeColor.GetTypeSpriteColor(elementalType);
var thk = SpriteBuilder.ShowTeraThicknessStripe;
var op = SpriteBuilder.ShowTeraOpacityStripe;
var bg = SpriteBuilder.ShowTeraOpacityBackground;
return ApplyColor(img, type, color, thk, op, bg);
public static Image ApplyEncounterColor(IEncounterTemplate enc, Image img, SpriteBackgroundType type)
var index = (enc.GetType().Name.GetHashCode() * 0x43FD43FD);
var color = Color.FromArgb(index);
var thk = SpriteBuilder.ShowEncounterThicknessStripe;
var op = SpriteBuilder.ShowEncounterOpacityStripe;
var bg = SpriteBuilder.ShowEncounterOpacityBackground;
return ApplyColor(img, type, color, thk, op, bg);
private static Image ApplyColor(Image img, SpriteBackgroundType type, Color color, int thick, byte opacStripe, byte opacBack)
if (type == SpriteBackgroundType.BottomStripe)
int stripeHeight = thick; // from bottom
if ((uint)stripeHeight > img.Height) // clamp negative & too-high values back to height.
stripeHeight = img.Height;
return ImageUtil.BlendTransparentTo(img, color, opacStripe, img.Width * 4 * (img.Height - stripeHeight));
if (type == SpriteBackgroundType.TopStripe)
int stripeHeight = thick; // from top
if ((uint)stripeHeight > img.Height) // clamp negative & too-high values back to height.
stripeHeight = img.Height;
return ImageUtil.BlendTransparentTo(img, color, opacStripe, 0, (img.Width * 4 * stripeHeight) - 4);
if (type == SpriteBackgroundType.FullBackground) // full background
return ImageUtil.ChangeTransparentTo(img, color, opacBack);
return img;
private static Image ApplyExperience(PKM pk, Image img, IEncounterTemplate? enc = null)
const int bpp = 4;
int start = bpp * SpriteWidth * (SpriteHeight - 1);
var level = pk.CurrentLevel;
if (level == 100)
return ImageUtil.WritePixels(img, Color.Lime, start, start + (SpriteWidth * bpp));
var pct = Experience.GetEXPToLevelUpPercentage(level, pk.EXP, pk.PersonalInfo.EXPGrowth);
if (pct is not 0)
return ImageUtil.WritePixels(img, Color.DodgerBlue, start, start + (int)(SpriteWidth * pct * bpp));
var encLevel = enc is { EggEncounter: true } x ? x.LevelMin : pk.Met_Level;
var color = level != encLevel && pk.HasOriginalMetLocation ? Color.DarkOrange : Color.Yellow;
return ImageUtil.WritePixels(img, color, start, start + (SpriteWidth * bpp));
private static readonly Bitmap[] PartyMarks =
Resources.party1, Resources.party2, Resources.party3, Resources.party4, Resources.party5, Resources.party6,
public static void GetSpriteGlow(PKM pk, byte blue, byte green, byte red, out byte[] pixels, out Image baseSprite, bool forceHollow = false)
bool egg = pk.IsEgg;
var formarg = pk is IFormArgument f ? f.FormArgument : 0;
baseSprite = GetSprite(pk.Species, pk.Form, pk.Gender, formarg, 0, egg, Shiny.Never, pk.Context);
GetSpriteGlow(baseSprite, blue, green, red, out pixels, forceHollow || egg);
public static void GetSpriteGlow(Image baseSprite, byte blue, byte green, byte red, out byte[] pixels, bool forceHollow = false)
pixels = ImageUtil.GetPixelData((Bitmap)baseSprite);
if (!forceHollow)
ImageUtil.GlowEdges(pixels, blue, green, red, baseSprite.Width);
// If the image has any transparency, any derived background will bleed into it.
// Need to undo any transparency values if any present.
// Remove opaque pixels from original image, leaving only the glow effect pixels.
var original = (byte[])pixels.Clone();
ImageUtil.GlowEdges(pixels, blue, green, red, baseSprite.Width);
ImageUtil.RemovePixels(pixels, original);
public static Image GetLegalIndicator(bool valid) => valid ? Resources.valid : Resources.warn;
// Extension Methods
public static Image Sprite(this PKM pk, SpriteBuilderTweak tweak = SpriteBuilderTweak.None) => GetSprite(pk, tweak);
public static Image Sprite(this IEncounterTemplate enc)
if (enc is MysteryGift g)
return GetMysteryGiftPreviewPoke(g);
var gender = GetDisplayGender(enc);
var img = GetSprite(enc.Species, enc.Form, gender, 0, 0, enc.EggEncounter, enc.IsShiny ? Shiny.Always : Shiny.Never, enc.Context);
if (SpriteBuilder.ShowEncounterBall && enc is IFixedBall {FixedBall: not Ball.None} b)
var ballSprite = GetBallSprite((int)b.FixedBall);
img = ImageUtil.LayerImage(img, ballSprite, 0, img.Height - ballSprite.Height);
if (enc is IGigantamaxReadOnly {CanGigantamax: true})
var gm = Resources.dyna;
img = ImageUtil.LayerImage(img, gm, (img.Width - gm.Width) / 2, 0);
if (enc is IAlphaReadOnly { IsAlpha: true })
var alpha = Resources.alpha;
img = ImageUtil.LayerImage(img, alpha, SlotTeamShiftX, 0);
if (SpriteBuilder.ShowEncounterColor != SpriteBackgroundType.None)
img = ApplyEncounterColor(enc, img, SpriteBuilder.ShowEncounterColor);
return img;
public static int GetDisplayGender(IEncounterTemplate enc) => enc switch
EncounterSlotGO g => (int)g.Gender & 1,
EncounterStatic s => Math.Max(0, (int)s.Gender),
EncounterTrade t => Math.Max(0, (int)t.Gender),
_ => 0,
public static Image Sprite(this PKM pk, SaveFile sav, int box, int slot, bool flagIllegal = false)
=> GetSprite(pk, sav, box, slot, flagIllegal);
public static Image GetMysteryGiftPreviewPoke(MysteryGift gift)
if (gift is { IsEgg: true, Species: (int)Species.Manaphy }) // Manaphy Egg
return GetSprite((int)Species.Manaphy, 0, 2, 0, 0, true, Shiny.Never, gift.Context);
var gender = Math.Max(0, gift.Gender);
var img = GetSprite(gift.Species, gift.Form, gender, 0, gift.HeldItem, gift.IsEgg, gift.IsShiny ? Shiny.Always : Shiny.Never, gift.Context);
if (SpriteBuilder.ShowEncounterBall && gift is IFixedBall { FixedBall: not Ball.None } b)
var ballSprite = GetBallSprite((int)b.FixedBall);
img = ImageUtil.LayerImage(img, ballSprite, 0, img.Height - ballSprite.Height);
if (gift is IGigantamaxReadOnly { CanGigantamax: true })
var gm = Resources.dyna;
img = ImageUtil.LayerImage(img, gm, (img.Width - gm.Width) / 2, 0);
return img;