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synced 2025-02-17 05:48:44 +00:00
Like move validation, evolutions are the earliest thing we wish to traverse when determining what encounters may have originated the current Pokémon. To determine the permitted species-form-levels a Pokémon could originate with, we must devolve a Pokémon by traveling down-generation to origin. Once we have an encounter, we can then evolve it to the current species, traversing upwards from origin to the current format.
223 lines
9.7 KiB
223 lines
9.7 KiB
using System;
using static PKHeX.Core.LegalityCheckStrings;
using static PKHeX.Core.Species;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// <summary>
/// Verifies the <see cref="PKM.Form"/> value.
/// </summary>
public sealed class FormVerifier : Verifier
protected override CheckIdentifier Identifier => CheckIdentifier.Form;
private static readonly FormArgumentVerifier FormArg = new();
public override void Verify(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pk = data.Entity;
if (pk.Format < 4)
return; // no forms exist
var result = VerifyForm(data);
private CheckResult VALID => GetValid(LFormValid);
private CheckResult VerifyForm(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pk = data.Entity;
var PersonalInfo = data.PersonalInfo;
int count = PersonalInfo.FormCount;
var form = pk.Form;
if (count <= 1 && form == 0)
return VALID; // no forms to check
var species = pk.Species;
var enc = data.EncounterMatch;
var Info = data.Info;
if (!PersonalInfo.IsFormWithinRange(form) && !FormInfo.IsValidOutOfBoundsForm(species, form, Info.Generation))
return GetInvalid(string.Format(LFormInvalidRange, count - 1, form));
switch ((Species)species)
case Pikachu when Info.Generation == 6: // Cosplay
bool isStatic = enc is EncounterStatic6;
bool validCosplay = form == (isStatic ? enc.Form : 0);
if (!validCosplay)
return GetInvalid(isStatic ? LFormPikachuCosplayInvalid : LFormPikachuCosplay);
case Pikachu when form is not 0 && ParseSettings.ActiveTrainer is SAV7b {Version:GameVersion.GE}:
case Eevee when form is not 0 && ParseSettings.ActiveTrainer is SAV7b {Version:GameVersion.GP}:
return GetInvalid(LFormBattle);
case Pikachu when Info.Generation >= 7: // Cap
bool validCap = form == (enc is EncounterInvalid or EncounterEgg ? 0 : enc.Form);
if (!validCap)
bool gift = enc is MysteryGift g && g.Form != form;
var msg = gift ? LFormPikachuEventInvalid : LFormInvalidGame;
return GetInvalid(msg);
case Unown when Info.Generation == 2 && form >= 26:
return GetInvalid(string.Format(LFormInvalidRange, "Z", form == 26 ? "!" : "?"));
case Unown when Info.Generation == 3 && form != EntityPID.GetUnownForm3(pk.EncryptionConstant):
return GetInvalid(string.Format(LFormInvalidExpect_0, EntityPID.GetUnownForm3(pk.EncryptionConstant)));
case Dialga or Palkia or Giratina or Arceus when form > 0 && pk is PA8: // can change forms with key items
case Dialga when pk.Format >= 9 && ((form == 1) != (pk.HeldItem == 1777)): // Origin Forme Dialga with Adamant Crystal
case Palkia when pk.Format >= 9 && ((form == 1) != (pk.HeldItem == 1778)): // Origin Forme Palkia with Lustrous Globe
case Giratina when pk.Format >= 9 && ((form == 1) != (pk.HeldItem == 1779)): // Origin Forme Giratina with Griseous Core
case Giratina when pk.Format <= 8 && ((form == 1) != (pk.HeldItem == 0112)): // Origin Forme Giratina with Griseous Orb
return GetInvalid(LFormItemInvalid);
case Arceus:
var arceus = GetArceusFormFromHeldItem(pk.HeldItem, pk.Format);
return arceus != form ? GetInvalid(LFormItemInvalid) : GetValid(LFormItem);
case Keldeo when enc.Generation != 5 || pk.Format >= 8:
// can mismatch in gen5 via BW tutor and transfer up
// can mismatch in gen8+ as the form activates in battle when knowing the move; outside of battle can be either state.
// Generation 8 patched out the mismatch; always forced to match moves.
bool hasSword = pk.HasMove((int) Move.SecretSword);
bool isSword = pk.Form == 1;
if (isSword != hasSword)
return GetInvalid(LMoveKeldeoMismatch);
case Genesect:
var genesect = GetGenesectFormFromHeldItem(pk.HeldItem);
return genesect != form ? GetInvalid(LFormItemInvalid) : GetValid(LFormItem);
case Greninja:
if (form > 1) // Ash Battle Bond active
return GetInvalid(LFormBattle);
if (form != 0 && enc is not MysteryGift) // Forms are not breedable, MysteryGift already checked
return GetInvalid(string.Format(LFormInvalidRange, 0, form));
case Scatterbug or Spewpa or Vivillon when GameVersion.SV.Contains(enc.Version):
if (form > 18 && enc.Form != form) // Pokéball
return GetInvalid(LFormVivillonEventPre);
if (form != 18 && enc is EncounterEgg) // Fancy
return GetInvalid(LFormVivillonNonNative);
case Scatterbug or Spewpa:
if (form > Vivillon3DS.MaxWildFormID) // Fancy & Pokéball
return GetInvalid(LFormVivillonEventPre);
if (pk is not IRegionOrigin tr)
if (!Vivillon3DS.IsPatternValid(form, tr.ConsoleRegion))
return GetInvalid(LFormVivillonInvalid);
if (!Vivillon3DS.IsPatternNative(form, tr.Country, tr.Region))
data.AddLine(Get(LFormVivillonNonNative, Severity.Fishy));
case Vivillon:
if (form > Vivillon3DS.MaxWildFormID) // Fancy & Pokéball
if (enc is not MysteryGift)
return GetInvalid(LFormVivillonInvalid);
return GetValid(LFormVivillon);
if (pk is not IRegionOrigin trv)
if (!Vivillon3DS.IsPatternValid(form, trv.ConsoleRegion))
return GetInvalid(LFormVivillonInvalid);
if (!Vivillon3DS.IsPatternNative(form, trv.Country, trv.Region))
data.AddLine(Get(LFormVivillonNonNative, Severity.Fishy));
case Floette when form == 5: // Floette Eternal Flower -- Never Released
if (enc is not MysteryGift)
return GetInvalid(LFormEternalInvalid);
return GetValid(LFormEternal);
case Meowstic when form != pk.Gender:
return GetInvalid(LGenderInvalidNone);
case Silvally:
var silvally = GetSilvallyFormFromHeldItem(pk.HeldItem);
return silvally != form ? GetInvalid(LFormItemInvalid) : GetValid(LFormItem);
// Form doesn't exist in SM; cannot originate from that game.
case Rockruff when enc.Generation == 7 && form == 1 && pk.SM:
case Lycanroc when enc.Generation == 7 && form == 2 && pk.SM:
return GetInvalid(LFormInvalidGame);
// Toxel encounters have already been checked for the nature-specific evolution criteria.
case Toxtricity when enc.Species == (int)Toxtricity:
// The game enforces the Nature for Toxtricity encounters too!
if (pk.Form != EvolutionMethod.GetAmpLowKeyResult(pk.Nature))
return GetInvalid(LFormInvalidNature);
// Impossible Egg forms
case Rotom when pk.IsEgg && form != 0:
case Furfrou when pk.IsEgg && form != 0:
return GetInvalid(LEggSpecies);
// Party Only Forms
case Shaymin:
case Furfrou:
case Hoopa:
if (form != 0 && data.SlotOrigin is not SlotOrigin.Party && pk.Format <= 6) // has form but stored in box
return GetInvalid(LFormParty);
var format = pk.Format;
if (FormInfo.IsBattleOnlyForm(species, form, format))
return GetInvalid(LFormBattle);
return VALID;
private static ReadOnlySpan<ushort> Arceus_PlateIDs => new ushort[] { 303, 306, 304, 305, 309, 308, 310, 313, 298, 299, 301, 300, 307, 302, 311, 312, 644 };
private static ReadOnlySpan<ushort> Arceus_ZCrystal => new ushort[] { 782, 785, 783, 784, 788, 787, 789, 792, 777, 778, 780, 779, 786, 781, 790, 791, 793 };
public static byte GetArceusFormFromHeldItem(int item, int format) => item switch
(>= 777 and <= 793) => GetArceusFormFromZCrystal(item),
(>= 298 and <= 313) or 644 => GetArceusFormFromPlate(item, format),
_ => 0,
private static byte GetArceusFormFromZCrystal(int item)
return (byte)(Arceus_ZCrystal.IndexOf((ushort)item) + 1);
private static byte GetArceusFormFromPlate(int item, int format)
byte form = (byte)(Arceus_PlateIDs.IndexOf((ushort)item) + 1);
if (format != 4) // No need to consider Curse type
return form;
if (form < 9)
return form;
return ++form; // ??? type Form shifts everything by 1
public static byte GetSilvallyFormFromHeldItem(int item)
if (item is >= 904 and <= 920)
return (byte)(item - 903);
return 0;
public static byte GetGenesectFormFromHeldItem(int item)
if (item is >= 116 and <= 119)
return (byte)(item - 115);
return 0;