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synced 2025-02-25 11:57:10 +00:00
form is already checked in the encounter generator, so the only case where it has not been thoroughly checked is if it is not a mystery gift. it will always be the default form (in that case).
2454 lines
107 KiB
2454 lines
107 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using static PKHeX.Core.LegalityCheckStrings;
namespace PKHeX.Core
public partial class LegalityAnalysis
private void VerifyGender()
if (pkm.PersonalInfo.Gender == 255 && pkm.Gender != 2)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V203, CheckIdentifier.Gender);
// Check for PID relationship to Gender & Nature if applicable
int gen = pkm.GenNumber;
bool PIDGender = 3 <= gen && gen <= 5;
if (!PIDGender)
bool genderValid = pkm.IsGenderValid();
if (!genderValid && pkm.Format > 5 && (pkm.Species == 183 || pkm.Species == 184))
var gv = pkm.PID & 0xFF;
if (gv > 63 && pkm.Gender == 1) // evolved from azurill after transferring to keep gender
genderValid = true;
if (genderValid)
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V250, CheckIdentifier.Gender);
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V251, CheckIdentifier.Gender);
bool PIDNature = gen != 5;
if (!PIDNature)
if (pkm.EncryptionConstant % 25 == pkm.Nature)
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V252, CheckIdentifier.Nature);
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V253, CheckIdentifier.Nature);
private void VerifyItem()
if (!Legal.IsHeldItemAllowed(pkm.HeldItem, pkm.Format))
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V204, CheckIdentifier.Form);
if (pkm.Format == 3 && pkm.HeldItem == 175)
if (pkm.IsEgg && pkm.HeldItem != 0)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V419, CheckIdentifier.Egg);
private void VerifyEReaderBerry()
if (Legal.EReaderBerryIsEnigma) // no E-Reader berry data provided, can't hold berry.
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V204, CheckIdentifier.Form);
var matchUSA = Legal.EReaderBerriesNames_USA.Contains(Legal.EReaderBerryName);
var matchJP = Legal.EReaderBerriesNames_JP.Contains(Legal.EReaderBerryName);
if (!matchJP && !matchUSA) // Does not match any released E-Reader berry
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V369, CheckIdentifier.Form);
else if (matchJP && !Legal.SavegameJapanese) // E-Reader is region locked
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V370, CheckIdentifier.Form);
else if (matchUSA && Legal.SavegameJapanese) // E-Reader is region locked
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V371, CheckIdentifier.Form);
private void VerifyECPID()
if (pkm.Format >= 6)
if (EncounterMatch.Species == 265)
if (pkm.PID == 0)
AddLine(Severity.Fishy, V207, CheckIdentifier.PID);
if (pkm.GenNumber >= 6 && pkm.PID == pkm.EncryptionConstant)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V208, CheckIdentifier.PID); // better to flag than 1:2^32 odds since RNG is not feasible to yield match
switch (EncounterMatch)
case EncounterStatic s:
if (s.Shiny != null && (bool)s.Shiny ^ pkm.IsShiny)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V209, CheckIdentifier.Shiny);
// gen5 correlation
if (pkm.GenNumber != 5)
if (s.Location == 75) // Entree Forest
if (s.Gift || s.Roaming || s.Ability != 4)
if (s.NSparkle)
case EncounterSlot w:
if (pkm.IsShiny && w.Type == SlotType.HiddenGrotto)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V221, CheckIdentifier.Shiny);
if (pkm.GenNumber == 5 && w.Type != SlotType.HiddenGrotto)
case PCD d: // fixed PID
if (d.Gift.PK.PID != 1 && pkm.EncryptionConstant != d.Gift.PK.PID)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V410, CheckIdentifier.Shiny);
private void VerifyG5PID_IDCorrelation()
var pid = pkm.EncryptionConstant;
var result = (pid & 1) ^ (pid >> 31) ^ (pkm.TID & 1) ^ (pkm.SID & 1);
if (result != 0)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V411, CheckIdentifier.PID);
private void VerifyECPIDWurmple()
uint evoVal = PKX.GetWurmpleEvoVal(pkm.EncryptionConstant);
if (pkm.Species == 265)
AddLine(Severity.Valid, string.Format(V212, evoVal == 0 ? SpeciesStrings[267] : SpeciesStrings[269]), CheckIdentifier.EC);
else if (evoVal != Array.IndexOf(Legal.WurmpleEvolutions, pkm.Species) / 2)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V210, CheckIdentifier.EC);
private void VerifyEC()
if (pkm.EncryptionConstant == 0)
AddLine(Severity.Fishy, V201, CheckIdentifier.EC);
if (3 <= pkm.GenNumber && pkm.GenNumber <= 5)
int xor = pkm.TSV ^ pkm.PSV;
if (xor < 16 && xor >= 8 && (pkm.PID ^ 0x80000000) == pkm.EncryptionConstant)
AddLine(Severity.Fishy, V211, CheckIdentifier.EC);
private void VerifyTransferEC()
// When transferred to Generation 6, the Encryption Constant is copied from the PID.
// The PID is then checked to see if it becomes shiny with the new Shiny rules (>>4 instead of >>3)
// If the PID is nonshiny->shiny, the top bit is flipped.
// Check to see if the PID and EC are properly configured.
bool xorPID = ((pkm.TID ^ pkm.SID ^ (int)(pkm.PID & 0xFFFF) ^ (int)(pkm.PID >> 16)) & ~0x7) == 8;
bool valid = xorPID
? pkm.EncryptionConstant == (pkm.PID ^ 0x8000000)
: pkm.EncryptionConstant == pkm.PID;
if (!valid)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, xorPID ? V215 : V216, CheckIdentifier.EC);
#region verifyNickname
private void VerifyNickname()
// If the Pokémon is not nicknamed, it should match one of the language strings.
if (pkm.Nickname.Length == 0)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V2, CheckIdentifier.Nickname);
if (pkm.Species > PKX.SpeciesLang[0].Length)
AddLine(Severity.Indeterminate, V3, CheckIdentifier.Nickname);
if (pkm.VC)
string pk = pkm.Nickname;
var langset = PKX.SpeciesLang.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Contains(pk)) ?? PKX.SpeciesLang[2];
int lang = Array.IndexOf(PKX.SpeciesLang, langset);
if (pk.Length > (lang != 1 ? 10 : 5))
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V1, CheckIdentifier.Nickname);
else if (EncounterMatch is MysteryGift m)
if (pkm.IsNicknamed && !m.IsEgg)
AddLine(Severity.Fishy, V0, CheckIdentifier.Nickname);
if (!Encounter.Valid)
if (pkm.Format <= 6 && pkm.Language > 8)
AddLine(Severity.Indeterminate, V4, CheckIdentifier.Language);
if (pkm.Format <= 7 && pkm.Language > 10)
AddLine(Severity.Indeterminate, V5, CheckIdentifier.Language);
if (Type == typeof(EncounterTrade))
if (pkm.IsEgg)
string nickname = pkm.Nickname.Replace("'", "’");
if (pkm.IsNicknamed)
for (int i = 0; i < PKX.SpeciesLang.Length; i++)
string[] lang = PKX.SpeciesLang[i];
int index = Array.IndexOf(lang, nickname);
if (index < 0)
AddLine(Severity.Fishy, index == pkm.Species && i != pkm.Language
? V15
: V16, CheckIdentifier.Nickname);
if (nickname.Any(c => 0x4E00 <= c && c <= 0x9FFF)) // East Asian Scripts
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V222, CheckIdentifier.Nickname);
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V17, CheckIdentifier.Nickname);
else if (pkm.Format < 3)
// pk1/pk2 IsNicknamed getter checks for match, logic should only reach here if matches.
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V18, CheckIdentifier.Nickname);
// Can't have another language name if it hasn't evolved or wasn't a language-traded egg.
bool evolved = Legal.IsNotBaseSpecies(pkm);
bool match = PKX.GetSpeciesNameGeneration(pkm.Species, pkm.Language, pkm.Format) == nickname;
if (pkm.WasTradedEgg || evolved)
match |= !PKX.IsNicknamedAnyLanguage(pkm.Species, nickname, pkm.Format);
if (!match && pkm.Format == 5 && !pkm.IsNative) // transfer
if (evolved)
match |= !PKX.IsNicknamedAnyLanguage(pkm.Species, nickname, 4);
match |= PKX.GetSpeciesNameGeneration(pkm.Species, pkm.Language, 4) == nickname;
if (!match)
if ((EncounterMatch as MysteryGift)?.CardID == 2046 && (pkm.SID << 16 | pkm.TID) == 0x79F57B49)
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V19, CheckIdentifier.Nickname);
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V20, CheckIdentifier.Nickname);
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V18, CheckIdentifier.Nickname);
private void VerifyNicknameEgg()
switch (pkm.Format)
case 4:
if (pkm.IsNicknamed) // gen4 doesn't use the nickname flag for eggs
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V224, CheckIdentifier.Egg);
case 7:
if (EncounterMatch is EncounterStatic ^ !pkm.IsNicknamed) // gen7 doesn't use for ingame gifts
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, pkm.IsNicknamed ? V224 : V12, CheckIdentifier.Egg);
if (!pkm.IsNicknamed)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V12, CheckIdentifier.Egg);
if (pkm.Format == 2 && pkm.IsEgg && !PKX.IsNicknamedAnyLanguage(0, pkm.Nickname, 2))
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V14, CheckIdentifier.Egg);
else if (PKX.GetSpeciesNameGeneration(0, pkm.Language, pkm.GenNumber) != pkm.Nickname)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V13, CheckIdentifier.Egg);
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V14, CheckIdentifier.Egg);
private void VerifyNicknameTrade()
string[] validOT = new string[0];
int index = -1;
if (pkm.XY)
validOT = Encounters6.TradeXY[pkm.Language];
index = Array.IndexOf(Encounters6.TradeGift_XY, EncounterMatch);
else if (pkm.AO)
validOT = Encounters6.TradeAO[pkm.Language];
index = Array.IndexOf(Encounters6.TradeGift_AO, EncounterMatch);
else if (pkm.SM)
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V194, CheckIdentifier.Nickname);
else if (pkm.Format <= 2 || pkm.VC)
var et = (EncounterOriginalGB ?? EncounterMatch) as EncounterTrade;
if (et?.TID == 0) // Gen1 Trade
if (!EncounterGenerator.IsEncounterTrade1Valid(pkm))
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V10, CheckIdentifier.Trainer);
else // Gen2
return; // already checked all relevant properties when fetching with getValidEncounterTradeVC2
else if (3 <= pkm.GenNumber && pkm.GenNumber <= 5)
// Suppressing temporarily
if (validOT.Length == 0)
AddLine(Severity.Indeterminate, V7, CheckIdentifier.Trainer);
if (index == -1 || validOT.Length < index * 2)
AddLine(Severity.Indeterminate, V8, CheckIdentifier.Trainer);
string nick = validOT[index];
string OT = validOT[validOT.Length / 2 + index];
if (nick != pkm.Nickname)
AddLine(Severity.Fishy, V9, CheckIdentifier.Nickname);
else if (OT != pkm.OT_Name)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V10, CheckIdentifier.Trainer);
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V11, CheckIdentifier.Nickname);
private void VerifyEVs()
var evs = pkm.EVs;
int sum = evs.Sum();
if (sum > 0 && pkm.IsEgg)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V22, CheckIdentifier.EVs);
if (pkm.Format >= 3 && sum > 510)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V25, CheckIdentifier.EVs);
if (pkm.Format >= 6 && evs.Any(ev => ev > 252))
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V26, CheckIdentifier.EVs);
if (pkm.Format == 4 && pkm.Gen4 && EncounterMatch.LevelMin == 100)
// Cannot EV train at level 100 -- Certain events are distributed at level 100.
if (evs.Any(ev => ev > 100)) // EVs can only be increased by vitamins to a max of 100.
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V367, CheckIdentifier.EVs);
else if (pkm.Format < 5)
var maxEV = pkm.Format <= 2 ? 25600 : 100; // Vitamin Max
// Cannot EV train above 100 without increasing EXP
if (PKX.GetEXP(EncounterMatch.LevelMin, pkm.Species) == pkm.EXP && evs.Any(ev => ev > maxEV))
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V418, maxEV), CheckIdentifier.EVs);
if (pkm.Format < 3)
// Only one of the following can be true: 0, 508, and x%6!=0
if (sum == 0 && !EncounterMatch.IsWithinRange(pkm))
AddLine(Severity.Fishy, V23, CheckIdentifier.EVs);
else if (sum == 508)
AddLine(Severity.Fishy, V24, CheckIdentifier.EVs);
else if (evs[0] != 0 && evs.All(ev => evs[0] == ev))
AddLine(Severity.Fishy, V27, CheckIdentifier.EVs);
private void VerifyIVs()
if (EncounterMatch is EncounterStatic s && s.IV3)
int IVCount = 3;
if (s.Version == GameVersion.RBY && pkm.Species == 151)
IVCount = 5; // VC Mew
if (pkm.IVs.Count(iv => iv == 31) < IVCount)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V28, IVCount), CheckIdentifier.IVs);
if (EncounterMatch is EncounterSlot w && w.Type == SlotType.FriendSafari)
if (pkm.IVs.Count(iv => iv == 31) < 2)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V29, CheckIdentifier.IVs);
if (EncounterMatch is MysteryGift g)
int[] IVs;
switch (g.Format)
case 7: IVs = ((WC7)EncounterMatch).IVs; break;
case 6: IVs = ((WC6)EncounterMatch).IVs; break;
case 5: IVs = ((PGF)EncounterMatch).IVs; break;
default: IVs = null; break;
if (IVs != null)
var pkIVs = pkm.IVs;
bool valid = true;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if (IVs[i] <= 31 && IVs[i] != pkIVs[i])
valid = false;
if (!valid)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V30, CheckIdentifier.IVs);
bool IV3 = IVs[0] == 0xFE;
if (IV3 && pkm.IVs.Count(iv => iv == 31) < 3)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V28, 3), CheckIdentifier.IVs);
if (pkm.IVs.Sum() == 0)
AddLine(Severity.Fishy, V31, CheckIdentifier.IVs);
else if (pkm.IVs[0] < 30 && pkm.IVs.All(iv => pkm.IVs[0] == iv))
AddLine(Severity.Fishy, V32, CheckIdentifier.IVs);
private void VerifyDVs()
// todo
#region VerifyOT
private void VerifyOT()
if (Type == typeof(EncounterTrade))
return; // Already matches Encounter information
if (EncounterMatch is MysteryGift g && !g.IsEgg)
return; // Already matches Encounter information
if (EncounterMatch is EncounterStatic s && s.NSparkle)
return; // Already checked by VerifyMisc
if (pkm.TID == 0 && pkm.SID == 0)
AddLine(Severity.Fishy, V33, CheckIdentifier.Trainer);
else if (pkm.VC)
if (pkm.SID != 0)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V34, CheckIdentifier.Trainer);
else if (pkm.TID == pkm.SID)
AddLine(Severity.Fishy, V35, CheckIdentifier.Trainer);
else if (pkm.TID == 0)
AddLine(Severity.Fishy, V36, CheckIdentifier.Trainer);
else if (pkm.SID == 0)
AddLine(Severity.Fishy, V37, CheckIdentifier.Trainer);
else if (pkm.TID == 12345 && pkm.SID == 54321 || pkm.OT_Name.StartsWith("PKHeX"))
AddLine(Severity.Fishy, V417, CheckIdentifier.Trainer);
if (pkm.VC)
private void VerifyG1OT()
string tr = pkm.OT_Name;
string pk = pkm.Nickname;
var langset = PKX.SpeciesLang.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Contains(pk)) ?? PKX.SpeciesLang[2];
int lang = Array.IndexOf(PKX.SpeciesLang, langset);
if (tr.Length > (lang == 2 ? 7 : 5))
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V38, CheckIdentifier.Trainer);
if (pkm.Species == 151)
if (tr != "GF" && tr != "ゲーフリ") // if there are more events with special OTs, may be worth refactoring
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V39, CheckIdentifier.Trainer);
if ((EncounterMatch as EncounterStatic)?.Version == GameVersion.Stadium)
bool jp = (pkm as PK1)?.Japanese ?? (pkm as PK2)?.Japanese ?? pkm.Language != 2;
bool valid = GetIsStadiumOTIDValid(jp, tr);
if (!valid)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V402, CheckIdentifier.Trainer);
AddLine(Severity.Valid, jp ? V404 : V403, CheckIdentifier.Trainer);
if (pkm.OT_Gender == 1 && (pkm.Format == 2 && pkm.Met_Location == 0 || !Info.Game.Contains(GameVersion.C)))
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V408, CheckIdentifier.Trainer);
private bool GetIsStadiumOTIDValid(bool jp, string tr)
if (jp)
return tr == "スタジアム" && pkm.TID == 1999;
return tr == "STADIUM" && pkm.TID == 2000;
private void VerifyHyperTraining()
if (pkm.Format < 7)
return; // No Hyper Training before Gen VII
var IVs = new[] { pkm.IV_HP, pkm.IV_ATK, pkm.IV_DEF, pkm.IV_SPA, pkm.IV_SPD, pkm.IV_SPE };
var HTs = new[] { pkm.HT_HP, pkm.HT_ATK, pkm.HT_DEF, pkm.HT_SPA, pkm.HT_SPD, pkm.HT_SPE };
if (HTs.Any(ht => ht) && pkm.CurrentLevel != 100)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V40, CheckIdentifier.IVs);
if (IVs.All(iv => iv == 31) && HTs.Any(ht => ht))
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V41, CheckIdentifier.IVs);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) // Check individual IVs
if ((IVs[i] == 31) && HTs[i])
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V42, CheckIdentifier.IVs);
#region VerifyEncounter
private void VerifyFormFriendSafari()
switch (pkm.Species)
case 670: // Floette
case 671: // Florges
if (!new[] { 0, 1, 3 }.Contains(pkm.AltForm)) // 0/1/3 - RBY
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V64, CheckIdentifier.Form);
case 710: // Pumpkaboo
case 711: // Goregeist
if (pkm.AltForm != 0) // Average
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V6, CheckIdentifier.Form);
case 586: // Sawsbuck
if (pkm.AltForm != 0)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V65, CheckIdentifier.Form);
private void VerifyEncounterType()
if (pkm.Format >= 7)
if (!Encounter.Valid)
EncounterType type = EncounterType.None;
// Encounter type data is only stored for gen 4 encounters
// Gen 6 -> 7 transfer deletes encounter type data
// All eggs have encounter type none, even if they are from static encounters
if (pkm.Gen4 && !pkm.WasEgg)
if (EncounterMatch is EncounterSlot w)
// If there is more than one slot, the get wild encounter have filter for the pkm type encounter like safari/sports ball
type = w.TypeEncounter;
if (EncounterMatch is EncounterStaticTyped s)
type = s.TypeEncounter;
if (!type.Contains(pkm.EncounterType))
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V381, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V380, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
private void VerifyTransferLegalityG3()
if (pkm.Format == 4 && pkm.Met_Location != 0x37) // Pal Park
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V60, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
if (pkm.Format != 4 && pkm.Met_Location != 30001)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V61, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
private void VerifyTransferLegalityG4()
// Transfer Legality
int loc = pkm.Met_Location;
if (loc != 30001) // PokéTransfer
// Crown
switch (pkm.Species)
case 251: // Celebi
if (loc != 30010 && loc != 30011) // unused || used
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V351, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
case 243: // Raikou
case 244: // Entei
case 245: // Suicune
if (loc != 30012 && loc != 30013) // unused || used
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V351, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V61, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
private static IEnumerable<CheckResult> VerifyVCEncounter(PKM pkm, int baseSpecies, GBEncounterData encounter, EncounterStatic transfer)
// Check existing EncounterMatch
if (encounter == null || transfer == null)
yield break; // Avoid duplicate invaild message
if (encounter.Encounter is EncounterStatic v && (GameVersion.GBCartEraOnly.Contains(v.Version) || v.Version == GameVersion.VCEvents))
bool exceptions = false;
exceptions |= v.Version == GameVersion.VCEvents && baseSpecies == 151 && pkm.TID == 22796;
if (!exceptions)
yield return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V79, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
if (pkm.Met_Location != transfer.Location)
yield return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V81, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
if (pkm.Egg_Location != transfer.EggLocation)
yield return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V59, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
if (baseSpecies == 150 && pkm.Moves.Contains(6)) // pay day
yield return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V82, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
private void VerifyLevel()
if (EncounterMatch is MysteryGift gift)
if (gift.Level != pkm.Met_Level && pkm.HasOriginalMetLocation)
switch (gift)
case WC3 wc3 when wc3.Met_Level == pkm.Met_Level:
case WC7 wc7 when wc7.MetLevel == pkm.Met_Level:
AddLine(new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V83, CheckIdentifier.Level));
if (gift.Level > pkm.CurrentLevel)
AddLine(new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V84, CheckIdentifier.Level));
if (pkm.IsEgg)
int elvl = Legal.GetEggHatchLevel(pkm);
if (elvl != pkm.CurrentLevel)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V52, elvl), CheckIdentifier.Level);
int lvl = pkm.CurrentLevel;
if (lvl < pkm.Met_Level)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V85, CheckIdentifier.Level);
else if (!EncounterMatch.IsWithinRange(pkm) && lvl != 100 && pkm.EXP == PKX.GetEXP(lvl, pkm.Species))
AddLine(Severity.Fishy, V87, CheckIdentifier.Level);
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V88, CheckIdentifier.Level);
// There is no way to prevent a gen1 trade evolution as held items (everstone) did not exist.
// Machoke, Graveler, Haunter and Kadabra captured in the second phase evolution, excluding in-game trades, are already checked
if (pkm.Format <= 2 && Type != typeof (EncounterTrade) && EncounterMatch.Species == pkm.Species && Legal.Trade_Evolution1.Contains(EncounterMatch.Species))
private void VerifyG1TradeEvo()
var mustevolve = pkm.TradebackStatus == TradebackType.WasTradeback || (pkm.Format == 1 && Legal.IsOutsider(pkm)) || Legal.IsTradedKadabraG1(pkm);
if (!mustevolve)
// Pokemon have been traded but it is not evolved, trade evos are sequential dex numbers
var unevolved = SpeciesStrings[pkm.Species];
var evolved = SpeciesStrings[pkm.Species + 1];
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V405, unevolved, evolved), CheckIdentifier.Level);
#region VerifyMedals
private void VerifyMedals()
if (pkm.Format < 6)
private void VerifyMedalsRegular()
uint data = BitConverter.ToUInt32(pkm.Data, 0x2C);
if ((data & 3) != 0) // 2 unused flags
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V98, CheckIdentifier.Training);
int TrainCount = pkm.SuperTrainingMedalCount();
if (pkm.IsEgg && TrainCount > 0)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V89, CheckIdentifier.Training);
else if (TrainCount > 0 && pkm.GenNumber > 6)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V90, CheckIdentifier.Training);
if (pkm.Format >= 7)
if (pkm.SecretSuperTrainingUnlocked)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V91, CheckIdentifier.Training);
if (pkm.SecretSuperTrainingComplete)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V92, CheckIdentifier.Training);
if (TrainCount == 30 ^ pkm.SecretSuperTrainingComplete)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V93, CheckIdentifier.Training);
private void VerifyMedalsEvent()
byte data = pkm.Data[0x3A];
if ((data & 0xC0) != 0) // 2 unused flags highest bits
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V98, CheckIdentifier.Training);
int TrainCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if ((data & 1) != 0)
data >>= 1;
if (pkm.IsEgg && TrainCount > 0)
{ AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V89, CheckIdentifier.Training); }
else if (TrainCount > 0 && pkm.GenNumber > 6)
{ AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V90, CheckIdentifier.Training); }
else if (TrainCount > 0)
{ AddLine(Severity.Fishy, V94, CheckIdentifier.Training); }
private void VerifyRibbons()
if (!Encounter.Valid)
// Check Unobtainable Ribbons
var encounterContent = (EncounterMatch as MysteryGift)?.Content ?? EncounterMatch;
List<string> missingRibbons = new List<string>();
List<string> invalidRibbons = new List<string>();
if (pkm.IsEgg)
var ribs = GetRibbonResults(pkm)
.Concat(VerifyRibbonSet1(pkm, encounterContent))
.Concat(VerifyRibbonSet2(pkm, encounterContent));
foreach (var bad in ribs)
(bad.Invalid ? invalidRibbons : missingRibbons).Add(bad.Name);
var result = GetRibbonMessage(missingRibbons, invalidRibbons);
if (result.Count == 0)
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V602, CheckIdentifier.Ribbon);
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Join(Environment.NewLine, result.Where(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))), CheckIdentifier.Ribbon);
private static List<string> GetRibbonMessage(IReadOnlyCollection<string> missingRibbons, IReadOnlyCollection<string> invalidRibbons)
var result = new List<string>();
if (missingRibbons.Count > 0)
result.Add(string.Format(V600, string.Join(", ", missingRibbons.Select(z => z.Replace("Ribbon", "")))));
if (invalidRibbons.Count > 0)
result.Add(string.Format(V601, string.Join(", ", invalidRibbons.Select(z => z.Replace("Ribbon", "")))));
return result;
private static IEnumerable<RibbonResult> GetRibbonResults(PKM pkm)
int gen = pkm.GenNumber;
bool artist = false;
if (pkm is IRibbonSetOnly3 o3)
artist = o3.RibbonCounts().Any(z => z == 4);
if (pkm is IRibbonSetUnique3 u3)
if (gen != 3 || !IsAllowedBattleFrontier(pkm.Species))
if (u3.RibbonWinning)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(u3.RibbonWinning));
if (u3.RibbonVictory)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(u3.RibbonVictory));
if (pkm is IRibbonSetUnique4 u4)
if (!IsAllowedBattleFrontier(pkm.Species, pkm.AltForm, 4))
foreach (var z in GetRibbonMessageNone(u4.RibbonBitsAbility(), u4.RibbonNamesAbility()))
yield return z;
var c3 = u4.RibbonBitsContest3(); var c3n = u4.RibbonNamesContest3();
var c4 = u4.RibbonBitsContest4(); var c4n = u4.RibbonNamesContest4();
var iter3 = gen == 3 ? getMissingContestRibbons(c3, c3n) : GetRibbonMessageNone(c3, c3n);
var iter4 = (gen == 3 || gen == 4) && IsAllowedInContest4(pkm.Species) ? getMissingContestRibbons(c4, c4n) : GetRibbonMessageNone(c4, c4n);
foreach (var z in iter3.Concat(iter4))
yield return z;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
artist |= c3[3 | i << 2]; // any master rank ribbon
IEnumerable<RibbonResult> getMissingContestRibbons(IReadOnlyList<bool> bits, IReadOnlyList<string> names)
for (int i = 0; i < bits.Count; i += 4)
bool required = false;
for (int j = i + 3; j >= i; j--)
if (bits[j])
required = true;
else if (required)
yield return new RibbonResult(names[j], false);
if (pkm is IRibbonSetCommon4 s4)
bool inhabited4 = 3 <= gen && gen <= 4;
IEnumerable<RibbonResult> iterate = GetRibbonMessage4Any(pkm, s4, gen);
if (!inhabited4)
iterate = iterate.Concat(GetRibbonMessageNone(s4.RibbonBitsOnly(), s4.RibbonNamesOnly()));
foreach (var z in iterate)
yield return z;
if (pkm is IRibbonSetCommon6 s6)
artist = s6.RibbonCountMemoryContest > 4;
bool inhabited6 = 3 <= gen && gen <= 6;
var iterate = inhabited6 ? GetRibbonMessage6Any(pkm, s6, gen) : GetRibbonMessageNone(s6.RibbonBits(), s6.RibbonNamesBool());
foreach (var z in iterate)
yield return z;
if (!inhabited6)
if (s6.RibbonCountMemoryContest > 0)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonCountMemoryContest));
if (s6.RibbonCountMemoryBattle > 0)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonCountMemoryBattle));
if (s6.RibbonBestFriends && pkm.OT_Affection < 255 && pkm.IsUntraded) // can't lower affection
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonBestFriends));
if (pkm is IRibbonSetCommon7 s7)
bool inhabited7 = 3 <= gen && gen <= 7 || gen == 1;
var iterate = inhabited7 ? GetRibbonMessage7Any(pkm, s7, gen) : GetRibbonMessageNone(s7.RibbonBits(), s7.RibbonNames());
foreach (var z in iterate)
yield return z;
if (pkm is IRibbonSetCommon3 s3)
if (s3.RibbonChampionG3Hoenn && gen != 3)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s3.RibbonChampionG3Hoenn)); // RSE HoF
if (s3.RibbonArtist && (gen != 3 || !artist))
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s3.RibbonArtist)); // RSE Master Rank Portrait
if (s3.RibbonEffort && gen == 5 && pkm.Format == 5) // unobtainable in Gen 5
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s3.RibbonEffort));
private static IEnumerable<RibbonResult> GetRibbonMessage4Any(PKM pkm, IRibbonSetCommon4 s4, int gen)
if (s4.RibbonRecord)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s4.RibbonRecord)); // Unobtainable
if (s4.RibbonFootprint && (pkm.Format < 6 && gen == 5 || gen >= 6 && pkm.CurrentLevel - pkm.Met_Level < 30))
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s4.RibbonFootprint));
bool gen34 = gen == 3 || gen == 4;
bool not6 = pkm.Format < 6 || gen > 6 || gen < 3;
bool noDaily = !gen34 && not6;
bool noCosmetic = !gen34 && (not6 || pkm.XY && pkm.IsUntraded);
if (noDaily)
foreach (var z in GetRibbonMessageNone(s4.RibbonBitsDaily(), s4.RibbonNamesDaily()))
yield return z;
if (noCosmetic)
foreach (var z in GetRibbonMessageNone(s4.RibbonBitsCosmetic(), s4.RibbonNamesCosmetic()))
yield return z;
private static IEnumerable<RibbonResult> GetRibbonMessage6Any(PKM pkm, IRibbonSetCommon6 s6, int gen)
foreach (var p in GetRibbonMessage6Memory(pkm, s6, gen))
yield return p;
bool untraded = pkm.IsUntraded;
var iter = untraded ? GetRibbonMessage6Untraded(pkm, s6) : GetRibbonMessage6Traded(pkm, s6);
foreach (var p in iter)
yield return p;
bool allContest = s6.RibbonBitsContest().All(z => z);
if (allContest ^ s6.RibbonContestStar && !(untraded && pkm.XY)) // if not already checked
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonContestStar), s6.RibbonContestStar);
const int mem_Chatelaine = 30;
bool hasChampMemory = pkm.HT_Memory == mem_Chatelaine || pkm.OT_Memory == mem_Chatelaine;
if (!hasChampMemory || s6.RibbonBattlerSkillful || s6.RibbonBattlerExpert)
yield break;
var result = new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonBattlerSkillful), false);
result.Combine(new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonBattlerExpert)));
yield return result;
private static IEnumerable<RibbonResult> GetRibbonMessage6Memory(PKM pkm, IRibbonSetCommon6 s6, int gen)
int contest = 0;
int battle = 0;
switch (gen)
case 3:
contest = IsAllowedInContest4(pkm.Species) ? 40 : 20;
battle = IsAllowedBattleFrontier(pkm.Species) ? 8 : 0;
case 4:
contest = IsAllowedInContest4(pkm.Species) ? 20 : 0;
battle = IsAllowedBattleFrontier(pkm.Species) ? 6 : 0;
if (s6.RibbonCountMemoryContest > contest)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonCountMemoryContest));
if (s6.RibbonCountMemoryBattle > battle)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonCountMemoryBattle));
private static IEnumerable<RibbonResult> GetRibbonMessage6Untraded(PKM pkm, IRibbonSetCommon6 s6)
if (pkm.XY)
if (s6.RibbonChampionG6Hoenn)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonChampionG6Hoenn));
if (s6.RibbonContestStar)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonContestStar));
if (s6.RibbonMasterCoolness)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonMasterCoolness));
if (s6.RibbonMasterBeauty)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonMasterBeauty));
if (s6.RibbonMasterCuteness)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonMasterCuteness));
if (s6.RibbonMasterCleverness)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonMasterCleverness));
if (s6.RibbonMasterToughness)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonMasterToughness));
else if (pkm.AO)
if (s6.RibbonChampionKalos)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonChampionKalos));
private static IEnumerable<RibbonResult> GetRibbonMessage6Traded(PKM pkm, IRibbonSetCommon6 s6)
if (s6.RibbonTraining)
const int req = 12; // only first 12
int count = pkm.SuperTrainingMedalCount(req);
if (count < req)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonTraining));
const int mem_Champion = 27;
bool hasChampMemory = pkm.HT_Memory == mem_Champion || pkm.OT_Memory == mem_Champion;
if (!hasChampMemory || s6.RibbonChampionKalos || s6.RibbonChampionG6Hoenn)
yield break;
var result = new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonChampionKalos), false);
result.Combine(new RibbonResult(nameof(s6.RibbonChampionG6Hoenn)));
yield return result;
private static IEnumerable<RibbonResult> GetRibbonMessage7Any(PKM pkm, IRibbonSetCommon7 s7, int gen)
if (!IsAllowedBattleFrontier(pkm.Species))
if (s7.RibbonBattleRoyale)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s7.RibbonBattleRoyale));
if (s7.RibbonBattleTreeGreat)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s7.RibbonBattleTreeGreat));
if (s7.RibbonBattleTreeMaster)
yield return new RibbonResult(nameof(s7.RibbonBattleTreeMaster));
private static IEnumerable<RibbonResult> GetRibbonMessageNone(IReadOnlyList<bool> bits, IReadOnlyList<string> names)
for (int i = 0; i < bits.Count; i++)
if (bits[i])
yield return new RibbonResult(names[i]);
private static bool IsAllowedInContest4(int species) => species != 201 && species != 132; // Disallow Unown and Ditto
private static bool IsAllowedBattleFrontier(int species, int form = 0, int gen = 0)
if (gen == 4 && species == 172 && form == 1) // spiky
return false;
return !Legal.BattleFrontierBanlist.Contains(species);
private void VerifyRibbonsEgg(object encounter)
var event3 = encounter as IRibbonSetEvent3;
var event4 = encounter as IRibbonSetEvent4;
var RibbonNames = ReflectUtil.GetPropertiesStartWithPrefix(pkm.GetType(), "Ribbon");
if (event3 != null)
RibbonNames = RibbonNames.Except(event3.RibbonNames());
if (event4 != null)
RibbonNames = RibbonNames.Except(event4.RibbonNames());
foreach (object RibbonValue in RibbonNames.Select(RibbonName => ReflectUtil.GetValue(pkm, RibbonName)))
if (!HasFlag(RibbonValue) && !HasCount(RibbonValue))
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V603, CheckIdentifier.Ribbon);
bool HasFlag(object o) => o is bool z && z;
bool HasCount(object o) => o is int z && z > 0;
private static IEnumerable<RibbonResult> VerifyRibbonSet1(PKM pkm, object encounterContent)
if (!(pkm is IRibbonSetEvent3 set1))
yield break;
var names = set1.RibbonNames();
var sb = set1.RibbonBits();
var eb = (encounterContent as IRibbonSetEvent3).RibbonBits();
if (pkm.Gen3)
eb[0] = sb[0]; // permit Earth Ribbon
if (pkm.Version == 15 && encounterContent is EncounterStaticShadow s)
// only require national ribbon if no longer on origin game
bool xd = !Encounters3.Encounter_Colo.Contains(s);
eb[1] = !(xd && pkm is XK3 x && !x.RibbonNational || !xd && pkm is CK3 c && !c.RibbonNational);
for (int i = 0; i < sb.Length; i++)
if (sb[i] != eb[i])
yield return new RibbonResult(names[i], !eb[i]); // only flag if invalid
private static IEnumerable<RibbonResult> VerifyRibbonSet2(PKM pkm, object encounterContent)
if (!(pkm is IRibbonSetEvent4 set2))
yield break;
var names = set2.RibbonNames();
var sb = set2.RibbonBits();
var eb = (encounterContent as IRibbonSetEvent4).RibbonBits();
if (encounterContent is EncounterStatic s && s.RibbonWishing)
eb[1] = true; // require Wishing Ribbon
for (int i = 0; i < sb.Length; i++)
if (sb[i] != eb[i])
yield return new RibbonResult(names[i], !eb[i]); // only flag if invalid
private class RibbonResult
/// <summary>Ribbon Display Name</summary>
public string Name { get; private set; }
/// <summary> Ribbon should not be present. </summary>
/// <remarks> If this is false, the Ribbon is missing. </remarks>
public bool Invalid { get; }
public RibbonResult(string prop, bool invalid = true)
Name = RibbonStrings.GetName(prop) ?? prop;
Invalid = invalid;
public void Combine(RibbonResult other)
Name += " / " + other.Name;
private void VerifyCXD()
if (EncounterMatch is EncounterStatic)
else if (pkm.WasEgg) // can't obtain eggs in CXD
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V80, CheckIdentifier.Encounter); // invalid encounter
if (pkm.OT_Gender == 1)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V407, CheckIdentifier.Trainer);
private void VerifyCXDStarterCorrelation(PIDIV pidiv)
if (pidiv.Type != PIDType.CXD)
var spec = EncounterMatch.Species;
int rev; // pidiv reversed 2x yields SID, 3x yields TID. shift by 7 if another PKM is generated prior
switch (spec)
// XD
case 133: // Eevee
rev = 2;
// Colosseum
case 197: // Umbreon (generated before Espeon)
rev = 2;
case 196: // Espeon (generated after Umbreon)
rev = 2+7;
var seed = pidiv.OriginSeed;
var SIDf = pidiv.RNG.Reverse(seed, rev);
var TIDf = pidiv.RNG.Prev(SIDf);
if (SIDf >> 16 != pkm.SID || TIDf >> 16 != pkm.TID)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V400, CheckIdentifier.PID);
private void VerifyAbility()
int[] abilities = pkm.PersonalInfo.Abilities;
if (abilities[1] == 0)
abilities[1] = abilities[0];
int abilval = Array.IndexOf(abilities, pkm.Ability);
if (abilval < 0)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V107, CheckIdentifier.Ability);
bool? AbilityUnchanged = true;
// 3 states flag: true for unchanged, false for changed, null for uncertain/allowing PID mismatch
// if true, check encounter ability
// if true or false, check PID/AbilityNumber
if (3 <= pkm.Format && pkm.Format <= 5 && abilities[0] != abilities[1]) // 3-5 and have 2 distinct ability now
AbilityUnchanged = VerifyAbilityPreCapsule(abilities, abilval);
if (EncounterMatch != null)
// Check Ability Mismatches
int? EncounterAbility = (EncounterMatch as EncounterStatic)?.Ability ??
(EncounterMatch as EncounterTrade)?.Ability ??
(EncounterMatch as EncounterLink)?.Ability;
if (EncounterAbility != null && VerifySetAbility(EncounterAbility, AbilityUnchanged, abilities, abilval))
return; // result added via VerifySetAbility
switch (pkm.GenNumber)
case 5: VerifyAbility5(abilities); break;
case 6: VerifyAbility6(abilities); break;
case 7: VerifyAbility7(abilities); break;
if (3 <= pkm.GenNumber && pkm.GenNumber <= 4 && pkm.AbilityNumber == 4)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V112, CheckIdentifier.Ability);
else if (AbilityUnchanged != null && abilities[pkm.AbilityNumber >> 1] != pkm.Ability)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, pkm.Format < 6 ? V113 : V114, CheckIdentifier.Ability);
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V115, CheckIdentifier.Ability);
private bool VerifySetAbility(int? EncounterAbility, bool? AbilityUnchanged, int[] abilities, int abilval)
if (pkm.AbilityNumber == 4 && EncounterAbility != 4)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V108, CheckIdentifier.Ability);
return true;
if (!(AbilityUnchanged ?? false) || EncounterAbility == 0 || pkm.AbilityNumber == EncounterAbility)
return false;
if (EncounterMatch is EncounterTrade z && EncounterAbility == 1 << abilval && z.Species == pkm.Species) // Edge case (Static PID?)
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V115, CheckIdentifier.Ability);
else if (pkm.Format >= 6 && abilities[0] != abilities[1] && pkm.AbilityNumber < 4) // Ability Capsule
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V109, CheckIdentifier.Ability);
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V223, CheckIdentifier.Ability);
return true;
private bool? VerifyAbilityPreCapsule(int[] abilities, int abilval)
// CXD pokemon could have any ability without maching PID
if (pkm.Version == (int)GameVersion.CXD && pkm.Format == 3)
return null;
// gen3 native or gen4/5 origin
if (pkm.Format == 3 || !pkm.InhabitedGeneration(3))
return true;
// Evovled in gen4/5
if (pkm.Species > Legal.MaxSpeciesID_3)
return false;
// gen3Species will be zero for pokemon with illegal gen 3 encounters, like Infernape with gen 3 "origin"
var gen3Species = Info.EvoChainsAllGens[3].FirstOrDefault()?.Species ?? 0;
if (gen3Species == 0)
return true;
// Fall through when gen3 pkm transferred to gen4/5
return VerifyAbilityGen3Transfer(abilities, abilval, gen3Species);
private bool? VerifyAbilityGen3Transfer(int[] abilities, int abilval, int Species_g3)
var abilities_g3 = PersonalTable.E[Species_g3].Abilities.Where(a => a != 0).Distinct().ToArray();
if (abilities_g3.Length == 2) // Excluding Colosseum/XD, a gen3 pkm must match PID if it has 2 unique abilities
return pkm.Version != (int)GameVersion.CXD;
int Species_g4 = Info.EvoChainsAllGens[4].FirstOrDefault()?.Species ?? 0;
int Species_g5 = pkm.Format == 5 ? Info.EvoChainsAllGens[5].FirstOrDefault()?.Species ?? 0 : 0;
if (Math.Max(Species_g5, Species_g4) > Species_g3) // it has evolved in either gen 4 or gen 5; the ability must match PID
return false;
var Evolutions_g45 = Math.Max(Info.EvoChainsAllGens[4].Length, pkm.Format == 5 ? Info.EvoChainsAllGens[5].Length : 0);
if (Evolutions_g45 > 1)
// Evolutions_g45 > 1 and Species_g45 = Species_g3 with means both options, evolve in gen 4-5 or not evolve, are possible
if (pkm.Ability == abilities_g3[0])
// It could evolve in gen 4-5 an have generation 3 only ability
// that means it have not actually evolved in gen 4-5, ability do not need to match PID
return null;
if (pkm.Ability == abilities[1])
// It could evolve in gen4-5 an have generation 4 second ability
// that means it have actually evolved in gen 4-5, ability must match PID
return false;
// Evolutions_g45 == 1 means it have not evolved in gen 4-5 games,
// ability do not need to match PID, but only generation 3 ability is allowed
if (pkm.Ability != abilities_g3[0])
// Not evolved in gen4-5 but do not have generation 3 only ability
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V373, CheckIdentifier.Ability);
return null;
private void VerifyAbility5(int[] abilities)
switch (EncounterMatch)
case PGF g:
VerifyAbilityMG456(abilities, g.AbilityType);
case EncounterSlot w:
// Hidden Abilities for Wild Encounters are only available at a Hidden Grotto
bool grotto = w.Type == SlotType.HiddenGrotto;
if (pkm.AbilityNumber == 4 ^ grotto)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, grotto ? V217 : V108, CheckIdentifier.Ability);
private void VerifyAbility6(int[] abilities)
if (EncounterMatch is EncounterSlot slot && pkm.AbilityNumber == 4)
bool valid = slot.Permissions.DexNav || slot.Type == SlotType.FriendSafari || slot.Type == SlotType.Horde;
if (!valid)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V300, CheckIdentifier.Ability);
else if (EncounterMatch is WC6 g)
VerifyAbilityMG456(abilities, g.AbilityType);
else if (Legal.Ban_NoHidden6.Contains(pkm.SpecForm) && pkm.AbilityNumber == 4)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V112, CheckIdentifier.Ability);
private void VerifyAbility7(int[] abilities)
if (EncounterMatch is EncounterSlot slot && pkm.AbilityNumber == 4)
bool valid = slot.Type == SlotType.SOS;
if (!valid)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V111, CheckIdentifier.Ability);
else if (EncounterMatch is WC7 g)
VerifyAbilityMG456(abilities, g.AbilityType);
else if (Legal.Ban_NoHidden7.Contains(pkm.SpecForm) && pkm.AbilityNumber == 4)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V112, CheckIdentifier.Ability);
private void VerifyAbilityMG456(int[] abilities, int cardtype)
int abilNumber = pkm.AbilityNumber;
if (cardtype < 3 && abilNumber != 1 << cardtype) // set number
// Ability can be flipped 0/1 if Ability Capsule is available, is not Hidden Ability, and Abilities are different.
if (pkm.Format >= 6 && cardtype < 2 && abilNumber < 3 && abilities[0] != abilities[1])
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V109, CheckIdentifier.Ability);
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V110, CheckIdentifier.Ability);
else if (cardtype == 3 && abilNumber == 4) // 1/2 only
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V110, CheckIdentifier.Ability);
#region VerifyBall
private void VerifyBallEquals(params int[] balls)
int ball = pkm.Ball;
if (balls.Any(b => b == ball))
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V119, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V118, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
private void VerifyBall()
if (pkm.Format < 3)
return; // no ball info saved
if (!Encounter.Valid)
if (EncounterMatch is MysteryGift g)
if (pkm.Species == 490 && g.Ball == 0)
// there is no ball data in Manaphy Mystery Gift
VerifyBallEquals(4); // Pokeball
if (EncounterMatch is EncounterLink l)
if (EncounterMatch is EncounterTrade t)
VerifyBallEquals(t.Ball); // Pokeball
if (pkm.Species == 292 && pkm.GenNumber > 3) // Shedinja. For gen3, copy the ball from Nincada
VerifyBallEquals(4); // Pokeball Only
if (pkm.Ball == 0x14 && pkm.Gen7) // Heavy Ball
var lineage = Legal.GetLineage(pkm);
if (lineage.Any(e => Legal.AlolanCaptureNoHeavyBall.Contains(e)))
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V116, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
if (EncounterMatch is EncounterStatic s)
if (s.Gift)
else if (pkm.Met_Location == 75 && pkm.Gen5) // DreamWorld
if (EncounterMatch is EncounterSlot w)
if (pkm.Met_Location == 30016 && pkm.Gen7) // Poké Pelago
VerifyBallEquals(4); // Pokeball
// For gen3/4 Safari Zones and BCC getValidWildEncounters already filter to not return
// mixed possible encounters between safari, BCC and other encounters
// That means is the first encounter is not safari then there is no safari encounter in the array
else if (3 <= pkm.GenNumber && pkm.GenNumber <= 4 && EncounterGenerator.IsSafariSlot(w.Type))
VerifyBallEquals(5); // Safari Ball
else if (pkm.GenNumber == 4 && w.Type == SlotType.BugContest)
VerifyBallEquals(0x18); // Sport Ball
if (pkm.WasEgg)
VerifyBallEquals(4); // Pokeball
private void VerifyBallEgg()
if (pkm.GenNumber < 6) // No inheriting Balls
VerifyBallEquals(4); // Must be Pokéball -- no ball inheritance.
if (pkm.Ball == 0x01) // Master Ball
{ AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V117, CheckIdentifier.Ball); return; }
if (pkm.Ball == 0x10) // Cherish Ball
{ AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V120, CheckIdentifier.Ball); return; }
if (pkm.Ball == 0x04) // Poké Ball
{ AddLine(Severity.Valid, V119, CheckIdentifier.Ball); return; }
switch (pkm.GenNumber)
case 6: // Gen6 Inheritance Rules
case 7: // Gen7 Inheritance Rules
private void VerifyBallEggGen6()
if (pkm.Gender == 2) // Genderless
VerifyBallEquals(4); // Must be Pokéball as ball can only pass via mother (not Ditto!)
if (Legal.BreedMaleOnly.Contains(pkm.Species))
VerifyBallEquals(4); // Must be Pokéball as ball can only pass via mother (not Ditto!)
int ball = pkm.Ball;
if (ball >= 26)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V126, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
if (ball == 0x05) // Safari Ball
if (Legal.GetLineage(pkm).All(e => !Legal.Inherit_Safari.Contains(e)))
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V121, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
else if (pkm.AbilityNumber == 4)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V122, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V123, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
if (0x10 < ball && ball < 0x18) // Apricorn Ball
if (Legal.GetLineage(pkm).All(e => !Legal.Inherit_Apricorn6.Contains(e)))
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V121, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
if (pkm.AbilityNumber == 4)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V122, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V123, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
if (ball == 0x18) // Sport Ball
if (Legal.GetLineage(pkm).All(e => !Legal.Inherit_Sport.Contains(e)))
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V121, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
else if (pkm.AbilityNumber == 4)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V122, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V123, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
if (ball == 0x19) // Dream Ball
if (Legal.GetLineage(pkm).Any(e => Legal.Inherit_Dream.Contains(e)))
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V123, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V121, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
if (pkm.AbilityNumber == 4 && Legal.Ban_DreamHidden.Contains(pkm.Species))
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V122, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
if (0x0D <= ball && ball <= 0x0F)
if (!Legal.Ban_Gen4Ball_6.Contains(pkm.Species))
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V123, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V121, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
if (0x02 <= ball && ball <= 0x0C) // Don't worry, Ball # 0x05 was already checked.
if (Legal.Ban_Gen3Ball.Contains(pkm.Species))
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V121, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
else if (pkm.AbilityNumber == 4 && Legal.Ban_Gen3BallHidden.Contains(pkm.SpecForm))
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V122, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V123, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
if (pkm.Species > 650 && pkm.Species != 700) // Sylveon
if (Legal.GetWildBalls(pkm).Contains(pkm.Ball))
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V123, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V121, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V125, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
private void VerifyBallEggGen7()
var Lineage = Legal.GetLineage(pkm).ToArray();
if (722 <= pkm.Species && pkm.Species <= 730) // G7 Starters
int ball = pkm.Ball;
if (ball == 0x05) // Safari Ball
if (!Lineage.Any(e => Legal.Inherit_Safari.Contains(e) || Legal.Inherit_SafariMale.Contains(e)))
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V121, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
else if (pkm.AbilityNumber == 4 && Lineage.Any(e => Legal.Ban_SafariBallHidden_7.Contains(e)))
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V122, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V123, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
if (0x10 < ball && ball < 0x18) // Apricorn Ball
if (!Lineage.Any(e => Legal.Inherit_Apricorn7.Contains(e)))
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V121, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
else if (pkm.AbilityNumber == 4 && (Lineage.Contains(029) || Lineage.Contains(032))) // Nido
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V122, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V123, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
if (ball == 0x18) // Sport Ball
if (!Lineage.Any(e => Legal.Inherit_Sport.Contains(e)))
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V121, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
else if (pkm.AbilityNumber == 4 && (Lineage.Contains(313) || Lineage.Contains(314))) // Volbeat/Illumise
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V122, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V123, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
if (ball == 0x19) // Dream Ball
if (Lineage.Any(e => Legal.Inherit_Dream.Contains(e) || Legal.Inherit_DreamMale.Contains(e)))
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V123, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V121, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
if (0x0D <= ball && ball <= 0x0F) // Dusk Heal Quick
if (!Legal.Ban_Gen4Ball_7.Contains(pkm.Species))
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V123, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V121, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
if (0x02 <= ball && ball <= 0x0C) // Don't worry, Ball # 0x05 was already checked.
if (!Legal.Ban_Gen3Ball_7.Contains(pkm.Species))
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V123, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V121, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
if (ball == 26)
if ((pkm.Species > 731 && pkm.Species <= 785) || Lineage.Any(e => Legal.PastGenAlolanNatives.Contains(e) && !Legal.PastGenAlolanNativesUncapturable.Contains(e)))
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V123, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
if (Lineage.Any(e => Legal.PastGenAlolanScans.Contains(e)))
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V123, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
// next statement catches all new alolans
if (pkm.Species > 721)
if (ball >= 27)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V126, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V125, CheckIdentifier.Ball);
private CheckResult VerifyHistory()
if (!Encounter.Valid)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, V127, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.GenNumber < 6)
if (pkm.Format < 6)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, V128, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.OT_Affection > 0)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V129, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.OT_Memory > 0 || pkm.OT_Feeling > 0 || pkm.OT_Intensity > 0 || pkm.OT_TextVar > 0)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V130, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.Format >= 6 && pkm.GenNumber != pkm.Format && pkm.CurrentHandler != 1)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V124, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.HT_Gender > 1)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V131, pkm.HT_Gender), CheckIdentifier.History);
MysteryGift mg = EncounterMatch as MysteryGift;
WC6 MatchedWC6 = EncounterMatch as WC6;
WC7 MatchedWC7 = EncounterMatch as WC7;
if (MatchedWC6?.OT.Length > 0) // Has Event OT -- null propagation yields false if MatchedWC6=null
if (pkm.OT_Friendship != PersonalTable.AO[MatchedWC6.Species].BaseFriendship)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V132, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.OT_Affection != 0)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V133, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.CurrentHandler != 1)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V134, CheckIdentifier.History);
else if (MatchedWC7?.OT.Length > 0) // Has Event OT -- null propagation yields false if MatchedWC7=null
if (pkm.OT_Friendship != PersonalTable.SM[MatchedWC7.Species].BaseFriendship)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V132, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.OT_Affection != 0)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V133, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.CurrentHandler != 1)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V134, CheckIdentifier.History);
else if (mg != null && mg.Format < 6 && pkm.Format >= 6)
if (pkm.OT_Affection != 0)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V133, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.CurrentHandler != 1)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V134, CheckIdentifier.History);
// Geolocations
var geo = new[]
pkm.Geo1_Country, pkm.Geo2_Country, pkm.Geo3_Country, pkm.Geo4_Country, pkm.Geo5_Country,
pkm.Geo1_Region, pkm.Geo2_Region, pkm.Geo3_Region, pkm.Geo4_Region, pkm.Geo5_Region,
// Check sequential order (no zero gaps)
bool geoEnd = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
if (geoEnd && geo[i] != 0)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V135, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (geo[i] != 0)
if (geo[i + 5] != 0)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V136, CheckIdentifier.History);
geoEnd = true;
if (pkm.Format >= 7)
if (pkm.VC1)
var hasGeo = geo.Any(d => d != 0);
if (!hasGeo)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V137, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.GenNumber >= 7 && pkm.CNTs.Any(stat => stat > 0))
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V138, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (!pkm.WasEvent && pkm.HT_Name.Length == 0) // Is not Traded
if (pkm.CurrentHandler != 0) // Badly edited; PKHeX doesn't trip this.
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V139, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.HT_Friendship != 0)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V140, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.HT_Affection != 0)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V141, CheckIdentifier.History);
// We know it is untraded (HT is empty), if it must be trade evolved flag it.
if (Legal.IsTradeEvolved(pkm) && EncounterMatch.Species != pkm.Species)
if (pkm.Species != 350) // Milotic
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V142, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.CNT_Beauty < 170) // Beauty Contest Stat Requirement
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V143, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.CurrentLevel == 1)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V144, CheckIdentifier.History);
return new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, V145, CheckIdentifier.History);
// Determine if we should check for Handling Trainer Memories
// A Pokémon is untraded if...
bool untraded = pkm.HT_Name.Length == 0 || pkm.Geo1_Country == 0;
if (Type == typeof(MysteryGift))
untraded |= !pkm.WasEventEgg;
untraded &= pkm.WasEgg;
if (pkm.WasLink && (EncounterMatch as EncounterLink)?.OT == false)
untraded = false;
else if (pkm.GenNumber < 6)
untraded = false;
if (untraded) // Is not Traded
if (pkm.HT_Name.Length != 0)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V146, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.Geo1_Country != 0)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V147, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.HT_Memory != 0)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V148, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.CurrentHandler != 0) // Badly edited; PKHeX doesn't trip this.
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V139, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.HT_Friendship != 0)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V140, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.HT_Affection != 0)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V141, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.XY && pkm.CNTs.Any(stat => stat > 0))
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V138, CheckIdentifier.History);
// We know it is untraded (HT is empty), if it must be trade evolved flag it.
if (Legal.IsTradeEvolved(pkm) && EncounterMatch.Species != pkm.Species)
if (pkm.Species != 350) // Milotic
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V142, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.CNT_Beauty < 170) // Beauty Contest Stat Requirement
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V143, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.CurrentLevel == 1)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V144, CheckIdentifier.History);
else // Is Traded
if (pkm.Format == 6 && pkm.HT_Memory == 0 && !pkm.IsEgg)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V150, CheckIdentifier.History);
// Memory ChecksResult
if (pkm.IsEgg)
if (pkm.HT_Memory != 0)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V149, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.OT_Memory != 0)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V151, CheckIdentifier.History);
else if (!(EncounterMatch is WC6))
if (pkm.OT_Memory == 0 ^ !pkm.Gen6)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V152, CheckIdentifier.History);
if (pkm.GenNumber < 6 && pkm.OT_Affection != 0)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V129, CheckIdentifier.History);
// Unimplemented: Ingame Trade Memories
return new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, V145, CheckIdentifier.History);
private CheckResult VerifyCommonMemory(int handler)
int m = 0;
int t = 0;
string resultPrefix = "";
switch (handler)
case 0:
m = pkm.OT_Memory;
t = pkm.OT_TextVar;
resultPrefix = V205;
case 1:
m = pkm.HT_Memory;
t = pkm.HT_TextVar;
resultPrefix = V206;
int matchingMoveMemory = Array.IndexOf(Legal.MoveSpecificMemories[0], m);
if (matchingMoveMemory != -1 && pkm.Species != 235 && !Legal.GetCanLearnMachineMove(pkm, Legal.MoveSpecificMemories[1][matchingMoveMemory], 6))
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V153, resultPrefix), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
if (m == 6 && !Legal.LocationsWithPKCenter[0].Contains(t))
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V154, resultPrefix), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
if (m == 21) // {0} saw {2} carrying {1} on its back. {4} that {3}.
if (!Legal.GetCanLearnMachineMove(new PK6 {Species = t, EXP = PKX.GetEXP(100, t)}, 19, 6))
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V153, resultPrefix), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
if ((m == 16 || m == 48) && (t == 0 || !Legal.GetCanKnowMove(pkm, t, 6)))
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V153, resultPrefix), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
if (m == 49 && (t == 0 || !Legal.GetCanRelearnMove(pkm, t, 6))) // {0} was able to remember {2} at {1}'s instruction. {4} that {3}.
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V153, resultPrefix), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
return new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, string.Format(V155, resultPrefix), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
private void VerifyOTMemoryIs(int[] values)
if (pkm.OT_Memory != values[0])
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V197, V205, values[0]), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
if (pkm.OT_Intensity != values[1])
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V198, V205, values[1]), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
if (pkm.OT_TextVar != values[2])
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V199, V205, values[2]), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
if (pkm.OT_Feeling != values[3])
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V200, V205, values[3]), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
private void VerifyOTMemory()
if (pkm.Format < 6)
if (!History.Valid)
if (pkm.GenNumber < 6)
VerifyOTMemoryIs(new [] {0, 0, 0, 0}); // empty
if (Type == typeof(EncounterTrade))
switch (Info.Generation)
case 6:
break; // Undocumented, uncommon, and insignificant -- don't bother.
case 7:
VerifyOTMemoryIs(new[] { 1, 3, 40, 5 });
if (EncounterMatch is WC6 wc6)
var g = wc6;
VerifyOTMemoryIs(new[] {g.OT_Memory, g.OT_Intensity, g.OT_TextVar, g.OT_Feeling});
if (EncounterMatch is WC7 wc7)
var g = wc7;
VerifyOTMemoryIs(new[] {g.OT_Memory, g.OT_Intensity, g.OT_TextVar, g.OT_Feeling});
if (pkm.GenNumber >= 7)
VerifyOTMemoryIs(new[] {0, 0, 0, 0}); // empty
switch (pkm.OT_Memory)
case 2: // {0} hatched from an Egg and saw {1} for the first time at... {2}. {4} that {3}.
if (!pkm.WasEgg && pkm.Egg_Location != 60004)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V160, V205), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
case 4: // {0} became {1}’s friend when it arrived via Link Trade at... {2}. {4} that {3}.
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V161, V205), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
case 6: // {0} went to the Pokémon Center in {2} with {1} and had its tired body healed there. {4} that {3}.
int matchingOriginGame = Array.IndexOf(Legal.LocationsWithPKCenter[0], pkm.OT_TextVar);
if (matchingOriginGame != -1)
int gameID = Legal.LocationsWithPKCenter[1][matchingOriginGame];
if (pkm.XY && gameID != 0 || pkm.AO && gameID != 1)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V162, V205), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
case 14:
if (!Legal.GetCanBeCaptured(pkm.OT_TextVar, pkm.GenNumber, (GameVersion)pkm.Version))
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V165, V205), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
AddLine(Severity.Valid, string.Format(V164, V205), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
if (pkm.XY && Legal.Memory_NotXY.Contains(pkm.OT_Memory))
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V163, V205), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
if (pkm.AO && Legal.Memory_NotAO.Contains(pkm.OT_Memory))
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V163, V205), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
private void VerifyHTMemory()
if (pkm.Format < 6)
if (!History.Valid)
if (pkm.Format >= 7)
* Bank Transfer adds in the Link Trade Memory.
* Trading 7<->7 between games (not Bank) clears this data.
if (pkm.HT_Memory == 0)
if (pkm.HT_TextVar != 0 || pkm.HT_Intensity != 0 || pkm.HT_Feeling != 0)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V329, CheckIdentifier.Memory);
// Transfer 6->7 & withdraw to same HT => keeps past gen memory
// Don't require link trade memory for these past gen cases
int gen = pkm.GenNumber;
if (3 <= gen && gen < 7 && pkm.CurrentHandler == 1)
if (pkm.HT_Memory != 4)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V156, CheckIdentifier.Memory);
if (pkm.HT_TextVar != 0)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V157, CheckIdentifier.Memory);
if (pkm.HT_Intensity != 1)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V158, CheckIdentifier.Memory);
if (pkm.HT_Feeling > 10)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V159, CheckIdentifier.Memory);
switch (pkm.HT_Memory)
case 0:
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pkm.HT_Name))
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V150, CheckIdentifier.Memory); return;
case 1: // {0} met {1} at... {2}. {1} threw a Poké Ball at it, and they started to travel together. {4} that {3}.
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V202, V206), CheckIdentifier.Memory); return;
case 2: // {0} hatched from an Egg and saw {1} for the first time at... {2}. {4} that {3}.
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V160, V206), CheckIdentifier.Memory); return;
case 14:
if (Legal.GetCanBeCaptured(pkm.HT_TextVar, pkm.GenNumber))
AddLine(Severity.Valid, string.Format(V164, V206), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V165, V206), CheckIdentifier.Memory);
private void VerifyRegion()
if (pkm.Format < 6)
bool pass;
switch (pkm.ConsoleRegion)
case 0: // Japan
pass = pkm.Country == 1;
case 1: // Americas
pass = 8 <= pkm.Country && pkm.Country <= 52 || new[] {153, 156, 168, 174, 186}.Contains(pkm.Country);
case 2: // Europe
pass = 64 <= pkm.Country && pkm.Country <= 127 || new[] {169, 184, 185}.Contains(pkm.Country);
case 4: // China
pass = pkm.Country == 144 || pkm.Country == 160;
case 5: // Korea
pass = pkm.Country == 136;
case 6: // Taiwan
pass = pkm.Country == 128;
AddLine(new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, V301, CheckIdentifier.Geography));
if (!pass)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V302, CheckIdentifier.Geography);
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V303, CheckIdentifier.Geography);
private void VerifyForm()
if (!Encounter.Valid)
if (pkm.Format < 4)
return; // no forms exist
int count = pkm.PersonalInfo.FormeCount;
if (count == 1 && pkm.AltForm == 0)
return; // no forms to check
if (pkm.AltForm > pkm.PersonalInfo.FormeCount)
bool valid = false;
int species = pkm.Species;
if (species == 201) // Unown
int maxCount = pkm.GenNumber == 2 ? 26 : 28; // A-Z : A-Z?!
if (pkm.AltForm < maxCount)
valid = true;
if (species == 414 && pkm.AltForm < 3) // Wormadam base form kept
valid = true;
if ((species == 664 || species == 665) && pkm.AltForm < 18) // Vivillon Pre-evolutions
valid = true;
if (!valid) // ignore list
{ AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V304, pkm.PersonalInfo.FormeCount, pkm.AltForm), CheckIdentifier.Form); return; }
if (EncounterMatch is EncounterSlot w && w.Type == SlotType.FriendSafari)
switch (pkm.Species)
case 25: // Pikachu
if (pkm.GenNumber == 6 && pkm.AltForm != 0 ^ Type == typeof(EncounterStatic))
string msg = Type == typeof(EncounterStatic) ? V305 : V306;
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, msg, CheckIdentifier.Form);
if (pkm.GenNumber == 7 && pkm.AltForm != 0 ^ Type == typeof(MysteryGift))
if (EncounterMatch is WC7 gift && gift.Form != pkm.AltForm)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V307, CheckIdentifier.Form);
case 487: // Giratina
if (pkm.AltForm == 1 ^ pkm.HeldItem == 112) // Origin form only with Griseous Orb
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V308, CheckIdentifier.Form);
case 493: // Arceus
int item = pkm.HeldItem;
int form = 0;
if ((298 <= item && item <= 313) || item == 644)
form = Array.IndexOf(Legal.Arceus_Plate, item) + 1;
else if (777 <= item && item <= 793)
form = Array.IndexOf(Legal.Arceus_ZCrystal, item) + 1;
if (form != pkm.AltForm)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V308, CheckIdentifier.Form);
else if (form != 0)
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V309, CheckIdentifier.Form);
case 647: // Keldeo
if (pkm.Format == 5) // can mismatch in gen5 via BW tutor
int index = Array.IndexOf(pkm.Moves, 548); // Secret Sword
bool noSword = index < 0;
if (pkm.AltForm == 0 ^ noSword) // mismatch
Info.Moves[noSword ? 0 : index] = new CheckMoveResult(Info.Moves[noSword ? 0 : index], Severity.Invalid, V169, CheckIdentifier.Move);
case 649: // Genesect
int item = pkm.HeldItem;
int form = 0;
if (116 <= item && item <= 119)
form = item - 115;
if (form != pkm.AltForm)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V308, CheckIdentifier.Form);
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V309, CheckIdentifier.Form);
case 658: // Greninja
if (pkm.AltForm > 1) // Ash Battle Bond active
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V310, CheckIdentifier.Form);
if (pkm.AltForm != 0 && Type != typeof(MysteryGift)) // Formes are not breedable, MysteryGift already checked
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(V304, 0, pkm.AltForm), CheckIdentifier.Form);
case 664: // Scatterbug
case 665: // Spewpa
if (pkm.AltForm > 17) // Fancy & Pokéball
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V311, CheckIdentifier.Form);
if (!Legal.CheckVivillonPattern(pkm.AltForm, pkm.Country, pkm.Region))
AddLine(Severity.Fishy, V312, CheckIdentifier.Form);
case 666: // Vivillon
if (pkm.AltForm > 17) // Fancy & Pokéball
if (Type != typeof(MysteryGift))
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V312, CheckIdentifier.Form);
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V313, CheckIdentifier.Form);
if (!Legal.CheckVivillonPattern(pkm.AltForm, pkm.Country, pkm.Region))
AddLine(Severity.Fishy, V312, CheckIdentifier.Form);
case 670: // Floette
if (pkm.AltForm == 5) // Eternal Flower -- Never Released
if (Type != typeof(MysteryGift))
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V314, CheckIdentifier.Form);
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V315, CheckIdentifier.Form);
case 718: // Zygarde
if (pkm.AltForm >= 4)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V310, CheckIdentifier.Form);
case 773: // Silvally
int item = pkm.HeldItem;
int form = 0;
if ((904 <= item && item <= 920) || item == 644)
form = item - 903;
if (form != pkm.AltForm)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V308, CheckIdentifier.Form);
else if (form != 0)
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V309, CheckIdentifier.Form);
case 774: // Minior
if (pkm.AltForm < 7)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V310, CheckIdentifier.Form);
// Party Only Forms
case 492: // Shaymin
case 676: // Furfrou
case 720: // Hoopa
if (pkm.AltForm != 0 && pkm.Box > -1 && pkm.Format <= 6) // has form but stored in box
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V316, CheckIdentifier.Form);
if (pkm.Format >= 7 && pkm.GenNumber < 7 && pkm.AltForm != 0)
if (pkm.Species == 25 || Legal.AlolanOriginForms.Contains(pkm.Species))
{ AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V317, CheckIdentifier.Form); return; }
if (pkm.AltForm > 0 && new[] {Legal.BattleForms, Legal.BattleMegas, Legal.BattlePrimals}.Any(arr => arr.Contains(pkm.Species)))
{ AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V310, CheckIdentifier.Form); return; }
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V318, CheckIdentifier.Form);
private void VerifyMiscG1()
if (pkm.IsEgg)
if (pkm.PKRS_Cured || pkm.PKRS_Infected)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V368, CheckIdentifier.Egg);
if (pkm.Format > 1)
var Type_A = (pkm as PK1).Type_A;
var Type_B = (pkm as PK1).Type_B;
if (pkm.Species == 137)
// Porygon can have any type combination of any generation 1 species because of the move Conversion,
// that change Porygon type to match the oponent types
var Type_A_Match = Legal.Types_Gen1.Any(t => t == Type_A);
var Type_B_Match = Legal.Types_Gen1.Any(t => t == Type_B);
if (!Type_A_Match)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V386, CheckIdentifier.Misc);
if (!Type_B_Match)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V387, CheckIdentifier.Misc);
if (Type_A_Match && Type_B_Match)
var TypesAB_Match = PersonalTable.RB.IsValidTypeCombination(Type_A, Type_B);
if (TypesAB_Match)
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V391, CheckIdentifier.Misc);
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V388, CheckIdentifier.Misc);
else // Types must match species types
var Type_A_Match = Type_A == PersonalTable.RB[pkm.Species].Types[0];
var Type_B_Match = Type_B == PersonalTable.RB[pkm.Species].Types[1];
AddLine(Type_A_Match ? Severity.Valid : Severity.Invalid, Type_A_Match ? V392 : V389, CheckIdentifier.Misc);
AddLine(Type_B_Match ? Severity.Valid : Severity.Invalid, Type_B_Match ? V393 : V390, CheckIdentifier.Misc);
var catch_rate =(pkm as PK1).Catch_Rate;
switch (pkm.TradebackStatus)
case TradebackType.Any:
case TradebackType.WasTradeback:
if (catch_rate == 0 || Legal.HeldItems_GSC.Any(h => h == catch_rate))
{ AddLine(Severity.Valid, V394, CheckIdentifier.Misc); }
else if (pkm.TradebackStatus == TradebackType.WasTradeback)
{ AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V395, CheckIdentifier.Misc); }
goto case TradebackType.Gen1_NotTradeback;
case TradebackType.Gen1_NotTradeback:
if ((EncounterMatch as EncounterStatic)?.Version == GameVersion.Stadium || EncounterMatch is EncounterTradeCatchRate)
// Encounters detected by the catch rate, cant be invalid if match this encounters
{ AddLine(Severity.Valid, V398, CheckIdentifier.Misc); }
if (pkm.Species == 149 && catch_rate == PersonalTable.Y[149].CatchRate ||
Legal.Species_NotAvailable_CatchRate.Contains(pkm.Species) && catch_rate == PersonalTable.RB[pkm.Species].CatchRate)
{ AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V396, CheckIdentifier.Misc); }
else if (!Info.EvoChainsAllGens[1].Any(e => catch_rate == PersonalTable.RB[e.Species].CatchRate || catch_rate == PersonalTable.Y[e.Species].CatchRate))
{ AddLine(Severity.Invalid, pkm.Gen1_NotTradeback? V397: V399, CheckIdentifier.Misc); }
{ AddLine(Severity.Valid, V398, CheckIdentifier.Misc); }
private void VerifyMisc()
if (pkm.Format == 7 && ((PK7)pkm).PelagoEventStatus != 0)
// TODO: Figure out what PelagoEventStati are legal.
if (pkm.IsEgg)
if (pkm.CNTs.Any(stat => stat > 0))
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V320, CheckIdentifier.Egg);
if (pkm is PK4 pk4)
if (pk4.ShinyLeaf != 0)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V414, CheckIdentifier.Egg);
if (pk4.PokéathlonStat != 0)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V415, CheckIdentifier.Egg);
if (!Encounter.Valid)
if (pkm.GenNumber == 5 && ((EncounterMatch as EncounterStatic)?.NSparkle ?? false))
switch (EncounterMatch)
case WC3 w when w.Fateful:
case MysteryGift g when g.Format != 3: // WC3
case EncounterStatic s when s.Fateful: // ingame fateful
case EncounterSlot _ when pkm.Version == 15: // ingame pokespot
if (pkm.FatefulEncounter)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V325, CheckIdentifier.Fateful);
private void VerifyMiscEggCommon()
if (new[] {pkm.Move1_PPUps, pkm.Move2_PPUps, pkm.Move3_PPUps, pkm.Move4_PPUps}.Any(ppup => ppup > 0))
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V319, CheckIdentifier.Egg);
if (pkm.Move1_PP != pkm.GetMovePP(pkm.Move1, 0) || pkm.Move2_PP != pkm.GetMovePP(pkm.Move2, 0)
|| pkm.Move3_PP != pkm.GetMovePP(pkm.Move3, 0) || pkm.Move4_PP != pkm.GetMovePP(pkm.Move4, 0))
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V420, CheckIdentifier.Egg);
var HatchCycles = (EncounterMatch as EncounterStatic)?.EggCycles;
if (HatchCycles == 0 || HatchCycles == null)
HatchCycles = pkm.PersonalInfo.HatchCycles;
if (pkm.CurrentFriendship > HatchCycles)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V374, CheckIdentifier.Egg);
private void VerifyFatefulMysteryGift(MysteryGift g)
if (g is PGF p && p.IsShiny)
Info.PIDIV = MethodFinder.Analyze(pkm);
if (Info.PIDIV.Type != PIDType.G5MGShiny)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V411, CheckIdentifier.PID);
bool fatefulValid = false;
if (g.Format == 3)
// obedience flag in gen3 is the fateful flag; met location stores the fateful info until transfer
bool required = g.Species == 151 || g.Species == 386;
required |= pkm.Format != 3 && !g.IsEgg;
fatefulValid = !(required ^ pkm.FatefulEncounter);
var g3 = (WC3)g; // shiny locked gifts
if (g3.Shiny != null && g3.Shiny != pkm.IsShiny)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V409, CheckIdentifier.Fateful);
if (pkm.FatefulEncounter)
fatefulValid = true;
if (fatefulValid)
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V321, CheckIdentifier.Fateful);
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V322, CheckIdentifier.Fateful);
private void VerifyFatefulIngameActive()
if (pkm.Version == 15 && pkm is XK3 xk3 && Info.WasXD)
// can't have fateful until traded away, which clears ShadowID
if (xk3.FatefulEncounter && xk3.ShadowID != 0)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V325, CheckIdentifier.Fateful);
return; // fateful is set when transferred away
if (pkm.FatefulEncounter)
AddLine(Severity.Valid, V323, CheckIdentifier.Fateful);
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V324, CheckIdentifier.Fateful);
private void VerifyNsPKM()
bool req = (EncounterMatch as EncounterStatic)?.NSparkle ?? false;
if (pkm.Format == 5)
bool has = ((PK5)pkm).NPokémon;
if (req && !has)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V326, CheckIdentifier.Fateful);
if (!req && has)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V327, CheckIdentifier.Fateful);
if (req)
if (pkm.IVs.Any(iv => iv != 30))
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V218, CheckIdentifier.IVs);
if (!VerifyNsPKMOTValid())
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V219, CheckIdentifier.Trainer);
if (pkm.IsShiny)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V220, CheckIdentifier.Shiny);
private bool VerifyNsPKMOTValid()
if (pkm.TID != 00002 || pkm.SID != 00000)
return false;
switch (pkm.Language)
case 1: // jp
return pkm.OT_Name == "N";
return pkm.OT_Name == "N";
private void VerifyVersionEvolution()
if (pkm.Format < 7)
// No point using the evolution tree. Just handle certain species.
switch (pkm.Species)
case 745: // Lycanroc
if (!pkm.WasEgg)
if (pkm.AltForm == 0 && pkm.Version == 31 // Moon
|| pkm.AltForm == 1 && pkm.Version == 30) // Sun
if (pkm.IsUntraded)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V328, CheckIdentifier.Evolution);
case 791: // Solgaleo
if (pkm.Version == 31 && pkm.IsUntraded)
if (EncounterMatch is MysteryGift g && g.Species == pkm.Species) // Gifted via Mystery Gift
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V328, CheckIdentifier.Evolution);
case 792: // Lunala
if (pkm.Version == 30 && pkm.IsUntraded)
if (EncounterMatch is MysteryGift g && g.Species == pkm.Species) // Gifted via Mystery Gift
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, V328, CheckIdentifier.Evolution);
#region VerifyMoves
public static string[] MoveStrings { get; set; } = Util.GetMovesList("en");
public static string[] SpeciesStrings { get; set; } = Util.GetSpeciesList("en");