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synced 2025-03-07 00:37:34 +00:00
Move System.Drawing usage out of Core to WinForms, as System.Drawing is not in .NET Core/Standard. Simple methods to return resource name strings have been added instead.
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138 lines
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using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
// From: https://github.com/codebude/QRCoder
namespace QRCoder
using System;
public class QRCode : AbstractQRCode<Bitmap>, IDisposable
public QRCode(QRCodeData data) : base(data) {}
public override Bitmap GetGraphic(int pixelsPerModule)
return this.GetGraphic(pixelsPerModule, Color.Black, Color.White, true);
public Bitmap GetGraphic(int pixelsPerModule, string darkColorHtmlHex, string lightColorHtmlHex, bool drawQuietZones = true)
return this.GetGraphic(pixelsPerModule, ColorTranslator.FromHtml(darkColorHtmlHex), ColorTranslator.FromHtml(lightColorHtmlHex), drawQuietZones);
public Bitmap GetGraphic(int pixelsPerModule, Color darkColor, Color lightColor, bool drawQuietZones = true)
var size = (this.QrCodeData.ModuleMatrix.Count - (drawQuietZones ? 0 : 8)) * pixelsPerModule;
var offset = drawQuietZones ? 0 : 4 * pixelsPerModule;
var bmp = new Bitmap(size, size);
var gfx = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
for (var x = 0; x < size + offset; x = x + pixelsPerModule)
for (var y = 0; y < size + offset; y = y + pixelsPerModule)
var module = this.QrCodeData.ModuleMatrix[(y + pixelsPerModule)/pixelsPerModule - 1][(x + pixelsPerModule)/pixelsPerModule - 1];
if (module)
gfx.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(darkColor), new Rectangle(x - offset, y - offset, pixelsPerModule, pixelsPerModule));
gfx.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(lightColor), new Rectangle(x - offset, y - offset, pixelsPerModule, pixelsPerModule));
return bmp;
public Bitmap GetGraphic(int pixelsPerModule, Color darkColor, Color lightColor, Bitmap icon=null, int iconSizePercent=15, int iconBorderWidth = 6, bool drawQuietZones = true)
var size = (this.QrCodeData.ModuleMatrix.Count - (drawQuietZones ? 0 : 8)) * pixelsPerModule;
var offset = drawQuietZones ? 0 : 4 * pixelsPerModule;
var bmp = new Bitmap(size, size, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
var gfx = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
gfx.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
gfx.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality;
var drawIconFlag = icon != null && iconSizePercent>0 && iconSizePercent<=100;
GraphicsPath iconPath = null;
float iconDestWidth=0, iconDestHeight=0, iconX=0, iconY=0;
if (drawIconFlag)
iconDestWidth = iconSizePercent * bmp.Width / 100f;
iconDestHeight = drawIconFlag ? iconDestWidth * icon.Height / icon.Width : 0;
iconX = (bmp.Width - iconDestWidth) / 2;
iconY = (bmp.Height - iconDestHeight) / 2;
var centerDest = new RectangleF(iconX - iconBorderWidth, iconY - iconBorderWidth, iconDestWidth + iconBorderWidth * 2, iconDestHeight + iconBorderWidth * 2);
iconPath = this.CreateRoundedRectanglePath(centerDest, iconBorderWidth * 2);
var lightBrush = new SolidBrush(lightColor);
var darkBrush = new SolidBrush(darkColor);
for (var x = 0; x < size+offset; x = x + pixelsPerModule)
for (var y = 0; y < size + offset; y = y + pixelsPerModule)
var module = this.QrCodeData.ModuleMatrix[(y + pixelsPerModule)/pixelsPerModule - 1][(x + pixelsPerModule)/pixelsPerModule - 1];
if (module)
var r = new Rectangle(x-offset, y-offset, pixelsPerModule, pixelsPerModule);
if (drawIconFlag)
var region = new Region(r);
gfx.FillRegion(darkBrush, region);
gfx.FillRectangle(darkBrush, r);
gfx.FillRectangle(lightBrush, new Rectangle(x-offset, y-offset, pixelsPerModule, pixelsPerModule));
if (drawIconFlag)
var iconDestRect = new RectangleF(iconX, iconY, iconDestWidth, iconDestHeight);
gfx.DrawImage(icon, iconDestRect, new RectangleF(0, 0, icon.Width, icon.Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
return bmp;
internal GraphicsPath CreateRoundedRectanglePath(RectangleF rect, int cornerRadius)
var roundedRect = new GraphicsPath();
roundedRect.AddArc(rect.X, rect.Y, cornerRadius * 2, cornerRadius * 2, 180, 90);
roundedRect.AddLine(rect.X + cornerRadius, rect.Y, rect.Right - cornerRadius * 2, rect.Y);
roundedRect.AddArc(rect.X + rect.Width - cornerRadius * 2, rect.Y, cornerRadius * 2, cornerRadius * 2, 270, 90);
roundedRect.AddLine(rect.Right, rect.Y + cornerRadius * 2, rect.Right, rect.Y + rect.Height - cornerRadius * 2);
roundedRect.AddArc(rect.X + rect.Width - cornerRadius * 2, rect.Y + rect.Height - cornerRadius * 2, cornerRadius * 2, cornerRadius * 2, 0, 90);
roundedRect.AddLine(rect.Right - cornerRadius * 2, rect.Bottom, rect.X + cornerRadius * 2, rect.Bottom);
roundedRect.AddArc(rect.X, rect.Bottom - cornerRadius * 2, cornerRadius * 2, cornerRadius * 2, 90, 90);
roundedRect.AddLine(rect.X, rect.Bottom - cornerRadius * 2, rect.X, rect.Y + cornerRadius * 2);
return roundedRect;
public void Dispose()
this.QrCodeData = null;