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synced 2025-02-25 03:47:09 +00:00
Fix implementation as all uses are checking IVs Speed Last, but the method wasn't thinking like that. Improve base ROM raids for SWSH to ensure the Rank roll matches the output.
175 lines
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175 lines
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using System;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// <summary>
/// Contains logic for the Generation 8b (BD/SP) wild and stationary spawns.
/// </summary>
public static class Wild8bRNG
private const int UNSET = -1;
public static void ApplyDetails(PKM pk, EncounterCriteria criteria,
Shiny shiny = Shiny.FixedValue,
int flawless = -1,
AbilityPermission ability = AbilityPermission.Any12,
int maxAttempts = 70_000)
if (shiny == Shiny.FixedValue)
shiny = criteria.Shiny is Shiny.Random or Shiny.Never ? Shiny.Never : criteria.Shiny;
if (flawless == -1)
flawless = 0;
int ctr = 0;
var rnd = Util.Rand;
ulong s0 = rnd.Rand64();
ulong s1 = rnd.Rand64();
var xors = new XorShift128(s0, s1);
if (TryApplyFromSeed(pk, criteria, shiny, flawless, xors, ability))
} while (++ctr != maxAttempts);
ulong s0 = rnd.Rand64();
ulong s1 = rnd.Rand64();
var xors = new XorShift128(s0, s1);
TryApplyFromSeed(pk, EncounterCriteria.Unrestricted, shiny, flawless, xors, ability);
public static bool TryApplyFromSeed(PKM pk, EncounterCriteria criteria, Shiny shiny, int flawless, XorShift128 xors, AbilityPermission ability)
// Encryption Constant
pk.EncryptionConstant = xors.NextUInt();
// PID
var fakeTID = xors.NextUInt(); // fakeTID
var pid = xors.NextUInt();
pid = GetRevisedPID(fakeTID, pid, pk);
var xor = GetShinyXor(pk.ID32, pid);
var type = GetRareType(xor);
if (shiny == Shiny.Never)
if (type != Shiny.Never)
return false;
else if (shiny != Shiny.Random)
if (type == Shiny.Never)
return false;
if (shiny == Shiny.AlwaysSquare && type != Shiny.AlwaysSquare)
return false;
if (shiny == Shiny.AlwaysStar && type != Shiny.AlwaysStar)
return false;
pk.PID = pid;
// Check IVs: Create flawless IVs at random indexes, then the random IVs for not flawless.
Span<int> ivs = stackalloc[] { UNSET, UNSET, UNSET, UNSET, UNSET, UNSET };
const int MAX = 31;
var determined = 0;
while (determined < flawless)
var idx = (int)xors.NextUInt(6);
if (ivs[idx] != UNSET)
ivs[idx] = 31;
for (var i = 0; i < ivs.Length; i++)
if (ivs[i] == UNSET)
ivs[i] = xors.NextInt(0, MAX + 1);
if (!criteria.IsIVsCompatibleSpeedLast(ivs, 8))
return false;
pk.IV_HP = ivs[0];
pk.IV_ATK = ivs[1];
pk.IV_DEF = ivs[2];
pk.IV_SPA = ivs[3];
pk.IV_SPD = ivs[4];
pk.IV_SPE = ivs[5];
// Ability
var n = ability switch
AbilityPermission.Any12 => (int)xors.NextUInt(2),
AbilityPermission.Any12H => (int)xors.NextUInt(3),
_ => (int)ability >> 1,
// Gender (skip this if gender is fixed)
var genderRatio = PersonalTable.BDSP.GetFormEntry(pk.Species, pk.Form).Gender;
if (genderRatio == PersonalInfo.RatioMagicGenderless)
pk.Gender = 2;
else if (genderRatio == PersonalInfo.RatioMagicMale)
pk.Gender = 0;
else if (genderRatio == PersonalInfo.RatioMagicFemale)
pk.Gender = 1;
var next = (((int)xors.NextUInt(253) + 1 < genderRatio) ? 1 : 0);
if (criteria.Gender is 0 or 1 && next != criteria.Gender)
return false;
pk.Gender = next;
if (criteria.Nature is Nature.Random)
pk.Nature = (int)xors.NextUInt(25);
else // Skip nature, assuming Synchronize
pk.Nature = (int)criteria.Nature;
pk.StatNature = pk.Nature;
// Remainder
var scale = (IScaledSize)pk;
scale.HeightScalar = (byte)((int)xors.NextUInt(0x81) + (int)xors.NextUInt(0x80));
scale.WeightScalar = (byte)((int)xors.NextUInt(0x81) + (int)xors.NextUInt(0x80));
// Item, don't care
return true;
private static uint GetRevisedPID(uint fakeTID, uint pid, ITrainerID32 tr)
var xor = GetShinyXor(pid, fakeTID);
var newXor = GetShinyXor(pid, tr.ID32);
var fakeRare = GetRareType(xor);
var newRare = GetRareType(newXor);
if (fakeRare == newRare)
return pid;
var isShiny = xor < 16;
if (isShiny)
return pid ^ 0x1000_0000;
var low = pid & 0xFFFF;
return (((xor == 0 ? 0u : 1u) ^ tr.TID16 ^ tr.SID16 ^ low) << 16) | low; // force same shiny star type
private static Shiny GetRareType(uint xor) => xor switch
0 => Shiny.AlwaysSquare,
< 16 => Shiny.AlwaysStar,
_ => Shiny.Never,
private static uint GetShinyXor(uint pid, uint id32)
var xor = pid ^ id32;
return (xor ^ (xor >> 16)) & 0xFFFF;