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using System;
using PKHeX.Core;
using PKHeX.Drawing;
namespace PKHeX.WinForms.Controls
public partial class PKMEditor
private void LoadNickname(PKM pk)
CHK_Nicknamed.Checked = pk.IsNicknamed;
TB_Nickname.Text = pk.Nickname;
private void SaveNickname(PKM pk)
pk.IsNicknamed = CHK_Nicknamed.Checked;
pk.Nickname = TB_Nickname.Text;
private void LoadSpeciesLevelEXP(PKM pk)
// Do first
pk.Stat_Level = Experience.GetLevel(pk.EXP, pk.PersonalInfo.EXPGrowth);
if (pk.Stat_Level == 100 && !HaX)
pk.EXP = Experience.GetEXP(pk.Stat_Level, pk.PersonalInfo.EXPGrowth);
CB_Species.SelectedValue = pk.Species;
TB_Level.Text = pk.Stat_Level.ToString();
TB_EXP.Text = pk.EXP.ToString();
private void SaveSpeciesLevelEXP(PKM pk)
pk.Species = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Species);
pk.EXP = Util.ToUInt32(TB_EXP.Text);
private void LoadOT(PKM pk)
GB_OT.BackgroundImage = null;
TB_OT.Text = pk.OT_Name;
Label_OTGender.Text = gendersymbols[pk.OT_Gender];
Label_OTGender.ForeColor = Draw.GetGenderColor(pk.OT_Gender);
private void SaveOT(PKM pk)
pk.OT_Name = TB_OT.Text;
pk.OT_Gender = PKX.GetGenderFromString(Label_OTGender.Text);
private void LoadPKRS(PKM pk)
Label_PKRS.Visible = CB_PKRSStrain.Visible = CHK_Infected.Checked = pk.PKRS_Strain != 0;
Label_PKRSdays.Visible = CB_PKRSDays.Visible = pk.PKRS_Days != 0;
CB_PKRSStrain.SelectedIndex = pk.PKRS_Strain;
CHK_Cured.Checked = pk.PKRS_Strain > 0 && pk.PKRS_Days == 0;
CB_PKRSDays.SelectedIndex = Math.Min(CB_PKRSDays.Items.Count - 1, pk.PKRS_Days); // to strip out bad hacked 'rus
private void SavePKRS(PKM pk)
pk.PKRS_Days = CB_PKRSDays.SelectedIndex;
pk.PKRS_Strain = CB_PKRSStrain.SelectedIndex;
private void LoadIVs(PKM pk) => Stats.LoadIVs(pk.IVs);
private void LoadEVs(PKM pk) => Stats.LoadEVs(pk.EVs);
private void LoadAVs(IAwakened a) => Stats.LoadAVs(a);
private void LoadMoves(PKM pk)
CB_Move1.SelectedValue = pk.Move1;
CB_Move2.SelectedValue = pk.Move2;
CB_Move3.SelectedValue = pk.Move3;
CB_Move4.SelectedValue = pk.Move4;
CB_PPu1.SelectedIndex = pk.Move1_PPUps;
CB_PPu2.SelectedIndex = pk.Move2_PPUps;
CB_PPu3.SelectedIndex = pk.Move3_PPUps;
CB_PPu4.SelectedIndex = pk.Move4_PPUps;
TB_PP1.Text = pk.Move1_PP.ToString();
TB_PP2.Text = pk.Move2_PP.ToString();
TB_PP3.Text = pk.Move3_PP.ToString();
TB_PP4.Text = pk.Move4_PP.ToString();
private void SaveMoves(PKM pk)
pk.Move1 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move1);
pk.Move2 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move2);
pk.Move3 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move3);
pk.Move4 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move4);
pk.Move1_PP = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move1) > 0 ? Util.ToInt32(TB_PP1.Text) : 0;
pk.Move2_PP = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move2) > 0 ? Util.ToInt32(TB_PP2.Text) : 0;
pk.Move3_PP = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move3) > 0 ? Util.ToInt32(TB_PP3.Text) : 0;
pk.Move4_PP = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move4) > 0 ? Util.ToInt32(TB_PP4.Text) : 0;
pk.Move1_PPUps = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move1) > 0 ? CB_PPu1.SelectedIndex : 0;
pk.Move2_PPUps = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move2) > 0 ? CB_PPu2.SelectedIndex : 0;
pk.Move3_PPUps = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move3) > 0 ? CB_PPu3.SelectedIndex : 0;
pk.Move4_PPUps = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move4) > 0 ? CB_PPu4.SelectedIndex : 0;
private void LoadShadow3(IShadowPKM ck3)
NUD_ShadowID.Value = ck3.ShadowID;
FLP_Purification.Visible = ck3.ShadowID > 0;
if (ck3.ShadowID > 0)
int value = ck3.Purification;
if (value < NUD_Purification.Minimum)
value = (int)NUD_Purification.Minimum;
NUD_Purification.Value = value;
CHK_Shadow.Checked = ck3.IsShadow;
NUD_ShadowID.Value = Math.Max(ck3.ShadowID, 0);
NUD_Purification.Value = 0;
CHK_Shadow.Checked = false;
NUD_ShadowID.Value = 0;
private void SaveShadow3(IShadowPKM ck3)
ck3.ShadowID = (int)NUD_ShadowID.Value;
if (ck3.ShadowID > 0)
ck3.Purification = (int)NUD_Purification.Value;
private void LoadRelearnMoves(PKM pk)
CB_RelearnMove1.SelectedValue = pk.RelearnMove1;
CB_RelearnMove2.SelectedValue = pk.RelearnMove2;
CB_RelearnMove3.SelectedValue = pk.RelearnMove3;
CB_RelearnMove4.SelectedValue = pk.RelearnMove4;
private void SaveRelearnMoves(PKM pk7)
pk7.RelearnMove1 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_RelearnMove1);
pk7.RelearnMove2 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_RelearnMove2);
pk7.RelearnMove3 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_RelearnMove3);
pk7.RelearnMove4 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_RelearnMove4);
private void LoadMisc1(PKM pk)
private void SaveMisc1(PKM pk)
private void LoadMisc2(PKM pk)
CHK_IsEgg.Checked = pk.IsEgg;
CB_HeldItem.SelectedValue = pk.HeldItem;
CB_Form.SelectedIndex = CB_Form.Items.Count > pk.AltForm ? pk.AltForm : CB_Form.Items.Count - 1;
if (pk is IFormArgument f)
CB_FormArgument.SelectedIndex = CB_FormArgument.Items.Count > f.FormArgument ? (int)f.FormArgument : CB_FormArgument.Items.Count - 1;
TB_Friendship.Text = pk.CurrentFriendship.ToString();
Label_HatchCounter.Visible = CHK_IsEgg.Checked && Entity.Format > 1;
Label_Friendship.Visible = !CHK_IsEgg.Checked && Entity.Format > 1;
private void SaveMisc2(PKM pk)
pk.IsEgg = CHK_IsEgg.Checked;
pk.HeldItem = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_HeldItem);
pk.AltForm = (MT_Form.Enabled ? Convert.ToInt32(MT_Form.Text) : CB_Form.Enabled ? CB_Form.SelectedIndex : 0) & 0x1F;
if (Entity is IFormArgument f)
f.FormArgument = (uint)Math.Max(0, CB_FormArgument.SelectedIndex);
pk.CurrentFriendship = Util.ToInt32(TB_Friendship.Text);
private void LoadMisc3(PKM pk)
TB_PID.Text = $"{pk.PID:X8}";
Label_Gender.Text = gendersymbols[Math.Min(2, pk.Gender)];
Label_Gender.ForeColor = Draw.GetGenderColor(pk.Gender);
CB_Nature.SelectedValue = pk.Nature;
CB_Language.SelectedValue = pk.Language;
CB_GameOrigin.SelectedValue = pk.Version;
CB_Ball.SelectedValue = pk.Ball;
CB_MetLocation.SelectedValue = pk.Met_Location;
TB_MetLevel.Text = pk.Met_Level.ToString();
CHK_Fateful.Checked = pk.FatefulEncounter;
if (pk is IContestStats s)
// Load Extrabyte Value
TB_ExtraByte.Text = pk.Data[Convert.ToInt32(CB_ExtraBytes.Text, 16)].ToString();
private void SaveMisc3(PKM pk)
pk.PID = Util.GetHexValue(TB_PID.Text);
pk.Nature = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Nature);
pk.Gender = PKX.GetGenderFromString(Label_Gender.Text);
if (pk is IContestStats s)
pk.FatefulEncounter = CHK_Fateful.Checked;
pk.Ball = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Ball);
pk.Version = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_GameOrigin);
pk.Language = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Language);
pk.Met_Level = Util.ToInt32(TB_MetLevel.Text);
pk.Met_Location = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_MetLocation);
private void LoadMisc4(PKM pk)
CAL_MetDate.Value = pk.MetDate ?? new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);
if (pk.Egg_Location == 0)
CHK_AsEgg.Checked = GB_EggConditions.Enabled = false;
CB_EggLocation.SelectedValue = 0;
CAL_EggDate.Value = new DateTime(2000, 01, 01);
// Was obtained initially as an egg.
CHK_AsEgg.Checked = GB_EggConditions.Enabled = true;
CB_EggLocation.SelectedValue = pk.Egg_Location;
CAL_EggDate.Value = pk.EggMetDate ?? new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);
private void SaveMisc4(PKM pk)
pk.MetDate = CAL_MetDate.Value;
// Default Dates
DateTime? egg_date = null;
int egg_location = 0;
if (CHK_AsEgg.Checked) // If encountered as an egg, load the Egg Met data from fields.
egg_date = CAL_EggDate.Value;
egg_location = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_EggLocation);
// Egg Met Data
pk.EggMetDate = egg_date;
pk.Egg_Location = egg_location;
if (pk.IsEgg && pk.Met_Location == 0) // If still an egg, it has no hatch location/date. Zero it!
pk.MetDate = null;
pk.Ability = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(HaX ? DEV_Ability : CB_Ability);
private void LoadMisc6(PKM pk)
TB_EC.Text = $"{pk.EncryptionConstant:X8}";
int abil = pk.AbilityNumber < 6 ? pk.AbilityNumber >> 1 : 0;
if (CB_Ability.Items.Count <= abil)
abil = CB_Ability.Items.Count - 1;
CB_Ability.SelectedIndex = abil; // with some simple error handling
DEV_Ability.SelectedValue = pk.Ability;
TB_AbilityNumber.Text = pk.AbilityNumber.ToString();
if (pk is IRegionOrigin tr)
private void SaveMisc6(PKM pk)
pk.EncryptionConstant = Util.GetHexValue(TB_EC.Text);
pk.AbilityNumber = Util.ToInt32(TB_AbilityNumber.Text);
if (pk is IRegionOrigin tr)
private void LoadGeolocation(IRegionOrigin pk)
CB_Country.SelectedValue = pk.Country;
CB_SubRegion.SelectedValue = pk.Region;
CB_3DSReg.SelectedValue = pk.ConsoleRegion;
private void SaveGeolocation(IRegionOrigin pk)
pk.Country = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Country);
pk.Region = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_SubRegion);
pk.ConsoleRegion = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_3DSReg);
private void LoadHandlingTrainer(PKM pk)
TB_OTt2.Text = pk.HT_Name;
int gender = pk.HT_Gender & 1;
// Set CT Gender to None if no CT, else set to gender symbol.
Label_CTGender.Text = string.IsNullOrEmpty(pk.HT_Name) ? string.Empty : gendersymbols[gender];
Label_CTGender.ForeColor = Draw.GetGenderColor(gender);
// Indicate who is currently in possession of the PKM
private void UpadteHandlingTrainerBackground(PKM pk)
if (pk.CurrentHandler == 0) // OT
GB_OT.BackgroundImage = ImageUtil.ChangeOpacity(SpriteUtil.Spriter.Set, 0.5);
GB_nOT.BackgroundImage = null;
else // Handling Trainer
GB_nOT.BackgroundImage = ImageUtil.ChangeOpacity(SpriteUtil.Spriter.Set, 0.5);
GB_OT.BackgroundImage = null;
private void SaveHandlingTrainer(PKM pk)
pk.HT_Name = TB_OTt2.Text;
pk.HT_Gender = PKX.GetGenderFromString(Label_CTGender.Text) & 1;
// Misc
private static void CheckTransferPIDValid(PKM pk)
var ver = pk.Version;
if (ver >= (int)GameVersion.X || ver == 0)
uint EC = pk.EncryptionConstant;
uint PID = pk.PID;
uint LID = PID & 0xFFFF;
uint HID = PID >> 16;
uint XOR = (uint)(pk.TID ^ LID ^ pk.SID ^ HID);
// Ensure we don't have a shiny.
if (XOR >> 3 == 1) // Illegal, fix. (not 16<XOR>=8)
// Keep as shiny, so we have to mod the EC
pk.EncryptionConstant = PID ^ 0x80000000;
else if ((XOR ^ 0x8000) >> 3 == 1 && PID != EC)
// Already anti-shiny, ensure the anti-shiny relationship is present.
pk.EncryptionConstant = PID ^ 0x80000000;
// Ensure the copy correlation is present.
pk.EncryptionConstant = PID;
private void LoadAbility4(PKM pk)
var index = GetAbilityIndex4(pk);
CB_Ability.SelectedIndex = Math.Min(CB_Ability.Items.Count - 1, index);
private static int GetAbilityIndex4(PKM pk)
var pi = pk.PersonalInfo;
int abilityIndex = pi.GetAbilityIndex(pk.Ability);
if (abilityIndex < 0)
return 0;
if (abilityIndex >= 2)
return 2;
var abils = pi.Abilities;
if (abils[0] == abils[1])
return pk.PIDAbility;
return abilityIndex;
private void LoadMisc8(PK8 pk8)
CB_StatNature.SelectedValue = pk8.StatNature;
Stats.CB_DynamaxLevel.SelectedIndex = pk8.DynamaxLevel;
Stats.CHK_Gigantamax.Checked = pk8.CanGigantamax;
CB_HTLanguage.SelectedValue = pk8.HT_Language;
TB_HomeTracker.Text = pk8.Tracker.ToString("X16");
CB_BattleVersion.SelectedValue = pk8.BattleVersion;
private void SaveMisc8(PK8 pk8)
pk8.StatNature = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_StatNature);
pk8.DynamaxLevel = (byte)Math.Max(0, Stats.CB_DynamaxLevel.SelectedIndex);
pk8.CanGigantamax = Stats.CHK_Gigantamax.Checked;
pk8.HT_Language = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_HTLanguage);
pk8.BattleVersion = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_BattleVersion);