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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using static PKHeX.Core.LegalityCheckStrings;
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// <summary>
/// Verifies the <see cref="PKM.Ability"/> values.
/// </summary>
public sealed class AbilityVerifier : Verifier
protected override CheckIdentifier Identifier => CheckIdentifier.Ability;
public override void Verify(LegalityAnalysis data)
var result = VerifyAbility(data);
private CheckResult VALID => GetValid(LAbilityFlag);
private CheckResult INVALID => GetInvalid(LAbilityMismatch);
private enum AbilityState : byte
private CheckResult VerifyAbility(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pkm = data.pkm;
var abilities = pkm.PersonalInfo.Abilities;
// Check ability is possible (within bounds)
int ability = pkm.Ability;
int abilval = Array.IndexOf(abilities, ability);
if (abilval < 0)
return GetInvalid(LAbilityUnexpected);
if (data.EncounterMatch is MysteryGift g && g.Format >= 4)
return VerifyAbilityMG(data, abilities, g.AbilityType);
if (pkm.Format < 6)
return VerifyAbility345(data, abilities, abilval);
// Check AbilityNumber points to ability
int an = pkm.AbilityNumber >> 1;
if (an >= abilities.Length || abilities[an] != ability)
return GetInvalid(LAbilityMismatchFlag);
return VerifyAbility(data, abilities, abilval);
private CheckResult VerifyAbility(LegalityAnalysis data, IReadOnlyList<int> abilities, int abilnum)
var EncounterMatch = data.EncounterMatch;
var eabil = GetEncounterFixedAbilityNumber(EncounterMatch);
if (eabil >= 0)
if ((data.pkm.AbilityNumber == 4) != (eabil == 4))
return GetInvalid(LAbilityHiddenFail);
if (eabil > 0)
return VerifyFixedAbility(data, abilities, AbilityState.CanMismatch, eabil, abilnum);
var gen = data.Info.Generation;
return gen switch
5 => VerifyAbility5(data, abilities),
6 => VerifyAbility6(data),
7 => VerifyAbility7(data),
8 => VerifyAbility8(data),
_ => CheckMatch(data.pkm, abilities, gen, AbilityState.CanMismatch)
private CheckResult VerifyAbility345(LegalityAnalysis data, IReadOnlyList<int> abilities, int abilnum)
var pkm = data.pkm;
var state = AbilityState.MustMatch;
if (3 <= pkm.Format && pkm.Format <= 5 && abilities[0] != abilities[1]) // 3-4/5 and have 2 distinct abilities now
state = VerifyAbilityPreCapsule(data, abilities);
var EncounterMatch = data.EncounterMatch;
int eabil = GetEncounterFixedAbilityNumber(EncounterMatch);
if (eabil >= 0)
if ((data.pkm.AbilityNumber == 4) != (eabil == 4))
return GetInvalid(LAbilityHiddenFail);
if (eabil > 0)
return VerifyFixedAbility(data, abilities, state, eabil, abilnum);
int gen = data.Info.Generation;
if (gen == 5)
return VerifyAbility5(data, abilities);
return CheckMatch(pkm, abilities, gen, state);
private CheckResult VerifyFixedAbility(LegalityAnalysis data, IReadOnlyList<int> abilities, AbilityState state, int EncounterAbility, int abilval)
var pkm = data.pkm;
if (data.Info.EncounterMatch is IGeneration g && g.Generation >= 6)
if (IsAbilityCapsuleModified(pkm, abilities, EncounterAbility))
return GetValid(LAbilityCapsuleUsed);
if (pkm.AbilityNumber != EncounterAbility)
return INVALID;
return VALID;
if ((pkm.AbilityNumber == 4) != (EncounterAbility == 4))
return GetInvalid(LAbilityHiddenFail);
if (data.EncounterMatch.Species != pkm.Species && state != AbilityState.CanMismatch) // evolved
return CheckMatch(pkm, abilities, data.Info.Generation, AbilityState.MustMatch);
if (EncounterAbility == 1 << abilval)
return GetValid(LAbilityFlag);
if (pkm.AbilityNumber == EncounterAbility)
return VALID;
if (state == AbilityState.CanMismatch || EncounterAbility == 0)
return CheckMatch(pkm, abilities, data.Info.Generation, AbilityState.MustMatch);
if (IsAbilityCapsuleModified(pkm, abilities, EncounterAbility))
return GetValid(LAbilityCapsuleUsed);
return INVALID;
private AbilityState VerifyAbilityPreCapsule(LegalityAnalysis data, IReadOnlyList<int> abilities)
var pkm = data.pkm;
// CXD pokemon can have any ability without matching PID
if (pkm.Version == (int)GameVersion.CXD && pkm.Format == 3)
return AbilityState.CanMismatch;
// Gen3 native or Gen4/5 origin
if (pkm.Format == 3 || !pkm.InhabitedGeneration(3))
return AbilityState.MustMatch;
// Evovled in Gen4/5
if (pkm.Species > Legal.MaxSpeciesID_3)
return AbilityState.MustMatch;
// If the species could not exist in Gen3, must match.
if (data.Info.EvoChainsAllGens[3].Count == 0)
return AbilityState.MustMatch;
// Fall through when gen3 pkm transferred to gen4/5
return VerifyAbilityGen3Transfer(data, abilities, data.Info.EvoChainsAllGens[3][0].Species);
private AbilityState VerifyAbilityGen3Transfer(LegalityAnalysis data, IReadOnlyList<int> abilities, int maxGen3Species)
var pkm = data.pkm;
var pers = (PersonalInfoG3)PersonalTable.E[maxGen3Species];
if (pers.Ability1 != pers.Ability2) // Excluding Colosseum/XD, a Gen3 pkm must match PID if it has 2 unique abilities
return pkm.Version == (int) GameVersion.CXD ? AbilityState.CanMismatch : AbilityState.MustMatch;
if (pkm.Species != maxGen3Species) // it has evolved in either gen 4 or gen 5; the ability must match PID
return AbilityState.MustMatch;
var chain = data.Info.EvoChainsAllGens;
bool evolved45 = chain[4].Count > 1 || (pkm.Format == 5 && chain[5].Count > 1);
if (evolved45)
if (pkm.Ability == pers.Ability1) // Could evolve in Gen4/5 and have a Gen3 only ability
return AbilityState.CanMismatch; // Not evolved in Gen4/5, doesn't need to match PIDAbility
if (pkm.Ability == abilities[1]) // It could evolve in Gen4/5 and have Gen4 second ability
return AbilityState.MustMatch; // Evolved in Gen4/5, must match PIDAbility
// If we reach here, it has not evolved in Gen4/5 games or has an invalid ability.
// The ability does not need to match the PIDAbility, but only Gen3 ability is allowed.
if (pkm.Ability != pers.Ability1) // Not evolved in Gen4/5, but doesn't have Gen3 only ability
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LAbilityMismatch3)); // probably bad to do this here
return AbilityState.CanMismatch;
private CheckResult VerifyAbilityMG(LegalityAnalysis data, IReadOnlyList<int> abilities, int cardtype)
if (data.EncounterMatch is PCD d)
return VerifyAbilityPCD(data, abilities, d);
var pkm = data.pkm;
if (data.EncounterMatch is PGT) // Ranger Manaphy
return (pkm.Format >= 6 ? (pkm.AbilityNumber == 1) : (pkm.AbilityNumber < 4)) ? VALID : GetInvalid(LAbilityMismatchGift);
int abilNumber = pkm.AbilityNumber;
if (cardtype == 4) // 1/2/H
return VALID;
if (cardtype == 3) // 1/2
return abilNumber == 4 ? GetInvalid(LAbilityMismatchGift) : VALID;
// Only remaining matches are fixed index abilities
int cardAbilIndex = 1 << cardtype;
if (abilNumber == cardAbilIndex)
return VALID;
// Can still match if the ability was changed via ability capsule...
// However, it can't change to/from Hidden Abilities.
if (abilNumber == 4 || cardtype == 2)
return GetInvalid(LAbilityHiddenFail);
// Ability can be flipped 0/1 if Ability Capsule is available, is not Hidden Ability, and Abilities are different.
if (pkm.Format >= 6 && abilities[0] != abilities[1])
return GetValid(LAbilityCapsuleUsed);
return GetInvalid(pkm.Format < 6 ? LAbilityMismatchPID : LAbilityMismatchFlag);
private CheckResult VerifyAbilityPCD(LegalityAnalysis data, IReadOnlyList<int> abilities, PCD pcd)
var pkm = data.pkm;
if (pkm.Format >= 6)
if (abilities[0] == abilities[1])
// Gen3-5 transfer with same ability -> 1st ability that matches
if (pkm.AbilityNumber == 1)
return GetValid(LAbilityFlag);
return CheckMatch(pkm, abilities, 4, AbilityState.MustMatch); // evolved, must match
if (pkm.AbilityNumber < 4) // Ability Capsule can change between 1/2
return GetValid(LAbilityCapsuleUsed);
if (pcd.Species != pkm.Species)
return CheckMatch(pkm, abilities, 4, AbilityState.MustMatch); // evolved, must match
// Edge case (PID ability gift mismatch) -- must match gift ability.
return pkm.Ability == pcd.Gift.PK.Ability ? VALID : INVALID;
private CheckResult VerifyAbility5(LegalityAnalysis data, IReadOnlyList<int> abilities)
var pkm = data.pkm;
switch (data.EncounterMatch)
case EncounterSlot w:
// Hidden Abilities for Wild Encounters are only available at a Hidden Grotto
bool grotto = w.Type == SlotType.HiddenGrotto;
if (pkm.AbilityNumber == 4 ^ grotto)
return GetInvalid(grotto ? LAbilityMismatchGrotto : LAbilityHiddenFail);
case EncounterEgg e when pkm.AbilityNumber == 4:
// Hidden Abilities for some are unbreedable or unreleased
if (Legal.Ban_BreedHidden5.Contains(e.Species))
return GetInvalid(LAbilityHiddenUnavailable);
var state = pkm.Format == 5 ? AbilityState.MustMatch : AbilityState.CanMismatch;
return CheckMatch(data.pkm, abilities, 5, state);
private CheckResult VerifyAbility6(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pkm = data.pkm;
if (pkm.AbilityNumber != 4)
return VALID;
// hidden abilities
var EncounterMatch = data.EncounterMatch;
if (EncounterMatch is EncounterSlot slot)
bool valid = slot.Permissions.DexNav || slot.Type == SlotType.FriendSafari || slot.Type == SlotType.Horde;
if (!valid)
return GetInvalid(LAbilityMismatchHordeSafari);
if (Legal.Ban_NoHidden6.Contains(pkm.SpecForm))
return GetInvalid(LAbilityHiddenUnavailable);
return VALID;
private CheckResult VerifyAbility7(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pkm = data.pkm;
var EncounterMatch = data.EncounterMatch;
if (EncounterMatch is EncounterSlot slot && pkm.AbilityNumber == 4)
bool valid = slot.Type == SlotType.SOS;
if (!valid)
return GetInvalid(LAbilityMismatchSOS);
if (Legal.Ban_NoHidden7.Contains(pkm.SpecForm) && pkm.AbilityNumber == 4)
return GetInvalid(LAbilityHiddenUnavailable);
return VALID;
private CheckResult VerifyAbility8(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pkm = data.pkm;
var EncounterMatch = data.EncounterMatch;
if (EncounterMatch is EncounterSlot && pkm.AbilityNumber == 4)
return GetInvalid(LAbilityHiddenUnavailable);
if (Legal.Ban_NoHidden8.Contains(pkm.SpecForm) && pkm.AbilityNumber == 4)
return GetInvalid(LAbilityHiddenUnavailable);
return VALID;
/// <summary>
/// Final checks assuming nothing else has flagged the ability.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pkm">Pokémon</param>
/// <param name="abilities">Current abilities</param>
/// <param name="gen">Generation</param>
/// <param name="state">Permissive to allow ability to deviate under special circumstances</param>
private CheckResult CheckMatch(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList<int> abilities, int gen, AbilityState state)
if (3 <= gen && gen <= 4 && pkm.AbilityNumber == 4)
return GetInvalid(LAbilityHiddenUnavailable);
// other cases of hidden ability already flagged, all that is left is 1/2 mismatching
if (state == AbilityState.MustMatch && abilities[pkm.AbilityNumber >> 1] != pkm.Ability)
return GetInvalid(pkm.Format < 6 ? LAbilityMismatchPID : LAbilityMismatchFlag);
return VALID;
// Ability Capsule can change between 1/2
private static bool IsAbilityCapsuleModified(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList<int> abilities, int EncounterAbility)
if (pkm.Format < 6)
return false; // Ability Capsule does not exist
if (abilities[0] == abilities[1])
return false; // Cannot alter ability index if it is the same as the other ability.
if (pkm.AbilityNumber == 4)
return false; // Cannot alter to hidden ability.
if (EncounterAbility == 4)
return false; // Cannot alter from hidden ability.
return true;
private static int GetEncounterFixedAbilityNumber(IEncounterable enc)
return enc switch
EncounterStatic s => s.Ability,
EncounterTrade t => t.Ability,
_ => -1