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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using static PKHeX.Core.Species;
using static PKHeX.Core.Move;
namespace PKHeX.Core
public static partial class Legal
/// <summary>
/// Species that can change between their forms and get access to form-specific moves.
/// </summary>
public static readonly HashSet<int> FormChangeMovesRetain = new()
/// <summary>
/// Species that can change between their forms and get access to form-specific moves.
/// </summary>
public static readonly Dictionary<int, Func<int, int, bool>> FormChangeMoves = new()
{(int)Deoxys, (g, _) => g >= 6},
{(int)Giratina, (g, _) => g >= 6},
{(int)Shaymin, (g, _) => g >= 6},
{(int)Rotom, (g, _) => g >= 6},
{(int)Hoopa, (g, _) => g >= 6},
{(int)Tornadus, (g, _) => g >= 6},
{(int)Thundurus,(g, _) => g >= 6},
{(int)Landorus, (g, _) => g >= 6},
{(int)Urshifu, (g, _) => g >= 8},
{(int)Enamorus, (g, _) => g >= 8},
// Fused
{(int)Kyurem, (g, _) => g >= 6},
{(int)Necrozma, (g, _) => g >= 8},
{(int)Calyrex, (g, _) => g >= 8},
{(int)Pikachu, (g, f) => g == 6 && f != 0},
/// <summary>
/// Generation 3 & 4 Battle Frontier Species banlist. When referencing this in context to generation 4, be sure to disallow <see cref="Pichu"/> with Form 1 (Spiky).
/// </summary>
public static readonly HashSet<int> BattleFrontierBanlist = new()
(int)Mewtwo, (int)Mew,
(int)Lugia, (int)HoOh, (int)Celebi,
(int)Kyogre, (int)Groudon, (int)Rayquaza, (int)Jirachi, (int)Deoxys,
(int)Dialga, (int)Palkia, (int)Giratina, (int)Phione, (int)Manaphy, (int)Darkrai, (int)Shaymin, (int)Arceus,
(int)Victini, (int)Reshiram, (int)Zekrom, (int)Kyurem, (int)Keldeo, (int)Meloetta, (int)Genesect,
(int)Xerneas, (int)Yveltal, (int)Zygarde, (int)Diancie, (int)Hoopa, (int)Volcanion,
(int)Cosmog, (int)Cosmoem, (int)Solgaleo, (int)Lunala, (int)Necrozma, (int)Magearna, (int)Marshadow, (int)Zeraora,
(int)Meltan, (int)Melmetal,
/// <summary>
/// Checks if Sketch can obtain the <see cref="move"/> in the requested <see cref="generation"/>
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Doesn't bounds check the <see cref="generation"/> for max move ID.</remarks>
/// <param name="move">Move ID</param>
/// <param name="generation">Generation to check</param>
/// <returns>True if can be sketched, false if not available.</returns>
public static bool IsValidSketch(int move, int generation)
if (MoveInfo.InvalidSketch.Contains(move))
return false;
if (generation is 6 && move is ((int)ThousandArrows or (int)ThousandWaves))
return false;
if (generation is 8) // can't Sketch unusable moves in BDSP, no Sketch in PLA
if (DummiedMoves_BDSP.Contains(move))
return false;
if (move > MaxMoveID_8)
return false;
return move <= GetMaxMoveID(generation);
/// <summary>
/// Species that are from Mythical Distributions (disallowed species for competitive rulesets)
/// </summary>
public static readonly HashSet<int> Mythicals = new()
(int)Jirachi, (int)Deoxys,
(int)Phione, (int)Manaphy, (int)Darkrai, (int)Shaymin, (int)Arceus,
(int)Victini, (int)Keldeo, (int)Meloetta, (int)Genesect,
(int)Diancie, (int)Hoopa, (int)Volcanion,
(int)Magearna, (int)Marshadow,
(int)Zeraora, (int)Meltan, (int)Melmetal,
/// <summary>
/// Species classified as "Legend" by the game code.
/// </summary>
public static readonly HashSet<int> Legends = new()
(int)Mewtwo, (int)Mew,
(int)Lugia, (int)HoOh, (int)Celebi,
(int)Kyogre, (int)Groudon, (int)Rayquaza, (int)Jirachi, (int)Deoxys,
(int)Dialga, (int)Palkia, (int)Giratina, (int)Phione, (int)Manaphy, (int)Darkrai, (int)Shaymin, (int)Arceus,
(int)Victini, (int)Reshiram, (int)Zekrom, (int)Kyurem, (int)Keldeo, (int)Meloetta, (int)Genesect,
(int)Xerneas, (int)Yveltal, (int)Zygarde, (int)Diancie, (int)Hoopa, (int)Volcanion,
(int)Cosmog, (int)Cosmoem, (int)Solgaleo, (int)Lunala, (int)Necrozma, (int)Magearna, (int)Marshadow, (int)Zeraora,
(int)Meltan, (int)Melmetal,
(int)Zacian, (int)Zamazenta, (int)Eternatus, (int)Zarude, (int)Calyrex,
/// <summary>
/// Species classified as "SubLegend" by the game code.
/// </summary>
public static readonly HashSet<int> SubLegends = new()
(int)Articuno, (int)Zapdos, (int)Moltres,
(int)Raikou, (int)Entei, (int)Suicune,
(int)Regirock, (int)Regice, (int)Registeel, (int)Latias, (int)Latios,
(int)Uxie, (int)Mesprit, (int)Azelf, (int)Heatran, (int)Regigigas, (int)Cresselia,
(int)Cobalion, (int)Terrakion, (int)Virizion, (int)Tornadus, (int)Thundurus, (int)Landorus,
(int)TypeNull, (int)Silvally, (int)TapuKoko, (int)TapuLele, (int)TapuBulu, (int)TapuFini,
(int)Nihilego, (int)Buzzwole, (int)Pheromosa, (int)Xurkitree, (int)Celesteela, (int)Kartana, (int)Guzzlord,
(int)Poipole, (int)Naganadel, (int)Stakataka, (int)Blacephalon,
(int)Kubfu, (int)Urshifu, (int)Regieleki, (int)Regidrago, (int)Glastrier, (int)Spectrier, (int)Enamorus,
/// <summary>
/// Species that evolve from a Bi-Gendered species into a Single-Gender.
/// </summary>
public static readonly HashSet<int> FixedGenderFromBiGender = new()
(int)Shedinja, // (G)
(int)Wormadam, //(F)
(int)Mothim, // (M)
(int)Gallade, // (M)
(int)Froslass, // (F)
(int)Meowstic, // (M/F) form specific
private static bool[] GetPermitList(int max, IEnumerable<ushort> held)
var result = new bool[max + 1];
foreach (var item in held)
result[item] = true;
return result;
private static bool[] GetPermitList(int max, IEnumerable<ushort> held, IEnumerable<ushort> unreleased)
var result = GetPermitList(max, held);
foreach (var u in unreleased)
result[u] = false;
return result;