Kurt 661052bcf9 Refactoring of Save File Usage
Probably breaks a thing or two... time to get testing after this new

Wrapping the stored 'savefile' into an object which handles its use
allows a clearer separation of function and easier maintenance or future

May eventually move all get/sets for each form to allow property
fetching from any window, all logic handled within the class.
2015-10-23 20:13:32 -07:00

248 lines
9.2 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace PKHeX
public partial class SAV_EventFlagsORAS : Form
public SAV_EventFlagsORAS()
Util.TranslateInterface(this, Main.curlanguage);
AllowDrop = true;
DragEnter += tabMain_DragEnter;
DragDrop += tabMain_DragDrop;
nud.Text = "0"; // Prompts an update for flag 0.
MT_Ash.Text = BitConverter.ToUInt16(Main.SAV.Data, Main.SAV.EventAsh).ToString();
bool setup = true;
public CheckBox[] chka;
public bool[] flags = new bool[3072];
public ushort[] Constants = new ushort[(Main.SAV.EventFlag - Main.SAV.EventConst) / 2];
private void B_Cancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void B_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Gather Updated Flags
foreach (CheckBox flag in chka)
flags[getFlagNum(flag)] = flag.Checked;
byte[] data = new byte[flags.Length / 8];
for (int i = 0; i < flags.Length; i++)
if (flags[i])
data[i / 8] |= (byte)(1 << i % 8);
Array.Copy(data, 0, Main.SAV.Data, Main.SAV.EventFlag, 0x180);
// Copy back Constants
changeConstantIndex(null, null); // Trigger Saving
for (int i = 0; i < Constants.Length; i++)
Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Constants[i]), 0, Main.SAV.Data, Main.SAV.EventConst + 2 * i, 2);
// Copy back Volcanic Ash counter
Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Util.ToUInt32(MT_Ash)), 0, Main.SAV.Data, Main.SAV.EventAsh, 2);
private void Setup()
// Fill Bit arrays
chka = new[] {
flag_0173,flag_2811, // Raikou
flag_0174,flag_2812, // Entei
flag_0175,flag_2813, // Suicune
flag_0209,flag_2814, // Lugia
flag_0208,flag_2815, // Ho-Oh
flag_0179,flag_2816, // Uxie
flag_0180,flag_2817, // Mesprit
flag_0181,flag_2818, // Azelf
flag_2819, // Dialga
flag_2820, // Palkia
flag_0260,flag_2821, // Heatran
flag_0252,flag_2822, // Regigigas
flag_2823, // Giratina
flag_0172,flag_2824, // Cresselia
flag_0176,flag_2825, // Cobalion
flag_0177,flag_2826, // Terrakion
flag_0178,flag_2827, // Virizion
flag_2828, // Tornadus
flag_2829, // Thundurus
flag_0182,flag_2830, // Reshiram
flag_0183,flag_2831, // Zekrom
flag_2832, // Landorus
flag_0184,flag_2833, // Kyurem
flag_0419,flag_2834, // Latios
flag_0420,flag_2835, // Latias
flag_0956,flag_2836, // Regirock
flag_0957,flag_2837, // Regice
flag_0958,flag_2838, // Registeel
flag_0648,flag_2839, // Groudon
flag_0647,flag_2840, // Kyogre
// ??????
flag_0945,flag_2842, // Deoxys
// Cresselia, Regigigas
// Terrakion, Virizion
// Maison
flag_0284,flag_0285,flag_0286,flag_0287,flag_0288, // Statuettes
flag_0289,flag_0290,flag_0291,flag_0292,flag_0293, // Super Unlocks
//flag_0675, // Chatelaine 50
//flag_2546, // Pokedex
byte[] data = new byte[0x180];
Array.Copy(Main.SAV.Data, Main.SAV.EventFlag, data, 0, 0x180);
BitArray BitRegion = new BitArray(data);
BitRegion.CopyTo(flags, 0);
// Setup Event Constant Editor
for (int i = 0; i < Constants.Length; i += 2)
CB_Stats.Items.Add(String.Format("0x{0}", i.ToString("X3")));
Constants[i / 2] = BitConverter.ToUInt16(Main.SAV.Data, Main.SAV.EventConst + i);
CB_Stats.SelectedIndex = 0;
// Populate Flags
setup = true;
private void popFlags()
if (!setup) return;
foreach (CheckBox flag in chka)
flag.Checked = flags[getFlagNum(flag)];
changeCustomFlag(null, null);
private int getFlagNum(CheckBox chk)
string source = chk.Name;
return Convert.ToInt32(source.Substring(Math.Max(0, source.Length - 4)));
catch { return 0; }
private void changeCustomBool(object sender, EventArgs e)
flags[(int)nud.Value] = CHK_CustomFlag.Checked;
private void changeCustomFlag(object sender, EventArgs e)
int flag = (int)nud.Value;
if (flag >= 3072)
CHK_CustomFlag.Checked = false;
CHK_CustomFlag.Enabled = false;
nud.BackColor = Color.Red;
CHK_CustomFlag.Enabled = true;
nud.BackColor = Main.defaultControlWhite;
CHK_CustomFlag.Checked = flags[flag];
private void changeCustomFlag(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
changeCustomFlag(null, (EventArgs)e);
private void toggleFlag(object sender, EventArgs e)
flags[getFlagNum((CheckBox)(sender))] = ((CheckBox)(sender)).Checked;
changeCustomFlag(sender, e);
private void changeSAV(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (TB_NewSAV.Text.Length > 0 && TB_OldSAV.Text.Length > 0)
private void diffSaves()
BitArray oldBits = new BitArray(olddata);
BitArray newBits = new BitArray(newdata);
string tbIsSet = "";
string tbUnSet = "";
for (int i = 0; i < oldBits.Length; i++)
if (oldBits[i] == newBits[i]) continue;
if (newBits[i])
tbIsSet += (i.ToString("0000") + ",");
tbUnSet += (i.ToString("0000") + ",");
TB_IsSet.Text = tbIsSet;
TB_UnSet.Text = tbUnSet;
private byte[] olddata = new byte[0x180];
private byte[] newdata = new byte[0x180];
private void openSAV(object sender, EventArgs e)
OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
loadSAV(sender, ofd.FileName);
private void loadSAV(object sender, string path)
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(path);
byte[] eventflags = new byte[0x180];
switch (fi.Length)
case 0x100000: // ramsav
Array.Copy(File.ReadAllBytes(path), Main.SAV.EventFlag, eventflags, 0, 0x180);
case 0x76000: // oras main
Array.Copy(File.ReadAllBytes(path), Main.SAV.EventFlag, eventflags, 0, 0x180);
default: // figure it out
if (fi.Name.ToLower().Contains("ram") && fi.Length == 0x80000)
Array.Copy(ram2sav.getMAIN(File.ReadAllBytes(path)), Main.SAV.EventFlag, eventflags, 0, 0x180);
{ Util.Error("Invalid SAV Size", String.Format("File Size: 0x{1} ({0} bytes)", fi.Length, fi.Length.ToString("X5")), "File Loaded: " + path); return; }
Button bs = (Button)sender;
if (bs.Name == "B_LoadOld")
{ Array.Copy(eventflags, olddata, 0x180); TB_OldSAV.Text = path; }
{ Array.Copy(eventflags, newdata, 0x180); TB_NewSAV.Text = path; }
int entry = -1;
private void changeConstantIndex(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (entry > -1) // Set Entry
Constants[entry] = (ushort)(Math.Min(Util.ToUInt32(MT_Stat), 0xFFFF));
entry = CB_Stats.SelectedIndex; // Get Entry
MT_Stat.Text = Constants[entry].ToString();
private void tabMain_DragEnter(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop)) e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy;
private void tabMain_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
string[] files = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop);
loadSAV((Util.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "FlagDiff Researcher:", "Yes: Old Save" + Environment.NewLine + "No: New Save") == DialogResult.Yes) ? B_LoadOld : B_LoadNew, files[0]);