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synced 2025-03-02 14:27:14 +00:00
oops make other personalinfo consistent show legality triangles if previous parse failed (oops)
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139 lines
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using System;
using static System.Buffers.Binary.BinaryPrimitives;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="PersonalInfo"/> class with values from the <see cref="GameVersion.SV"/> games.
/// </summary>
public sealed class PersonalInfo9SV : PersonalInfo, IPersonalAbility12H, IPersonalInfoTM, IPermitRecord
public const int SIZE = 0x44;
private readonly byte[] Data;
public PersonalInfo9SV(byte[] data) => Data = data;
public override byte[] Write() => Data;
public override int HP { get => Data[0x00]; set => Data[0x00] = (byte)value; }
public override int ATK { get => Data[0x01]; set => Data[0x01] = (byte)value; }
public override int DEF { get => Data[0x02]; set => Data[0x02] = (byte)value; }
public override int SPE { get => Data[0x03]; set => Data[0x03] = (byte)value; }
public override int SPA { get => Data[0x04]; set => Data[0x04] = (byte)value; }
public override int SPD { get => Data[0x05]; set => Data[0x05] = (byte)value; }
public override byte Type1 { get => Data[0x06]; set => Data[0x06] = value; }
public override byte Type2 { get => Data[0x07]; set => Data[0x07] = value; }
public override int CatchRate { get => Data[0x08]; set => Data[0x08] = (byte)value; }
public override int EvoStage { get => Data[0x09]; set => Data[0x09] = (byte)value; }
private int EVYield { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x0A)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x0A), (ushort)value); }
public override int EV_HP { get => (EVYield >> 0) & 0x3; set => EVYield = (EVYield & ~(0x3 << 0)) | ((value & 0x3) << 0); }
public override int EV_ATK { get => (EVYield >> 2) & 0x3; set => EVYield = (EVYield & ~(0x3 << 2)) | ((value & 0x3) << 2); }
public override int EV_DEF { get => (EVYield >> 4) & 0x3; set => EVYield = (EVYield & ~(0x3 << 4)) | ((value & 0x3) << 4); }
public override int EV_SPE { get => (EVYield >> 6) & 0x3; set => EVYield = (EVYield & ~(0x3 << 6)) | ((value & 0x3) << 6); }
public override int EV_SPA { get => (EVYield >> 8) & 0x3; set => EVYield = (EVYield & ~(0x3 << 8)) | ((value & 0x3) << 8); }
public override int EV_SPD { get => (EVYield >> 10) & 0x3; set => EVYield = (EVYield & ~(0x3 << 10)) | ((value & 0x3) << 10); }
public override byte Gender { get => Data[0x0C]; set => Data[0x0C] = value; }
public override int HatchCycles { get => Data[0x0D]; set => Data[0x0D] = (byte)value; }
public override int BaseFriendship { get => Data[0x0E]; set => Data[0x0E] = (byte)value; }
public override byte EXPGrowth { get => Data[0x0F]; set => Data[0x0F] = value; }
public override int EggGroup1 { get => Data[0x10]; set => Data[0x10] = (byte)value; }
public override int EggGroup2 { get => Data[0x11]; set => Data[0x11] = (byte)value; }
public int Ability1 { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x12)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x12), (ushort)value); }
public int Ability2 { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x14)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x14), (ushort)value); }
public int AbilityH { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x16)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x16), (ushort)value); }
public override int FormStatsIndex { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x18)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x18), (ushort)value); }
public override byte FormCount { get => Data[0x1A]; set => Data[0x1A] = value; }
public override int Color { get => Data[0x1B]; set => Data[0x1B] = (byte)value; }
public bool IsPresentInGame { get => Data[0x1C] != 0; set => Data[0x1C] = value ? (byte)1 : (byte)0; }
public byte DexGroup { get => Data[0x1D]; set => Data[0x1D] = value; }
public ushort DexIndex { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x1E)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x1E), value); }
public override int Height { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x20)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x20), (ushort)value); }
public override int Weight { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x22)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x22), (ushort)value); }
public ushort HatchSpecies { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x24)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x24), value); }
public byte LocalFormIndex { get => (byte)ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x26)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x26), value); } // local region base form
public ushort RegionalFlags { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x28)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x28), value); }
public bool IsRegionalForm { get => (RegionalFlags & 1) == 1; set => RegionalFlags = (ushort)((RegionalFlags & 0xFFFE) | (value ? 1 : 0)); }
public ushort RegionalFormIndex { get => (byte)ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x2A)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x2A), value); }
public override int EscapeRate { get => 0; set { } }
public override int BaseEXP { get => 0; set { } }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the Form that any offspring will hatch with, assuming it is holding an Everstone.
/// </summary>
public byte HatchFormIndexEverstone => IsRegionalForm ? (byte)RegionalFormIndex : LocalFormIndex;
/// <summary>
/// Checks if the entry shows up in any of the built-in Pokédex.
/// </summary>
public bool IsInDex => DexIndex != 0;
public override int AbilityCount => 3;
public override int GetIndexOfAbility(int abilityID) => abilityID == Ability1 ? 0 : abilityID == Ability2 ? 1 : abilityID == AbilityH ? 2 : -1;
public override int GetAbilityAtIndex(int abilityIndex) => abilityIndex switch
0 => Ability1,
1 => Ability2,
2 => AbilityH,
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(abilityIndex), abilityIndex, null),
private const int TM = 0x2C;
private const int CountTM = 172;
private const int ByteCountTM = (CountTM + 7) / 8;
public bool GetIsLearnTM(int index)
if ((uint)index >= CountTM)
return false;
return (Data[TM + (index >> 3)] & (1 << (index & 7))) != 0;
public void SetIsLearnTM(int index, bool value)
if ((uint)index >= CountTM)
if (value)
Data[TM + (index >> 3)] |= (byte)(1 << (index & 7));
Data[TM + (index >> 3)] &= (byte)~(1 << (index & 7));
public void SetAllLearnTM(Span<bool> result)
var moves = TM_SV;
var span = Data.AsSpan(TM, ByteCountTM);
for (int index = CountTM - 1; index >= 0; index--)
if ((span[index >> 3] & (1 << (index & 7))) != 0)
result[moves[index]] = true;
public bool IsRecordPermitted(int index) => GetIsLearnTM(index);
public ReadOnlySpan<ushort> RecordPermitIndexes => TM_SV;
public int RecordCountTotal => 200;
public int RecordCountUsed => CountTM;
private static readonly ushort[] TM_SV =
005, 036, 204, 313, 097, 189, 184, 182, 424, 422,
423, 352, 067, 491, 512, 522, 060, 109, 168, 574,
885, 884, 886, 451, 083, 263, 342, 332, 523, 506,
555, 232, 129, 345, 196, 341, 317, 577, 488, 490,
314, 500, 101, 374, 525, 474, 419, 203, 521, 241,
240, 201, 883, 684, 473, 091, 331, 206, 280, 428,
369, 421, 492, 706, 339, 403, 034, 007, 009, 008,
214, 402, 486, 409, 115, 113, 350, 127, 337, 605,
118, 447, 086, 398, 707, 156, 157, 269, 014, 776,
191, 390, 286, 430, 399, 141, 598, 019, 285, 442,
349, 408, 441, 164, 334, 404, 529, 261, 242, 271,
710, 202, 396, 366, 247, 406, 446, 304, 257, 412,
094, 484, 227, 057, 861, 053, 085, 583, 133, 347,
270, 676, 226, 414, 179, 058, 604, 580, 678, 581,
417, 126, 056, 059, 519, 518, 520, 528, 188, 089,
444, 566, 416, 307, 308, 338, 200, 315, 411, 437,
542, 433, 405, 063, 413, 394, 087, 370, 076, 434,
796, 851,