2016-08-02 16:37:02 +02:00

801 lines
22 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

! PKHeX Interface Customization File
! Languages: Save this file accordingly and put it in the same folder as PKHeX's executable.
! lang_en.txt = Inglés
! lang_jp.txt = Japonés
! lang_fr.txt = French
! lang_de.txt = Alemán
! lang_es.txt = Español
! lang_it.txt = Italian
! lang_ko.txt = Korean
! lang_zh.txt = Chinese
! lang_pt.txt = Portuguese
! Make sure that each edit has a ' = ' between Control name and new Text!
! -----------------------------------------------------
- DO NOT CHANGE THIS SECTION. Main Form (PKHeX window) below.
! Main = PKHeX
- Change stuff below this line, not above.
---------------------Menu Strip------------------------
Menu_File = Archivo
Menu_Open = Abrir...
Menu_Save = Guardar PKM...
Menu_ExportSAV = Guardar SAV...
Menu_ExportMAIN = Guardar main
Menu_ExportBAK = Guardar BAK
Menu_Exit = Salir
Menu_Tools = Útiles
Menu_Showdown = Showdown
Menu_ShowdownImportPKM = Importar set desde el portapapeles
Menu_ShowdownExportPKM = Exportar set desde el portapapeles
Menu_ShowdownExportParty = Exportar equipo desde el portapapeles
Menu_ShowdownExportBattleBox = Exportar caja de combate desde el portapapeles
Menu_CyberGadget = CyberGadget
Menu_OpenTemp = Abrir carpeta Temp
Menu_OpenCache = Abrir carpeta Cache
Menu_Data = Data
Menu_LoadBoxes = Cargar Cajas
Menu_DumpBoxes = Exportar Cajas
Menu_Report = Informe de la caja
Menu_Database = Base de datos de PKM
Menu_Other = Otro
Menu_OpenSDF = Abrir carpeta SaveDataFiler
Menu_OpenSDB = Abrir carpeta SaveDataBackup
Menu_Options = Opciones
Menu_Language = Idioma
Menu_Modify = Ajuste a SAV
Menu_ModifyDex = Modificar Pokédex
Menu_ModifyPKM = Modificar info PKM
Menu_Unicode = Unicode
Menu_About = Sobre PKHeX
--------------------Context Menus----------------------
mnuView = Ver
mnuSet = Colocar
mnuDelete = Borrar
mnu2View = Ver
--------------------Main Tab Data----------------------
Tab_Main = Inicio
Label_PID = PID:
BTN_RerollPID = Generar
Label_Species = Especie:
CHK_Nicknamed = Apodo:
Label_EXP = EXP:
Label_CurLevel = Nivel:
Label_Nature = Naturaleza:
Label_HeldItem = Objeto Equipado:
Label_Friendship = Felicidad:
Label_Form = Forma:
Label_Ability = Habilidad:
Label_Language = Idioma:
CHK_IsEgg = Huevo
CHK_Infected = Infectado
CHK_Cured = Curado
Label_PKRS = PkRs:
Label_PKRSdays = d:
Label_Country = País:
Label_SubRegion = Subregión:
Label_3DSRegion = Región 3DS:
---------------------Met Tab Data-----------------------
Tab_Met = Conocido
Label_OriginGame = Juego Original:
Label_MetLocation = Lugar:
Label_Ball = Bola:
Label_MetLevel = Nivel:
Label_MetDate = Fecha:
Label_EncounterType = Encuentro:
CHK_Fateful = Encuentro Fatídico
---------------------Egg Met Data-----------------------
CHK_AsEgg = Como huevo
GB_EggConditions = Condiciones del huevo
Label_EggLocation = Lugar:
Label_EggDate = Fecha:
--------------------Stats Tab Data----------------------
Tab_Stats = Estadísticas
Label_IVs = IVs
Label_EVs = EVs
Label_Stats = Estad.
Label_HP = PS:
Label_ATK = Atq:
Label_DEF = Def:
Label_SPA = Atq E:
Label_SPD = Def E:
Label_SPE = Velo:
Label_Total = Total:
Label_HiddenPowerPrefix = Tipo del Poder Oculto:
Label_CharacteristicPrefix = Características:
BTN_RandomIVs = Aleatorizar IVs
BTN_RandomEVs = Aleatorizar EVs
Label_ContestStats = Estadísticas de concurso
Label_Cool = Carisma
Label_Beauty = Belleza
Label_Cute = Dulzura
Label_Smart = Ingenio
Label_Tough = Dureza
Label_Sheen = Brillo
-------------------Attacks Tab Data---------------------
Tab_Attacks = Ataques
GB_CurrentMoves = Ataques Actuales
Label_CurPP = PP
Label_PPups = Más PP
GB_RelearnMoves = Recordar Movimientos
-------------------OT/Misc Tab Data---------------------
Tab_OTMisc = EO/Misc
GB_OT = Info del Entrenador
Label_TID = ID:
Label_SID = IDS:
Label_OT = EO:
GB_nOT = Ultimo dueño (no EO)
Label_PrevOT = EO:
GB_ExtraBytes = Bytes Extras
GB_Markings = Marcas
BTN_Ribbons = Cintas
BTN_Medals = Medallas
BTN_History = Memorias
Label_EncryptionConstant = Cte. de Encriptación:
BTN_RerollEC = Generar
-----------------Save Data Interface--------------------
Tab_Box = Caja
Tab_PartyBattle = Caja de combate
Tab_Other = Otro
B_OpenPokePuffs = Pokélito
B_OpenItemPouch = Inventario
B_OpenTrainerInfo = Entrenador
B_OpenBoxLayout = Fondos Cajas
B_OpenWondercards = Tarjetas Misteriosas
B_OpenBerryField = C. de Bayas
B_OpenOPowers = Poder O
B_OpenEventFlags = Eventos
B_OpenPokedex = Pokédex
B_OpenSuperTraining = Superentren.
B_OpenSecretBase = Base Secreta
--------------------Tab Internals-----------------------
L_Party = Equipo:
L_BattleBox = Caja de Combate:
L_ReadOnlyPBB = Sólo leer.
GB_Daycare = Guardería
GB_Fused = Fusionado
GB_SUBE = Viejo
DayCare_HasEgg = Huevo Disponible
L_DaycareSeed = Seed
L_ReadOnlyOther = Sólo leer.
B_JPEG = Guardar PGL .JPEG
B_OpenHallofFame = Hall de la fama
B_OUTPasserby = Transeúntes
B_VerifyCHK = Checksums
B_SaveBoxBin = Save Box Data++
L_GameSync = Game Sync ID:
L_Secure1 = Secure Value 1:
L_Secure2 = Secure Value 2:
! End
! -----------------------------------------------------
! RibbonEditor = Editor de Cintas
- Change stuff below this line, not above.
B_All = Dar todos
B_None = Quitar todos
B_Cancel = Cancelar
B_Save = Guardar
L_RibbonChampionKalos = Campeón de Kalos
L_RibbonChampionG3Hoenn = Campeón de Hoenn (RSE)
L_RibbonChampionSinnoh = Campeón de Sinnoh
L_RibbonBestFriends = Afecto
L_RibbonTraining = Ejercicio
L_RibbonBattlerSkillful = Figura del Combate
L_RibbonBattlerExpert = Experto del Combate
L_RibbonEffort = Esfuerzo
L_RibbonAlert = Alerta
L_RibbonShock = Impacto
L_RibbonDowncast = Abatimiento
L_RibbonCareless = Descuido
L_RibbonRelax = Relax
L_RibbonSnooze = Cabezada
L_RibbonSmile = Sonrisa
L_RibbonGorgeous = Maravilla
L_RibbonRoyal = Realeza
L_RibbonGorgeousRoyal = Realeza Maravila
L_RibbonArtist = Artista
L_RibbonFootprint = Huella
L_RibbonRecord = Récord
L_RibbonLegend = Leyenda
L_RibbonCountry = Campo
L_RibbonNational = Nacional
L_RibbonEarth = Planeta
L_RibbonWorld = Mundo
L_RibbonClassic = Clásica
L_RibbonPremier = Principal
L_RibbonEvent = Evento
L_RibbonBirthday = Cumpleaños
L_RibbonSpecial = Especial
L_RibbonSouvenir = Recuerdo
L_RibbonWishing = Deseo
L_RibbonChampionBattle = Campeón de Torneo
L_RibbonChampionRegional = Campeón de Área
L_RibbonChampionNational = Campeón Nacional
L_RibbonChampionWorld = Campeón Mundial
L_RibbonCountMemoryContest = Cintas de concursos anteriores
L_RibbonCountMemoryBattle = Cintas de batallas anteriores
L_RibbonChampionG6Hoenn = Campeón de Hoenn (ORAS)
L_RibbonContestStar = Cinta estelar de los concursos
L_RibbonMasterCoolness = Cinta estrella del carisma
L_RibbonMasterBeauty = Cinta estrella de la belleza
L_RibbonMasterCuteness = Cinta estrella de la dulzura
L_RibbonMasterCleverness = Cinta estrella del ingenio
L_RibbonMasterToughness = Cinta estrella de la dureza
----------------Contest/Battle (PAST)-------------------
L_RibbonG3Cool = Cool (G3)
L_RibbonG3CoolSuper = Cool Super
L_RibbonG3CoolHyper = Cool Hyper
L_RibbonG3CoolMaster = Cool Master
L_RibbonG3Beauty = Beauty (G3)
L_RibbonG3BeautySuper = Beauty Super
L_RibbonG3BeautyHyper = Beauty Hyper
L_RibbonG3BeautyMaster = Beauty Master
L_RibbonG3Cute = Cute (G3)
L_RibbonG3CuteSuper = Cute Super
L_RibbonG3CuteHyper = Cute Hyper
L_RibbonG3CuteMaster = Cute Master
L_RibbonG3Smart = Smart (G3)
L_RibbonG3SmartSuper = Smart Super
L_RibbonG3SmartHyper = Smart Hyper
L_RibbonG3SmartMaster = Smart Master
L_RibbonG3Tough = Tough (G3)
L_RibbonG3ToughSuper = Tough Super
L_RibbonG3ToughHyper = Tough Hyper
L_RibbonG3ToughMaster = Tough Master
L_RibbonG4Cool = Cool (G4)
L_RibbonG4CoolGreat = Cool Great
L_RibbonG4CoolUltra = Cool Ultra
L_RibbonG4CoolMaster = Cool Master
L_RibbonG4Beauty = Beauty (G4)
L_RibbonG4BeautyGreat = Beauty Great
L_RibbonG4BeautyUltra = Beauty Ultra
L_RibbonG4BeautyMaster = Beauty Master
L_RibbonG4Cute = Cute (G4)
L_RibbonG4CuteGreat = Cute Great
L_RibbonG4CuteUltra = Cute Ultra
L_RibbonG4CuteMaster = Cute Master
L_RibbonG4Smart = Smart (G4)
L_RibbonG4SmartGreat = Smart Great
L_RibbonG4SmartUltra = Smart Ultra
L_RibbonG4SmartMaster = Smart Master
L_RibbonG4Tough = Tough (G4)
L_RibbonG4ToughGreat = Tough Great
L_RibbonG4ToughUltra = Tough Ultra
L_RibbonG4ToughMaster = Tough Master
L_RibbonWinning = Winning
L_RibbonVictory = Victory
L_RibbonAbility = Ability
L_RibbonAbilityGreat = Great Ability
L_RibbonAbilityDouble = Double Ability
L_RibbonAbilityMulti = Multi Ability
L_RibbonAbilityPair = Pair Ability
L_RibbonAbilityWorld = World Ability
L_RibbonCountG3Cool = Cool
L_RibbonCountG3Beauty = Beauty
L_RibbonCountG3Cute = Cute
L_RibbonCountG3Smart = Smart
L_RibbonCountG3Tough = Tough
! -----------------------------------------------------
! SuperTrainingEditor = Editor de Medallas
- Change stuff below this line, not above.
B_All = Dar todos
B_None = Quitar todos
B_Cancel = Cancelar
B_Save = Guardar
------------------Super Training-----------------------
L_SuperTraining = Superentrenamiento Normal
L_SuperTrain1_HP = Nv. 1: PS
L_SuperTrain1_ATK = Nv. 1: Atq
L_SuperTrain1_DEF = Nv. 1: Def
L_SuperTrain1_SPA = Nv. 1: AtE
L_SuperTrain1_SPD = Nv. 1: DfE
L_SuperTrain1_SPE = Nv. 1: Vel
L_SuperTrain2_HP = Nv. 2: PS
L_SuperTrain2_ATK = Nv. 2: Atq
L_SuperTrain2_DEF = Nv. 2: Def
L_SuperTrain2_SPA = Nv. 2: AtE
L_SuperTrain2_SPD = Nv. 2: DfE
L_SuperTrain2_SPE = Nv. 2: Vel
L_SuperTrain3_HP = Nv. 3: PS
L_SuperTrain3_ATK = Nv. 3: Atq
L_SuperTrain3_DEF = Nv. 3: Def
L_SuperTrain3_SPA = Nv. 3: AtE
L_SuperTrain3_SPD = Nv. 3: DfE
L_SuperTrain3_SPE = Nv. 3: Vel
CHK_Secret = Superentrenamiento
L_SuperTrain4_1 = Nv. 4: Dificultad tras otra
L_SuperTrain5_1 = Nv. 5: Hoja
L_SuperTrain5_2 = Nv. 5: Fuego
L_SuperTrain5_3 = Nv. 5: Agua
L_SuperTrain5_4 = Nv. 5: Evasivas
L_SuperTrain6_1 = Nv. 6: Contraataque
L_SuperTrain6_2 = Nv. 6: Agilidad
L_SuperTrain6_3 = Nv. 6: Ristras
L_SuperTrain7_1 = Nv. 7: Scatterbug
L_SuperTrain7_2 = Nv. 7: Bombardeo
L_SuperTrain7_3 = Nv. 7: Hydreigon
L_SuperTrain8_1 = Nv. 8: X/Y
L_Bag = Último saco usado:
L_Hits = Golpes restantes:
! End
! -----------------------------------------------------
! MemoryAmie = Editor de Memorias / Amigos
- Change stuff below this line, not above.
---------------------Bottom UI-------------------------
BTN_Cancel = Cancelar
BTN_Save = Guardar
L_Handler = Manejador Actual:
Tab_OTMemory = Memorias con: EO
L_OT_Friendship = Amistad:
L_OT_Affection = Cariño:
Tab_CTMemory = Memorias con: noEO
L_CT_Friendship = Amistad:
L_cT_Affection = Cariño:
Tab_Residence = Residencia
L_Country = País
L_Region = Región
L_Geo0 = Último:
L_Geo1 = Anterior 1:
L_Geo2 = Anterior 2:
L_Geo3 = Anterior 3:
L_Geo4 = Anterior 4:
L_Arguments = Disabled ; Never left ; OT ; Past Gen ; Memories with ; Pokémon ; Area ; Item(s) ; Move ; Location ;
! End
! -----------------------------------------------------
! f2_Text = Special Characters
- Change stuff below this line, not above.
-- No Elements to rename here.
! End
! -----------------------------------------------------
! SAV_BerryField = Visor de Campos de Bayas
- Change stuff below this line, not above.
L_Berry = Baya:
L_Field = Campo:
L_Unfinished = Unfinished: Needs More Research
L_u1 = 1
L_u2 = 2
L_u3 = 3
L_u4 = 4
L_u5 = 5
L_u6 = 6
L_u7 = 7
B_Cancel = Cancelar
B_Save = Guardar
! End
! -----------------------------------------------------
- DO NOT CHANGE THIS SECTION. Memories / Amie UI Below
! SAV_BoxLayout = Box Layout Editor
- Change stuff below this line, not above.
L_Unlocked = Unlocked:
B_Cancel = Cancel
B_Save = Save
L_Flags = Unlocked BG Flags:
L_BG = BG:
L_BoxName = Box Name:
! End
! -----------------------------------------------------
! SAV_EventFlagsORAS = Editor de Eventos (ORAS)
- Change stuff below this line, not above.
L_Ash = Asho volcánico:
GB_Misc = Misc
flag_0288 = Multi Statuette
flag_0287 = Rotation Statuette
flag_0286 = Triples Statuette
flag_0293 = Super Multi Unlocked
flag_0292 = Super Rotation Unlocked
flag_0291 = Super Triples Unlocked
flag_0290 = Super Doubles Unlocked
flag_0289 = Super Singles Unlocked
flag_0285 = Doubles Statuette
flag_0284 = Singles Statuette
GB_Rebattle = Rebattle
flag_2835 = (AS) Latios Capturado
flag_0420 = (AS) Latios Derrotado
L_SkyTower = *Sky Tower
flag_2834 = (OR) Latias Capturado
flag_0419 = (OR) Latias Derrotado
flag_2828 = (OR) Tornadus Capturado
flag_2830 = (OR) Reshiram Capturado
flag_0182 = (OR) Reshiram Derrotado
flag_2820 = (OR) Palkia Capturado
flag_2839 = (OR) Groudon Capturado
flag_0648 = (OR) Groudon Derrotado
flag_2815 = (OR) Ho-Oh Capturado
flag_0208 = (OR) Ho-Oh Derrotado
flag_2824 = Cresselia Capturado
flag_0172 = Cresselia Derrotado
flag_2821 = Heatran Capturado
flag_0260 = Heatran Derrotado
flag_2842 = Deoxys Capturado
flag_0945 = Deoxys Derrotado
flag_2838 = Registeel Capturado
flag_0958 = Registeel Derrotado
flag_2836 = Regirock Capturado
flag_0956 = Regirock Derrotado
flag_2837 = Regice Capturado
flag_0957 = Regice Derrotado
flag_2813 = Suicune Capturado
flag_0175 = Suicune Derrotado
flag_2811 = Raikou Capturado
flag_0173 = Raikou Derrotado
flag_2812 = Entei Capturado
flag_0174 = Entei Derrotado
flag_2832 = Landorus Capturado
flag_2829 = (AS) Thundurus Capturado
flag_2822 = Regigigas Capturado
flag_0252 = Regigigas Derrotado
flag_2827 = Virizion Capturado
flag_0178 = Virizion Derrotado
flag_2826 = Terrakion Capturado
flag_0177 = Terrakion Derrotado
flag_2823 = Giratina Capturado
flag_2819 = (AS) Dialga Capturado
flag_2833 = Kyurem Capturado
flag_0184 = Kyurem Derrotado
flag_2816 = Uxie Capturado
flag_0179 = Uxie Derrotado
flag_2817 = Mesprit Capturado
flag_0180 = Mesprit Derrotado
flag_2825 = Cobalion Capturado
flag_0176 = Cobalion Derrotado
flag_2814 = (AS) Lugia Capturado
flag_0209 = (AS) Lugia Derrotado
flag_2818 = Azelf Capturado
flag_0181 = Azelf Derrotado
flag_2831 = (AS) Zekrom Capturado
flag_0183 = (AS) Zekrom Derrotado
flag_2840 = (AS) Kyogre Capturado
flag_0647 = (AS) Kyogre Derrotado
GB_Researcher = FlagDiff Researcher
L_UnSet = UnSet
L_IsSet = IsSet
B_LoadNew = Carg. Nuevo
B_LoadOld = Carg. Antiguo
GB_FlagStatus = Check Flag Status
L_Flag = Flag:
CHK_CustomFlag = Estado:
B_Save = Guardar
B_Cancel = Cancelar
! End
! -----------------------------------------------------
! SAV_EventFlagsXY = Editor de Eventos (XY)
- Change stuff below this line, not above.
flag_2546 = Pokédex Obtained
GB_Misc = Misc
flag_0289 = Multi Statuette
flag_0288 = Rotation Statuette
flag_0287 = Triples Statuette
flag_0294 = Super Multi Unlocked
flag_0293 = Super Rotation Unlocked
flag_0292 = Super Triples Unlocked
flag_0291 = Super Doubles Unlocked
flag_0290 = Super Singles Unlocked
flag_0675 = 50: Beat Chatelaine
flag_0286 = Doubles Statuette
flag_0285 = Singles Statuette
GB_Rebattle = Rebattle
flag_0114 = Zygarde Capturado
flag_0790 = Zygarde Derrotado
flag_0115 = Mewtwo Capturado
flag_0963 = Mewtwo Derrotado
GB_Researcher = FlagDiff Researcher
L_UnSet = UnSet
L_IsSet = IsSet
B_LoadNew = Carg. Nuevo
B_LoadOld = Carg. Antiguo
flag_2239 = 2239
flag_2238 = 2238
flag_2237 = 2237
B_Save = Guardar
flag_0005 = Flag5
flag_0004 = Flag4
flag_0003 = Flag3
flag_0002 = Flag2
flag_0001 = Flag1
GB_FlagStatus = Check Flag Status
L_Flag = Flag:
CHK_CustomFlag = Estado:
B_Cancel = Cancelar
! End
! -----------------------------------------------------
! SAV_PokedexORAS = Editor de Pokédex (ORAS)
- Change stuff below this line, not above.
L_goto = goto:
GB_Owned = Obtenido
CHK_P1 = Obtenido
CHK_P2 = Macho
CHK_P3 = Hembra
CHK_P4 = Macho brillante
CHK_P5 = Hembra brillante
GB_Encountered = Encontrado
CHK_P6 = Macho
CHK_P7 = Hembra
CHK_P8 = Macho brillante
CHK_P9 = Hembra brillante
L_DexNav = Nvl. DexNav:
GB_Language = Idiomas
CHK_L1 = Japonés
CHK_L2 = Inglés
CHK_L3 = Francés
CHK_L4 = Italiano
CHK_L5 = Alemán
CHK_L6 = Español
CHK_L7 = Coreano
B_Modify = Modificar...
B_GiveAll = Marcar todos
L_Spinda = Spinda:
B_Save = Guardar
B_Cancel = Cancelar
! End
! -----------------------------------------------------
! SAV_PokedexXY = Editor de Pokédex (XY)
- Change stuff below this line, not above.
L_goto = goto:
GB_Owned = Obtenido
CHK_F1 = Extranjero (Pre)
CHK_P1 = Nativo (Kalos)
GB_Encountered = Encontrado
CHK_P2 = Macho
CHK_P3 = Hembra
CHK_P4 = Macho brillante
CHK_P5 = Hembra brillante
GB_Displayed = Mostrado
CHK_P6 = Macho
CHK_P7 = Hembra
CHK_P8 = Macho brillante
CHK_P9 = Hembra brillante
GB_Language = Idiomas
CHK_L1 = Japonés
CHK_L2 = Inglés
CHK_L3 = Francés
CHK_L4 = Italiano
CHK_L5 = Alemán
CHK_L6 = Español
CHK_L7 = Coreano
B_Modify = Modificar...
B_GiveAll = Marcar todos
L_Spinda = Spinda:
B_Save = Guardar
B_Cancel = Cancelar
! End
! SAV_HallOfFame = Editor de Hall de la Fama
- Change stuff below this line, not above.
B_CopyText = Copiar txt
L_Level = Nivel:
L_Shiny = Brillante:
Label_Form = Forma:
B_Cancel = Canceler
Label_MetDate = Fecha:
L_Victory = Núm. Victorias:
GB_OT = Info del Entrenador
Label_OT = OT:
Label_SID = SID:
Label_TID = TID:
Label_HeldItem = Objeto:
GB_CurrentMoves = Mov. actuales
Label_EncryptionConstant = Cte. de Encriptación:
CHK_Nicknamed = Apodo:
Label_Species = Especie:
L_PartyNum = N. equipo:
B_Close = Guardar
! End
! -----------------------------------------------------
! SAV_Inventory = Editor de Inventario
- Change stuff below this line, not above.
GB_Pouch = Pokélitos
B_DisplayBerries = Bayas
B_DisplayMedicine = Medicinas
B_DisplayTMHM = MT/MO
B_DisplayKeyItems = Objetos clave
B_DisplayItems = Objetos
B_Save = Guardar
B_Cancel = Cancelar
! End
! -----------------------------------------------------
! SAV_OPower = Editor de Poder O
- Change stuff below this line, not above.
GB_Regular = Regular
B_MaxP = Give All
L_1 = Hatching:
L_2 = Bargain:
L_3 = ?Prize:
L_4 = EXP:
L_5 = Capture:
L_6 = ?Encounter
L_7 = ?Stealth:
L_8 = HP Restore:
L_9 = ?PP:
L_10 = ?Befriend:
L_11 = ?Attack:
L_12 = ?Defense:
L_13 = ?Sp. Atk:
L_14 = ?Sp. Def:
L_15 = ?Speed:
L_16 = ?Critical Hit:
L_17 = ?Accuracy:
GB_Event = Event
CHK_1 = ?Bargain MAX
CHK_3 = ?Prize MAX
CHK_4 = ?Hatch MAX
CHK_5 = ?Capture MAX
CHK_6 = ?Restore MAX
CHK_7 = ?Befriend MAX
CHK_8 = ?Unused
B_AllMax = Give All
B_Save = Save
B_Cancel = Cancel
! End
! -----------------------------------------------------
! SAV_Pokepuff = Poké Puffs Editor
- Change stuff below this line, not above.
L_Count = CNT:
B_None = None
B_Sort = Sort
B_All = All
B_Cancel = Cancel
B_Save = Save
! End
! -----------------------------------------------------
! SAV_SecretBase = Secret Base Editor
- Change stuff below this line, not above.
L_FlagsCaptured = Flags Captured:
B_FSave = <
B_GiveDecor = Give All Decorations
B_Cancel = Cancel
B_Save = Save
B_FDisplay = >
L_Favorite = Favorites:
f_MAIN = Main
L_TrName = Trainer Name:
L_BaseLocation = Secret Base Location:
L_Happy = Happy:
L_Encourage = Encourage:
L_Blackboard = Blackboard:
L_Confetti = Confetti:
L_TeamName = Team Name:
L_TeamSlogan = Team Slogan:
GB_Object = Object Layout
L_Index = Index:
L_Decoration = Decoration:
L_Rotation = Rotation Val:
L_X = X Coordinate:
L_Y = Y Coordinate:
f_PKM = Trainer Pokémon
L_Participant = Participant:
L_EncryptionConstant = ENC:
L_IVs = IVs
L_EVs = EVs
L_SpA = SpA
L_SpD = SpD
L_PKFriendship = Friendship:
L_PPUps = PPUps
! End
! -----------------------------------------------------
! SAV_Trainer = Trainer Data Editor
- Change stuff below this line, not above.
Tab_Multiplayer = Multiplayer
L_MultiplayerSprite = Multiplayer Sprite:
L_Style = Style:
Tab_BadgeMap = Badges/Map
GB_Map = Map Position
L_CurrentMap = Current Map:
L_X = X Coordinate:
L_Z = Z Coordinate:
L_Y = Y Coordinate:
L_Offset = (offset)
Tab_Appearance = Current Appearance (X/Y)
L_Outfit = Outfit Vals
B_GiveAccessories = Give All Accessories
L_Dress = Dress:
L_Accessory = Accessory:
L_Bag = Bag:
L_Socks = Socks:
L_Pants = Pants:
L_Shirt = Shirt:
L_Hat = Hat:
L_FacialHair = Facial Hair:
L_Hairstyle = Hairstyle:
L_HairColor = Hair Color:
L_SkinColor = Skin Color:
GB_MaisonCurrent = Maison Streaks (Current)
L_SuperC = Super
L_NormalC = Normal
L_MultiC = Multi:
L_RotationC = Rotation:
L_TriplesC = Triples:
L_DoublesC = Doubles:
L_SinglesC = Singles:
GB_MaisonBest = Maison Streaks (Best)
L_SuperB = Super
L_NormalB = Normal
L_MultiB = Multi:
L_RotationB = Rotation:
L_TriplesB = Triples:
L_DoublesB = Doubles:
L_SinglesB = Singles:
B_Save = Save
L_Stats = Stats
B_Cancel = Cancel
Tab_Overview = Overview
L_Seconds = Sec:
L_Minutes = Min:
L_Hours = Hrs:
L_Language = Language:
L_PM = PokéMiles:
L_Region = Region:
L_BP = BP:
L_Country = Country:
B_MaxCash = +
L_3DSReg = 3DS Region:
L_Money = $:
L_TrainerName = Trainer Name:
L_Value = Value
GB_Sayings = Saved Sayings
L_Saying1 = 1:
L_Saying2 = 2:
L_Saying3 = 3:
L_Saying4 = 4:
L_Saying5 = 5:
! End
! -----------------------------------------------------
! SAV_Wondercard = Wonder Card I/O
- Change stuff below this line, not above.
L_Details = Details:
L_Received = Received List:
B_Import = Import
B_Output = Export
B_Cancel = Cancel
B_Save = Save
! End