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synced 2025-02-18 14:28:33 +00:00
Closes #919 Properties fetched would return PKM.cs properties (not declared in XK3 or PK3), such as Hidden Power Type. The setter for Hidden Power type is unused everywhere, but was called via reflection on transfer away from xk3/ck3 format. This caused IVs to be tampered with in most cases. By only fetching Declared properties (ie, within XK3.cs only), only the 'real' shared properties will be transferred. Extending this to the batch editor, we can use this Declared-only filtering to grab more pkm formats. While things are being updated, throw in pk1/pk2/bk4/ck3/xk3 formats to the dropdown.
532 lines
22 KiB
532 lines
22 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using PKHeX.Core;
namespace PKHeX.WinForms
public partial class BatchEditor : Form
public BatchEditor(PKM pk)
pkmref = pk;
DragDrop += tabMain_DragDrop;
DragEnter += tabMain_DragEnter;
foreach (Type t in types) CB_Format.Items.Add(t.Name.ToLower());
CB_Format.SelectedIndex = CB_Require.SelectedIndex = 0;
new ToolTip().SetToolTip(CB_Property, "Property of a given PKM to modify.");
new ToolTip().SetToolTip(L_PropType, "PropertyType of the currently loaded PKM in the main window.");
new ToolTip().SetToolTip(L_PropValue, "PropertyValue of the currently loaded PKM in the main window.");
private static string[][] getPropArray()
var p = new string[types.Length][];
for (int i = 0; i < p.Length; i++)
p[i] = ReflectUtil.getPropertiesCanWritePublicDeclared(types[i]).Concat(CustomProperties).OrderBy(a => a).ToArray();
// Properties for any PKM
var any = ReflectUtil.getPropertiesCanWritePublic(typeof(PK1)).Concat(p.SelectMany(a => a)).Distinct().ToArray();
// Properties shared by all PKM
var all = p.Aggregate(new HashSet<string>(p.First()), (h, e) => { h.IntersectWith(e); return h; }).ToArray();
var p1 = new string[types.Length + 2][];
Array.Copy(p, 0, p1, 1, p.Length);
p1[0] = all;
p1[p1.Length - 1] = any;
return p1;
private readonly PKM pkmref;
private const string CONST_RAND = "$rand";
private const string CONST_SHINY = "$shiny";
private const string CONST_SUGGEST = "$suggest";
private const string PROP_LEGAL = "Legal";
private static readonly string[] CustomProperties = {PROP_LEGAL};
private int currentFormat = -1;
private static readonly Type[] types =
typeof (PK7), typeof (PK6), typeof (PK5), typeof (PK4), typeof(BK4),
typeof (PK3), typeof (XK3), typeof (CK3),
typeof (PK2), typeof (PK1),
private static readonly string[][] properties = getPropArray();
// GUI Methods
private void B_Open_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!B_Go.Enabled) return;
var fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog();
if (fbd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
TB_Folder.Text = fbd.SelectedPath;
TB_Folder.Visible = true;
private void B_SAV_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
TB_Folder.Text = "";
TB_Folder.Visible = false;
private void B_Go_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (b.IsBusy)
{ WinFormsUtil.Alert("Currently executing instruction list."); return; }
if (RTB_Instructions.Lines.Any(line => line.Length == 0))
{ WinFormsUtil.Error("Line length error in instruction list."); return; }
private void B_Add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (CB_Property.SelectedIndex < 0)
{ WinFormsUtil.Alert("Invalid property selected."); return; }
char[] prefix = { '.', '=', '!' };
string s = prefix[CB_Require.SelectedIndex] + CB_Property.Items[CB_Property.SelectedIndex].ToString() + "=";
if (RTB_Instructions.Lines.Length != 0 && RTB_Instructions.Lines.Last().Length > 0)
s = Environment.NewLine + s;
private void CB_Format_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (currentFormat == CB_Format.SelectedIndex)
int format = CB_Format.SelectedIndex;
CB_Property.SelectedIndex = 0;
currentFormat = format;
private void CB_Property_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
L_PropType.Text = getPropertyType(CB_Property.Text);
L_PropValue.Text = pkmref.GetType().HasProperty(CB_Property.Text)
? ReflectUtil.GetValue(pkmref, CB_Property.Text).ToString()
: "";
private void tabMain_DragEnter(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop))
e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy;
private void tabMain_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
string[] files = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop);
if (!Directory.Exists(files[0]))
TB_Folder.Text = files[0];
TB_Folder.Visible = true;
RB_SAV.Checked = false;
RB_Path.Checked = true;
private BackgroundWorker b = new BackgroundWorker { WorkerReportsProgress = true };
private void runBackgroundWorker()
var Filters = StringInstruction.getFilters(RTB_Instructions.Lines).ToArray();
if (Filters.Any(z => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(z.PropertyValue)))
{ WinFormsUtil.Error("Empty Filter Value detected."); return; }
var Instructions = StringInstruction.getInstructions(RTB_Instructions.Lines).ToArray();
var emptyVal = Instructions.Where(z => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(z.PropertyValue)).ToArray();
if (emptyVal.Any())
string props = string.Join(", ", emptyVal.Select(z => z.PropertyName));
if (DialogResult.Yes != WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,
$"Empty Property Value{(emptyVal.Length > 1 ? "s" : "")} detected:" + Environment.NewLine + props,
if (!Instructions.Any())
{ WinFormsUtil.Error("No instructions defined."); return; }
string destPath = "";
if (RB_Path.Checked)
WinFormsUtil.Alert("Please select the folder where the files will be saved to.", "This can be the same folder as the source of PKM files.");
var fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog();
var dr = fbd.ShowDialog();
if (dr != DialogResult.OK)
destPath = fbd.SelectedPath;
FLP_RB.Enabled = RTB_Instructions.Enabled = B_Go.Enabled = false;
b = new BackgroundWorker {WorkerReportsProgress = true};
b.DoWork += (sender, e) => {
len = err = ctr = 0;
if (RB_SAV.Checked)
var data = Main.SAV.BoxData;
processSAV(data, Filters, Instructions);
Main.SAV.BoxData = data;
var files = Directory.GetFiles(TB_Folder.Text, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
processFolder(files, Filters, Instructions, destPath);
b.ProgressChanged += (sender, e) =>
b.RunWorkerCompleted += (sender, e) => {
string result = $"Modified {ctr}/{len} files.";
if (err > 0)
result += Environment.NewLine + $"{err} files ignored due to an internal error.";
FLP_RB.Enabled = RTB_Instructions.Enabled = B_Go.Enabled = true;
// Progress Bar
private void setupProgressBar(int count)
MethodInvoker mi = () => { PB_Show.Minimum = 0; PB_Show.Step = 1; PB_Show.Value = 0; PB_Show.Maximum = count; };
if (PB_Show.InvokeRequired)
private void setProgressBar(int i)
if (PB_Show.InvokeRequired)
PB_Show.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => PB_Show.Value = i));
else { PB_Show.Value = i; }
// Mass Editing
private int ctr, len, err;
private void processSAV(PKM[] data, StringInstruction[] Filters, StringInstruction[] Instructions)
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
processPKM(data[i], Filters, Instructions);
private void processFolder(string[] files, StringInstruction[] Filters, StringInstruction[] Instructions, string destPath)
for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++)
string file = files[i];
var fi = new FileInfo(file);
if (!PKX.getIsPKM(fi.Length))
int format = fi.Extension.Length > 0 ? (fi.Extension.Last() - 0x30) & 7 : Main.SAV.Generation;
byte[] data = File.ReadAllBytes(file);
var pkm = PKMConverter.getPKMfromBytes(data, prefer: format);
if (processPKM(pkm, Filters, Instructions))
File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(destPath, Path.GetFileName(file)), pkm.DecryptedBoxData);
private bool processPKM(PKM pkm, IEnumerable<StringInstruction> Filters, IEnumerable<StringInstruction> Instructions)
if (!pkm.Valid || pkm.Locked)
return false;
ModifyResult r = tryModifyPKM(pkm, Filters, Instructions);
if (r != ModifyResult.Invalid)
if (r == ModifyResult.Error)
if (r != ModifyResult.Modified)
return false;
if (pkm.Species <= 0)
return false;
return true;
private string getPropertyType(string propertyName)
if (CustomProperties.Contains(propertyName))
return "Custom";
int typeIndex = CB_Format.SelectedIndex;
if (typeIndex == 0) // All
return types[0].GetProperty(propertyName).PropertyType.Name;
if (typeIndex == properties.Length - 1) // Any
foreach (var p in types.Select(t => t.GetProperty(propertyName)).Where(p => p != null))
return p.PropertyType.Name;
return types[typeIndex - 1].GetProperty(propertyName).PropertyType.Name;
// Utility Methods
private enum ModifyResult
public class StringInstruction
public string PropertyName;
public string PropertyValue;
public bool Evaluator;
public void setScreenedValue(string[] arr)
int index = Array.IndexOf(arr, PropertyValue);
PropertyValue = index > -1 ? index.ToString() : PropertyValue;
// Extra Functionality
public bool Random;
public int Min, Max;
public int RandomValue => Util.rand.Next(Min, Max + 1);
public static IEnumerable<StringInstruction> getFilters(IEnumerable<string> lines)
var raw = lines
.Where(line => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line))
.Where(line => new[] { '!', '=' }.Contains(line[0]));
return from line in raw
let eval = line[0] == '='
let split = line.Substring(1).Split('=')
where split.Length == 2 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(split[0])
select new StringInstruction { PropertyName = split[0], PropertyValue = split[1], Evaluator = eval };
public static IEnumerable<StringInstruction> getInstructions(IEnumerable<string> lines)
var raw = lines
.Where(line => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
.Where(line => new[] { '.' }.Contains(line[0]))
.Select(line => line.Substring(1));
return from line in raw
select line.Split('=') into split
where split.Length == 2
select new StringInstruction { PropertyName = split[0], PropertyValue = split[1] };
private class PKMInfo
private readonly PKM pkm;
public PKMInfo(PKM pk) { pkm = pk; }
private LegalityAnalysis la;
private LegalityAnalysis Legality => la ?? (la = new LegalityAnalysis(pkm));
public bool Legal => Legality.Valid;
public int[] SuggestedRelearn => Legality.getSuggestedRelearn();
public int[] SuggestedMoves => Legality.getSuggestedMoves(tm: true, tutor: true, reminder: false);
public EncounterStatic SuggestedEncounter => Legality.getSuggestedMetInfo();
public static void screenStrings(IEnumerable<StringInstruction> il)
foreach (var i in il.Where(i => !i.PropertyValue.All(char.IsDigit)))
string pv = i.PropertyValue;
if (pv.StartsWith("$") && pv.Contains(','))
string str = pv.Substring(1);
var split = str.Split(',');
int.TryParse(split[0], out i.Min);
int.TryParse(split[1], out i.Max);
if (i.Min == i.Max)
i.PropertyValue = i.Min.ToString();
Console.WriteLine(i.PropertyName + " randomization range Min/Max same?");
i.Random = true;
switch (i.PropertyName)
case nameof(PKM.Species): i.setScreenedValue(GameInfo.Strings.specieslist); continue;
case nameof(PKM.HeldItem): i.setScreenedValue(GameInfo.Strings.itemlist); continue;
case nameof(PKM.Ability): i.setScreenedValue(GameInfo.Strings.abilitylist); continue;
case nameof(PKM.Nature): i.setScreenedValue(GameInfo.Strings.natures); continue;
case nameof(PKM.Ball): i.setScreenedValue(GameInfo.Strings.balllist); continue;
case nameof(PKM.Move1):
case nameof(PKM.Move2):
case nameof(PKM.Move3):
case nameof(PKM.Move4):
case nameof(PKM.RelearnMove1):
case nameof(PKM.RelearnMove2):
case nameof(PKM.RelearnMove3):
case nameof(PKM.RelearnMove4):
i.setScreenedValue(GameInfo.Strings.movelist); continue;
private static ModifyResult tryModifyPKM(PKM PKM, IEnumerable<StringInstruction> Filters, IEnumerable<StringInstruction> Instructions)
if (!PKM.ChecksumValid || PKM.Species == 0)
return ModifyResult.Invalid;
Type pkm = PKM.GetType();
PKMInfo info = new PKMInfo(PKM);
foreach (var cmd in Filters)
if (cmd.PropertyName == PROP_LEGAL)
bool legal;
if (!bool.TryParse(cmd.PropertyValue, out legal))
return ModifyResult.Error;
if (legal == info.Legal == cmd.Evaluator)
return ModifyResult.Filtered;
if (!pkm.HasProperty(cmd.PropertyName))
return ModifyResult.Filtered;
if (ReflectUtil.GetValueEquals(PKM, cmd.PropertyName, cmd.PropertyValue) != cmd.Evaluator)
return ModifyResult.Filtered;
Console.WriteLine($"Unable to compare {cmd.PropertyName} to {cmd.PropertyValue}.");
return ModifyResult.Filtered;
ModifyResult result = ModifyResult.Error;
foreach (var cmd in Instructions)
if (cmd.PropertyValue == CONST_SUGGEST)
result = setSuggestedProperty(PKM, cmd, info)
? ModifyResult.Modified
: ModifyResult.Error;
setProperty(PKM, cmd);
result = ModifyResult.Modified;
catch { Console.WriteLine($"Unable to set {cmd.PropertyName} to {cmd.PropertyValue}."); }
return result;
private static bool setSuggestedProperty(PKM PKM, StringInstruction cmd, PKMInfo info)
switch (cmd.PropertyName)
case nameof(PKM.RelearnMoves):
PKM.RelearnMoves = info.SuggestedRelearn;
return true;
case nameof(PKM.Met_Location):
var encounter = info.SuggestedEncounter;
if (encounter == null)
return false;
int level = encounter.Level;
int location = encounter.Location;
int minlvl = Legal.getLowestLevel(PKM, encounter.Species);
PKM.Met_Level = level;
PKM.Met_Location = location;
PKM.CurrentLevel = Math.Max(minlvl, level);
return true;
case nameof(PKM.Moves):
var moves = info.SuggestedMoves;
Array.Resize(ref moves, 4);
PKM.Moves = moves;
return true;
return false;
private static void setProperty(PKM PKM, StringInstruction cmd)
if (cmd.PropertyName == nameof(PKM.MetDate))
PKM.MetDate = DateTime.ParseExact(cmd.PropertyValue, "yyyyMMdd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None);
else if (cmd.PropertyName == nameof(PKM.EggMetDate))
PKM.EggMetDate = DateTime.ParseExact(cmd.PropertyValue, "yyyyMMdd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None);
else if (cmd.PropertyName == nameof(PKM.EncryptionConstant) && cmd.PropertyValue == CONST_RAND)
ReflectUtil.SetValue(PKM, cmd.PropertyName, Util.rnd32().ToString());
else if ((cmd.PropertyName == nameof(PKM.Ability) || cmd.PropertyName == nameof(PKM.AbilityNumber)) && cmd.PropertyValue.StartsWith("$"))
PKM.RefreshAbility(Convert.ToInt16(cmd.PropertyValue[1]) - 0x30);
else if (cmd.PropertyName == nameof(PKM.PID) && cmd.PropertyValue == CONST_RAND)
else if (cmd.PropertyName == nameof(PKM.EncryptionConstant) && cmd.PropertyValue == nameof(PKM.PID))
PKM.EncryptionConstant = PKM.PID;
else if (cmd.PropertyName == nameof(PKM.PID) && cmd.PropertyValue == CONST_SHINY)
else if (cmd.PropertyName == nameof(PKM.Species) && cmd.PropertyValue == "0")
PKM.Data = new byte[PKM.Data.Length];
else if (cmd.PropertyName.StartsWith("IV") && cmd.PropertyValue == CONST_RAND)
setRandomIVs(PKM, cmd);
else if (cmd.Random)
ReflectUtil.SetValue(PKM, cmd.PropertyName, cmd.RandomValue);
else if (cmd.PropertyName == nameof(PKM.IsNicknamed) && cmd.PropertyValue.ToLower() == "false")
{ PKM.IsNicknamed = false; PKM.Nickname = PKX.getSpeciesName(PKM.Species, PKM.Language); }
ReflectUtil.SetValue(PKM, cmd.PropertyName, cmd.PropertyValue);
private static void setRandomIVs(PKM PKM, StringInstruction cmd)
int MaxIV = PKM.Format <= 2 ? 15 : 31;
if (cmd.PropertyName == "IVs")
int[] IVs = new int[6];
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
IVs[i] = (int)(Util.rnd32() & MaxIV);
if (Legal.Legends.Contains(PKM.Species) || Legal.SubLegends.Contains(PKM.Species))
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
IVs[i] = MaxIV;
PKM.IVs = IVs;
ReflectUtil.SetValue(PKM, cmd.PropertyName, Util.rnd32() & MaxIV);