mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 00:37:34 +00:00
Didn't trust the existing manual transcribing, and both Bulbapedia and Serebii contain errors that don't match the original raw data. So, let's rip the raw data ourselves and use our own parse pickle (just raw bytes) instead of 162 manual entries.
For ripping logic, see: 203874da12
Partial match if language cannot access walker course
Re-do language override for EncounterStatic->pkm:
- Override gen1/2 event OT/language only if requested language is not possible
- Override walker OT/language if requested language is not possible (->japanese)
Closes #3594
267 lines
24 KiB
267 lines
24 KiB
using static PKHeX.Core.EncounterUtil;
using static PKHeX.Core.GameVersion;
using static PKHeX.Core.GroundTileAllowed;
using static PKHeX.Core.AbilityPermission;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// <summary>
/// Generation 4 Encounters
/// </summary>
internal static class Encounters4
internal static readonly EncounterArea4[] SlotsD = EncounterArea4.GetAreas(Get("d", "da"), D);
internal static readonly EncounterArea4[] SlotsP = EncounterArea4.GetAreas(Get("p", "pe"), P);
internal static readonly EncounterArea4[] SlotsPt = EncounterArea4.GetAreas(Get("pt", "pt"), Pt);
internal static readonly EncounterArea4[] SlotsHG = EncounterArea4.GetAreas(Get("hg", "hg"), HG);
internal static readonly EncounterArea4[] SlotsSS = EncounterArea4.GetAreas(Get("ss", "ss"), SS);
private static readonly EncounterStatic4Pokewalker[] Encounter_PokeWalker = EncounterStatic4Pokewalker.GetAll(Util.GetBinaryResource("encounter_walker4.pkl"));
static Encounters4()
MarkEncounterTradeStrings(TradeGift_DPPt, TradeDPPt);
MarkEncounterTradeStrings(TradeGift_HGSS, TradeHGSS);
#region Static Encounter/Gift Tables
private static readonly EncounterStatic4[] Encounter_DPPt =
// Starters
new(DP) { Gift = true, Species = 387, Level = 5, Location = 076, GroundTile = Max_DP }, // Turtwig @ Lake Verity
new(DP) { Gift = true, Species = 390, Level = 5, Location = 076, GroundTile = Max_DP }, // Chimchar
new(DP) { Gift = true, Species = 393, Level = 5, Location = 076, GroundTile = Max_DP }, // Piplup
new(Pt) { Gift = true, Species = 387, Level = 5, Location = 016, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Turtwig @ Route 201
new(Pt) { Gift = true, Species = 390, Level = 5, Location = 016, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Chimchar
new(Pt) { Gift = true, Species = 393, Level = 5, Location = 016, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Piplup
// Fossil @ Mining Museum
new(DP) { Gift = true, Species = 138, Level = 20, Location = 094, GroundTile = Max_DP }, // Omanyte
new(DP) { Gift = true, Species = 140, Level = 20, Location = 094, GroundTile = Max_DP }, // Kabuto
new(DP) { Gift = true, Species = 142, Level = 20, Location = 094, GroundTile = Max_DP }, // Aerodactyl
new(DP) { Gift = true, Species = 345, Level = 20, Location = 094, GroundTile = Max_DP }, // Lileep
new(DP) { Gift = true, Species = 347, Level = 20, Location = 094, GroundTile = Max_DP }, // Anorith
new(DP) { Gift = true, Species = 408, Level = 20, Location = 094, GroundTile = Max_DP }, // Cranidos
new(DP) { Gift = true, Species = 410, Level = 20, Location = 094, GroundTile = Max_DP }, // Shieldon
new(Pt) { Gift = true, Species = 138, Level = 20, Location = 094, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Omanyte
new(Pt) { Gift = true, Species = 140, Level = 20, Location = 094, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Kabuto
new(Pt) { Gift = true, Species = 142, Level = 20, Location = 094, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Aerodactyl
new(Pt) { Gift = true, Species = 345, Level = 20, Location = 094, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Lileep
new(Pt) { Gift = true, Species = 347, Level = 20, Location = 094, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Anorith
new(Pt) { Gift = true, Species = 408, Level = 20, Location = 094, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Cranidos
new(Pt) { Gift = true, Species = 410, Level = 20, Location = 094, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Shieldon
// Gift
new(DP) { Gift = true, Species = 133, Level = 05, Location = 010, GroundTile = Max_DP }, // Eevee @ Hearthome City
new(Pt) { Gift = true, Species = 133, Level = 20, Location = 010, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Eevee @ Hearthome City
new(Pt) { Gift = true, Species = 137, Level = 25, Location = 012, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Porygon @ Veilstone City
new(Pt) { Gift = true, Species = 175, Level = 01, EggLocation = 2011 }, // Togepi Egg from Cynthia
new(DP) { Gift = true, Species = 440, Level = 01, EggLocation = 2009 }, // Happiny Egg from Traveling Man
new(DPPt) { Gift = true, Species = 447, Level = 01, EggLocation = 2010 }, // Riolu Egg from Riley
// Stationary
new(DP) { Species = 425, Level = 22, Location = 47 }, // Drifloon @ Valley Windworks
new(Pt) { Species = 425, Level = 15, Location = 47 }, // Drifloon @ Valley Windworks
new(DP) { Species = 479, Level = 15, Location = 70, GroundTile = Building }, // Rotom @ Old Chateau
new(Pt) { Species = 479, Level = 20, Location = 70, GroundTile = Building }, // Rotom @ Old Chateau
new(DPPt) { Species = 442, Level = 25, Location = 24 }, // Spiritomb @ Route 209
// Stationary Legendary
new(Pt) { Species = 377, Level = 30, Location = 125, GroundTile = Cave }, // Regirock @ Rock Peak Ruins
new(Pt) { Species = 378, Level = 30, Location = 124, GroundTile = Cave }, // Regice @ Iceberg Ruins
new(Pt) { Species = 379, Level = 30, Location = 123, GroundTile = Cave }, // Registeel @ Iron Ruins
new(DPPt) { Species = 480, Level = 50, Location = 089, GroundTile = Cave }, // Uxie @ Acuity Cavern
new(DPPt) { Species = 482, Level = 50, Location = 088, GroundTile = Cave }, // Azelf @ Valor Cavern
new(D ) { Species = 483, Level = 47, Location = 051, GroundTile = Rock }, // Dialga @ Spear Pillar
new( P) { Species = 484, Level = 47, Location = 051, GroundTile = Rock }, // Palkia @ Spear Pillar
new(Pt) { Species = 483, Level = 70, Location = 051, GroundTile = Rock }, // Dialga @ Spear Pillar
new(Pt) { Species = 484, Level = 70, Location = 051, GroundTile = Rock }, // Palkia @ Spear Pillar
new(DP) { Species = 485, Level = 70, Location = 084, GroundTile = Cave }, // Heatran @ Stark Mountain
new(Pt) { Species = 485, Level = 50, Location = 084, GroundTile = Cave }, // Heatran @ Stark Mountain
new(DP) { Species = 486, Level = 70, Location = 064, GroundTile = Cave }, // Regigigas @ Snowpoint Temple
new(Pt) { Species = 486, Level = 01, Location = 064, GroundTile = Cave }, // Regigigas @ Snowpoint Temple
new(DP) { Species = 487, Level = 70, Location = 062, GroundTile = Cave, Form = 0 }, // Giratina @ Turnback Cave
new(Pt) { Species = 487, Level = 47, Location = 062, GroundTile = Cave, Form = 0 }, // Giratina @ Turnback Cave
new(Pt) { Species = 487, Level = 47, Location = 117, GroundTile = Distortion, Form = 1, HeldItem = 112 }, // Giratina @ Distortion World
// Event
//new(DP) { Species = 491, Level = 40, Location = 079, GroundTile = Grass }, // Darkrai @ Newmoon Island (Unreleased in Diamond and Pearl)
new(Pt) { Species = 491, Level = 50, Location = 079, GroundTile = Grass }, // Darkrai @ Newmoon Island
new(Pt) { Species = 492, Form = 0, Level = 30, Location = 063, Fateful = true }, // Shaymin @ Flower Paradise
//new(DP) { Species = 492, Form = 0, Level = 30, Location = 063, Fateful = false }, // Shaymin @ Flower Paradise (Unreleased in Diamond and Pearl)
//new(DPPt) { Species = 493, Form = 0, Level = 80, Location = 086, GroundTile = Cave }, // Arceus @ Hall of Origin (Unreleased)
// Roamers
new(DPPt) { Roaming = true, Location = 16, Species = 481, Level = 50, GroundTile = Grass | Water }, // Mesprit
new(DPPt) { Roaming = true, Location = 16, Species = 488, Level = 50, GroundTile = Grass | Water }, // Cresselia
new(Pt) { Roaming = true, Location = 16, Species = 144, Level = 60, GroundTile = Grass | Water }, // Articuno
new(Pt) { Roaming = true, Location = 16, Species = 145, Level = 60, GroundTile = Grass | Water }, // Zapdos
new(Pt) { Roaming = true, Location = 16, Species = 146, Level = 60, GroundTile = Grass | Water }, // Moltres
private static readonly EncounterStatic4[] Encounter_HGSS =
// Starters
new(HGSS) { Gift = true, Species = 001, Level = 05, Location = 138, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Bulbasaur @ Pallet Town
new(HGSS) { Gift = true, Species = 004, Level = 05, Location = 138, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Charmander
new(HGSS) { Gift = true, Species = 007, Level = 05, Location = 138, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Squirtle
new(HGSS) { Gift = true, Species = 152, Level = 05, Location = 126, GroundTile = Max_DP }, // Chikorita @ New Bark Town
new(HGSS) { Gift = true, Species = 155, Level = 05, Location = 126, GroundTile = Max_DP }, // Cyndaquil
new(HGSS) { Gift = true, Species = 158, Level = 05, Location = 126, GroundTile = Max_DP }, // Totodile
new(HGSS) { Gift = true, Species = 252, Level = 05, Location = 148, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Treecko @ Saffron City
new(HGSS) { Gift = true, Species = 255, Level = 05, Location = 148, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Torchic
new(HGSS) { Gift = true, Species = 258, Level = 05, Location = 148, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Mudkip
// Fossils @ Pewter City
new(HGSS) { Gift = true, Species = 138, Level = 20, Location = 140, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Omanyte
new(HGSS) { Gift = true, Species = 140, Level = 20, Location = 140, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Kabuto
new(HGSS) { Gift = true, Species = 142, Level = 20, Location = 140, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Aerodactyl
new(HGSS) { Gift = true, Species = 345, Level = 20, Location = 140, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Lileep
new(HGSS) { Gift = true, Species = 347, Level = 20, Location = 140, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Anorith
new(HGSS) { Gift = true, Species = 408, Level = 20, Location = 140, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Cranidos
new(HGSS) { Gift = true, Species = 410, Level = 20, Location = 140, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Shieldon
// Gift
new(HGSS) { Gift = true, Species = 072, Level = 15, Location = 130, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Tentacool @ Cianwood City
new(HGSS) { Gift = true, Species = 133, Level = 05, Location = 131, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Eevee @ Goldenrod City
new(HGSS) { Gift = true, Species = 147, Level = 15, Location = 222, GroundTile = Max_Pt, Moves = new(245) }, // Dratini @ Dragon's Den (ExtremeSpeed)
new(HGSS) { Gift = true, Species = 236, Level = 10, Location = 216, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Tyrogue @ Mt. Mortar
new(HGSS) { Gift = true, Species = 175, Level = 01, EggLocation = 2013, Moves = new((int)Move.Growl, (int)Move.Charm, (int)Move.Extrasensory) }, // Togepi Egg from Mr. Pokemon (Extrasensory as Egg move)
new(HGSS) { Gift = true, Species = 179, Level = 01, EggLocation = 2014 }, // Mareep Egg from Primo
new(HGSS) { Gift = true, Species = 194, Level = 01, EggLocation = 2014 }, // Wooper Egg from Primo
new(HGSS) { Gift = true, Species = 218, Level = 01, EggLocation = 2014 }, // Slugma Egg from Primo
// Celadon City Game Corner
new(HGSS) { Gift = true, Species = 122, Level = 15, Location = 144, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Mr. Mime
new(HGSS) { Gift = true, Species = 133, Level = 15, Location = 144, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Eevee
new(HGSS) { Gift = true, Species = 137, Level = 15, Location = 144, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Porygon
// Goldenrod City Game Corner
new(HGSS) { Gift = true, Species = 063, Level = 15, Location = 131, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Abra
new(HG ) { Gift = true, Species = 023, Level = 15, Location = 131, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Ekans
new( SS) { Gift = true, Species = 027, Level = 15, Location = 131, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Sandshrew
new(HGSS) { Gift = true, Species = 147, Level = 15, Location = 131, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Dratini
// Team Rocket HQ Trap Floor
new(HGSS) { Species = 100, Level = 23, Location = 213, GroundTile = Building }, // Voltorb
new(HGSS) { Species = 074, Level = 21, Location = 213, GroundTile = Building }, // Geodude
new(HGSS) { Species = 109, Level = 21, Location = 213, GroundTile = Building }, // Koffing
// Stationary
new(HGSS) { Species = 130, Level = 30, Location = 135, GroundTile = Water, Shiny = Shiny.Always }, // Gyarados @ Lake of Rage
new(HGSS) { Species = 131, Level = 20, Location = 210, GroundTile = Water }, // Lapras @ Union Cave Friday Only
new(HGSS) { Species = 101, Level = 23, Location = 213, GroundTile = Building }, // Electrode @ Team Rocket HQ
new(HGSS) { Species = 143, Level = 50, Location = 159 }, // Snorlax @ Route 11
new(HGSS) { Species = 143, Level = 50, Location = 160 }, // Snorlax @ Route 12
new(HGSS) { Species = 185, Level = 20, Location = 184 }, // Sudowoodo @ Route 36, Encounter does not have type
new(HGSS) // Spiky-Eared Pichu @ Ilex Forest
Species = 172,
Level = 30,
Gender = 1,
Form = 1,
Nature = Nature.Naughty,
Location = 214,
Moves = new(344, 270, 207, 220),
GroundTile = Max_Pt,
Shiny = Shiny.Never,
// Stationary Legendary
new(HGSS) { Species = 144, Level = 50, Location = 203, GroundTile = Cave }, // Articuno @ Seafoam Islands
new(HGSS) { Species = 145, Level = 50, Location = 158 }, // Zapdos @ Route 10
new(HGSS) { Species = 146, Level = 50, Location = 219, GroundTile = Cave }, // Moltres @ Mt. Silver Cave
new(HGSS) { Species = 150, Level = 70, Location = 199, GroundTile = Cave }, // Mewtwo @ Cerulean Cave
new(HGSS) { Species = 245, Level = 40, Location = 173 }, // Suicune @ Route 25
new(HGSS) { Species = 245, Level = 40, Location = 206, GroundTile = Cave }, // Suicune @ Burned Tower
new( SS) { Species = 249, Level = 45, Location = 218, GroundTile = Water }, // Lugia @ Whirl Islands
new(HG ) { Species = 249, Level = 70, Location = 218, GroundTile = Water }, // Lugia @ Whirl Islands
new(HG ) { Species = 250, Level = 45, Location = 205, GroundTile = Building }, // Ho-Oh @ Bell Tower
new( SS) { Species = 250, Level = 70, Location = 205, GroundTile = Building }, // Ho-Oh @ Bell Tower
new( SS) { Species = 380, Level = 40, Location = 140, GroundTile = Building }, // Latias @ Pewter City
new(HG ) { Species = 381, Level = 40, Location = 140, GroundTile = Building }, // Latios @ Pewter City
new(HG ) { Species = 382, Level = 50, Location = 232, GroundTile = Cave }, // Kyogre @ Embedded Tower
new( SS) { Species = 383, Level = 50, Location = 232, GroundTile = Cave }, // Groudon @ Embedded Tower
new(HGSS) { Species = 384, Level = 50, Location = 232, GroundTile = Cave }, // Rayquaza @ Embedded Tower
new(HGSS) { Species = 483, Level = 01, Location = 231, Gift = true, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Dialga @ Sinjoh Ruins
new(HGSS) { Species = 484, Level = 01, Location = 231, Gift = true, GroundTile = Max_Pt }, // Palkia @ Sinjoh Ruins
new(HGSS) { Species = 487, Level = 01, Location = 231, Gift = true, GroundTile = Max_Pt, Form = 1, HeldItem = 112 }, // Giratina @ Sinjoh Ruins
// Johto Roamers
new(HGSS) { Roaming = true, Species = 243, Location = 177, Level = 40, GroundTile = Grass | Water }, // Raikou
new(HGSS) { Roaming = true, Species = 244, Location = 177, Level = 40, GroundTile = Grass | Water }, // Entei
// Kanto Roamers
new(HG ) { Roaming = true, Species = 380, Location = 149, Level = 35, GroundTile = Grass | Water }, // Latias
new( SS) { Roaming = true, Species = 381, Location = 149, Level = 35, GroundTile = Grass | Water }, // Latios
#region Trade Tables
private static readonly EncounterTrade4[] RanchGifts =
new EncounterTrade4RanchGift(323975838, 025, 18) { Moves = new(447,085,148,104), TID = 1000, SID = 19840, OTGender = 1, MetLocation = 0068, Gender = 0, Ability = OnlyFirst, CurrentLevel = 20 }, // Pikachu
new EncounterTrade4RanchGift(323977664, 037, 16) { Moves = new(412,109,053,219), TID = 1000, SID = 21150, OTGender = 1, MetLocation = 3000, Gender = 0, Ability = OnlyFirst, CurrentLevel = 30 }, // Vulpix
new EncounterTrade4RanchGift(323975579, 077, 13) { Moves = new(036,033,039,052), TID = 1000, SID = 01123, OTGender = 1, MetLocation = 3000, Gender = 0, Ability = OnlySecond, CurrentLevel = 16 }, // Ponyta
new EncounterTrade4RanchGift(323975564, 108, 34) { Moves = new(076,111,014,205), TID = 1000, SID = 03050, OTGender = 1, MetLocation = 0077, Gender = 0, Ability = OnlyFirst, CurrentLevel = 40 }, // Lickitung
new EncounterTrade4RanchGift(323977579, 114, 01) { Moves = new(437,438,079,246), TID = 1000, SID = 49497, OTGender = 1, MetLocation = 3000, Gender = 1, Ability = OnlySecond }, // Tangela
new EncounterTrade4RanchGift(323977675, 133, 16) { Moves = new(363,270,098,247), TID = 1000, SID = 47710, OTGender = 1, MetLocation = 0068, Gender = 0, Ability = OnlySecond, CurrentLevel = 30 }, // Eevee
new EncounterTrade4RanchGift(323977588, 142, 20) { Moves = new(363,089,444,332), TID = 1000, SID = 43066, OTGender = 1, MetLocation = 0094, Gender = 0, Ability = OnlyFirst, CurrentLevel = 50 }, // Aerodactyl
new EncounterTrade4RanchGift(232975554, 193, 22) { Moves = new(318,095,246,138), TID = 1000, SID = 42301, OTGender = 1, MetLocation = 0052, Gender = 0, Ability = OnlyFirst, CurrentLevel = 45, Ball = 5 }, // Yanma
new EncounterTrade4RanchGift(323975570, 241, 16) { Moves = new(208,215,360,359), TID = 1000, SID = 02707, OTGender = 1, MetLocation = 3000, Gender = 1, Ability = OnlyFirst, CurrentLevel = 48 }, // Miltank
new EncounterTrade4RanchGift(323975563, 285, 22) { Moves = new(402,147,206,078), TID = 1000, SID = 02788, OTGender = 1, MetLocation = 3000, Gender = 0, Ability = OnlySecond, CurrentLevel = 45, Ball = 5 }, // Shroomish
new EncounterTrade4RanchGift(323975559, 320, 30) { Moves = new(156,323,133,058), TID = 1000, SID = 27046, OTGender = 1, MetLocation = 0038, Gender = 0, Ability = OnlySecond, CurrentLevel = 45 }, // Wailmer
new EncounterTrade4RanchGift(323977657, 360, 01) { Moves = new(204,150,227,000), TID = 1000, SID = 01788, OTGender = 1, MetLocation = 0004, Gender = 0, Ability = OnlySecond, EggLocation = 2000 }, // Wynaut
new EncounterTrade4RanchGift(323975563, 397, 02) { Moves = new(355,017,283,018), TID = 1000, SID = 59298, OTGender = 1, MetLocation = 0016, Gender = 0, Ability = OnlySecond, CurrentLevel = 23 }, // Staravia
new EncounterTrade4RanchGift(323970584, 415, 05) { Moves = new(230,016,000,000), TID = 1000, SID = 54140, OTGender = 1, MetLocation = 0020, Gender = 1, Ability = OnlyFirst, CurrentLevel = 20 }, // Combee
new EncounterTrade4RanchGift(323977539, 417, 09) { Moves = new(447,045,351,098), TID = 1000, SID = 18830, OTGender = 1, MetLocation = 0020, Gender = 1, Ability = OnlySecond, CurrentLevel = 10 }, // Pachirisu
new EncounterTrade4RanchGift(323974107, 422, 20) { Moves = new(363,352,426,104), TID = 1000, SID = 39272, OTGender = 1, MetLocation = 0028, Gender = 0, Ability = OnlySecond, CurrentLevel = 25, Form = 1 }, // Shellos
new EncounterTrade4RanchGift(323977566, 427, 10) { Moves = new(204,193,409,098), TID = 1000, SID = 31045, OTGender = 1, MetLocation = 3000, Gender = 1, Ability = OnlyFirst, CurrentLevel = 16 }, // Buneary
new EncounterTrade4RanchGift(323975579, 453, 22) { Moves = new(310,207,426,389), TID = 1000, SID = 41342, OTGender = 1, MetLocation = 0052, Gender = 0, Ability = OnlySecond, CurrentLevel = 31, Ball = 5 }, // Croagunk
new EncounterTrade4RanchGift(323977566, 456, 15) { Moves = new(213,352,219,392), TID = 1000, SID = 48348, OTGender = 1, MetLocation = 0020, Gender = 1, Ability = OnlyFirst, CurrentLevel = 35 }, // Finneon
new EncounterTrade4RanchGift(323975582, 459, 32) { Moves = new(452,420,275,059), TID = 1000, SID = 23360, OTGender = 1, MetLocation = 0031, Gender = 0, Ability = OnlyFirst, CurrentLevel = 41 }, // Snover
new EncounterTrade4RanchSpecial(151, 50) { Moves = new(235,216,095,100), TID = 1000, SID = 59228, OTGender = 1, Ball = 0x10, Gender = 2 }, // Mew
new EncounterTrade4RanchSpecial(489, 01) { Moves = new(447,240,156,057), TID = 1000, SID = 09248, OTGender = 1, Ball = 0x10, Gender = 2, CurrentLevel = 50, EggLocation = 3000 }, // Phione
private static readonly EncounterTrade4PID[] TradeGift_DPPtIngame =
new(DPPt, 0x0000008E, 063, 01) { Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 25643, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, Gender = 0, IVs = new(15,15,15,20,25,25) }, // Machop -> Abra
new(DPPt, 0x00000867, 441, 01) { Ability = OnlySecond, TID = 44142, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 1, IVs = new(15,20,15,25,25,15), Contest = 20 }, // Buizel -> Chatot
new(DPPt, 0x00000088, 093, 35) { Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 19248, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, Gender = 0, IVs = new(20,25,15,25,15,15) }, // Medicham (35 from Route 217) -> Haunter
new(DPPt, 0x0000045C, 129, 01) { Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 53277, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 1, IVs = new(15,25,15,20,25,15) }, // Finneon -> Magikarp
internal static readonly EncounterTrade4[] TradeGift_DPPt = ArrayUtil.ConcatAll(TradeGift_DPPtIngame, RanchGifts);
internal static readonly EncounterTrade4PID[] TradeGift_HGSS =
new(HGSS, 0x000025EF, 095, 01) { Ability = OnlySecond, TID = 48926, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new(25,20,25,15,15,15) }, // Bellsprout -> Onix
new(HGSS, 0x00002310, 066, 01) { Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 37460, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 1, IVs = new(15,25,20,20,15,15) }, // Drowzee -> Machop
new(HGSS, 0x000001DB, 100, 01) { Ability = OnlySecond, TID = 29189, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 2, IVs = new(15,20,15,25,25,15) }, // Krabby -> Voltorb
new(HGSS, 0x0001FC0A, 085, 15) { Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 00283, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, Gender = 1, IVs = new(20,20,20,15,15,15) }, // Dragonair (15 from DPPt) -> Dodrio
new(HGSS, 0x0000D136, 082, 19) { Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 50082, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 2, IVs = new(15,20,15,20,20,20) }, // Dugtrio (19 from Diglett's Cave) -> Magneton
new(HGSS, 0x000034E4, 178, 16) { Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 15616, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new(15,20,15,20,20,20) }, // Haunter (16 from Old Chateau) -> Xatu
new(HGSS, 0x00485876, 025, 02) { Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 33038, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 1, IVs = new(20,25,18,31,25,13) }, // Pikachu
new(HGSS, 0x0012B6D4, 374, 31) { Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 23478, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 2, IVs = new(28,29,24,23,24,25) }, // Forretress -> Beldum
new(HGSS, 0x0012971C, 111, 01) { Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 06845, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 1, IVs = new(22,31,13,00,22,09), Moves = new(422) }, // Bonsly -> Rhyhorn
new(HGSS, 0x00101596, 208, 01) { Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 26491, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, Gender = 0, IVs = new(08,30,28,06,18,20) }, // Any -> Steelix
new(HGSS, 0x00006B5E, 021, 20) { Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 01001, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 1, IVs = new(15,20,15,20,20,20), MetLocation = 183, Moves = new(043,031,228,332) },// Webster's Spearow
new(HGSS, 0x000214D7, 213, 20) { Ability = OnlySecond, TID = 04336, SID = 00001, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new(15,20,15,20,20,20), MetLocation = 130, Moves = new(132,117,227,219) },// Kirk's Shuckle
private const string tradeDPPt = "tradedppt";
private const string tradeHGSS = "tradehgss";
private static readonly string[][] TradeDPPt = Util.GetLanguageStrings8(tradeDPPt);
private static readonly string[][] TradeHGSS = Util.GetLanguageStrings8(tradeHGSS);
internal static readonly EncounterStatic4[] StaticD = GetEncounters(Encounter_DPPt, D);
internal static readonly EncounterStatic4[] StaticP = GetEncounters(Encounter_DPPt, P);
internal static readonly EncounterStatic4[] StaticPt = GetEncounters(Encounter_DPPt, Pt);
internal static readonly EncounterStatic[] StaticHG = GetEncounters(ArrayUtil.ConcatAll<EncounterStatic>(Encounter_HGSS, Encounter_PokeWalker), HG);
internal static readonly EncounterStatic[] StaticSS = GetEncounters(ArrayUtil.ConcatAll<EncounterStatic>(Encounter_HGSS, Encounter_PokeWalker), SS);