Kurt 825e06130e Add nullable reftype compiler checks to test proj
New in c# 8
Assert.True(check for null) doesn't give a hint that the obj isnt null
Assert.NotNull does have the compiler hint attribute
could probably use fluentexpression syntax, but resharper doesn't pick
up on the nonnullable hint like vs does.
GeneratorTests: swap FirstOrDefault to First, can keep the fluent style
and resharper gets the hint.

tl;dr : resharper doesn't look at external lib for hints, gotta use
Assert.NotNull or something that doesn't return null
2019-09-23 18:13:51 -07:00

238 lines
11 KiB

using System.Linq;
using FluentAssertions;
using PKHeX.Core;
using Xunit;
namespace PKHeX.Tests.PKM
public class PIDIVTest
// Note: IVs are stored HP/ATK/DEF/SPE/SPA/SPD
public void PIDIVMatchingTest3()
// Method 1/2/4
var pk1 = new PK3 {PID = 0xE97E0000, IVs = new[] {17, 19, 20, 16, 13, 12}};
var ga1 = MethodFinder.Analyze(pk1);
Assert.Equal(PIDType.Method_1, ga1.Type);
var pk2 = new PK3 {PID = 0x5271E97E, IVs = new[] {02, 18, 03, 12, 22, 24}};
Assert.Equal(PIDType.Method_2, MethodFinder.Analyze(pk2).Type);
var pk4 = new PK3 {PID = 0x31B05271, IVs = new[] {02, 18, 03, 05, 30, 11}};
Assert.Equal(PIDType.Method_4, MethodFinder.Analyze(pk4).Type);
var gk1 = new PK3();
PIDGenerator.SetValuesFromSeed(gk1, ga1.Type, ga1.OriginSeed);
Assert.Equal(pk1.PID, gk1.PID);
Assert.True(gk1.IVs.SequenceEqual(pk1.IVs), "Unable to match generated PID to Method 1 IVs");
public void PIDIVMatchingTest3Unown()
// Method 1/2/4, reversed for Unown.
var pk1U = new PK3 {PID = 0x815549A2, IVs = new[] {02, 26, 30, 30, 11, 26}, Species = 201}; // Unown-C
Assert.Equal(PIDType.Method_1_Unown, MethodFinder.Analyze(pk1U).Type);
var pk2U = new PK3 {PID = 0x8A7B5190, IVs = new[] {14, 02, 21, 30, 29, 15}, Species = 201}; // Unown-M
Assert.Equal(PIDType.Method_2_Unown, MethodFinder.Analyze(pk2U).Type);
var pk4U = new PK3 {PID = 0x5FA80D70, IVs = new[] {02, 06, 03, 26, 04, 19}, Species = 201}; // Unown-A
Assert.Equal(PIDType.Method_4_Unown, MethodFinder.Analyze(pk4U).Type);
public void PIDIVMatchingTest3Method3()
// Method 3, reversed for Unown.
var m3R = new PK3 { PID = 0x3DD1BB49, IVs = new[] { 23, 12, 31, 09, 03, 03 }, Species = 001 }; // Regular
var m3t = MethodFinder.Analyze(m3R).Type;
Assert.Equal(PIDType.Method_3, m3t);
var m3u = new PK3 { PID = 0xBB493DD1, IVs = new[] { 23, 12, 31, 09, 03, 03 }, Species = 201 }; // Unown
var u3t = MethodFinder.Analyze(m3u).Type;
Assert.Equal(PIDType.Method_3_Unown, u3t);
public void PIDIVMatchingTest3Misc()
// Colosseum / XD
var pk3 = new PK3 {PID = 0x0985A297, IVs = new[] {06, 01, 00, 07, 17, 07}};
var ak3 = MethodFinder.Analyze(pk3);
Assert.Equal(PIDType.CXD, MethodFinder.Analyze(pk3).Type);
var gk3 = new PK3();
PIDGenerator.SetValuesFromSeed(gk3, PIDType.CXD, ak3.OriginSeed);
Assert.Equal(pk3.PID, gk3.PID);
Assert.True(pk3.IVs.SequenceEqual(gk3.IVs), "Unable to match generated IVs to CXD spread");
// Channel Jirachi
var pkC = new PK3 {PID = 0x264750D9, IVs = new[] {06, 31, 14, 27, 05, 27}, SID = 45819, OT_Gender = 1, Version = (int)GameVersion.R};
var akC = MethodFinder.Analyze(pkC);
var gkC = new PK3();
PIDGenerator.SetValuesFromSeed(gkC, PIDType.Channel, akC.OriginSeed);
Assert.Equal(pkC.PID, gkC.PID);
Assert.True(pkC.IVs.SequenceEqual(gkC.IVs), "Unable to match generated IVs to Channel spread");
public void PIDIVMatchingTest3Event()
// Restricted: TID/SID are zero.
var pkR = new PK3 {PID = 0x0000E97E, IVs = new[] {17, 19, 20, 16, 13, 12}};
Assert.Equal(PIDType.BACD_R, MethodFinder.Analyze(pkR).Type);
// Restricted Antishiny: PID is incremented 2 times to lose shininess.
var pkRA = new PK3 {PID = 0x0000E980, IVs = new[] {17, 19, 20, 16, 13, 12}, TID = 01337, SID = 60486};
Assert.Equal(PIDType.BACD_R_A, MethodFinder.Analyze(pkRA).Type);
// Unrestricted: TID/SID are zero.
var pkU = new PK3 {PID = 0x67DBFC33, IVs = new[] {12, 25, 27, 30, 02, 31}};
Assert.Equal(PIDType.BACD_U, MethodFinder.Analyze(pkU).Type);
// Unrestricted Antishiny: PID is incremented 5 times to lose shininess.
var pkUA = new PK3 {PID = 0x67DBFC38, IVs = new[] {12, 25, 27, 30, 02, 31}, TID = 01337, SID = 40657};
Assert.Equal(PIDType.BACD_U_A, MethodFinder.Analyze(pkUA).Type);
// berry fix zigzagoon: seed 0x0020
var pkRS = new PK3 {PID = 0x38CA4EA0, IVs = new[] {00, 20, 28, 11, 19, 00}, TID = 30317, SID = 00000};
var a_pkRS = MethodFinder.Analyze(pkRS);
Assert.Equal(PIDType.BACD_R_S, a_pkRS.Type);
Assert.True(0x0020 == a_pkRS.OriginSeed, "Unable to match PID to BACD-R shiny spread origin seed");
var gkRS = new PK3 { TID = 30317, SID = 00000 };
PIDGenerator.SetValuesFromSeed(gkRS, PIDType.BACD_R_S, a_pkRS.OriginSeed);
Assert.Equal(pkRS.PID, gkRS.PID);
Assert.True(pkRS.IVs.SequenceEqual(gkRS.IVs), "Unable to match generated IVs to BACD-R shiny spread");
// Unrestricted Antishiny nyx
var nyxUA = new PK3 {PID = 0xBD3DF676, IVs = new[] {00, 15, 05, 04, 21, 05}, TID = 80, SID = 0};
var nyx_pkUA = MethodFinder.Analyze(nyxUA);
Assert.Equal(PIDType.BACD_U_AX, nyx_pkUA.Type);
public void PIDIVMatchingTest4()
// Cute Charm: Male Bulbasaur
var pkCC = new PK4 {PID = 0x00000037, IVs = new[] {16, 13, 12, 02, 18, 03}, Species = 1, Gender = 0};
Assert.Equal(PIDType.CuteCharm, MethodFinder.Analyze(pkCC).Type);
// Antishiny Mystery Gift: TID/SID are zero. Original PID of 0x5271E97E is rerolled.
var pkASR = new PK4 {PID = 0x07578CB7, IVs = new[] {16, 13, 12, 02, 18, 03}};
Assert.Equal(PIDType.G4MGAntiShiny, MethodFinder.Analyze(pkASR).Type);
// Chain Shiny: TID/SID are zero.
var pkCS = new PK4 {PID = 0xA9C1A9C6, IVs = new[] {22, 14, 23, 24, 11, 04}};
Assert.Equal(PIDType.ChainShiny, MethodFinder.Analyze(pkCS).Type);
public void PIDIVMatchingTest5()
// Shiny Mystery Gift PGF; IVs are unrelated.
var pkS5 = new PK5 {PID = 0xBEEF0037, TID = 01337, SID = 48097};
Assert.Equal(PIDType.G5MGShiny, MethodFinder.Analyze(pkS5).Type);
public void PIDIVPokeSpotTest()
// XD PokeSpots: Check all 3 Encounter Slots (examples are one for each location).
var pkPS0 = new PK3 { PID = 0x7B2D9DA7 }; // Zubat (Cave)
Assert.True(MethodFinder.GetPokeSpotSeeds(pkPS0, 0).Any(), "PokeSpot encounter info mismatch (Common)");
var pkPS1 = new PK3 { PID = 0x3EE9AF66 }; // Gligar (Rock)
Assert.True(MethodFinder.GetPokeSpotSeeds(pkPS1, 1).Any(), "PokeSpot encounter info mismatch (Uncommon)");
var pkPS2 = new PK3 { PID = 0x9B667F3C }; // Surskit (Oasis)
Assert.True(MethodFinder.GetPokeSpotSeeds(pkPS2, 2).Any(), "PokeSpot encounter info mismatch (Rare)");
public void PIDIVPokewalkerTest()
var pkPW = new[]
new PK4 { Species = 025, PID = 0x34000089, TID = 20790, SID = 39664, Gender = 0}, // Pikachu
new PK4 { Species = 025, PID = 0x7DFFFF60, TID = 30859, SID = 63760, Gender = 1}, // Pikachu
new PK4 { Species = 025, PID = 0x7DFFFF65, TID = 30859, SID = 63760, Gender = 1}, // Pikachu
new PK4 { Species = 025, PID = 0x7E000003, TID = 30859, SID = 63760, Gender = 1}, // Pikachu
new PK4 { Species = 025, PID = 0x2100008F, TID = 31526, SID = 42406, Gender = 0}, // Pikachu
new PK4 { Species = 025, PID = 0x71FFFF5A, TID = 49017, SID = 12807, Gender = 1}, // Pikachu
new PK4 { Species = 025, PID = 0xC0000001, TID = 17398, SID = 31936, Gender = 1}, // Pikachu
new PK4 { Species = 025, PID = 0x2FFFFF5E, TID = 27008, SID = 42726, Gender = 1}, // Pikachu
new PK4 { Species = 025, PID = 0x59FFFFFE, TID = 51223, SID = 28044, Gender = 0}, // Pikachu
foreach (var pk in pkPW)
Assert.Equal(PIDType.Pokewalker, MethodFinder.Analyze(pk).Type);
public void PIDIVEncounterSlotTest()
// Modest Method 1
var pk = new PK3 {PID = 0x6937DA48, IVs = new[] {31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31}};
var pidiv = MethodFinder.Analyze(pk);
Assert.Equal(PIDType.Method_1, pidiv.Type);
// Test for Method J
// Pearl
pk.Version = (int) GameVersion.P;
var results = FrameFinder.GetFrames(pidiv, pk).ToArray();
var failSync = results.Where(z => z.Lead == LeadRequired.SynchronizeFail);
var noSync = results.Where(z => z.Lead == LeadRequired.None);
var sync = results.Where(z => z.Lead == LeadRequired.Synchronize);
const SlotType type = SlotType.Grass;
var slots = new[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 };
Assert.True(slots.All(s => results.Any(z => z.GetSlot(type) == s)), "Required slots not present.");
var slotsForType = results.Where(z => !z.LevelSlotModified).Select(z => z.GetSlot(type)).Distinct().OrderBy(z => z);
Assert.True(slotsForType.SequenceEqual(slots), "Unexpected slots present.");
// Test for Method H and K
// Sapphire
// pk.Version = (int)GameVersion.S;
// var results = FrameFinder.GetFrames(pidiv, pk);
public void PIDIVMethod4IVs()
var pk4 = new PK3 { PID = 0xFEE73213, IVs = new[] { 03, 29, 23, 30, 28, 24 } };
var analysis = MethodFinder.Analyze(pk4);
// See if any origin seed for the IVs matches what we expect
// Load the IVs
uint rand1 = 0; // HP/ATK/DEF
uint rand3 = 0; // SPE/SPA/SPD
var IVs = pk4.IVs;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
rand1 |= (uint)IVs[i] << (5 * i);
rand3 |= (uint)IVs[i+3] << (5 * i);
Assert.Contains(MethodFinder.GetSeedsFromIVsSkip(RNG.LCRNG, rand1, rand3), z => z == 0xFEE7047C);
public void PIDIVSearchEuclid()
const uint seed = 0x2E15555E;
const uint rand0 = 0x20AD96A9;
const uint rand1 = 0x7E1DBEC8;
var pidseeds = MethodFinder.GetSeedsFromPIDEuclid(RNG.XDRNG, rand0 >> 16, rand1 >> 16);
var ivseeds = MethodFinder.GetSeedsFromIVsEuclid(RNG.XDRNG, (rand0 >> 16) & 0x7FFF, (rand1 >> 16) & 0x7FFF);
Assert.Contains(pidseeds, z => z == seed);
Assert.Contains(ivseeds, z => z == seed);