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synced 2025-03-06 16:27:24 +00:00
xy battle background makes up the other 5 bits; good to know! reorder enum to match comments in properties (switch=0)
175 lines
7.7 KiB
175 lines
7.7 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// <summary>
/// Generation 6 <see cref="SaveFile"/> object for <see cref="GameVersion.XY"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <inheritdoc cref="SAV6" />
public sealed class SAV6XY : SAV6, ISaveBlock6XY
public SAV6XY(byte[] data) : base(data, SaveBlockAccessor6XY.boXY)
Blocks = new SaveBlockAccessor6XY(this);
public SAV6XY() : base(SaveUtil.SIZE_G6XY, SaveBlockAccessor6XY.boXY)
Blocks = new SaveBlockAccessor6XY(this);
public override PersonalTable Personal => PersonalTable.XY;
public override IReadOnlyList<ushort> HeldItems => Legal.HeldItem_XY;
public SaveBlockAccessor6XY Blocks { get; }
public override SaveFile Clone() => new SAV6XY((byte[])Data.Clone());
public override int MaxMoveID => Legal.MaxMoveID_6_XY;
public override int MaxItemID => Legal.MaxItemID_6_XY;
public override int MaxAbilityID => Legal.MaxAbilityID_6_XY;
private void Initialize()
// Enable Features
Party = 0x14200;
PCLayout = 0x4400;
BattleBoxOffset = 0x04A00;
PSS = 0x05000;
EventConst = 0x14A00;
PokeDex = 0x15000;
HoF = 0x19400;
DaycareOffset = 0x1B200;
BerryField = 0x1B800;
WondercardFlags = 0x1BC00;
Box = 0x22600;
JPEG = 0x57200;
EventFlag = EventConst + 0x2FC;
WondercardData = WondercardFlags + 0x100;
// Extra Viewable Slots
Fused = 0x16000;
GTS = 0x17800;
public int GTS { get; private set; } = int.MinValue;
public int Fused { get; private set; } = int.MinValue;
#region Blocks
public override IReadOnlyList<BlockInfo> AllBlocks => Blocks.BlockInfo;
public override MyItem Items => Blocks.Items;
public override ItemInfo6 ItemInfo => Blocks.ItemInfo;
public override GameTime6 GameTime => Blocks.GameTime;
public override Situation6 Situation => Blocks.Situation;
public override PlayTime6 Played => Blocks.Played;
public override MyStatus6 Status => Blocks.Status;
public override RecordBlock6 Records => Blocks.Records;
public Puff6 Puff => Blocks.Puff;
public OPower6 OPower => Blocks.OPower;
public LinkBlock6 Link => Blocks.Link;
public BoxLayout6 BoxLayout => Blocks.BoxLayout;
public BattleBox6 BattleBox => Blocks.BattleBox;
public MysteryBlock6 MysteryGift => Blocks.MysteryGift;
public SuperTrainBlock SuperTrain => Blocks.SuperTrain;
public MaisonBlock Maison => Blocks.Maison;
public Zukan6XY Zukan => Blocks.Zukan;
public Misc6XY Misc => Blocks.Misc;
public Fashion6XY Fashion => Blocks.Fashion;
public SubEventLog6 SUBE => Blocks.SUBE;
public ConfigSave6 Config => Blocks.Config;
protected override void SetDex(PKM pkm) => Blocks.Zukan.SetDex(pkm);
// Daycare
public override int DaycareSeedSize => 16;
public override bool HasTwoDaycares => false;
public override bool? IsDaycareOccupied(int loc, int slot) => Data[DaycareOffset + 0 + ((SIZE_STORED + 8) * slot)] == 1;
public override uint? GetDaycareEXP(int loc, int slot) => BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data, DaycareOffset + 4 + ((SIZE_STORED + 8) * slot));
public override int GetDaycareSlotOffset(int loc, int slot) => DaycareOffset + 8 + (slot * (SIZE_STORED + 8));
public override bool? IsDaycareHasEgg(int loc) => Data[DaycareOffset + 0x1E0] == 1;
public override void SetDaycareHasEgg(int loc, bool hasEgg) => Data[DaycareOffset + 0x1E0] = (byte)(hasEgg ? 1 : 0);
public override void SetDaycareOccupied(int loc, int slot, bool occupied) => Data[DaycareOffset + ((SIZE_STORED + 8) * slot)] = (byte)(occupied ? 1 : 0);
public override void SetDaycareEXP(int loc, int slot, uint EXP) => BitConverter.GetBytes(EXP).CopyTo(Data, DaycareOffset + 4 + ((SIZE_STORED + 8) * slot));
public override string GetDaycareRNGSeed(int loc)
int ofs = DaycareOffset;
var data = Data.Skip(ofs + 0x1E8).Take(DaycareSeedSize / 2).Reverse().ToArray();
return BitConverter.ToString(data).Replace("-", string.Empty);
public override void SetDaycareRNGSeed(int loc, string seed)
if (loc != 0)
if (DaycareOffset < 0)
if (seed.Length > DaycareSeedSize)
Util.GetBytesFromHexString(seed).CopyTo(Data, DaycareOffset + 0x1E8);
public override string JPEGTitle => HasJPPEGData ? string.Empty : Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(Data, JPEG, 0x1A));
public override byte[] JPEGData => HasJPPEGData ? Array.Empty<byte>() : GetData(JPEG + 0x54, 0xE004);
private bool HasJPPEGData => Data[JPEG + 0x54] == 0xFF;
public void UnlockAllFriendSafariSlots()
// Unlock + reveal all safari slots if friend data is present
const int start = 0x1E7FF;
const int size = 0x15;
for (int i = 1; i < 101; i++)
int ofs = start + (i * size);
if (Data[ofs] != 0) // no friend data == 0x00
Data[ofs] = 0x3D;
Edited = true;
public override GameVersion Version
return Game switch
(int)GameVersion.X => GameVersion.X,
(int)GameVersion.Y => GameVersion.Y,
_ => GameVersion.Invalid
protected override bool[] MysteryGiftReceivedFlags { get => Blocks.MysteryGift.MysteryGiftReceivedFlags; set => Blocks.MysteryGift.MysteryGiftReceivedFlags = value; }
protected override DataMysteryGift[] MysteryGiftCards { get => Blocks.MysteryGift.MysteryGiftCards; set => Blocks.MysteryGift.MysteryGiftCards = value; }
public override bool GetCaught(int species) => Blocks.Zukan.GetCaught(species);
public override bool GetSeen(int species) => Blocks.Zukan.GetSeen(species);
public override void SetSeen(int species, bool seen) => Blocks.Zukan.SetSeen(species, seen);
public override void SetCaught(int species, bool caught) => Blocks.Zukan.SetCaught(species, caught);
public override int CurrentBox { get => Blocks.BoxLayout.CurrentBox; set => Blocks.BoxLayout.CurrentBox = value; }
protected override int GetBoxWallpaperOffset(int box) => Blocks.BoxLayout.GetBoxWallpaperOffset(box);
public override int BoxesUnlocked { get => Blocks.BoxLayout.BoxesUnlocked; set => Blocks.BoxLayout.BoxesUnlocked = value; }
public override byte[] BoxFlags { get => Blocks.BoxLayout.BoxFlags; set => Blocks.BoxLayout.BoxFlags = value; }
public bool BattleBoxLocked
get => Blocks.BattleBox.Locked;
set => Blocks.BattleBox.Locked = value;
public override uint Money { get => Blocks.Misc.Money; set => Blocks.Misc.Money = value; }
public override int Vivillon { get => Blocks.Misc.Vivillon; set => Blocks.Misc.Vivillon = value; }
public override int Badges { get => Blocks.Misc.Badges; set => Blocks.Misc.Badges = value; }
public override int BP { get => Blocks.Misc.BP; set => Blocks.Misc.BP = value; }