Kurt 83a72df7cc Include gen1 encounter moves in not-needed list
Might result in some illegal matches as it includes it for all evolutions in the chain, but whatever. Could probably rewrite the generator to only generate for different starting-species, but it's fine now.

Inline the max level calc
2021-08-04 19:07:20 -07:00

312 lines
14 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using static PKHeX.Core.Legal;
using static PKHeX.Core.GameVersion;
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// <summary>
/// Logic for obtaining a list of moves.
/// </summary>
internal static class MoveList
internal static IEnumerable<int> GetValidRelearn(PKM pkm, int species, int form, bool inheritlvlmoves, GameVersion version = Any)
int generation = pkm.Generation;
if (generation < 6)
return Array.Empty<int>();
var r = new List<int>();
r.AddRange(MoveEgg.GetRelearnLVLMoves(pkm, species, form, 1, version));
if (pkm.Format == 6 && pkm.Species != (int)Species.Meowstic)
form = 0;
r.AddRange(MoveEgg.GetEggMoves(pkm.PersonalInfo, species, form, version, Math.Max(2, generation)));
if (inheritlvlmoves)
r.AddRange(MoveEgg.GetRelearnLVLMoves(pkm, species, form, 100, version));
return r.Distinct();
internal static int[] GetShedinjaEvolveMoves(PKM pkm, int generation, int lvl)
if (pkm.Species != (int)Species.Shedinja || lvl < 20)
return Array.Empty<int>();
// If Nincada evolves into Ninjask and learns a move after evolution from Ninjask's LevelUp data, Shedinja would appear with that move.
// Only one move above level 20 is allowed; check the count of Ninjask moves elsewhere.
return generation switch
3 when pkm.InhabitedGeneration(3) => LevelUpE[(int)Species.Ninjask].GetMoves(lvl, 20), // Same LevelUp data in all Gen3 games
4 when pkm.InhabitedGeneration(4) => LevelUpPt[(int)Species.Ninjask].GetMoves(lvl, 20), // Same LevelUp data in all Gen4 games
_ => Array.Empty<int>(),
internal static int GetShedinjaMoveLevel(int species, int move, int generation)
var src = generation == 4 ? LevelUpPt : LevelUpE;
var moves = src[species];
return moves.GetLevelLearnMove(move);
internal static int[] GetBaseEggMoves(PKM pkm, int species, int form, GameVersion gameSource, int lvl)
if (gameSource == Any)
gameSource = (GameVersion)pkm.Version;
switch (gameSource)
case GSC or GS:
// If checking back-transfer specimen (GSC->RBY), remove moves that must be deleted prior to transfer
static int[] getRBYCompatibleMoves(int format, int[] moves) => format == 1 ? moves.Where(m => m <= MaxMoveID_1).ToArray() : moves;
if (pkm.InhabitedGeneration(2))
return getRBYCompatibleMoves(pkm.Format, LevelUpGS[species].GetMoves(lvl));
case C:
if (pkm.InhabitedGeneration(2))
return getRBYCompatibleMoves(pkm.Format, LevelUpC[species].GetMoves(lvl));
case R or S or RS:
if (pkm.InhabitedGeneration(3))
return LevelUpRS[species].GetMoves(lvl);
case E:
if (pkm.InhabitedGeneration(3))
return LevelUpE[species].GetMoves(lvl);
case FR or LG or FRLG:
// The only difference in FR/LG is Deoxys, which doesn't breed.
if (pkm.InhabitedGeneration(3))
return LevelUpFR[species].GetMoves(lvl);
case D or P or DP:
if (pkm.InhabitedGeneration(4))
return LevelUpDP[species].GetMoves(lvl);
case Pt:
if (pkm.InhabitedGeneration(4))
return LevelUpPt[species].GetMoves(lvl);
case HG or SS or HGSS:
if (pkm.InhabitedGeneration(4))
return LevelUpHGSS[species].GetMoves(lvl);
case B or W or BW:
if (pkm.InhabitedGeneration(5))
return LevelUpBW[species].GetMoves(lvl);
case B2 or W2 or B2W2:
if (pkm.InhabitedGeneration(5))
return LevelUpB2W2[species].GetMoves(lvl);
case X or Y or XY:
if (pkm.InhabitedGeneration(6))
return LevelUpXY[species].GetMoves(lvl);
case AS or OR or ORAS:
if (pkm.InhabitedGeneration(6))
return LevelUpAO[species].GetMoves(lvl);
case SN or MN or SM:
if (species > MaxSpeciesID_7)
if (pkm.InhabitedGeneration(7))
int index = PersonalTable.SM.GetFormIndex(species, form);
return LevelUpSM[index].GetMoves(lvl);
case US or UM or USUM:
if (pkm.InhabitedGeneration(7))
int index = PersonalTable.USUM.GetFormIndex(species, form);
return LevelUpUSUM[index].GetMoves(lvl);
case SW or SH or SWSH:
if (pkm.InhabitedGeneration(8))
int index = PersonalTable.SWSH.GetFormIndex(species, form);
return LevelUpSWSH[index].GetMoves(lvl);
return Array.Empty<int>();
internal static IReadOnlyList<int>[] GetValidMovesAllGens(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList<EvoCriteria>[] evoChains, MoveSourceType types = MoveSourceType.ExternalSources, bool RemoveTransferHM = true)
var result = new IReadOnlyList<int>[evoChains.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
result[i] = Array.Empty<int>();
var min = pkm is IBattleVersion b ? Math.Max(0, b.GetMinGeneration()) : 1;
for (int i = min; i < evoChains.Length; i++)
if (evoChains[i].Count == 0)
result[i] = GetValidMoves(pkm, evoChains[i], i, types, RemoveTransferHM).ToList();
return result;
internal static IEnumerable<int> GetValidMoves(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList<EvoCriteria> evoChain, int generation, MoveSourceType types = MoveSourceType.ExternalSources, bool RemoveTransferHM = true)
GameVersion version = (GameVersion)pkm.Version;
if (!pkm.IsUntraded)
version = Any;
return GetValidMoves(pkm, version, evoChain, generation, types: types, RemoveTransferHM: RemoveTransferHM);
internal static IEnumerable<int> GetValidRelearn(PKM pkm, int species, int form, GameVersion version = Any)
return GetValidRelearn(pkm, species, form, Breeding.GetCanInheritMoves(species), version);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
internal static IEnumerable<int> GetExclusivePreEvolutionMoves(PKM pkm, int Species, IReadOnlyList<EvoCriteria> evoChain, int generation, GameVersion Version)
var preevomoves = new List<int>();
var evomoves = new List<int>();
var index = EvolutionChain.GetEvoChainSpeciesIndex(evoChain, Species);
for (int i = 0; i < evoChain.Count; i++)
int minLvLG2;
var evo = evoChain[i];
if (ParseSettings.AllowGen2MoveReminder(pkm))
minLvLG2 = 0;
else if (i == evoChain.Count - 1) // minimum level, otherwise next learnable level
minLvLG2 = 5;
else if (evo.RequiresLvlUp)
minLvLG2 = evo.Level + 1;
minLvLG2 = evo.Level;
var moves = GetMoves(pkm, evo.Species, evo.Form, evo.Level, 0, minLvLG2, Version: Version, types: MoveSourceType.ExternalSources, RemoveTransferHM: false, generation: generation);
var list = i >= index ? preevomoves : evomoves;
return preevomoves.Except(evomoves).Distinct();
internal static IEnumerable<int> GetValidMoves(PKM pkm, GameVersion version, IReadOnlyList<EvoCriteria> chain, int generation, MoveSourceType types = MoveSourceType.Reminder, bool RemoveTransferHM = true)
var r = new List<int> { 0 };
int species = pkm.Species;
if (FormChangeMoves.Contains(species)) // Deoxys & Shaymin & Giratina (others don't have extra but whatever)
// These don't evolve, so don't bother iterating for all entries in the evolution chain (should always be count==1).
int formCount;
// In gen 3 deoxys has different forms depending on the current game, in the PersonalInfo there is no alternate form info
if (pkm.Format == 3 && species == (int)Species.Deoxys)
formCount = 4;
formCount = pkm.PersonalInfo.FormCount;
for (int form = 0; form < formCount; form++)
r.AddRange(GetMoves(pkm, species, form, chain[0].Level, 0, 0, version, types, RemoveTransferHM, generation));
if (types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.RelearnMoves))
return r.Distinct();
// Generation 1 & 2 do not always have move relearning capability, so the bottom bound for learnable indexes needs to be determined.
var minLvLG1 = 0;
var minLvLG2 = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < chain.Count; i++)
var evo = chain[i];
if (generation <= 2)
bool encounteredEvo = i == chain.Count - 1;
if (encounteredEvo) // minimum level, otherwise next learnable level
minLvLG1 = (pkm.HasOriginalMetLocation ? pkm.Met_Level : evo.MinLevel) + 1;
else if (evo.RequiresLvlUp) // learns level up moves immediately after evolving
minLvLG1 = evo.MinLevel;
minLvLG1 = evo.MinLevel + 1;
if (!ParseSettings.AllowGen2MoveReminder(pkm))
minLvLG2 = minLvLG1;
var maxLevel = evo.Level;
if (i != 0 && chain[i - 1].RequiresLvlUp) // evolution
++maxLevel; // allow lvlmoves from the level it evolved to the next species
var moves = GetMoves(pkm, evo.Species, evo.Form, maxLevel, minLvLG1, minLvLG2, version, types, RemoveTransferHM, generation);
if (pkm.Format <= 3)
return r.Distinct();
if (types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.LevelUp))
MoveTutor.AddSpecialFormChangeMoves(r, pkm, generation, species);
if (types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.SpecialTutor))
MoveTutor.AddSpecialTutorMoves(r, pkm, generation, species);
if (types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.RelearnMoves) && generation >= 6)
return r.Distinct();
private static IEnumerable<int> GetMoves(PKM pkm, int species, int form, int maxLevel, int minlvlG1, int minlvlG2, GameVersion Version, MoveSourceType types, bool RemoveTransferHM, int generation)
var r = new List<int>();
if (types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.LevelUp))
r.AddRange(MoveLevelUp.GetMovesLevelUp(pkm, species, form, maxLevel, minlvlG1, minlvlG2, Version, types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.Reminder), generation));
if (types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.Machine))
r.AddRange(MoveTechnicalMachine.GetTMHM(pkm, species, form, generation, Version, RemoveTransferHM));
if (types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.TechnicalRecord))
r.AddRange(MoveTechnicalMachine.GetRecords(pkm, species, form, generation));
if (types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.AllTutors))
r.AddRange(MoveTutor.GetTutorMoves(pkm, species, form, types.HasFlagFast(MoveSourceType.SpecialTutor), generation));
return r.Distinct();
#pragma warning disable RCS1154 // Sort enum members.
public enum MoveSourceType
#pragma warning restore RCS1154 // Sort enum members.
LevelUp = 1 << 0,
RelearnMoves = 1 << 1,
Machine = 1 << 2,
TypeTutor = 1 << 3,
SpecialTutor = 1 << 4,
EnhancedTutor = 1 << 5,
SharedEggMove = 1 << 6,
TechnicalRecord = 1 << 7,
AllTutors = TypeTutor | SpecialTutor | EnhancedTutor,
AllMachines = Machine | TechnicalRecord,
Reminder = LevelUp | RelearnMoves | TechnicalRecord,
Encounter = LevelUp | RelearnMoves,
ExternalSources = Reminder | AllMachines | AllTutors,
All = ExternalSources | SharedEggMove | RelearnMoves,
public static class MoveSourceTypeExtensions
public static bool HasFlagFast(this MoveSourceType value, MoveSourceType flag) => (value & flag) != 0;
public static MoveSourceType ClearNonEggSources(this MoveSourceType value) => value & MoveSourceType.Encounter;