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synced 2025-02-17 05:48:44 +00:00
366 lines
16 KiB
366 lines
16 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using static System.Buffers.Binary.BinaryPrimitives;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// <summary>
/// Generation 8 <see cref="SaveFile"/> object for <see cref="GameVersion.BDSP"/> games.
/// </summary>
public sealed class SAV8BS : SaveFile, ISaveFileRevision, ITrainerStatRecord, IEventWorkArray<int>, IBoxDetailName, IBoxDetailWallpaper, IDaycareStorage, IDaycareEggState, IDaycareRandomState<ulong>
// Save Data Attributes
protected internal override string ShortSummary => $"{OT} ({Version}) - {System.LastSavedTime}";
public override string Extension => string.Empty;
public override IReadOnlyList<string> PKMExtensions => Array.FindAll(PKM.Extensions, f =>
int gen = f[^1] - 0x30;
return gen <= 8;
public SAV8BS() : this(new byte[SaveUtil.SIZE_G8BDSP_3], false) => SaveRevision = (int)Gem8Version.V1_3;
public SAV8BS(byte[] data, bool exportable = true) : base(data, exportable)
var Raw = Data.AsMemory();
FlagWork = new FlagWork8b(this, Raw.Slice(0x00004, FlagWork8b.SIZE));
Items = new MyItem8b(this, Raw.Slice(0x0563C, MyItem8b.SIZE));
Underground = new UndergroundItemList8b(this, Raw.Slice(0x111BC, UndergroundItemList8b.SIZE));
SelectBoundItems = new SaveItemShortcut8b(this, Raw.Slice(0x14090, 8));
PartyInfo = new Party8b(this, Raw.Slice(0x14098, Party8b.SIZE));
BoxLayout = new BoxLayout8b(this, Raw.Slice(0x148AA, 0x64A));
// 0x14EF4 - Box[40]
Config = new ConfigSave8b(this, Raw.Slice(0x79B74, 0x40));
MyStatus = new MyStatus8b(this, Raw.Slice(0x79BB4, 0x50));
Played = new PlayTime8b(this, Raw.Slice(0x79C04, 0x04));
Contest = new Contest8b(this, Raw.Slice(0x79C08, 0x720));
Zukan = new Zukan8b(this, Raw.Slice(0x7A328, 0x30B8));
BattleTrainer = new BattleTrainerStatus8b(this, Raw.Slice(0x7D3E0, 0x1618));
MenuSelection = new MenuSelect8b(this, Raw.Slice(0x7E9F8, 0x44));
FieldObjects = new FieldObjectSave8b(this, Raw.Slice(0x7EA3C, 0x109A0));
Records = new Record8b(this, Raw.Slice(0x8F3DC, 0x78 * 12));
Encounter = new EncounterSave8b(this, Raw.Slice(0x8F97C, 0x188));
Player = new PlayerData8b(this, Raw.Slice(0x8FB04, PlayerData8b.SIZE));
SealDeco = new SealBallDecoData8b(this, Raw.Slice(0x8FB84, SealBallDecoData8b.SIZE));
SealList = new SealList8b(this, Raw.Slice(0x93E0C, 0x960)); // size: 0x960 SaveSealData[200]
Random = new RandomGroup8b(this, Raw.Slice(0x9476C, 0x630)); // size: 0x630
FieldGimmick = new FieldGimmickSave8b(this, Raw.Slice(0x94D9C, 0xC)); // FieldGimmickSaveData; int[3] gearRotate
BerryTrees = new BerryTreeGrowSave8b(this, Raw.Slice(0x94DA8, 0x808)); // size: 0x808
Poffins = new PoffinSaveData8b(this, Raw.Slice(0x955B0, 0x644)); // size: 0x644
BattleTower = new BattleTowerWork8b(this, Raw.Slice(0x95BF4, 0x1B8)); // size: 0x1B8
System = new SystemData8b(this, Raw.Slice(0x95DAC, SystemData8b.SIZE));
Poketch = new Poketch8b(this, Raw.Slice(0x95EE4, Poketch8b.SIZE));
Daycare = new Daycare8b(this, Raw.Slice(0x96080, Daycare8b.SIZE));
// BadgeSaveData; byte[8]
// BoukenNote; byte[24]
// TV_DATA (int[48], TV_STR_DATA[42]), (int[37], bool[37])*2, (int[8], int[8]), TV_STR_DATA[10]; 144 128bit zeroed (900 bytes?)?
UgSaveData = new UgSaveData8b(this, Raw.Slice(0x9A89C, 0x27A0));
// 0x9D03C - GMS_DATA // size: 0x31304, (GMS_POINT_DATA[650], ushort, ushort, byte)?; substructure GMS_POINT_HISTORY_DATA[5]
// 0xCE340 - PLAYER_NETWORK_DATA; bcatFlagArray byte[1300]
UnionSave = new UnionSaveData8b(this, Raw.Slice(0xCEA10, 0xC));
ContestPhotoLanguage = new ContestPhotoLanguage8b(this, Raw.Slice(0xCEA1C, 0x18));
ZukanExtra = new ZukanSpinda8b(this, Raw.Slice(0xCEA34, 0x64));
UgCount = new UgCountRecord8b(this, Raw.Slice(0xE8178, 0x20)); // size: 0x20
// 0xE8198 - ReBuffnameData; RE_DENDOU_RECORD[30], RE_DENDOU_POKEMON_DATA_INSIDE[6] (0x20) = 0x1680
// 0xE9818 -- 0x10 byte[] MD5 hash of all savedata;
// v1.1 additions
RecordAdd = new RecordAddData8b(this, GetSafe(Raw, 0xE9828, 0x3C0));
MysteryRecords = new MysteryBlock8b(this, GetSafe(Raw, 0xE9BE8, MysteryBlock8b.MinSize)); // size: ???
// POKETCH_POKETORE_COUNT_ARRAY -- (u16 species, u16 unused, i32 count, i32 reserved, i32 reserved)[3] = 0x10bytes
// PLAYREPORT_DATA -- reporting player progress online? 248 bytes?
// MT_DATA mtData; -- 0x400 bytes
// DENDOU_SAVE_ADD -- language tracking of members (hall of fame?); ADD_POKE_MEMBER[30], ADD_POKE[6]
// v1.2 additions
// ReBuffnameData reBuffNameDat -- RE_DENDOU_RECORD[], RE_DENDOU_RECORD is an RE_DENDOU_POKEMON_DATA_INSIDE[] with nicknames
// PLAYREPORT_DATA playReportData sizeof(0xF8)
// PLAYREPORT_DATA playReportDataRef sizeof(0xF8)
private static Memory<byte> GetSafe(Memory<byte> src, int ofs, int len)
if (ofs + len > src.Length)
return new byte[len];
return src.Slice(ofs, len);
public override bool HasPokeDex => true;
private void Initialize()
Box = 0x14EF4;
Party = 1;
TeamSlots = BoxLayout.TeamSlots;
// Configuration
protected override int SIZE_STORED => PokeCrypto.SIZE_8STORED;
protected override int SIZE_PARTY => PokeCrypto.SIZE_8PARTY;
public override int SIZE_BOXSLOT => PokeCrypto.SIZE_8PARTY;
public override PB8 BlankPKM => new();
public override Type PKMType => typeof(PB8);
public override int BoxCount => BoxLayout8b.BoxCount;
public override int MaxEV => EffortValues.Max252;
public override byte Generation => 8;
public override EntityContext Context => EntityContext.Gen8b;
public override PersonalTable8BDSP Personal => PersonalTable.BDSP;
public override int MaxStringLengthOT => 12;
public override int MaxStringLengthNickname => 12;
public override ushort MaxMoveID => Legal.MaxMoveID_8b;
public override ushort MaxSpeciesID => Legal.MaxSpeciesID_8b;
public override int MaxItemID => Legal.MaxItemID_8b;
public override int MaxBallID => Legal.MaxBallID_8b;
public override GameVersion MaxGameID => Legal.MaxGameID_HOME;
public override int MaxAbilityID => Legal.MaxAbilityID_8b;
public bool HasFirstSaveFileExpansion => (Gem8Version)SaveRevision >= Gem8Version.V1_1;
public bool HasSecondSaveFileExpansion => (Gem8Version)SaveRevision >= Gem8Version.V1_2;
public int SaveRevision
get => ReadInt32LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0));
init => WriteInt32LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0), value);
public string SaveRevisionString => ((Gem8Version)SaveRevision).GetSuffixString();
public override ReadOnlySpan<ushort> HeldItems => Legal.HeldItems_BS;
protected override SAV8BS CloneInternal() => new((byte[])(Data.Clone()));
protected override byte[] GetFinalData()
return base.GetFinalData();
private void ReloadBattleTeams()
if (!State.Exportable)
else // Valid slot locking info present
public override StorageSlotSource GetSlotFlags(int index)
int team = Array.IndexOf(TeamSlots, index);
if (team < 0)
return StorageSlotSource.None;
team /= 6;
var result = (StorageSlotSource)((int)StorageSlotSource.BattleTeam1 << team);
if (BoxLayout.GetIsTeamLocked(team))
result |= StorageSlotSource.Locked;
return result;
#region Checksums
private const int HashLength = 0x10;
private const int HashOffset = SaveUtil.SIZE_G8BDSP - HashLength;
private Span<byte> CurrentHash => Data.AsSpan(HashOffset, HashLength);
private static void ComputeHash(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data, Span<byte> dest)
using var h = IncrementalHash.CreateHash(HashAlgorithmName.MD5);
Span<byte> zeroes = stackalloc byte[HashLength]; // Hash is zeroed prior to computing over the payload. Treat it as zero.
h.AppendData(data[(HashOffset + HashLength)..]);
h.TryGetCurrentHash(dest, out _);
protected override void SetChecksums() => ComputeHash(Data, CurrentHash);
public override bool ChecksumsValid => GetIsHashValid(Data, CurrentHash);
public override string ChecksumInfo => !ChecksumsValid ? "MD5 Hash Invalid" : string.Empty;
public static bool GetIsHashValid(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data, ReadOnlySpan<byte> currentHash)
Span<byte> computed = stackalloc byte[HashLength];
ComputeHash(data, computed);
return computed.SequenceEqual(currentHash);
protected override PB8 GetPKM(byte[] data) => new(data);
protected override byte[] DecryptPKM(byte[] data) => PokeCrypto.DecryptArray8(data);
#region Blocks
// public Box8 BoxInfo { get; }
public FlagWork8b FlagWork { get; }
public MyItem8b Items { get; }
public UndergroundItemList8b Underground { get; }
public SaveItemShortcut8b SelectBoundItems { get; }
public Party8b PartyInfo { get; }
// public MyItem Items { get; }
public BoxLayout8b BoxLayout { get; }
public ConfigSave8b Config { get; }
public MyStatus8b MyStatus { get; }
public PlayTime8b Played { get; }
public Contest8b Contest { get; }
// public Misc8 Misc { get; }
public Zukan8b Zukan { get; }
public BattleTrainerStatus8b BattleTrainer { get; }
public MenuSelect8b MenuSelection { get; }
public FieldObjectSave8b FieldObjects { get; }
public Record8b Records { get; }
public EncounterSave8b Encounter { get; }
public PlayerData8b Player { get; }
public SealBallDecoData8b SealDeco { get; }
public SealList8b SealList { get; }
public RandomGroup8b Random { get; }
public FieldGimmickSave8b FieldGimmick { get; }
public BerryTreeGrowSave8b BerryTrees { get; }
public PoffinSaveData8b Poffins { get; }
public BattleTowerWork8b BattleTower { get; }
public SystemData8b System { get; }
public Poketch8b Poketch { get; }
public Daycare8b Daycare { get; }
public UgSaveData8b UgSaveData { get; }
public UnionSaveData8b UnionSave { get; }
public ContestPhotoLanguage8b ContestPhotoLanguage { get; }
public ZukanSpinda8b ZukanExtra { get; }
public UgCountRecord8b UgCount { get; }
// First Savedata Expansion!
public RecordAddData8b RecordAdd { get; }
public MysteryBlock8b MysteryRecords { get; }
public override bool IsVersionValid() => Version is GameVersion.BD or GameVersion.SP;
public override string GetString(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data) => StringConverter8.GetString(data);
public override int SetString(Span<byte> destBuffer, ReadOnlySpan<char> value, int maxLength, StringConverterOption option)
return StringConverter8.SetString(destBuffer, value, maxLength, option);
// Player Information
public override uint ID32 { get => MyStatus.ID32; set => MyStatus.ID32 = value; }
public override ushort TID16 { get => MyStatus.TID16; set => MyStatus.TID16 = value; }
public override ushort SID16 { get => MyStatus.SID16; set => MyStatus.SID16 = value; }
public override GameVersion Version { get => MyStatus.Game; set => MyStatus.Game = value; }
public override byte Gender { get => MyStatus.Male ? (byte)0 : (byte)1; set => MyStatus.Male = value == 0; }
public override int Language { get => Config.Language; set => Config.Language = value; }
public override string OT { get => MyStatus.OT; set => MyStatus.OT = value; }
public override uint Money { get => MyStatus.Money; set => MyStatus.Money = value; }
public override int PlayedHours { get => Played.PlayedHours; set => Played.PlayedHours = (ushort)value; }
public override int PlayedMinutes { get => Played.PlayedMinutes; set => Played.PlayedMinutes = (byte)value; }
public override int PlayedSeconds { get => Played.PlayedSeconds; set => Played.PlayedSeconds = (byte)value; }
// Inventory
public override IReadOnlyList<InventoryPouch> Inventory { get => Items.Inventory; set => Items.Inventory = value; }
// Storage
public override int GetPartyOffset(int slot) => Party + (SIZE_PARTY * slot);
public override int GetBoxOffset(int box) => Box + (SIZE_PARTY * box * 30);
public int GetBoxWallpaper(int box) => BoxLayout.GetBoxWallpaper(box);
public void SetBoxWallpaper(int box, int value) => BoxLayout.SetBoxWallpaper(box, value);
public string GetBoxName(int box) => BoxLayout[box];
public void SetBoxName(int box, ReadOnlySpan<char> value) => BoxLayout.SetBoxName(box, value);
public override byte[] GetDataForBox(PKM pk) => pk.EncryptedPartyData;
public override int CurrentBox { get => BoxLayout.CurrentBox; set => BoxLayout.CurrentBox = (byte)value; }
public override int BoxesUnlocked { get => BoxLayout.BoxesUnlocked; set => BoxLayout.BoxesUnlocked = (byte)value; }
public string Rival
get => GetString(Data.AsSpan(0x55F4, 0x1A));
set => SetString(Data.AsSpan(0x55F4, 0x1A), value, MaxStringLengthOT, StringConverterOption.ClearZero);
public short ZoneID // map
get => ReadInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x5634));
set => WriteInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x5634), value);
public float TimeScale // default 1440.0f
get => ReadSingleLittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x5638));
set => WriteSingleLittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0x5638), value);
public uint UnionRoomPenaltyTime // move this into the UnionSaveData block once reversed.
get => ReadUInt32LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0xCEA14));
set => WriteSingleLittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(0xCEA14), value);
protected override void SetPKM(PKM pk, bool isParty = false)
var pb8 = (PB8)pk;
// Apply to this Save File
if (SetUpdateRecords != PKMImportSetting.Skip)
private void AddCountAcquired(PKM pk)
// There aren't many records, and they only track Capture/Fish/Hatch/Defeat.
Records.AddRecord(pk.WasEgg ? 004 : 002); // egg, capture
protected override void SetDex(PKM pk) => Zukan.SetDex(pk);
public override bool GetCaught(ushort species) => Zukan.GetCaught(species);
public override bool GetSeen(ushort species) => Zukan.GetSeen(species);
public override int PartyCount
get => PartyInfo.PartyCount;
protected set => PartyInfo.PartyCount = value;
public override PB8 GetDecryptedPKM(byte[] data) => GetPKM(DecryptPKM(data));
public override PB8 GetBoxSlot(int offset) => GetDecryptedPKM(Data.AsSpan(offset, SIZE_PARTY).ToArray()); // party format in boxes!
public enum TopMenuItemType
Zukan = 0,
Pokemon = 1,
Bag = 2,
Card = 3,
Map = 4,
Seal = 5,
Setting = 6,
Gift = 7,
public int RecordCount => Record8b.RecordCount;
public int GetRecord(int recordID) => Records.GetRecord(recordID);
public int GetRecordOffset(int recordID) => Record8b.GetRecordOffset(recordID);
public int GetRecordMax(int recordID) => Record8b.GetMax(recordID);
public void SetRecord(int recordID, int value) => Records.SetRecord(recordID, value);
#region Daycare
public int DaycareSlotCount => Daycare.DaycareSlotCount;
public bool IsDaycareOccupied(int slot) => Daycare.IsDaycareOccupied(slot);
public bool IsEggAvailable { get => Daycare.IsEggAvailable; set => Daycare.IsEggAvailable = value; }
public void SetDaycareOccupied(int slot, bool occupied) { }
public Memory<byte> GetDaycareSlot(int index) => Daycare.GetDaycareSlot(index);
ulong IDaycareRandomState<ulong>.Seed { get => Daycare.Seed; set => Daycare.Seed = value; }
public int EventWorkCount => FlagWork8b.COUNT_WORK;
public int GetWork(int index) => FlagWork.GetWork(index);
public void SetWork(int index, int value = default) => FlagWork.SetWork(index, value);