PKHeX/PKHeX.WinForms/Controls/PKM Editor/LoadSave.cs
Kurt cd5c220ddc Show correct HatchCounter value for BDSP traded eggs
Yay abstractions to hide away the quirks.

BDSP traded eggs set HT_Friendship and the CurrentHandler flag, but the HatchCounter is always the OT_Friendship value.

Trades always receive BaseFriendship, instead of a hardcoded 50. Necessary to not hardcode because it's immutable for eggs.

Clicking the hatch counter label now sets it to the legal minimum hatch counter (best), and control clicking sets it to the max (worst). Check the encounter template for the true maximum.
2021-11-21 19:53:13 -08:00

437 lines
16 KiB

using System;
using PKHeX.Core;
using PKHeX.Drawing;
namespace PKHeX.WinForms.Controls
public partial class PKMEditor
private void LoadNickname(PKM pk)
CHK_Nicknamed.Checked = pk.IsNicknamed;
TB_Nickname.Text = pk.Nickname;
private void SaveNickname(PKM pk)
pk.IsNicknamed = CHK_Nicknamed.Checked;
pk.Nickname = TB_Nickname.Text;
private void LoadSpeciesLevelEXP(PKM pk)
if (!HaX)
// Sanity check level and EXP
var current = pk.CurrentLevel;
if (current == 100) // clamp back to max EXP
pk.CurrentLevel = 100;
CB_Species.SelectedValue = pk.Species;
TB_Level.Text = pk.Stat_Level.ToString();
TB_EXP.Text = pk.EXP.ToString();
private void SaveSpeciesLevelEXP(PKM pk)
pk.Species = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Species);
pk.EXP = Util.ToUInt32(TB_EXP.Text);
pk.Stat_Level = Util.ToInt32(TB_Level.Text);
private void LoadOT(PKM pk)
GB_OT.BackgroundImage = null; // clear the Current Handler indicator just in case we switched formats.
TB_OT.Text = pk.OT_Name;
Label_OTGender.Text = gendersymbols[pk.OT_Gender];
Label_OTGender.ForeColor = Draw.GetGenderColor(pk.OT_Gender);
private void SaveOT(PKM pk)
pk.OT_Name = TB_OT.Text;
pk.OT_Gender = PKX.GetGenderFromString(Label_OTGender.Text);
private void LoadPKRS(PKM pk)
Label_PKRS.Visible = CB_PKRSStrain.Visible = CHK_Infected.Checked = Label_PKRSdays.Visible = CB_PKRSDays.Visible = pk.PKRS_Infected;
CB_PKRSStrain.SelectedIndex = pk.PKRS_Strain;
CHK_Cured.Checked = pk.PKRS_Cured;
CB_PKRSDays.SelectedIndex = Math.Min(CB_PKRSDays.Items.Count - 1, pk.PKRS_Days); // clamp to valid day values for the current strain
private void SavePKRS(PKM pk)
pk.PKRS_Days = CB_PKRSDays.SelectedIndex;
pk.PKRS_Strain = CB_PKRSStrain.SelectedIndex;
private void LoadIVs(PKM pk) => Stats.LoadIVs(pk.IVs);
private void LoadEVs(PKM pk) => Stats.LoadEVs(pk.EVs);
private void LoadAVs(IAwakened pk) => Stats.LoadAVs(pk);
private void LoadMoves(PKM pk)
CB_Move1.SelectedValue = pk.Move1;
CB_Move2.SelectedValue = pk.Move2;
CB_Move3.SelectedValue = pk.Move3;
CB_Move4.SelectedValue = pk.Move4;
CB_PPu1.SelectedIndex = pk.Move1_PPUps;
CB_PPu2.SelectedIndex = pk.Move2_PPUps;
CB_PPu3.SelectedIndex = pk.Move3_PPUps;
CB_PPu4.SelectedIndex = pk.Move4_PPUps;
TB_PP1.Text = pk.Move1_PP.ToString();
TB_PP2.Text = pk.Move2_PP.ToString();
TB_PP3.Text = pk.Move3_PP.ToString();
TB_PP4.Text = pk.Move4_PP.ToString();
private void SaveMoves(PKM pk)
pk.Move1 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move1);
pk.Move2 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move2);
pk.Move3 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move3);
pk.Move4 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move4);
pk.Move1_PP = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move1) > 0 ? Util.ToInt32(TB_PP1.Text) : 0;
pk.Move2_PP = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move2) > 0 ? Util.ToInt32(TB_PP2.Text) : 0;
pk.Move3_PP = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move3) > 0 ? Util.ToInt32(TB_PP3.Text) : 0;
pk.Move4_PP = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move4) > 0 ? Util.ToInt32(TB_PP4.Text) : 0;
pk.Move1_PPUps = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move1) > 0 ? CB_PPu1.SelectedIndex : 0;
pk.Move2_PPUps = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move2) > 0 ? CB_PPu2.SelectedIndex : 0;
pk.Move3_PPUps = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move3) > 0 ? CB_PPu3.SelectedIndex : 0;
pk.Move4_PPUps = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move4) > 0 ? CB_PPu4.SelectedIndex : 0;
private void LoadShadow3(IShadowPKM pk)
NUD_ShadowID.Value = pk.ShadowID;
FLP_Purification.Visible = pk.ShadowID > 0;
if (pk.ShadowID > 0)
int value = pk.Purification;
if (value < NUD_Purification.Minimum)
value = (int)NUD_Purification.Minimum;
NUD_Purification.Value = value;
CHK_Shadow.Checked = pk.IsShadow;
NUD_ShadowID.Value = Math.Max(pk.ShadowID, 0);
NUD_Purification.Value = 0;
CHK_Shadow.Checked = false;
NUD_ShadowID.Value = 0;
private void SaveShadow3(IShadowPKM pk)
pk.ShadowID = (int)NUD_ShadowID.Value;
if (pk.ShadowID > 0)
pk.Purification = (int)NUD_Purification.Value;
private void LoadRelearnMoves(PKM pk)
CB_RelearnMove1.SelectedValue = pk.RelearnMove1;
CB_RelearnMove2.SelectedValue = pk.RelearnMove2;
CB_RelearnMove3.SelectedValue = pk.RelearnMove3;
CB_RelearnMove4.SelectedValue = pk.RelearnMove4;
private void SaveRelearnMoves(PKM pk)
pk.RelearnMove1 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_RelearnMove1);
pk.RelearnMove2 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_RelearnMove2);
pk.RelearnMove3 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_RelearnMove3);
pk.RelearnMove4 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_RelearnMove4);
private void LoadMisc1(PKM pk)
private void SaveMisc1(PKM pk)
private void LoadMisc2(PKM pk)
CHK_IsEgg.Checked = pk.IsEgg;
CB_HeldItem.SelectedValue = pk.HeldItem;
CB_Form.SelectedIndex = CB_Form.Items.Count > pk.Form ? pk.Form : CB_Form.Items.Count - 1;
if (pk is IFormArgument f)
FA_Form.LoadArgument(f, pk.Species, pk.Form, pk.Format);
Label_HatchCounter.Visible = CHK_IsEgg.Checked;
Label_Friendship.Visible = !CHK_IsEgg.Checked;
private void ReloadToFriendshipTextBox(PKM pk)
// Show OT friendship always if it is an egg.
var fs = (pk.IsEgg ? pk.OT_Friendship : pk.CurrentFriendship);
TB_Friendship.Text = fs.ToString();
private void SaveMisc2(PKM pk)
pk.IsEgg = CHK_IsEgg.Checked;
pk.HeldItem = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_HeldItem);
pk.Form = CB_Form.Enabled ? CB_Form.SelectedIndex & 0x1F : 0;
if (Entity is IFormArgument f)
var friendship = Util.ToInt32(TB_Friendship.Text);
UpdateFromFriendshipTextBox(pk, friendship);
private static void UpdateFromFriendshipTextBox(PKM pk, int friendship)
if (pk.IsEgg)
pk.OT_Friendship = friendship;
pk.CurrentFriendship = friendship;
private void LoadMisc3(PKM pk)
TB_PID.Text = $"{pk.PID:X8}";
Label_Gender.Text = gendersymbols[Math.Min(2, pk.Gender)];
Label_Gender.ForeColor = Draw.GetGenderColor(pk.Gender);
CB_Nature.SelectedValue = pk.Nature;
CB_Language.SelectedValue = pk.Language;
CB_GameOrigin.SelectedValue = pk.Version;
CB_Ball.SelectedValue = pk.Ball;
CB_MetLocation.SelectedValue = pk.Met_Location;
TB_MetLevel.Text = pk.Met_Level.ToString();
CHK_Fateful.Checked = pk.FatefulEncounter;
if (pk is IContestStats s)
// Load Extrabyte Value
var offset = Convert.ToInt32(CB_ExtraBytes.Text, 16);
var value = pk.Data[offset];
TB_ExtraByte.Text = value.ToString();
private void SaveMisc3(PKM pk)
pk.PID = Util.GetHexValue(TB_PID.Text);
pk.Nature = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Nature);
pk.Gender = PKX.GetGenderFromString(Label_Gender.Text);
if (pk is IContestStatsMutable s)
pk.FatefulEncounter = CHK_Fateful.Checked;
pk.Ball = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Ball);
pk.Version = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_GameOrigin);
pk.Language = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Language);
pk.Met_Level = Util.ToInt32(TB_MetLevel.Text);
pk.Met_Location = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_MetLocation);
private void LoadMisc4(PKM pk)
CAL_MetDate.Value = pk.MetDate ?? new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);
if (Locations.IsNoneLocation((GameVersion)pk.Version, pk.Egg_Location))
CHK_AsEgg.Checked = GB_EggConditions.Enabled = false;
CAL_EggDate.Value = new DateTime(2000, 01, 01);
// Was obtained initially as an egg.
CHK_AsEgg.Checked = GB_EggConditions.Enabled = true;
CAL_EggDate.Value = pk.EggMetDate ?? new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);
CB_EggLocation.SelectedValue = pk.Egg_Location;
private void SaveMisc4(PKM pk)
pk.MetDate = CAL_MetDate.Value;
// Default Dates
DateTime? egg_date = null;
int egg_location = Locations.GetNoneLocation((GameVersion)pk.Version);
if (CHK_AsEgg.Checked) // If encountered as an egg, load the Egg Met data from fields.
egg_date = CAL_EggDate.Value;
egg_location = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_EggLocation);
// Egg Met Data
pk.EggMetDate = egg_date;
pk.Egg_Location = egg_location;
if (pk.IsEgg && Locations.IsNoneLocation((GameVersion)pk.Version, pk.Met_Location)) // If still an egg, it has no hatch location/date. Zero it!
pk.MetDate = null;
pk.Ability = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(HaX ? DEV_Ability : CB_Ability);
private void LoadMisc6(PKM pk)
TB_EC.Text = $"{pk.EncryptionConstant:X8}";
DEV_Ability.SelectedValue = pk.Ability;
// with some simple error handling
var bitNumber = pk.AbilityNumber;
int abilityIndex = AbilityVerifier.IsValidAbilityBits(bitNumber) ? bitNumber >> 1 : 0;
if (abilityIndex >= CB_Ability.Items.Count) // sanity check ability count being possible
abilityIndex = CB_Ability.Items.Count - 1; // last possible index, if out of range
CB_Ability.SelectedIndex = abilityIndex;
TB_AbilityNumber.Text = bitNumber.ToString();
if (pk is IRegionOrigin tr)
private void SaveMisc6(PKM pk)
pk.EncryptionConstant = Util.GetHexValue(TB_EC.Text);
if (PIDVerifier.GetTransferEC(pk, out var ec))
pk.EncryptionConstant = ec;
pk.AbilityNumber = Util.ToInt32(TB_AbilityNumber.Text);
if (pk is IRegionOrigin tr)
private void LoadGeolocation(IRegionOrigin pk)
CB_Country.SelectedValue = (int)pk.Country;
CB_SubRegion.SelectedValue = (int)pk.Region;
CB_3DSReg.SelectedValue = (int)pk.ConsoleRegion;
private void SaveGeolocation(IRegionOrigin pk)
pk.Country = (byte)WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Country);
pk.Region = (byte)WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_SubRegion);
pk.ConsoleRegion = (byte)WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_3DSReg);
private void LoadHandlingTrainer(PKM pk)
var handler = pk.HT_Name;
int gender = pk.HT_Gender & 1;
TB_OTt2.Text = handler;
// Set CT Gender to None if no CT, else set to gender symbol.
Label_CTGender.Text = string.IsNullOrEmpty(handler) ? string.Empty : gendersymbols[gender];
Label_CTGender.ForeColor = Draw.GetGenderColor(gender);
// Indicate who is currently in possession of the PKM
private void UpadteHandlingTrainerBackground(int handler)
var activeColor = ImageUtil.ChangeOpacity(SpriteUtil.Spriter.Set, 0.5);
if (handler == 0) // OT
GB_OT.BackgroundImage = activeColor;
GB_nOT.BackgroundImage = null;
else // Handling Trainer
GB_nOT.BackgroundImage = activeColor;
GB_OT.BackgroundImage = null;
private void SaveHandlingTrainer(PKM pk)
pk.HT_Name = TB_OTt2.Text;
pk.HT_Gender = PKX.GetGenderFromString(Label_CTGender.Text) & 1;
private void LoadAbility4(PKM pk)
var index = GetAbilityIndex4(pk);
CB_Ability.SelectedIndex = Math.Min(CB_Ability.Items.Count - 1, index);
private static int GetAbilityIndex4(PKM pk)
var pi = pk.PersonalInfo;
int abilityIndex = pi.GetAbilityIndex(pk.Ability);
if (abilityIndex < 0)
return 0;
if (abilityIndex >= 2)
return 2;
var abils = pi.Abilities;
if (abils[0] == abils[1])
return pk.PIDAbility;
return abilityIndex;
private void LoadMisc8(PK8 pk8)
CB_StatNature.SelectedValue = pk8.StatNature;
Stats.CB_DynamaxLevel.SelectedIndex = pk8.DynamaxLevel;
Stats.CHK_Gigantamax.Checked = pk8.CanGigantamax;
CB_HTLanguage.SelectedValue = pk8.HT_Language;
TB_HomeTracker.Text = pk8.Tracker.ToString("X16");
CB_BattleVersion.SelectedValue = pk8.BattleVersion;
private void SaveMisc8(PK8 pk8)
pk8.StatNature = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_StatNature);
pk8.DynamaxLevel = (byte)Math.Max(0, Stats.CB_DynamaxLevel.SelectedIndex);
pk8.CanGigantamax = Stats.CHK_Gigantamax.Checked;
pk8.HT_Language = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_HTLanguage);
pk8.BattleVersion = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_BattleVersion);
private void LoadMisc8(PB8 pk8)
CB_StatNature.SelectedValue = pk8.StatNature;
Stats.CB_DynamaxLevel.SelectedIndex = pk8.DynamaxLevel;
Stats.CHK_Gigantamax.Checked = pk8.CanGigantamax;
CB_HTLanguage.SelectedValue = pk8.HT_Language;
TB_HomeTracker.Text = pk8.Tracker.ToString("X16");
CB_BattleVersion.SelectedValue = pk8.BattleVersion;
private void SaveMisc8(PB8 pk8)
pk8.StatNature = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_StatNature);
pk8.DynamaxLevel = (byte)Math.Max(0, Stats.CB_DynamaxLevel.SelectedIndex);
pk8.CanGigantamax = Stats.CHK_Gigantamax.Checked;
pk8.HT_Language = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_HTLanguage);
pk8.BattleVersion = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_BattleVersion);