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using System;
using System.Linq;
using static PKHeX.Core.LegalityCheckStrings;
using static PKHeX.Core.MemoryPermissions;
using static PKHeX.Core.EntityContext;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// <summary>
/// Verifies the <see cref="IMemoryOT.OT_Memory"/>, <see cref="IMemoryHT.HT_Memory"/>, and associated values.
/// </summary>
public sealed class MemoryVerifier : Verifier
protected override CheckIdentifier Identifier => CheckIdentifier.Memory;
public override void Verify(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pk = data.Entity;
if (ShouldHaveNoMemory(data, pk))
VerifyOTMemoryIs(data, 0, 0, 0, 0);
VerifyHTMemoryNone(data, (ITrainerMemories)pk);
private static bool ShouldHaveNoMemory(LegalityAnalysis data, PKM pk)
if (pk.BDSP || pk.LA)
return !data.Info.EvoChainsAllGens.HasVisitedSWSH;
if (pk is PK9)
return true; // No memories.
return false;
private CheckResult VerifyCommonMemory(PKM pk, int handler, EntityContext context, LegalInfo info, MemoryContext mem)
var memory = MemoryVariableSet.Read((ITrainerMemories)pk, handler);
// Actionable HM moves
int hmIndex = MemoryContext6.MoveSpecificMemoryHM.IndexOf(memory.MemoryID);
if (hmIndex != -1)
return VerifyMemoryHM6(context, info, mem, memory, hmIndex);
if (mem.IsInvalidGeneralLocationMemoryValue(memory.MemoryID, memory.Variable, info.EncounterMatch, pk))
return GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadLocation, memory.Handler));
if (mem.IsInvalidMiscMemory(memory.MemoryID, memory.Variable))
return GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadID, memory.Handler));
switch (memory.MemoryID)
case 19 when pk.Species is (int)Species.Urshifu && memory.Variable is not 34: // tall building is the only location for evolving Urshifu
case 19 when pk.Species is (int)Species.Runerigus && memory.Variable is not 72: // vast field is the only location for evolving Runerigus
return GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadLocation, memory.Handler));
// {0} saw {2} carrying {1} on its back. {4} that {3}.
case 21 when context != Gen6 || !PersonalTable.AO.GetFormEntry(memory.Variable, 0).GetIsLearnHM(2): // Fly
return BadSpeciesMove(memory.Handler);
// {0} used {2} at {1}’s instruction, but it had no effect. {4} that {3}.
// The Move Deleter that {0} met through {1} made it forget {2}. {4} that {3}.
case 16 or 48 when !CanKnowMove(pk, memory, context, info, memory.MemoryID == 16):
return BadSpeciesMove(memory.Handler);
case 49 when memory.Variable == 0 || !GetCanRelearnMove(pk, memory.Variable, context, info.EvoChainsAllGens, info.EncounterOriginal):
return BadSpeciesMove(memory.Handler);
// Dynamaxing
// {0} battled at {1}’s side against {2} that Dynamaxed. {4} that {3}.
case 71 when !GetCanDynamaxTrainer(memory.Variable, 8, handler == 0 ? (GameVersion)pk.Version : GameVersion.Any):
// {0} battled {2} and Dynamaxed upon {1}’s instruction. {4} that {3}.
case 72 when !PersonalTable.SWSH.IsSpeciesInGame(memory.Variable):
return GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadSpecies, memory.Handler));
// Move
// {0} studied about how to use {2} in a Box, thinking about {1}. {4} that {3}.
// {0} practiced its cool pose for the move {2} in a Box, wishing to be praised by {1}. {4} that {3}.
case 80 or 81 when !CanKnowMove(pk, memory, context, info):
return BadSpeciesMove(memory.Handler);
// Species
// With {1}, {0} went fishing, and they caught {2}. {4} that {3}.
case 7 when !GetCanFishSpecies(memory.Variable, context, handler == 0 ? (GameVersion)pk.Version : GameVersion.Any):
return GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadSpecies, memory.Handler));
// {0} saw {1} paying attention to {2}. {4} that {3}.
// {0} fought hard until it had to use Struggle when it battled at {1}’s side against {2}. {4} that {3}.
// {0} was taken to a Pokémon Nursery by {1} and left with {2}. {4} that {3}.
case 9 or 60 or 75 when context == Gen8 && !PersonalTable.SWSH.IsSpeciesInGame(memory.Variable):
return GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadSpecies, memory.Handler));
// {0} had a great chat about {1} with the {2} that it was in a Box with. {4} that {3}.
// {0} became good friends with the {2} in a Box, practiced moves with it, and talked about the day that {0} would be praised by {1}. {4} that {3}.
// {0} got in a fight with the {2} that it was in a Box with about {1}. {4} that {3}.
case 82 or 83 or 87 when !PersonalTable.SWSH.IsSpeciesInGame(memory.Variable):
return GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadSpecies, memory.Handler));
// {0} had a very hard training session with {1}. {4} that {3}.
case 53 when context == Gen8 && pk is IHyperTrain t && !t.IsHyperTrained():
return GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadID, memory.Handler));
// Item
// {0} went to a Pokémon Center with {1} to buy {2}. {4} that {3}.
case 5 when !CanBuyItem(context, memory.Variable, handler == 0 ? (GameVersion)pk.Version : GameVersion.Any):
// {1} used {2} when {0} was in trouble. {4} that {3}.
case 15 when !CanUseItem(context, memory.Variable, pk.Species):
// {0} saw {1} using {2}. {4} that {3}.
case 26 when !CanUseItemGeneric(context, memory.Variable):
// {0} planted {2} with {1} and imagined a big harvest. {4} that {3}.
case 34 when !CanPlantBerry(context, memory.Variable):
// {1} had {0} hold items like {2} to help it along. {4} that {3}.
case 40 when !CanHoldItem(context, memory.Variable):
// {0} was excited when {1} won prizes like {2} through Loto-ID. {4} that {3}.
case 51 when !CanWinLotoID(context, memory.Variable):
// {0} was worried if {1} was looking for the {2} that it was holding in a Box. {4} that {3}.
// When {0} was in a Box, it thought about the reason why {1} had it hold the {2}. {4} that {3}.
case 84 or 88 when !Legal.HeldItems_SWSH.Contains(memory.Variable) || pk.IsEgg:
return GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadItem, memory.Handler));
return VerifyCommonMemoryEtc(memory, mem);
private CheckResult VerifyMemoryHM6(EntityContext context, LegalInfo info, MemoryContext mem, MemoryVariableSet memory, int hmIndex)
if (context != Gen6) // Gen8 has no HMs, so this memory can never exist.
return BadSpeciesMove(memory.Handler);
if (info.EncounterMatch.Species == (int)Species.Smeargle)
return VerifyCommonMemoryEtc(memory, mem);
// All AO hidden machine permissions are super-sets of Gen 3-5 games.
// Don't need to check the move history -- a learned HM in a prior game can still be learned in Gen6.
var pt = PersonalTable.AO;
foreach (ref var evo in info.EvoChainsAllGens.Gen6.AsSpan())
var entry = pt[evo.Species];
var canLearn = entry.GetIsLearnHM(hmIndex);
if (canLearn)
return VerifyCommonMemoryEtc(memory, mem);
return BadSpeciesMove(memory.Handler);
private CheckResult BadSpeciesMove(string handler) => GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadMove, handler));
private CheckResult VerifyCommonMemoryEtc(MemoryVariableSet memory, MemoryContext context)
if (!context.CanHaveIntensity(memory.MemoryID, memory.Intensity))
var min = context.GetMinimumIntensity(memory.MemoryID);
return GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryIndexIntensityMin, memory.Handler, min));
if (!context.CanHaveFeeling(memory.MemoryID, memory.Feeling, memory.Variable))
return GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryFeelInvalid, memory.Handler));
return GetValid(string.Format(LMemoryF_0_Valid, memory.Handler));
/// <summary>
/// Used for enforcing a fixed memory detail.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">Output storage</param>
/// <param name="m">Memory ID</param>
/// <param name="i">Intensity</param>
/// <param name="t">Text Variable</param>
/// <param name="f">Feeling</param>
private void VerifyOTMemoryIs(LegalityAnalysis data, byte m, byte i, ushort t, byte f)
var pk = (ITrainerMemories)data.Entity;
if (pk.OT_Memory != m)
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryIndexID, L_XOT, m)));
if (pk.OT_Intensity != i)
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryIndexIntensity, L_XOT, i)));
if (pk.OT_TextVar != t)
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryIndexVar, L_XOT, t)));
if (pk.OT_Feeling != f)
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryIndexFeel, L_XOT, f)));
private void VerifyHTMemoryNone(LegalityAnalysis data, ITrainerMemories pk)
if (pk.HT_Memory != 0 || pk.HT_TextVar != 0 || pk.HT_Intensity != 0 || pk.HT_Feeling != 0)
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryCleared, L_XHT)));
private void VerifyOTMemory(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pk = data.Entity;
var mem = (ITrainerMemories)pk;
var Info = data.Info;
// If the encounter has a memory from the OT that could never have it replaced, ensure it was not modified.
switch (data.EncounterMatch)
case WC6 {IsEgg: false} g when g.OTGender != 3:
VerifyOTMemoryIs(data, g.OT_Memory, g.OT_Intensity, g.OT_TextVar, g.OT_Feeling);
case WC7 {IsEgg: false} g when g.OTGender != 3:
VerifyOTMemoryIs(data, g.OT_Memory, g.OT_Intensity, g.OT_TextVar, g.OT_Feeling);
case WC8 {IsEgg: false} g when g.OTGender != 3:
VerifyOTMemoryIs(data, g.OT_Memory, g.OT_Intensity, g.OT_TextVar, g.OT_Feeling);
case IMemoryOTReadOnly t and not MysteryGift: // Ignore Mystery Gift cases (covered above)
VerifyOTMemoryIs(data, t.OT_Memory, t.OT_Intensity, t.OT_TextVar, t.OT_Feeling);
var context = Info.EncounterOriginal.Context;
var memory = mem.OT_Memory;
if (pk.IsEgg)
// Traded unhatched eggs in Gen8 have OT link trade memory applied erroneously.
// They can also have the box-inspect memory!
if (context != Gen8 || !((pk.Met_Location == Locations.LinkTrade6 && memory == 4) || memory == 85))
VerifyOTMemoryIs(data, 0, 0, 0, 0); // empty
else if (!CanHaveMemoryForOT(pk, context, memory))
VerifyOTMemoryIs(data, 0, 0, 0, 0); // empty
// Bounds checking
var mc = Memories.GetContext(context);
if (!mc.CanObtainMemoryOT((GameVersion)pk.Version, memory))
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadID, L_XOT)));
// Verify memory if specific to OT
switch (memory)
// No Memory
case 0: // SW/SH trades don't set HT memories immediately, which is hilarious.
data.AddLine(Get(LMemoryMissingOT, context == Gen8 ? Severity.Fishy : Severity.Invalid));
VerifyOTMemoryIs(data, 0, 0, 0, 0);
// {0} hatched from an Egg and saw {1} for the first time at... {2}. {4} that {3}.
case 2 when !Info.EncounterMatch.EggEncounter:
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadHatch, L_XOT)));
// {0} became {1}’s friend when it arrived via Link Trade at... {2}. {4} that {3}.
case 4 when Info.Generation == 6: // gen8 applies this memory erroneously
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadOTEgg, L_XOT)));
// {0} went to the Pokémon Center in {2} with {1} and had its tired body healed there. {4} that {3}.
case 6 when !mc.HasPokeCenter((GameVersion)pk.Version, mem.OT_TextVar):
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadLocation, L_XOT)));
// {0} was with {1} when {1} caught {2}. {4} that {3}.
case 14:
var result = GetCanBeCaptured(mem.OT_TextVar, context, (GameVersion)pk.Version) // Any Game in the Handling Trainer's generation
? GetValid(string.Format(LMemoryArgSpecies, L_XOT))
: GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadSpecies, L_XOT));
data.AddLine(VerifyCommonMemory(pk, 0, context, Info, mc));
private static bool CanHaveMemoryForOT(PKM pk, EntityContext origin, int memory)
// Eggs cannot have memories
if (pk.IsEgg)
if (origin == Gen8) // Gen8 sets for traded eggs.
return pk.IsTradedEgg;
return false;
return origin switch
Gen1 or Gen2 or Gen7 => memory == 4, // VC transfers can only have Bank memory.
Gen6 => true,
Gen8 => !(pk.GO_HOME || pk.Met_Location == Locations.HOME8), // HOME does not set memories.
_ => false,
private void VerifyHTMemory(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pk = data.Entity;
var mem = (ITrainerMemories)pk;
var Info = data.Info;
var memory = mem.HT_Memory;
if (pk.IsUntraded)
if (memory == 4 && WasTradedSWSHEgg(pk))
// Untraded link trade eggs in Gen8 have HT link trade memory applied erroneously.
// Verify the link trade memory later.
VerifyHTMemoryNone(data, mem);
if (pk.Format == 7)
VerifyHTMemoryTransferTo7(data, pk, Info);
var memoryGen = pk.Format >= 8 ? Gen8 : Gen6;
// Bounds checking
var context = Memories.GetContext(memoryGen);
if (!context.CanObtainMemoryHT((GameVersion)pk.Version, memory))
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadID, L_XHT)));
// Verify memory if specific to HT
switch (memory)
// No Memory
case 0: // SW/SH memory application has an off-by-one error: [0,99] + 1 <= chance --> don't apply
var severity = memoryGen switch
Gen8 when pk is not PK8 && !pk.SWSH => Severity.Valid,
Gen8 => ParseSettings.Gen8MemoryMissingHT,
_ => Severity.Invalid,
if (severity != Severity.Valid)
data.AddLine(Get(LMemoryMissingHT, severity));
VerifyHTMemoryNone(data, mem);
// {0} met {1} at... {2}. {1} threw a Poké Ball at it, and they started to travel together. {4} that {3}.
case 1:
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadCatch, L_XHT)));
// {0} hatched from an Egg and saw {1} for the first time at... {2}. {4} that {3}.
case 2:
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadHatch, L_XHT)));
// {0} went to the Pokémon Center in {2} with {1} and had its tired body healed there. {4} that {3}.
case 6 when !context.HasPokeCenter(GameVersion.Any, mem.HT_TextVar):
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadLocation, L_XHT)));
// {0} was with {1} when {1} caught {2}. {4} that {3}.
case 14:
var result = GetCanBeCaptured(mem.HT_TextVar, memoryGen, GameVersion.Any) // Any Game in the Handling Trainer's generation
? GetValid(string.Format(LMemoryArgSpecies, L_XHT))
: GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadSpecies, L_XHT));
var commonResult = VerifyCommonMemory(pk, 1, memoryGen, Info, context);
private static bool WasTradedSWSHEgg(PKM pk) => pk.SWSH && (!pk.IsEgg ? pk.Egg_Location : pk.Met_Location) is Locations.LinkTrade6;
private void VerifyHTMemoryTransferTo7(LegalityAnalysis data, PKM pk, LegalInfo Info)
var mem = (ITrainerMemories)pk;
// Bank Transfer adds in the Link Trade Memory.
// Trading 7<->7 between games (not Bank) clears this data.
if (mem.HT_Memory == 0)
VerifyHTMemoryNone(data, mem);
// Transfer 6->7 & withdraw to same HT => keeps past gen memory
// Don't require link trade memory for these past gen cases
int gen = Info.Generation;
if (gen is >= 3 and < 7 && pk.CurrentHandler == 1)
if (mem.HT_Memory != 4)
data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, LMemoryIndexLinkHT, CheckIdentifier.Memory);
if (mem.HT_TextVar != 0)
data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, LMemoryIndexArgHT, CheckIdentifier.Memory);
if (mem.HT_Intensity != 1)
data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, LMemoryIndexIntensityHT1, CheckIdentifier.Memory);
if (mem.HT_Feeling > 10)
data.AddLine(Severity.Invalid, LMemoryIndexFeelHT09, CheckIdentifier.Memory);