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synced 2025-03-01 13:57:22 +00:00
Updates from net46->net7, dropping support for mono in favor of using the latest runtime (along with the performance/API improvements). Releases will be posted as 64bit only for now. Refactors a good amount of internal API methods to be more performant and more customizable for future updates & fixes. Adds functionality for Batch Editor commands to `>`, `<` and <=/>= TID/SID properties renamed to TID16/SID16 for clarity; other properties exposed for Gen7 / display variants. Main window has a new layout to account for DPI scaling (8 point grid) Fixed: Tatsugiri and Paldean Tauros now output Showdown form names as Showdown expects Changed: Gen9 species now interact based on the confirmed National Dex IDs (closes #3724) Fixed: Pokedex set all no longer clears species with unavailable non-base forms (closes #3720) Changed: Hyper Training suggestions now apply for level 50 in SV. (closes #3714) Fixed: B2/W2 hatched egg met locations exclusive to specific versions are now explicitly checked (closes #3691) Added: Properties for ribbon/mark count (closes #3659) Fixed: Traded SV eggs are now checked correctly (closes #3692)
374 lines
12 KiB
374 lines
12 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using PKHeX.Core;
using PKHeX.WinForms.Properties;
using static PKHeX.Core.MessageStrings;
namespace PKHeX.WinForms;
public partial class SAV_FolderList : Form
private readonly Action<SaveFile> OpenSaveFile;
private readonly List<INamedFolderPath> Paths;
private readonly SortableBindingList<SavePreview> Recent;
private readonly SortableBindingList<SavePreview> Backup;
private readonly List<Label> TempTranslationLabels = new();
public SAV_FolderList(Action<SaveFile> openSaveFile)
OpenSaveFile = openSaveFile;
var drives = Environment.GetLogicalDrives();
Paths = GetPathList(drives);
dgDataRecent.ContextMenuStrip = GetContextMenu(dgDataRecent);
dgDataBackup.ContextMenuStrip = GetContextMenu(dgDataBackup);
var extra = Paths.Select(z => z.Path).Where(z => z != Main.BackupPath).Distinct();
var recent = SaveFinder.GetSaveFiles(drives, false, extra, true).ToList();
var loaded = Main.Settings.Startup.RecentlyLoaded
.Where(z => recent.All(x => x.Metadata.FilePath != z))
.Where(File.Exists).Select(SaveUtil.GetVariantSAV).Where(z => z is not null);
recent.InsertRange(0, loaded!);
Recent = PopulateData(dgDataRecent, recent);
var backup = SaveFinder.GetSaveFiles(drives, false, new [] {Main.BackupPath}, false);
Backup = PopulateData(dgDataBackup, backup);
var dgv = Recent.Count >= 1 ? dgDataRecent : dgDataBackup;
int count = dgv.ColumnCount;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
var text = dgv.Columns[i].HeaderText;
var tempLabel = new Label {Name = "DGV_" + text, Text = text, Visible = false};
CB_FilterColumn.SelectedIndex = 0;
WinFormsUtil.TranslateInterface(this, Main.CurrentLanguage);
// Update Translated headers
for (int i = 0; i < TempTranslationLabels.Count; i++)
var text = TempTranslationLabels[i].Text;
if (i < dgDataRecent.ColumnCount)
dgDataRecent.Columns[i].HeaderText = text;
if (i < dgDataBackup.ColumnCount)
dgDataBackup.Columns[i].HeaderText = text;
CB_FilterColumn.Items[i+1] = text;
// Preprogrammed folders
foreach (var loc in Paths)
AddButton(loc.DisplayText, loc.Path);
private static List<INamedFolderPath> GetPathList(IReadOnlyList<string> drives)
var locs = new List<INamedFolderPath>
new CustomFolderPath(Main.BackupPath, "PKHeX Backups"),
return locs.DistinctBy(z => z.Path)
.OrderByDescending(z => Directory.Exists(z.Path)).ToList();
private const int ButtonHeight = 40;
private const int ButtonWidth = 130;
private void AddButton(string name, string path)
Button button = GetCustomButton(name);
button.Enabled = Directory.Exists(path);
button.Click += (_, _) =>
if (!Directory.Exists(path))
WinFormsUtil.Alert(MsgFolderNotFound, path);
Process.Start("explorer.exe", path);
var hover = new ToolTip {AutoPopDelay = 30_000};
button.MouseHover += (_, _) => hover.Show(path, button);
private static Button GetCustomButton(string name) => new()
Size = new Size { Height = ButtonHeight, Width = ButtonWidth },
Text = name,
Name = $"B_{name}",
private static IEnumerable<CustomFolderPath> GetUserPaths()
var paths = Main.Settings.Backup.OtherBackupPaths;
return paths.Select(x => new CustomFolderPath(x, true));
private static IEnumerable<CustomFolderPath> GetConsolePaths(IEnumerable<string> drives)
var path3DS = SaveFinder.Get3DSLocation(drives);
if (path3DS == null)
return Array.Empty<CustomFolderPath>();
var root = Path.GetPathRoot(path3DS);
// ReSharper disable once ConditionIsAlwaysTrueOrFalse
// ReSharper disable once HeuristicUnreachableCode
if (root == null)
return Array.Empty<CustomFolderPath>();
var paths = SaveFinder.Get3DSBackupPaths(root);
return paths.Select(z => new CustomFolderPath(z));
private static IEnumerable<CustomFolderPath> GetSwitchPaths(IEnumerable<string> drives)
var pathNX = SaveFinder.GetSwitchLocation(drives);
if (pathNX == null)
return Array.Empty<CustomFolderPath>();
var root = Path.GetPathRoot(pathNX);
// ReSharper disable once ConditionIsAlwaysTrueOrFalse
// ReSharper disable once HeuristicUnreachableCode
if (root == null)
return Array.Empty<CustomFolderPath>();
var paths = SaveFinder.GetSwitchBackupPaths(root);
return paths.Select(z => new CustomFolderPath(z));
private sealed class CustomFolderPath : INamedFolderPath
public string Path { get; }
public string DisplayText { get; }
public bool Custom { get; }
public CustomFolderPath(string z, bool custom = false)
var di = new DirectoryInfo(z);
var root = di.Root.Name;
var folder = di.Parent?.Name ?? di.Name;
if (root == folder)
folder = di.Name;
Path = z;
DisplayText = folder;
Custom = custom;
public CustomFolderPath(string path, string display, bool custom = false)
Path = path;
DisplayText = display;
Custom = custom;
public override string ToString() => $"{DisplayText}\t{Path}";
private sealed class SaveList<T> : SortableBindingList<T> where T : class { }
private ContextMenuStrip GetContextMenu(DataGridView dgv)
var mnuOpen = new ToolStripMenuItem
Name = "mnuOpen",
Text = "Open",
Image = Resources.open,
mnuOpen.Click += (_, _) => ClickOpenFile(dgv);
var mnuBrowseAt = new ToolStripMenuItem
Name = "mnuBrowseAt",
Text = "Browse...",
Image = Resources.folder,
mnuBrowseAt.Click += (_, _) => ClickOpenFolder(dgv);
ContextMenuStrip mnu = new();
return mnu;
private void ClickOpenFile(DataGridView dgv)
var sav = GetSaveFile(dgv);
if (sav == null || !File.Exists(sav.FilePath))
private void ClickOpenFolder(DataGridView dgv)
var sav = GetSaveFile(dgv);
if (sav == null || !File.Exists(sav.FilePath))
var path = sav.Save.Metadata.FilePath;
Process.Start("explorer.exe", $"/select, \"{path}\"");
private SavePreview? GetSaveFile(DataGridView dgData)
var c = dgData.SelectedCells;
if (c.Count != 1)
return null;
var item = c[0].RowIndex;
var parent = dgData == dgDataRecent ? Recent : Backup;
return parent[item];
private void DataGridCellMouseDown(object sender, DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e)
if (e.ColumnIndex == -1 || e.RowIndex == -1 || e.Button != MouseButtons.Right)
var dgv = (DataGridView)sender;
var c = dgv[e.ColumnIndex, e.RowIndex];
dgv.CurrentCell = c;
c.Selected = true;
private SaveList<SavePreview> PopulateData(DataGridView dgData, IEnumerable<SaveFile> saves)
var list = new SaveList<SavePreview>();
var enumerator = saves.GetEnumerator();
while (enumerator.Current == null)
if (!enumerator.MoveNext())
return list;
var first = enumerator.Current;
var sav1 = new SavePreview(first, Paths);
LoadEntryInitial(dgData, list, sav1);
int ctr = 1; // refresh every 7 until 15+ are loaded
void RefreshResize() => Refresh(dgData);
Task.Run(async () => // load the rest async
while (!dgData.IsHandleCreated)
await Task.Delay(15).ConfigureAwait(false);
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
var next = enumerator.Current;
var sav = new SavePreview(next, Paths);
void Load() => LoadEntry(dgData, list, sav);
if (ctr < 15 && ctr % 7 == 0)
return list;
private static void Refresh(DataGridView dgData)
private static void LoadEntryInitial(DataGridView dgData, ICollection<SavePreview> list, SavePreview sav)
dgData.DataSource = list;
dgData.AutoGenerateColumns = true;
for (int i = 0; i < dgData.Columns.Count; i++)
dgData.Columns[i].SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.Automatic;
dgData.AutoResizeColumns(); // Trigger Resizing
private void LoadEntry(DataGridView dgData, ICollection<SavePreview> list, SavePreview sav)
int count = list.Count;
if (CB_FilterColumn.SelectedIndex != 0)
ToggleRowVisibility(dgData, CB_FilterColumn.SelectedIndex - 1, TB_FilterTextContains.Text, count - 1);
private void ChangeFilterIndex(object sender, EventArgs e)
TB_FilterTextContains.Enabled = CB_FilterColumn.SelectedIndex != 0;
private void ChangeFilterText(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (CB_FilterColumn.SelectedIndex != 0)
private void SetRowFilter()
private void GetFilterText(DataGridView dg)
if (dg.RowCount == 0)
var cm = (CurrencyManager?)BindingContext?[dg.DataSource];
int column = CB_FilterColumn.SelectedIndex - 1;
var text = TB_FilterTextContains.Text;
for (int i = 0; i < dg.RowCount; i++)
ToggleRowVisibility(dg, column, text, i);
private static void ToggleRowVisibility(DataGridView dg, int column, string text, int rowIndex)
var row = dg.Rows[rowIndex];
if (text.Length == 0 || column < 0)
row.Visible = true;
var cell = row.Cells[column];
var value = cell.Value?.ToString();
if (value == null)
row.Visible = false;
row.Visible = value.IndexOf(text, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0; // case insensitive contains