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synced 2025-02-16 05:18:41 +00:00
vs -> chain (clarity on what it is; an evolution chain, rather than e.v.o.s - vs) Clamp origin chain for transferred where we can use the max origin level
259 lines
8.7 KiB
259 lines
8.7 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// <inheritdoc />
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="GameVersion.SWSH"/> encounter area
/// </summary>
public sealed class EncounterArea8 : EncounterAreaSH
/// <inheritdoc />
public override bool IsMatchLocation(int location)
if (Location == location)
return true;
if (!PermitCrossover)
return false;
// Get all other areas that the Location can bleed encounters to
if (!ConnectingArea8.TryGetValue(Location, out var others))
return false;
// Check if any of the other areas are the met location
return others.Contains((byte)location);
protected override IEnumerable<EncounterSlot> GetMatchFromEvoLevel(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList<DexLevel> chain, int minLevel)
var loc = Location;
if (IsWildArea8(loc) || IsWildArea8Armor(loc)) // wild area gets boosted up to level 60 post-game
const int boostTo = 60;
if (pkm.Met_Level == boostTo)
var boost = Slots.Where(slot => chain.Any(evo => IsMatch(evo, slot) && evo.Level >= boostTo));
return boost.Where(s => s.LevelMax < boostTo || s.IsLevelWithinRange(minLevel));
var slots = Slots.Where(slot => chain.Any(evo => IsMatch(evo, slot) && evo.Level >= slot.LevelMin));
// Get slots where pokemon can exist with respect to level constraints
return slots.Where(s => s.IsLevelWithinRange(minLevel));
private static bool IsMatch(DexLevel evo, EncounterSlot slot)
if (evo.Species != slot.Species)
return false;
if (evo.Form == slot.Form)
return true;
if (Legal.FormChange.Contains(evo.Species))
return true;
return false;
protected override IEnumerable<EncounterSlot> GetFilteredSlots(PKM pkm, IEnumerable<EncounterSlot> slots, int minLevel) => slots;
public static bool IsWildArea8(int loc) => 122 <= loc && loc <= 154; // Rolling Fields -> Lake of Outrage
public static bool IsWildArea8Armor(int loc) => 164 <= loc && loc <= 194; // Fields of Honor -> Honeycalm Island
// Location, and areas that it can feed encounters to.
public static readonly IReadOnlyDictionary<int, IReadOnlyList<byte>> ConnectingArea8 = new Dictionary<int, IReadOnlyList<byte>>
// Rolling Fields
// Dappled Grove, East Lake Axewell, West Lake Axewell
// Also connects to South Lake Miloch but too much of a stretch
{122, new byte[] {124, 128, 130}},
// Dappled Grove
// Rolling Fields, Watchtower Ruins
{124, new byte[] {122, 126}},
// Watchtower Ruins
// Dappled Grove, West Lake Axewell
{126, new byte[] {124, 130}},
// East Lake Axewell
// Rolling Fields, West Lake Axewell, Axew's Eye, North Lake Miloch
{128, new byte[] {122, 130, 132, 138}},
// West Lake Axewell
// Rolling Fields, Watchtower Ruins, East Lake Axewell, Axew's Eye
{130, new byte[] {122, 126, 128, 132}},
// Axew's Eye
// East Lake Axewell, West Lake Axewell
{132, new byte[] {128, 130}},
// South Lake Miloch
// Giant's Seat, North Lake Miloch
{134, new byte[] {136, 138}},
// Giant's Seat
// South Lake Miloch, North Lake Miloch
{136, new byte[] {134, 138}},
// North Lake Miloch
// East Lake Axewell, South Lake Miloch, Giant's Seat
// Also connects to Motostoke Riverbank but too much of a stretch
{138, new byte[] {134, 136}},
// Motostoke Riverbank
// Bridge Field
{140, new byte[] {142}},
// Bridge Field
// Motostoke Riverbank, Stony Wilderness
{142, new byte[] {140, 144}},
// Stony Wilderness
// Bridge Field, Dusty Bowl, Giant's Mirror, Giant's Cap
{144, new byte[] {142, 146, 148, 152}},
// Dusty Bowl
// Stony Wilderness, Giant's Mirror, Hammerlocke Hills
{146, new byte[] {144, 148, 150}},
// Giant's Mirror
// Stony Wilderness, Dusty Bowl, Hammerlocke Hills
{148, new byte[] {144, 146, 148}},
// Hammerlocke Hills
// Dusty Bowl, Giant's Mirror, Giant's Cap
{150, new byte[] {146, 148, 152}},
// Giant's Cap
// Stony Wilderness, Giant's Cap
// Also connects to Lake of Outrage but too much of a stretch
{152, new byte[] {144, 150}},
// Lake of Outrage is just itself.
// Challenge Beach
// Soothing Wetlands, Courageous Cavern
{170, new byte[] {166, 176}},
// Challenge Road
// Brawler's Cave
{174, new byte[] {172}},
// Courageous Cavern
// Loop Lagoon
{176, new byte[] {178}},
// Warm-Up Tunnel
// Training Lowlands, Potbottom Desert
{182, new byte[] {180, 184}},
// Workout Sea
// Fields of Honor
{186, new byte[] {164}},
// Stepping-Stone Sea
// Fields of Honor
{188, new byte[] {170}},
// Honeycalm Sea
// Honeycalm Island
{192, new byte[] {194}},
public abstract class EncounterAreaSH : EncounterArea
/// <summary>
/// Slots from this area can cross over to another area, resulting in a different met location.
/// </summary>
public bool PermitCrossover { get; internal set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets an array of areas from an array of raw area data
/// </summary>
/// <param name="entries">Simplified raw format of an Area</param>
/// <returns>Array of areas</returns>
public static T[] GetArray<T>(byte[][] entries) where T : EncounterAreaSH, new()
T[] data = new T[entries.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
var loc = data[i] = new T();
return data;
private void LoadSlots(byte[] areaData)
Location = areaData[0];
Slots = new EncounterSlot[areaData[1]];
int ctr = 0;
int ofs = 2;
var flags = (AreaWeather8)BitConverter.ToUInt16(areaData, ofs);
var min = areaData[ofs + 2];
var max = areaData[ofs + 3];
var count = areaData[ofs + 4];
// ofs+5 reserved
ofs += 6;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++, ctr++, ofs += 2)
var specForm = BitConverter.ToUInt16(areaData, ofs);
Slots[ctr] = new EncounterSlot8(specForm, min, max, flags);
} while (ctr != Slots.Length);
foreach (var slot in Slots)
slot.Area = this;
/// <summary>
/// Encounter Conditions for <see cref="GameVersion.SWSH"/>
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Values above <see cref="All"/> are for Shaking/Fishing hidden encounters only.</remarks>
public enum AreaWeather8
Normal = 1,
Overcast = 1 << 1,
Raining = 1 << 2,
Thunderstorm = 1 << 3,
Intense_Sun = 1 << 4,
Snowing = 1 << 5,
Snowstorm = 1 << 6,
Sandstorm = 1 << 7,
Heavy_Fog = 1 << 8,
All = Normal | Overcast | Raining | Thunderstorm | Intense_Sun | Snowing | Snowstorm | Sandstorm | Heavy_Fog,
Shaking_Trees = 1 << 9,
Fishing = 1 << 10,
NotWeather = Shaking_Trees | Fishing,
/// <summary>
/// Encounter Slot found in <see cref="GameVersion.SWSH"/>
/// </summary>
public sealed class EncounterSlot8 : EncounterSlot
public readonly AreaWeather8 Weather;
public override string LongName => Weather == AreaWeather8.All ? wild : $"{wild} - {Weather.ToString().Replace("_", string.Empty)}";
public EncounterSlot8(int specForm, int min, int max, AreaWeather8 weather)
Species = specForm & 0x7FF;
Form = specForm >> 11;
LevelMin = min;
LevelMax = max;
Weather = weather;