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[Language Reference](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/proposals/csharp-10.0/file-scoped-namespaces) Updates all the files, one less level of indentation. Some small changes were made to API surfaces, renaming `PKM pkm` -> `PKM pk`, and `LegalityAnalysis.pkm` -> `LegalityAnalysis.Entity`
326 lines
15 KiB
326 lines
15 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using static PKHeX.Core.LegalityCheckStrings;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
public static class EncounterVerifier
/// <summary>
/// Gets the method to verify the <see cref="IEncounterable"/> data.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="generation">Source generation to verify</param>
/// <returns>Returns the verification method appropriate for the input PKM</returns>
public static Func<PKM, IEncounterable, CheckResult> GetEncounterVerifierMethod(int generation) => generation switch
1 or 2 => VerifyEncounterG12,
_ => VerifyEncounter,
private static CheckResult VerifyEncounter(PKM pk, IEncounterTemplate enc) => enc switch
EncounterEgg e => VerifyEncounterEgg(pk, e.Generation),
EncounterTrade t => VerifyEncounterTrade(pk, t),
EncounterSlot w => VerifyEncounterWild(w),
EncounterStatic s => VerifyEncounterStatic(pk, s),
MysteryGift g => VerifyEncounterEvent(pk, g),
_ => new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, LEncInvalid, CheckIdentifier.Encounter),
private static CheckResult VerifyEncounterG12(PKM pk, IEncounterTemplate enc)
if (enc.EggEncounter)
return VerifyEncounterEgg(pk, enc.Generation);
return enc switch
EncounterSlot1 => new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, LEncCondition, CheckIdentifier.Encounter),
EncounterSlot2 s2 => VerifyWildEncounterGen2(pk, s2),
EncounterStatic s => VerifyEncounterStatic(pk, s),
EncounterTrade t => VerifyEncounterTrade(pk, t),
_ => new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, LEncInvalid, CheckIdentifier.Encounter),
// Gen2 Wild Encounters
private static CheckResult VerifyWildEncounterGen2(PKM pk, EncounterSlot2 encounter)
switch (encounter.SlotType)
case SlotType.Headbutt:
return VerifyWildEncounterCrystalHeadbutt(pk, encounter);
case SlotType.Old_Rod or SlotType.Good_Rod or SlotType.Super_Rod:
switch (encounter.Location)
case 19: // National Park
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, LG2InvalidTilePark, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
case 76: // Route 14
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, LG2InvalidTileR14, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
return new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, LEncCondition, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
private static CheckResult VerifyWildEncounterCrystalHeadbutt(ITrainerID tr, EncounterSlot2 s2)
return s2.IsTreeAvailable(tr.TID)
? new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, LG2TreeID, CheckIdentifier.Encounter)
: new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, LG2InvalidTileTreeNotFound, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
// Eggs
private static CheckResult VerifyEncounterEgg(PKM pk, int gen) => gen switch
2 => new CheckResult(CheckIdentifier.Encounter), // valid -- no met location info
3 => pk.IsEgg ? VerifyUnhatchedEgg3(pk) : VerifyEncounterEgg3(pk),
4 => pk.IsEgg ? VerifyUnhatchedEgg(pk, Locations.LinkTrade4) : VerifyEncounterEgg4(pk),
5 => pk.IsEgg ? VerifyUnhatchedEgg(pk, Locations.LinkTrade5) : VerifyEncounterEgg5(pk),
6 => pk.IsEgg ? VerifyUnhatchedEgg(pk, Locations.LinkTrade6) : VerifyEncounterEgg6(pk),
7 => pk.IsEgg ? VerifyUnhatchedEgg(pk, Locations.LinkTrade6) : VerifyEncounterEgg7(pk),
8 when GameVersion.BDSP.Contains((GameVersion)pk.Version) => pk.IsEgg ? VerifyUnhatchedEgg(pk, Locations.LinkTrade6NPC, Locations.Default8bNone) : VerifyEncounterEgg8BDSP(pk),
8 => pk.IsEgg ? VerifyUnhatchedEgg(pk, Locations.LinkTrade6) : VerifyEncounterEgg8(pk),
_ => new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, LEggLocationInvalid, CheckIdentifier.Encounter),
private static CheckResult VerifyUnhatchedEgg3(PKM pk)
if (pk.Met_Level != 0)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(LEggFMetLevel_0, 0), CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
// Only EncounterEgg should reach here.
var loc = pk.FRLG ? Locations.HatchLocationFRLG : Locations.HatchLocationRSE;
if (pk.Met_Location != loc)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, LEggMetLocationFail, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
return new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, LEggLocation, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
private static CheckResult VerifyEncounterEgg3(PKM pk)
if (pk.Format != 3)
return VerifyEncounterEgg3Transfer(pk);
if (pk.Met_Level != 0)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(LEggFMetLevel_0, 0), CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
// Check the origin game list.
var met = pk.Met_Location;
var locs = pk.FRLG ? Legal.ValidMet_FRLG : pk.E ? Legal.ValidMet_E : Legal.ValidMet_RS;
if (locs.Contains(met))
return new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, LEggLocation, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
// Version isn't updated when hatching on a different game. Check any game.
if (Legal.ValidMet_FRLG.Contains(met) || Legal.ValidMet_E.Contains(met) || Legal.ValidMet_RS.Contains(met))
return new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, LEggLocationTrade, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, LEggLocationInvalid, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
private static CheckResult VerifyEncounterEgg3Transfer(PKM pk)
if (pk.IsEgg)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, LTransferEgg, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
if (pk.Met_Level < 5)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, LTransferEggMetLevel, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
var expectEgg = pk is PB8 ? Locations.Default8bNone : 0;
if (pk.Egg_Location != expectEgg)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, LEggLocationNone, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
if (pk.Format != 4)
if (pk.Met_Location != Locations.Transfer4)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, LTransferEggLocationTransporter, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
if (pk.Met_Location != Locations.Transfer3)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, LEggLocationPalPark, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
return new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, LEggLocation, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
private static CheckResult VerifyEncounterEgg4(PKM pk)
if (pk.Format == 4)
// Traded eggs don't update Version, like in future games.
var locations = pk.WasTradedEgg ? Legal.ValidMet_4 :
pk.HGSS ? Legal.ValidMet_HGSS :
pk.Pt ? Legal.ValidMet_Pt :
return VerifyEncounterEggLevelLoc(pk, 0, locations);
if (pk.IsEgg)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, LTransferEgg, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
// transferred
if (pk.Met_Level < 1)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, LTransferEggMetLevel, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
if (pk.Met_Location != Locations.Transfer4)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, LTransferEggLocationTransporter, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
return new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, LEggLocation, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
private static CheckResult VerifyEncounterEgg5(PKM pk)
return VerifyEncounterEggLevelLoc(pk, 1, pk.B2W2 ? Legal.ValidMet_B2W2 : Legal.ValidMet_BW);
private static CheckResult VerifyEncounterEgg6(PKM pk)
if (pk.AO)
return VerifyEncounterEggLevelLoc(pk, 1, Legal.ValidMet_AO);
if (pk.Egg_Location == Locations.HatchLocation6AO) // Battle Resort Daycare is only OR/AS.
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, LEggMetLocationFail, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
return VerifyEncounterEggLevelLoc(pk, 1, Legal.ValidMet_XY);
private static CheckResult VerifyEncounterEgg7(PKM pk)
if (pk.SM)
return VerifyEncounterEggLevelLoc(pk, 1, Legal.ValidMet_SM);
if (pk.USUM)
return VerifyEncounterEggLevelLoc(pk, 1, Legal.ValidMet_USUM);
// no other games
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, LEggLocationInvalid, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
private static CheckResult VerifyEncounterEgg8(PKM pk)
if (pk.SWSH)
if (pk.BDSP)
return VerifyEncounterEggLevelLoc(pk, 1, (location, game) => location == (game == GameVersion.SW ? Locations.HOME_SWBD : Locations.HOME_SHSP));
return VerifyEncounterEggLevelLoc(pk, 1, Legal.ValidMet_SWSH);
// no other games
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, LEggLocationInvalid, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
private static CheckResult VerifyEncounterEgg8BDSP(PKM pk)
if (pk.BDSP)
return VerifyEncounterEggLevelLoc(pk, 1, Legal.IsValidEggHatchLocation8b);
// no other games
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, LEggLocationInvalid, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
private static CheckResult VerifyEncounterEggLevelLoc(PKM pk, int eggLevel, ICollection<int> MetLocations)
return VerifyEncounterEggLevelLoc(pk, eggLevel, (location, _) => MetLocations.Contains(location));
// (hatch location, hatch version, bool result)
private static CheckResult VerifyEncounterEggLevelLoc(PKM pk, int eggLevel, Func<int, GameVersion, bool> isValid)
if (pk.Met_Level != eggLevel)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(LEggFMetLevel_0, eggLevel), CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
return isValid(pk.Met_Location, (GameVersion)pk.Version)
? new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, LEggLocation, CheckIdentifier.Encounter)
: new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, LEggLocationInvalid, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
private static CheckResult VerifyUnhatchedEgg(PKM pk, int tradeLoc, int noneLoc = 0)
var eggLevel = pk.Format < 5 ? 0 : 1;
if (pk.Met_Level != eggLevel)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(LEggFMetLevel_0, eggLevel), CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
if (pk.Egg_Location == tradeLoc)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, LEggLocationTradeFail, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
var met = pk.Met_Location;
if (met == tradeLoc)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, LEggLocationTrade, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
return met == noneLoc
? new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, LEggUnhatched, CheckIdentifier.Encounter)
: new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, LEggLocationNone, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
// Other
private static CheckResult VerifyEncounterWild(EncounterSlot slot)
var summary = slot.GetConditionString(out bool valid);
return new CheckResult(valid ? Severity.Valid : Severity.Invalid, summary, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
private static CheckResult VerifyEncounterStatic(PKM pk, EncounterStatic s)
// Check for Unreleased Encounters / Collisions
switch (s.Generation)
case 3:
if (s is EncounterStaticShadow {EReader: true} && pk.Language != (int)LanguageID.Japanese) // Non-JP E-reader Pokemon
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, LG3EReader, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
switch (s.Species)
case (int)Species.Mew when s.Location == 201 && pk.Language != (int)LanguageID.Japanese: // Non-JP Mew (Old Sea Map)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, LEncUnreleasedEMewJP, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
case (int)Species.Deoxys when s.Location == 200 && pk.Language == (int)LanguageID.Japanese: // JP Deoxys (Birth Island)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, LEncUnreleased, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
case 4:
if (s is EncounterStatic4 {Roaming: true} && pk.Met_Location == 193 && pk is IGroundTile {GroundTile:GroundTileType.Water}) // Roaming pokemon surfing in Johto Route 45
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, LG4InvalidTileR45Surf, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
case 7:
if (s.EggLocation == Locations.Daycare5 && pk.RelearnMove1 != 0) // Eevee gift egg
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, LEncStaticRelearn, CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove); // not gift egg
if (s.EggEncounter && !pk.IsEgg) // hatched
var hatchCheck = VerifyEncounterEgg(pk, s.Generation);
if (!hatchCheck.Valid)
return hatchCheck;
return new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, LEncStaticMatch, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
private static CheckResult VerifyEncounterTrade(ISpeciesForm pk, EncounterTrade trade)
var species = pk.Species;
if (trade.EvolveOnTrade && trade.Species == species)
// Pokemon that evolve on trade can not be in the phase evolution after the trade
// If the trade holds an everstone EvolveOnTrade will be false for the encounter
var names = ParseSettings.SpeciesStrings;
var evolved = names[species + 1];
var unevolved = names[species];
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(LEvoTradeReq, unevolved, evolved), CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
return new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, LEncTradeMatch, CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
private static CheckResult VerifyEncounterEvent(PKM pk, MysteryGift gift)
switch (gift)
case PCD pcd:
if (!pcd.CanBeReceivedBy(pk.Version) && pcd.Gift.PK.Version == 0)
return new CheckResult(Severity.Invalid, string.Format(L_XMatches0_1, gift.CardHeader, $"-- {LEncGiftVersionNotDistributed}"), CheckIdentifier.Encounter);
if (!pk.IsEgg && gift.IsEgg) // hatched
var hatchCheck = VerifyEncounterEgg(pk, gift.Generation);
if (!hatchCheck.Valid)
return hatchCheck;
// Strict matching already performed by EncounterGenerator. May be worth moving some checks here to better flag invalid gifts.
return new CheckResult(Severity.Valid, string.Format(L_XMatches0_1, gift.CardHeader, string.Empty), CheckIdentifier.Encounter);