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synced 2025-02-25 11:57:10 +00:00
We implement simple state machine iterators to iterate through every split type encounter array, and more finely control the path we iterate through. And, by using generics, we can have the compiler generate optimized code to avoid virtual calls. In addition to this, we shift away from the big-5 encounter types and not inherit from an abstract class. This allows for creating a PK* of a specific type and directly writing properties (no virtual calls). Plus we can now fine-tune each encounter type to call specific code, and not have to worry about future game encounter types bothering the generation routines.
284 lines
10 KiB
284 lines
10 KiB
using System;
using static PKHeX.Core.LegalityCheckStrings;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// <summary>
/// Verifies the stat details of data that has not yet left <see cref="GameVersion.PLA"/>.
/// </summary>
public sealed class LegendsArceusVerifier : Verifier
protected override CheckIdentifier Identifier => CheckIdentifier.RelearnMove;
public override void Verify(LegalityAnalysis data)
if (data.Entity is not PA8 pa)
if (pa.IsNoble)
if (pa.IsAlpha != data.EncounterMatch is IAlphaReadOnly { IsAlpha: true })
CheckScalars(data, pa);
CheckGanbaru(data, pa);
CheckLearnset(data, pa);
CheckMastery(data, pa);
private static void CheckGanbaru(LegalityAnalysis data, PA8 pa)
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
var gv = pa.GetGV(i);
var max = pa.GetMaxGanbaru(i);
if (gv <= max)
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LGanbaruStatTooHigh, CheckIdentifier.GVs));
private void CheckScalars(LegalityAnalysis data, PA8 pa)
// Static encounters hard-match the Height & Weight; only slots are unchecked for Alpha Height/Weight.
if (pa.IsAlpha && data.EncounterMatch is EncounterSlot8a)
if (pa.HeightScalar != 255)
if (pa.WeightScalar != 255)
// No way to mutate the display height scalar value. Must match!
if (pa.HeightScalar != pa.Scale)
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LStatIncorrectHeightCopy, CheckIdentifier.Encounter));
private static void CheckLearnset(LegalityAnalysis data, PA8 pa)
var moveCount = GetMoveCount(pa);
if (moveCount == 4)
// Flag move slots that are empty.
if (pa.Tracker != 0 || !ParseSettings.IgnoreTransferIfNoTracker)
return; // Can delete moves in PA8 moveset via HOME.
// Get the bare minimum moveset.
Span<ushort> expect = stackalloc ushort[4];
var minMoveCount = LoadBareMinimumMoveset(data.EncounterMatch, data.Info.EvoChainsAllGens, pa, expect);
var moves = data.Info.Moves;
for (int i = moveCount; i < minMoveCount; i++)
// Expected move should never be empty, but just future-proof against any revisions.
moves[i] = MoveResult.Unobtainable(expect[i]);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the expected minimum count of moves, and modifies the input <see cref="moves"/> with the bare minimum move IDs.
/// </summary>
private static int LoadBareMinimumMoveset(ISpeciesForm enc, EvolutionHistory h, PA8 pa, Span<ushort> moves)
// Get any encounter moves
var ls = LearnSource8LA.Instance;
var moveset = ls.GetLearnset(enc.Species, enc.Form);
if (enc is IMasteryInitialMoveShop8 ms)
ms.LoadInitialMoveset(pa, moves, moveset, pa.Met_Level);
moveset.SetEncounterMoves(pa.Met_Level, moves);
var count = moves.IndexOf((ushort)0);
if ((uint)count >= 4)
return 4;
var purchasedCount = pa.GetPurchasedCount();
Span<ushort> purchased = stackalloc ushort[purchasedCount];
LoadPurchasedMoves(pa, purchased);
// If it can be leveled up in other games, level it up in other games.
if (h.HasVisitedSWSH || h.HasVisitedBDSP)
return count;
// Level up to current level
var level = pa.CurrentLevel;
moveset.SetLevelUpMoves(pa.Met_Level, level, moves, purchased, count);
count = moves.IndexOf((ushort)0);
if ((uint)count >= 4)
return 4;
// Evolve and try
var evos = h.Gen8a;
for (int i = 0; i < evos.Length - 1; i++)
var evo = evos[i];
var m = ls.GetLearnset(evo.Species, evo.Form);
m.SetEvolutionMoves(moves, purchased, count);
count = moves.IndexOf((ushort)0);
if ((uint)count >= 4)
return 4;
// Any tutored moves we don't know about??
var currentLearn = ls.GetLearnset(evos[0].Species, evos[0].Form);
return AddMasteredMissing(pa, moves, count, moveset, currentLearn, level);
private static void LoadPurchasedMoves(IMoveShop8 pa, Span<ushort> result)
int ctr = 0;
var purchased = pa.Permit.RecordPermitIndexes;
for (int i = 0; i < purchased.Length; i++)
if (pa.GetPurchasedRecordFlag(i))
result[ctr++] = purchased[i];
private static int AddMasteredMissing(PA8 pa, Span<ushort> current, int ctr, Learnset baseLearn, Learnset currentLearn, int level)
var purchased = pa.Permit.RecordPermitIndexes;
for (int i = 0; i < purchased.Length; i++)
// Buying the move tutor grants access, but does not learn the move.
// Mastering requires the move to be present in the movepool.
if (!pa.GetMasteredRecordFlag(i))
// Purchased moves can be swapped with existing moves; we're only interested in special granted moves.
if (pa.GetPurchasedRecordFlag(i))
// Check if we can swap it into the moveset after it evolves.
var move = purchased[i];
var baseLevel = baseLearn.GetLevelLearnMove(move);
var mustKnow = baseLevel is not -1 && baseLevel <= pa.Met_Level;
if (!mustKnow && currentLearn.GetLevelLearnMove(move) != level)
if (current.IndexOf(move) == -1)
current[ctr++] = move;
if (ctr == 4)
return 4;
return ctr;
private static int GetMoveCount(PA8 pa)
var count = 0;
if (pa.Move1 != 0) count++;
if (pa.Move2 != 0) count++;
if (pa.Move3 != 0) count++;
if (pa.Move4 != 0) count++;
return count;
private void CheckMastery(LegalityAnalysis data, PA8 pa)
var permit = pa.Permit;
var alphaMove = pa.AlphaMove;
if (alphaMove is not 0)
VerifyAlphaMove(data, pa, alphaMove, permit);
for (int i = 0; i < permit.RecordCountUsed; i++)
VerifyTutorMoveIndex(data, pa, i, permit);
private void VerifyTutorMoveIndex(LegalityAnalysis data, PA8 pa, int i, IPermitRecord permit)
bool isPurchased = pa.GetPurchasedRecordFlag(i);
if (isPurchased)
// Check if the move can be purchased.
if (permit.IsRecordPermitted(i))
return; // If it has been legally purchased, then any mastery state is legal.
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMoveShopPurchaseInvalid_0, ParseSettings.MoveStrings[permit.RecordPermitIndexes[i]])));
bool isMastered = pa.GetMasteredRecordFlag(i);
if (!isMastered)
return; // All good.
// Check if the move can be purchased; using a Mastery Seed checks the permission.
var moves = permit.RecordPermitIndexes;
var move = moves[i];
if (pa.AlphaMove == move)
return; // Previously checked.
if (data.EncounterMatch is (IMoveset m and IMasteryInitialMoveShop8) && m.Moves.Contains(move))
return; // Previously checked.
if (!permit.IsRecordPermitted(i))
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMoveShopMasterInvalid_0, ParseSettings.MoveStrings[move])));
else if (!CanLearnMoveByLevelUp(data, pa, i, moves))
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMoveShopMasterNotLearned_0, ParseSettings.MoveStrings[move])));
private static bool CanLearnMoveByLevelUp(LegalityAnalysis data, PA8 pa, int i, ReadOnlySpan<ushort> moves)
// Check if the move can be learned in the learnset...
// Changing forms do not have separate tutor permissions, so we don't need to bother with form changes.
// Level up movepools can grant moves for mastery at lower levels for earlier evolutions... find the minimum.
int level = 101;
foreach (var evo in data.Info.EvoChainsAllGens.Gen8a)
var moveset = LearnSource8LA.Instance.GetLearnset(evo.Species, evo.Form);
var lvl = moveset.GetLevelLearnMove(moves[i]);
if (lvl == -1)
continue; // cannot learn via level up
level = Math.Min(lvl, level);
return pa.CurrentLevel >= level;
private void VerifyAlphaMove(LegalityAnalysis data, PA8 pa, ushort alphaMove, IPermitRecord permit)
if (!pa.IsAlpha || data.EncounterMatch is EncounterSlot8a { Type: SlotType.Landmark })
if (!CanMasterMoveFromMoveShop(alphaMove, permit))
// An Alpha Move must be marked as mastered.
var masteredIndex = permit.RecordPermitIndexes.IndexOf(alphaMove);
// Index is already >= 0, implicitly via the above call not returning false.
if (!pa.GetMasteredRecordFlag(masteredIndex))
private void VerifyAlphaMoveZero(LegalityAnalysis data)
var enc = data.Info.EncounterMatch;
if (enc is not IAlpha { IsAlpha: true })
return; // okay
if (enc is EncounterSlot8a { Type: SlotType.Landmark })
return; // okay
var pi = PersonalTable.LA.GetFormEntry(enc.Species, enc.Form);
if (!pi.HasMoveShop) // must have had a tutor flag
private static bool CanMasterMoveFromMoveShop(ushort move, IPermitRecord permit)
var moves = permit.RecordPermitIndexes;
var index = moves.IndexOf(move);
if (index == -1)
return false; // not in the list
if (!permit.IsRecordPermitted(index))
return false; // not a possible move
return true;