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using System.Drawing;
using PKHeX.Core;
using PKHeX.Drawing.Properties;
namespace PKHeX.Drawing
public static class SpriteUtil
public static ISpriteBuilder<Image> Spriter { get; set; } = new SpriteBuilder();
public static Image GetBallSprite(int ball)
string resource = SpriteName.GetResourceStringBall(ball);
return (Image)Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(resource) ?? Resources._ball4; // Poké Ball (default)
public static Image GetSprite(int species, int form, int gender, int item, bool isegg, bool shiny, int generation = -1, bool isBoxBGRed = false)
return Spriter.GetSprite(species, form, gender, item, isegg, shiny, generation, isBoxBGRed);
public static Image GetRibbonSprite(string name)
var resource = name.Replace("CountG3", "G3").ToLower();
return (Bitmap)Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(resource);
public static Image GetRibbonSprite(string name, int max, int value)
var resource = GetRibbonSpriteName(name, max, value);
return (Bitmap)Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(resource);
private static string GetRibbonSpriteName(string name, int max, int value)
if (max != 4) // Memory
var sprite = name.ToLower();
if (max == value)
return sprite + "2";
return sprite;
// Count ribbons
string n = name.Replace("Count", string.Empty).ToLower();
return value switch
2 => n + "super",
3 => n + "hyper",
4 => n + "master",
_ => n
public static Image GetTypeSprite(int type, int generation = PKX.Generation)
if (generation <= 2)
type = (int)((MoveType)type).GetMoveTypeGeneration(generation);
return (Bitmap)Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject($"type_icon_{type:00}");
private static Image GetSprite(MysteryGift gift)
if (gift.Empty)
return null;
var img = GetBaseImage(gift);
if (gift.GiftUsed)
img = ImageUtil.ChangeOpacity(img, 0.3);
return img;
private static Image GetBaseImage(MysteryGift gift)
if (gift.IsEgg && gift.Species == 490) // Manaphy Egg
return Resources._490_e;
if (gift.IsPokémon)
return GetSprite(gift.Species, gift.Form, gift.Gender, gift.HeldItem, gift.IsEgg, gift.IsShiny, gift.Format);
if (gift.IsItem)
int item = gift.ItemID;
if (Legal.ZCrystalDictionary.TryGetValue(item, out int value))
item = value;
return (Image)(Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject($"item_{item}") ?? Resources.Bag_Key);
return Resources.unknown;
private static Image GetSprite(PKM pk, bool isBoxBGRed = false)
var img = GetSprite(pk.Species, pk.AltForm, pk.Gender, pk.SpriteItem, pk.IsEgg, pk.IsShiny, pk.Format, isBoxBGRed);
if (pk is IShadowPKM s && s.Purification > 0)
const int Lugia = 249;
if (pk.Species == Lugia) // show XD shadow sprite
img = Spriter.GetSprite(Resources._249x, Lugia, pk.HeldItem, pk.IsEgg, pk.IsShiny, pk.Format, isBoxBGRed);
GetSpriteGlow(pk, 75, 0, 130, out var pixels, out var baseSprite, true);
var glowImg = ImageUtil.GetBitmap(pixels, baseSprite.Width, baseSprite.Height, baseSprite.PixelFormat);
img = ImageUtil.LayerImage(glowImg, img, 0, 0);
return img;
private static Image GetSprite(SaveFile sav)
string file = "tr_00";
if (sav is SAV6AO)
file = $"tr_{sav.MultiplayerSpriteID:00}";
return Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(file) as Image;
private static Image GetWallpaper(SaveFile sav, int box)
string s = BoxWallpaper.GetWallpaperResourceName(sav.Version, sav.GetBoxWallpaper(box));
return (Bitmap)Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(s) ?? Resources.box_wp16xy;
private static Image GetSprite(PKM pk, SaveFile sav, int box, int slot, bool flagIllegal = false)
if (!pk.Valid)
return null;
bool inBox = (uint)slot < MaxSlotCount;
bool empty = pk.Species == 0;
var sprite = empty ? null : pk.Sprite(isBoxBGRed: inBox && BoxWallpaper.IsWallpaperRed(sav.Version, sav.GetBoxWallpaper(box)));
if (!empty && flagIllegal)
if (box >= 0)
pk.Box = box;
var la = new LegalityAnalysis(pk, sav.Personal);
if (!la.Valid)
sprite = ImageUtil.LayerImage(sprite, Resources.warn, 0, FlagIllegalShiftY);
if (inBox) // in box
var flags = sav.GetSlotFlags(box, slot);
if (flags.HasFlagFast(StorageSlotFlag.Locked))
sprite = ImageUtil.LayerImage(sprite, Resources.locked, SlotLockShiftX, 0);
int team = flags.IsBattleTeam();
if (team >= 0)
sprite = ImageUtil.LayerImage(sprite, Resources.team, SlotTeamShiftX, 0);
int party = flags.IsParty();
if (party >= 0)
sprite = ImageUtil.LayerImage(sprite, PartyMarks[party], PartyMarkShiftX, 0);
if (flags.HasFlagFast(StorageSlotFlag.Starter))
sprite = ImageUtil.LayerImage(sprite, Resources.starter, 0, 0);
return sprite;
private const int MaxSlotCount = 30; // slots in a box
private const int SpriteWidth = 40;
private const int SpriteHeight = 30;
private const int PartyMarkShiftX = SpriteWidth - 16;
private const int SlotLockShiftX = SpriteWidth - 14;
private const int SlotTeamShiftX = SpriteWidth - 19;
private const int FlagIllegalShiftY = SpriteHeight - 16;
private static readonly Bitmap[] PartyMarks =
Resources.party1, Resources.party2, Resources.party3, Resources.party4, Resources.party5, Resources.party6,
public static void GetSpriteGlow(PKM pk, byte[] bgr, out byte[] pixels, out Image baseSprite, bool forceHollow = false)
GetSpriteGlow(pk, bgr[0], bgr[1], bgr[2], out pixels, out baseSprite, forceHollow);
public static void GetSpriteGlow(PKM pk, byte blue, byte green, byte red, out byte[] pixels, out Image baseSprite, bool forceHollow = false)
bool egg = pk.IsEgg;
baseSprite = GetSprite(pk.Species, pk.AltForm, pk.Gender, 0, egg, false, pk.Format);
GetSpriteGlow(baseSprite, blue, green, red, out pixels, forceHollow || egg);
public static void GetSpriteGlow(Image baseSprite, byte blue, byte green, byte red, out byte[] pixels, bool forceHollow = false)
pixels = ImageUtil.GetPixelData((Bitmap)baseSprite);
if (!forceHollow)
ImageUtil.GlowEdges(pixels, blue, green, red, baseSprite.Width);
// If the image has any transparency, any derived background will bleed into it.
// Need to undo any transparency values if any present.
// Remove opaque pixels from original image, leaving only the glow effect pixels.
var original = (byte[])pixels.Clone();
ImageUtil.GlowEdges(pixels, blue, green, red, baseSprite.Width);
ImageUtil.RemovePixels(pixels, original);
public static Image GetLegalIndicator(bool valid) => valid ? Resources.valid : Resources.warn;
// Extension Methods
public static Image WallpaperImage(this SaveFile sav, int box) => GetWallpaper(sav, box);
public static Image Sprite(this MysteryGift gift) => GetSprite(gift);
public static Image Sprite(this SaveFile sav) => GetSprite(sav);
public static Image Sprite(this PKM pk, bool isBoxBGRed = false) => GetSprite(pk, isBoxBGRed);
public static Image Sprite(this PKM pk, SaveFile sav, int box, int slot, bool flagIllegal = false)
=> GetSprite(pk, sav, box, slot, flagIllegal);