Kurt 4baf745af8 Use some c#8 sugar
static local functions
switch expressions
using usings :)

nullable next?
2019-10-07 18:40:09 -07:00

622 lines
62 KiB

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using static PKHeX.Core.EncounterUtil;
using static PKHeX.Core.Encounters3Teams;
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// <summary>
/// Generation 3 Encounters
/// </summary>
internal static class Encounters3
internal static readonly EncounterArea3[] SlotsR, SlotsS, SlotsE;
internal static readonly EncounterArea3[] SlotsFR, SlotsLG;
internal static readonly EncounterStatic[] StaticR, StaticS, StaticE;
internal static readonly EncounterStatic[] StaticFR, StaticLG;
private const int SafariLocation_RSE = 57;
private const int SafariLocation_FRLG = 136;
static Encounters3()
StaticR = GetStaticEncounters(Encounter_RSE, GameVersion.R);
StaticS = GetStaticEncounters(Encounter_RSE, GameVersion.S);
StaticE = GetStaticEncounters(Encounter_RSE, GameVersion.E);
StaticFR = GetStaticEncounters(Encounter_FRLG, GameVersion.FR);
StaticLG = GetStaticEncounters(Encounter_FRLG, GameVersion.LG);
static EncounterArea3[] get(string resource, string ident)
=> EncounterArea3.GetArray3(Data.UnpackMini(Util.GetBinaryResource($"encounter_{resource}.pkl"), ident));
var R_Slots = get("r", "ru");
var S_Slots = get("s", "sa");
var E_Slots = get("e", "em");
var FR_Slots = get("fr", "fr");
var LG_Slots = get("lg", "lg");
MarkEncounterAreaArray(SlotsRSEAlt, SlotsFRLGUnown, SlotsXD);
ReduceAreasSize(ref R_Slots);
ReduceAreasSize(ref S_Slots);
ReduceAreasSize(ref E_Slots);
MarkG3Slots_FRLG(ref FR_Slots);
MarkG3Slots_FRLG(ref LG_Slots);
MarkG3SlotsSafariZones(ref R_Slots, SafariLocation_RSE);
MarkG3SlotsSafariZones(ref S_Slots, SafariLocation_RSE);
MarkG3SlotsSafariZones(ref E_Slots, SafariLocation_RSE);
MarkG3SlotsSafariZones(ref FR_Slots, SafariLocation_FRLG);
MarkG3SlotsSafariZones(ref LG_Slots, SafariLocation_FRLG);
MarkEncountersStaticMagnetPull(E_Slots, PersonalTable.SM);
SlotsR = AddExtraTableSlots(R_Slots, SlotsRSEAlt);
SlotsS = AddExtraTableSlots(S_Slots, SlotsRSEAlt);
SlotsE = AddExtraTableSlots(E_Slots, SlotsRSEAlt);
SlotsFR = AddExtraTableSlots(FR_Slots, SlotsFRLGUnown);
SlotsLG = AddExtraTableSlots(LG_Slots, SlotsFRLGUnown);
MarkEncountersGeneration(3, SlotsR, SlotsS, SlotsE, SlotsFR, SlotsLG, SlotsXD);
MarkEncountersGeneration(3, StaticR, StaticS, StaticE, StaticFR, StaticLG, Encounter_CXD, TradeGift_RSE, TradeGift_FRLG);
MarkEncounterTradeStrings(TradeGift_RSE, TradeRSE);
MarkEncounterTradeStrings(TradeGift_FRLG, TradeFRLG);
private static void MarkG3Slots_FRLG(ref EncounterArea3[] Areas)
// Remove slots for unown, those slots does not contains alt form info, it will be added manually in SlotsRFLGAlt
// Group areas by location id, the raw data have areas with different slots but the same location id
Areas = Areas.Where(a => a.Location < 188 || a.Location > 194).GroupBy(a => a.Location).Select(a => new EncounterArea3
Location = a.First().Location,
Slots = a.SelectMany(m => m.Slots).ToArray()
private static void MarkG3SlotsSafariZones(ref EncounterArea3[] Areas, int location)
foreach (var Area in Areas.Where(a => a.Location == location))
foreach (EncounterSlot Slot in Area.Slots)
Slot.Type |= SlotType.Safari;
private static readonly int[] Roaming_MetLocation_FRLG =
//Route 1-25 encounter is possible either in grass or on water
private static readonly int[] Roaming_MetLocation_RSE =
//Roaming encounter is possible in tall grass and on water
//Route 101-138
16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,
26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35,
36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45,
46, 47, 48, 49,
private static readonly EncounterStatic[] Encounter_RSE_Roam =
new EncounterStatic { Species = 380, Level = 40, Version = GameVersion.S, Roaming = true }, // Latias
new EncounterStatic { Species = 380, Level = 40, Version = GameVersion.E, Roaming = true }, // Latias
new EncounterStatic { Species = 381, Level = 40, Version = GameVersion.R, Roaming = true }, // Latios
new EncounterStatic { Species = 381, Level = 40, Version = GameVersion.E, Roaming = true }, // Latios
private static readonly EncounterStatic[] Encounter_RSE_Regular =
// Starters
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 152, Level = 05, Location = 000, Version = GameVersion.E, }, // Chikorita @ Littleroot Town
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 155, Level = 05, Location = 000, Version = GameVersion.E, }, // Cyndaquil
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 158, Level = 05, Location = 000, Version = GameVersion.E, }, // Totodile
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 252, Level = 05, Location = 016, }, // Treecko @ Route 101
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 255, Level = 05, Location = 016, }, // Torchic
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 258, Level = 05, Location = 016, }, // Mudkip
// Fossil @ Rustboro City
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 345, Level = 20, Location = 010, }, // Lileep
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 347, Level = 20, Location = 010, }, // Anorith
// Gift
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 351, Level = 25, Location = 034, }, // Castform @ Weather Institute
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 374, Level = 05, Location = 013, }, // Beldum @ Mossdeep City
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 360, Level = 05, EggLocation = 253}, // Wynaut Egg
// Stationary
new EncounterStatic { Species = 352, Level = 30, Location = 034, }, // Kecleon @ Route 119
new EncounterStatic { Species = 352, Level = 30, Location = 035, }, // Kecleon @ Route 120
new EncounterStatic { Species = 101, Level = 30, Location = 066, Version = GameVersion.RS, }, // Electrode @ Hideout (R:Magma Hideout/S:Aqua Hideout)
new EncounterStatic { Species = 101, Level = 30, Location = 197, Version = GameVersion.E, }, // Electrode @ Aqua Hideout
new EncounterStatic { Species = 185, Level = 40, Location = 058, Version = GameVersion.E, }, // Sudowoodo @ Battle Frontier
// Stationary Lengendary
new EncounterStatic { Species = 377, Level = 40, Location = 082, }, // Regirock @ Desert Ruins
new EncounterStatic { Species = 378, Level = 40, Location = 081, }, // Regice @ Island Cave
new EncounterStatic { Species = 379, Level = 40, Location = 083, }, // Registeel @ Ancient Tomb
new EncounterStatic { Species = 380, Level = 50, Location = 073, Version = GameVersion.R }, // Latias @ Southern Island
new EncounterStatic { Species = 380, Level = 50, Location = 073, Version = GameVersion.E, Fateful = true }, // Latias @ Southern Island
new EncounterStatic { Species = 381, Level = 50, Location = 073, Version = GameVersion.S }, // Latios @ Southern Island
new EncounterStatic { Species = 381, Level = 50, Location = 073, Version = GameVersion.E, Fateful = true }, // Latios @ Southern Island
new EncounterStatic { Species = 382, Level = 45, Location = 072, Version = GameVersion.S, }, // Kyogre @ Cave of Origin
new EncounterStatic { Species = 382, Level = 70, Location = 203, Version = GameVersion.E, }, // Kyogre @ Marine Cave
new EncounterStatic { Species = 383, Level = 45, Location = 072, Version = GameVersion.R, }, // Groudon @ Cave of Origin
new EncounterStatic { Species = 383, Level = 70, Location = 205, Version = GameVersion.E, }, // Groudon @ Terra Cave
new EncounterStatic { Species = 384, Level = 70, Location = 085, }, // Rayquaza @ Sky Pillar
// Event
new EncounterStatic { Species = 151, Level = 30, Location = 201, Version = GameVersion.E, Fateful = true }, // Mew @ Faraway Island (Unreleased outside of Japan)
new EncounterStatic { Species = 249, Level = 70, Location = 211, Version = GameVersion.E, Fateful = true }, // Lugia @ Navel Rock
new EncounterStatic { Species = 250, Level = 70, Location = 211, Version = GameVersion.E, Fateful = true }, // Ho-Oh @ Navel Rock
new EncounterStatic { Species = 386, Level = 30, Location = 200, Version = GameVersion.E, Fateful = true, Form = 3 }, // Deoxys @ Birth Island
private static readonly EncounterStatic[] Encounter_FRLG_Roam =
new EncounterStatic { Species = 243, Level = 50, Roaming = true, }, // Raikou
new EncounterStatic { Species = 244, Level = 50, Roaming = true, }, // Entei
new EncounterStatic { Species = 245, Level = 50, Roaming = true, }, // Suicune
private static readonly EncounterStatic[] Encounter_FRLG_Stationary =
// Starters @ Pallet Town
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 1, Level = 05, Location = 088, }, // Bulbasaur
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 4, Level = 05, Location = 088, }, // Charmander
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 7, Level = 05, Location = 088, }, // Squirtle
// Fossil @ Cinnabar Island
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 138, Level = 05, Location = 096, }, // Omanyte
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 140, Level = 05, Location = 096, }, // Kabuto
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 142, Level = 05, Location = 096, }, // Aerodactyl
// Gift
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 106, Level = 25, Location = 098, }, // Hitmonlee @ Saffron City
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 107, Level = 25, Location = 098, }, // Hitmonchan @ Saffron City
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 129, Level = 05, Location = 099, }, // Magikarp @ Route 4
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 131, Level = 25, Location = 134, }, // Lapras @ Silph Co.
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 133, Level = 25, Location = 094, }, // Eevee @ Celadon City
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 175, Level = 05, EggLocation = 253 }, // Togepi Egg
// Celadon City Game Corner
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 063, Level = 09, Location = 94, Version = GameVersion.FR }, // Abra
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 035, Level = 08, Location = 94, Version = GameVersion.FR }, // Clefairy
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 123, Level = 25, Location = 94, Version = GameVersion.FR }, // Scyther
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 147, Level = 18, Location = 94, Version = GameVersion.FR }, // Dratini
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 137, Level = 26, Location = 94, Version = GameVersion.FR }, // Porygon
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 063, Level = 07, Location = 94, Version = GameVersion.LG }, // Abra
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 035, Level = 12, Location = 94, Version = GameVersion.LG }, // Clefairy
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 127, Level = 18, Location = 94, Version = GameVersion.LG }, // Pinsir
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 147, Level = 24, Location = 94, Version = GameVersion.LG }, // Dratini
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 137, Level = 18, Location = 94, Version = GameVersion.LG }, // Porygon
// Stationary
new EncounterStatic { Species = 143, Level = 30, Location = 112, }, // Snorlax @ Route 12
new EncounterStatic { Species = 143, Level = 30, Location = 116, }, // Snorlax @ Route 16
new EncounterStatic { Species = 101, Level = 34, Location = 142, }, // Electrode @ Power Plant
new EncounterStatic { Species = 097, Level = 30, Location = 176, }, // Hypno @ Berry Forest
// Stationary Legendary
new EncounterStatic { Species = 144, Level = 50, Location = 139, }, // Articuno @ Seafoam Islands
new EncounterStatic { Species = 145, Level = 50, Location = 142, }, // Zapdos @ Power Plant
new EncounterStatic { Species = 146, Level = 50, Location = 175, }, // Moltres @ Mt. Ember.
new EncounterStatic { Species = 150, Level = 70, Location = 141, }, // Mewtwo @ Cerulean Cave
// Event
new EncounterStatic { Species = 249, Level = 70, Location = 174, Fateful = true }, // Lugia @ Navel Rock
new EncounterStatic { Species = 250, Level = 70, Location = 174, Fateful = true }, // Ho-Oh @ Navel Rock
new EncounterStatic { Species = 386, Level = 30, Location = 187, Version = GameVersion.FR, Form = 1, Fateful = true }, // Deoxys @ Birth Island
new EncounterStatic { Species = 386, Level = 30, Location = 187, Version = GameVersion.LG, Form = 2, Fateful = true }, // Deoxys @ Birth Island
private static readonly EncounterStatic[] Encounter_RSE = Encounter_RSE_Roam.SelectMany(e => e.Clone(Roaming_MetLocation_RSE)).Concat(Encounter_RSE_Regular).ToArray();
private static readonly EncounterStatic[] Encounter_FRLG = Encounter_FRLG_Roam.SelectMany(e => e.Clone(Roaming_MetLocation_FRLG)).Concat(Encounter_FRLG_Stationary).ToArray();
private static readonly int[] TradeContest_Cool = { 30, 05, 05, 05, 05, 10 };
private static readonly int[] TradeContest_Beauty = { 05, 30, 05, 05, 05, 10 };
private static readonly int[] TradeContest_Cute = { 05, 05, 30, 05, 05, 10 };
private static readonly int[] TradeContest_Clever = { 05, 05, 05, 30, 05, 10 };
private static readonly int[] TradeContest_Tough = { 05, 05, 05, 05, 30, 10 };
internal static readonly EncounterTrade[] TradeGift_RSE =
new EncounterTradePID { Species = 296, Ability = 2, TID = 49562, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new[] {5,5,4,4,4,4}, Level = 05, PID = 0x00009C40, Contest = TradeContest_Tough, Version = GameVersion.RS, }, // Slakoth (Level 5 Breeding) -> Makuhita
new EncounterTradePID { Species = 300, Ability = 1, TID = 02259, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, Gender = 1, IVs = new[] {5,4,4,5,4,4}, Level = 03, PID = 0x498A2E17, Contest = TradeContest_Cute, Version = GameVersion.RS, }, // Pikachu (Level 3 Viridiam Forest) -> Skitty
new EncounterTradePID { Species = 222, Ability = 2, TID = 50183, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, Gender = 1, IVs = new[] {4,4,5,4,4,5}, Level = 21, PID = 0x4C970B7F, Contest = TradeContest_Beauty, Version = GameVersion.RS, }, // Bellossom (Level 21 Odish -> Gloom -> Bellossom) -> Corsola
new EncounterTradePID { Species = 273, Ability = 2, TID = 38726, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new[] {5,4,5,4,4,4}, Level = 04, PID = 0x00000084, Contest = TradeContest_Cool, Version = GameVersion.E, }, // Ralts (Level 4 Route 102) -> Seedot
new EncounterTradePID { Species = 311, Ability = 1, TID = 08460, SID = 00001, OTGender = 0, Gender = 1, IVs = new[] {4,4,4,5,5,4}, Level = 05, PID = 0x0000006F, Contest = TradeContest_Cute, Version = GameVersion.E, }, // Volbeat (Level 5 Breeding) -> Plusle
new EncounterTradePID { Species = 116, Ability = 1, TID = 46285, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new[] {5,4,4,4,5,4}, Level = 05, PID = 0x0000007F, Contest = TradeContest_Tough, Version = GameVersion.E, }, // Bagon (Level 5 Breeding) -> Horsea*
new EncounterTradePID { Species = 052, Ability = 1, TID = 25945, SID = 00001, OTGender = 1, Gender = 0, IVs = new[] {4,5,4,5,4,4}, Level = 03, PID = 0x0000008B, Contest = TradeContest_Clever, Version = GameVersion.E, }, // Skitty (Level 3 Trade)-> Meowth*
// If Pokémon with * is evolved in a Generation IV or V game, its Ability will become its second Ability.
internal static readonly EncounterTrade[] TradeGift_FRLG =
new EncounterTradePID { Species = 122, Ability = 1, TID = 01985, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new[] {20,15,17,24,23,22}, PID = 0x00009CAE, Contest = TradeContest_Clever, }, // Mr. Mime
new EncounterTradePID { Species = 029, Ability = 1, TID = 63184, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, Gender = 1, IVs = new[] {22,18,25,19,15,22}, PID = 0x4C970B89, Contest = TradeContest_Tough, Version = GameVersion.FR, }, // Nidoran♀
new EncounterTradePID { Species = 032, Ability = 1, TID = 63184, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, Gender = 0, IVs = new[] {19,25,18,22,22,15}, PID = 0x4C970B9E, Contest = TradeContest_Cool, Version = GameVersion.LG, }, // Nidoran♂ *
new EncounterTradePID { Species = 030, Ability = 1, TID = 13637, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 1, IVs = new[] {22,25,18,19,22,15}, PID = 0x00EECA15, Contest = TradeContest_Cute, Version = GameVersion.FR,}, // Nidorina *
new EncounterTradePID { Species = 033, Ability = 1, TID = 13637, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new[] {19,18,25,22,15,22}, PID = 0x00EECA19, Contest = TradeContest_Tough, Version = GameVersion.LG,}, // Nidorino *
new EncounterTradePID { Species = 108, Ability = 1, TID = 01239, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new[] {24,19,21,15,23,21}, PID = 0x451308AB, Contest = TradeContest_Tough, }, // Lickitung *
new EncounterTradePID { Species = 124, Ability = 1, TID = 36728, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 1, IVs = new[] {18,17,18,22,25,21}, PID = 0x498A2E1D, Contest = TradeContest_Beauty, }, // Jynx
new EncounterTradePID { Species = 083, Ability = 1, TID = 08810, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new[] {20,25,21,24,15,20}, PID = 0x151943D7, Contest = TradeContest_Cool, }, // Farfetch'd
new EncounterTradePID { Species = 101, Ability = 2, TID = 50298, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 2, IVs = new[] {19,16,18,25,25,19}, PID = 0x06341016, Contest = TradeContest_Cool, }, // Electrode
new EncounterTradePID { Species = 114, Ability = 1, TID = 60042, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, Gender = 0, IVs = new[] {22,17,25,16,23,20}, PID = 0x5C77ECFA, Contest = TradeContest_Cute, }, // Tangela
new EncounterTradePID { Species = 086, Ability = 1, TID = 09853, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new[] {24,15,22,16,23,22}, PID = 0x482CAC89, Contest = TradeContest_Tough, }, // Seel *
// If Pokémon with * is evolved in a Generation IV or V game, its Ability will become its second Ability.
private const string tradeRSE = "traderse";
private const string tradeFRLG = "tradefrlg";
private static readonly string[][] TradeRSE = Util.GetLanguageStrings7(tradeRSE);
private static readonly string[][] TradeFRLG = Util.GetLanguageStrings7(tradeFRLG);
#region AltSlots
private static readonly EncounterArea3[] SlotsRSEAlt =
// Swarm can be passed from R/S<->E via mixing records
// Encounter Percent is a 50% call
new EncounterArea3 {
Location = 17, // Route 102
Slots = new[]
new EncounterSlotMoves { Species = 283, LevelMin = 03, LevelMax = 03, Type = SlotType.Swarm, Moves = new[] {145, 098} /* Bubble, Quick Attack */ }, // Surskit (R/S)
new EncounterSlotMoves { Species = 273, LevelMin = 03, LevelMax = 03, Type = SlotType.Swarm, Moves = new[] {117, 106, 073} /* Bide, Harden, Leech Seed */ }, // Seedot (E)
new EncounterArea3 {
Location = 29, // Route 114
Slots = new[]
new EncounterSlotMoves { Species = 283, LevelMin = 15, LevelMax = 15, Type = SlotType.Swarm, Moves = new[] {145, 098} /* Bubble, Quick Attack */ }, // Surskit (R/S)
new EncounterSlotMoves { Species = 274, LevelMin = 15, LevelMax = 15, Type = SlotType.Swarm, Moves = new[] {106, 074, 267, 073} /* Harden, Growth, Nature Power, Leech Seed */ }, // Nuzleaf (E)
new EncounterArea3 {
Location = 31, // Route 116
Slots = new[]
new EncounterSlotMoves { Species = 300, LevelMin = 15, LevelMax = 15, Type = SlotType.Swarm, Moves = new[] {045, 033} /* Growl, Tackle */ }, // Skitty (R/S)
new EncounterSlotMoves { Species = 300, LevelMin = 08, LevelMax = 08, Type = SlotType.Swarm, Moves = new[] {045, 033, 039, 213} /* Growl, Tackle, Tail Whip, Attract */ }, // Skitty (E)
new EncounterArea3 {
Location = 32, // Route 117
Slots = new[]
new EncounterSlotMoves { Species = 283, LevelMin = 15, LevelMax = 15, Type = SlotType.Swarm, Moves = new[] {145, 098} /* Bubble, Quick Attack */ }, // Surskit (R/S)
new EncounterSlotMoves { Species = 273, LevelMin = 13, LevelMax = 13, Type = SlotType.Swarm, Moves = new[] {106, 074, 267, 073} /* Harden, Growth, Nature Power, Leech Seed */ }, // Seedot (E)
new EncounterArea3 {
Location = 35, // Route 120
Slots = new[]
new EncounterSlotMoves { Species = 283, LevelMin = 28, LevelMax = 28, Type = SlotType.Swarm, Moves = new[] {145, 098} /* Bubble, Quick Attack */ }, // Surskit (R/S)
new EncounterSlotMoves { Species = 273, LevelMin = 25, LevelMax = 25, Type = SlotType.Swarm, Moves = new[] {202, 218, 076, 073} /* Giga Drain, Frustration, Solar Beam, Leech Seed */ }, // Seedot (E)
// Feebas fishing spot
new EncounterArea3 {
Location = 34, // Route 119
Slots = new[]
new EncounterSlot { Species = 349, LevelMin = 20, LevelMax = 25, Type = SlotType.Swarm } // Feebas with any Rod (50%)
private static readonly EncounterArea3[] SlotsFRLGUnown =
GetUnownArea(188, new[] { 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,26 }), // 188 = Monean Chamber
GetUnownArea(189, new[] { 02,02,02,03,03,03,07,07,07,20,20,14 }), // 189 = Liptoo Chamber
GetUnownArea(190, new[] { 13,13,13,13,18,18,18,18,08,08,04,04 }), // 190 = Weepth Chamber
GetUnownArea(191, new[] { 15,15,11,11,09,09,17,17,17,16,16,16 }), // 191 = Dilford Chamber
GetUnownArea(192, new[] { 24,24,19,19,06,06,06,05,05,05,10,10 }), // 192 = Scufib Chamber
GetUnownArea(193, new[] { 21,21,21,22,22,22,23,23,12,12,01,01 }), // 193 = Rixy Chamber
GetUnownArea(194, new[] { 25,25,25,25,25,25,25,25,25,25,25,27 }), // 194 = Viapois Chamber
private static EncounterArea3 GetUnownArea(int location, IReadOnlyList<int> SlotForms)
return new EncounterArea3
Location = location,
Slots = SlotForms.Select((_, i) => new EncounterSlot
Species = 201, LevelMin = 25, LevelMax = 25, Type = SlotType.Grass,
SlotNumber = i,
Form = SlotForms[i]
#region Colosseum
private static readonly EncounterStatic[] Encounter_Colo =
// Colosseum Starters: Gender locked to male
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 196, Level = 25, Location = 254, Gender = 0 }, // Espeon
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 197, Level = 26, Location = 254, Gender = 0, Moves = new[] {044} }, // Umbreon (Bite)
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 296, Level = 30, Gauge = 03000, Moves = new[] {193,116,233,238}, Location = 005, Locks = ColoMakuhita }, // Makuhita: Miror B.Peon Trudly @ Phenac City
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 153, Level = 30, Gauge = 03000, Moves = new[] {241,235,075,034}, Location = 003 }, // Bayleef: Cipher Peon Verde @ Phenac City
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 156, Level = 30, Gauge = 03000, Moves = new[] {241,108,091,172}, Location = 003 }, // Quilava: Cipher Peon Rosso @ Phenac City
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 159, Level = 30, Gauge = 03000, Moves = new[] {240,184,044,057}, Location = 003 }, // Croconaw: Cipher Peon Bluno @ Phenac City
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 153, Level = 30, Gauge = 03000, Moves = new[] {241,235,075,034}, Location = 069 }, // Bayleef: Cipher Peon Verde @ Shadow PKMN Lab
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 156, Level = 30, Gauge = 03000, Moves = new[] {241,108,091,172}, Location = 069 }, // Quilava: Cipher Peon Rosso @ Shadow PKMN Lab
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 159, Level = 30, Gauge = 03000, Moves = new[] {240,184,044,057}, Location = 069 }, // Croconaw: Cipher Peon Bluno @ Shadow PKMN Lab
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 153, Level = 30, Gauge = 03000, Moves = new[] {241,235,075,034}, Location = 115 }, // Bayleef: Cipher Peon Verde @ Realgam Tower
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 156, Level = 30, Gauge = 03000, Moves = new[] {241,108,091,172}, Location = 115 }, // Quilava: Cipher Peon Rosso @ Realgam Tower
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 159, Level = 30, Gauge = 03000, Moves = new[] {240,184,044,057}, Location = 115 }, // Croconaw: Cipher Peon Bluno @ Realgam Tower
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 153, Level = 30, Gauge = 03000, Moves = new[] {241,235,075,034}, Location = 132 }, // Bayleef: Cipher Peon Verde @ Snagem Hideout
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 156, Level = 30, Gauge = 03000, Moves = new[] {241,108,091,172}, Location = 132 }, // Quilava: Cipher Peon Rosso @ Snagem Hideout
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 159, Level = 30, Gauge = 03000, Moves = new[] {240,184,044,057}, Location = 132 }, // Croconaw: Cipher Peon Bluno @ Snagem Hideout
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 218, Level = 30, Gauge = 04000, Moves = new[] {241,281,088,053}, Location = 015 }, // Slugma: Roller Boy Lon @ Pyrite Town
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 164, Level = 30, Gauge = 03000, Moves = new[] {211,095,115,019}, Location = 015 }, // Noctowl: Rider Nover @ Pyrite Town
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 180, Level = 30, Gauge = 03000, Moves = new[] {085,086,178,084}, Location = 015 }, // Flaaffy: St.Performer Diogo @ Pyrite Town
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 188, Level = 30, Gauge = 03000, Moves = new[] {235,079,178,072}, Location = 015 }, // Skiploom: Rider Leba @ Pyrite Town
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 195, Level = 30, Gauge = 04000, Moves = new[] {341,133,021,057}, Location = 015 }, // Quagsire: Bandana Guy Divel @ Pyrite Town
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 200, Level = 30, Gauge = 04000, Moves = new[] {060,109,212,247}, Location = 015 }, // Misdreavus: Rider Vant @ Pyrite Town
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 162, Level = 33, Gauge = 05000, Moves = new[] {231,270,098,070}, Location = 015 }, // Furret: Rogue Cail @ Pyrite Town
// missing loc: Snagem Hideout
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 193, Level = 33, Gauge = 05000, Moves = new[] {197,048,049,253}, Location = 025 }, // Yanma: Cipher Peon Nore @ Pyrite Bldg
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 223, Level = 20, Gauge = 04000, Moves = new[] {061,199,060,062}, Location = 028 }, // Remoraid: Miror B.Peon Reath @ Pyrite Bldg
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 223, Level = 20, Gauge = 04000, Moves = new[] {061,199,060,062}, Location = 030 }, // Remoraid: Miror B.Peon Reath @ Pyrite Cave
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 226, Level = 33, Gauge = 05000, Moves = new[] {017,048,061,036}, Location = 028 }, // Mantine: Miror B.Peon Ferma @ Pyrite Bldg
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 226, Level = 33, Gauge = 05000, Moves = new[] {017,048,061,036}, Location = 030 }, // Mantine: Miror B.Peon Ferma @ Pyrite Cave
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 211, Level = 33, Gauge = 05000, Moves = new[] {042,107,040,057}, Location = 015 }, // Qwilfish: Hunter Doken @ Pyrite Bldg
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 307, Level = 33, Gauge = 05000, Moves = new[] {197,347,093,136}, Location = 031 }, // Meditite: Rider Twan @ Pyrite Cave
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 206, Level = 33, Gauge = 05000, Moves = new[] {180,137,281,036}, Location = 029 }, // Dunsparce: Rider Sosh @ Pyrite Cave
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 333, Level = 33, Gauge = 05000, Moves = new[] {119,047,219,019}, Location = 032 }, // Swablu: Hunter Zalo @ Pyrite Cave
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 185, Level = 35, Gauge = 10000, Moves = new[] {175,335,067,157}, Location = 104 }, // Sudowoodo: Cipher Admin Miror B. @ Realgam Tower
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 185, Level = 35, Gauge = 10000, Moves = new[] {175,335,067,157}, Location = 125 }, // Sudowoodo: Cipher Admin Miror B. @ Deep Colosseum
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 185, Level = 35, Gauge = 10000, Moves = new[] {175,335,067,157}, Location = 030 }, // Sudowoodo: Cipher Admin Miror B. @ Pyrite Cave
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 237, Level = 38, Gauge = 06000, Moves = new[] {097,116,167,229}, Location = 039 }, // Hitmontop: Cipher Peon Skrub @ Agate Village
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 237, Level = 38, Gauge = 06000, Moves = new[] {097,116,167,229}, Location = 132 }, // Hitmontop: Cipher Peon Skrub @ Snagem Hideout
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 237, Level = 38, Gauge = 06000, Moves = new[] {097,116,167,229}, Location = 068 }, // Hitmontop: Cipher Peon Skrub @ Shadow PKMN Lab
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 166, Level = 40, Gauge = 06000, Moves = new[] {226,219,048,004}, Location = 047 }, // Ledian: Cipher Peon Kloak @ The Under
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 166, Level = 40, Gauge = 06000, Moves = new[] {226,219,048,004}, Location = 132 }, // Ledian: Cipher Peon Kloak @ Snagem Hideout
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 244, Level = 40, Gauge = 13000, Moves = new[] {241,043,044,126}, Location = 106 }, // Entei: Cipher Admin Dakim @ Realgam Tower
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 244, Level = 40, Gauge = 13000, Moves = new[] {241,043,044,126}, Location = 125 }, // Entei: Cipher Admin Dakim @ Deep Colosseum
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 244, Level = 40, Gauge = 13000, Moves = new[] {241,043,044,126}, Location = 076 }, // Entei: Cipher Admin Dakim @ Mt. Battle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 245, Level = 40, Gauge = 13000, Moves = new[] {240,043,016,057}, Location = 110 }, // Suicune (Surf): Cipher Admin Venus @ Realgam Tower
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 245, Level = 40, Gauge = 13000, Moves = new[] {240,043,016,056}, Location = 125 }, // Suicune (Hydro Pump): Cipher Admin Venus @ Deep Colosseum
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 245, Level = 40, Gauge = 13000, Moves = new[] {240,043,016,057}, Location = 055 }, // Suicune (Surf): Cipher Admin Venus @ The Under
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 243, Level = 40, Gauge = 13000, Moves = new[] {240,043,098,087}, Location = 113 }, // Raikou: Cipher Admin Ein @ Realgam Tower
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 243, Level = 40, Gauge = 13000, Moves = new[] {240,043,098,087}, Location = 125 }, // Raikou: Cipher Admin Ein @ Deep Colosseum
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 243, Level = 40, Gauge = 13000, Moves = new[] {240,043,098,087}, Location = 069 }, // Raikou: Cipher Admin Ein @ Shadow PKMN Lab
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 207, Level = 43, Gauge = 06000, Moves = new[] {185,028,040,163}, Location = 058, Locks = Gligar }, // Gligar: Hunter Frena @ The Under Subway
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 207, Level = 43, Gauge = 06000, Moves = new[] {185,028,040,163}, Location = 133, Locks = Gligar }, // Gligar: Hunter Frena @ Snagem Hideout
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 234, Level = 43, Gauge = 06000, Moves = new[] {310,095,043,036}, Location = 058 }, // Stantler: Chaser Liaks @ The Under Subway
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 234, Level = 43, Gauge = 06000, Moves = new[] {310,095,043,036}, Location = 133 }, // Stantler: Chaser Liaks @ Snagem Hideout
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 221, Level = 43, Gauge = 06000, Moves = new[] {203,316,091,059}, Location = 058 }, // Piloswine: Bodybuilder Lonia @ The Under Subway
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 221, Level = 43, Gauge = 06000, Moves = new[] {203,316,091,059}, Location = 134 }, // Piloswine: Bodybuilder Lonia @ Snagem Hideout
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 215, Level = 43, Gauge = 06000, Moves = new[] {185,103,154,196}, Location = 058 }, // Sneasel: Rider Nelis @ The Under Subway
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 215, Level = 43, Gauge = 06000, Moves = new[] {185,103,154,196}, Location = 134 }, // Sneasel: Rider Nelis @ Snagem Hideout
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 190, Level = 43, Gauge = 06000, Moves = new[] {226,321,154,129}, Location = 067 }, // Aipom: Cipher Peon Cole @ Shadow PKMN Lab
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 198, Level = 43, Gauge = 06000, Moves = new[] {185,212,101,019}, Location = 067, Locks = Murkrow }, // Murkrow: Cipher Peon Lare @ Shadow PKMN Lab
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 205, Level = 43, Gauge = 06000, Moves = new[] {153,182,117,229}, Location = 067 }, // Forretress: Cipher Peon Vana @ Shadow PKMN Lab
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 168, Level = 43, Gauge = 06000, Moves = new[] {169,184,141,188}, Location = 069 }, // Ariados: Cipher Peon Lesar @ Shadow PKMN Lab
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 210, Level = 43, Gauge = 06000, Moves = new[] {044,184,046,070}, Location = 069 }, // Granbull: Cipher Peon Tanie @ Shadow PKMN Lab
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 329, Level = 43, Gauge = 06000, Moves = new[] {242,103,328,225}, Location = 068 }, // Vibrava: Cipher Peon Remil @ Shadow PKMN Lab
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 192, Level = 45, Gauge = 07000, Moves = new[] {241,074,275,076}, Location = 109 }, // Sunflora: Cipher Peon Baila @ Realgam Tower
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 225, Level = 45, Gauge = 07000, Moves = new[] {059,213,217,019}, Location = 109 }, // Delibird: Cipher Peon Arton @ Realgam Tower
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 214, Level = 45, Gauge = 07000, Moves = new[] {179,203,068,280}, Location = 111, Locks = Heracross }, // Heracross: Cipher Peon Dioge @ Realgam Tower
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 227, Level = 47, Gauge = 13000, Moves = new[] {065,319,314,211}, Location = 117 }, // Skarmory: Snagem Head Gonzap @ Realgam Tower
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 192, Level = 45, Gauge = 07000, Moves = new[] {241,074,275,076}, Location = 132 }, // Sunflora: Cipher Peon Baila @ Snagem Hideout
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 225, Level = 45, Gauge = 07000, Moves = new[] {059,213,217,019}, Location = 132 }, // Delibird: Cipher Peon Arton @ Snagem Hideout
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 214, Level = 45, Gauge = 07000, Moves = new[] {179,203,068,280}, Location = 132 }, // Heracross: Cipher Peon Dioge @ Snagem Hideout
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 227, Level = 47, Gauge = 13000, Moves = new[] {065,319,314,211}, Location = 133 }, // Skarmory: Snagem Head Gonzap @ Snagem Hideout
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 241, Level = 48, Gauge = 07000, Moves = new[] {208,111,205,034}, Location = 118 }, // Miltank: Bodybuilder Jomas @ Tower Colosseum
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 359, Level = 48, Gauge = 07000, Moves = new[] {195,014,163,185}, Location = 118 }, // Absol: Rider Delan @ Tower Colosseum
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 229, Level = 48, Gauge = 07000, Moves = new[] {185,336,123,053}, Location = 118 }, // Houndoom: Cipher Peon Nella @ Tower Colosseum
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 357, Level = 49, Gauge = 07000, Moves = new[] {076,235,345,019}, Location = 118 }, // Tropius: Cipher Peon Ston @ Tower Colosseum
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 376, Level = 50, Gauge = 15000, Moves = new[] {063,334,232,094}, Location = 118 }, // Metagross: Cipher Nascour @ Tower Colosseum
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 248, Level = 55, Gauge = 20000, Moves = new[] {242,087,157,059}, Location = 118 }, // Tyranitar: Cipher Head Evice @ Tower Colosseum
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 235, Level = 45, Gauge = 07000, Moves = new[] {166,039,003,231}, Location = 132 }, // Smeargle: Team Snagem Biden @ Snagem Hideout
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 217, Level = 45, Gauge = 07000, Moves = new[] {185,313,122,163}, Location = 132, Locks = Ursaring }, // Ursaring: Team Snagem Agrev @ Snagem Hideout
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 213, Level = 45, Gauge = 07000, Moves = new[] {219,227,156,117}, Location = 125 }, // Shuckle: Deep King Agnol @ Deep Colosseum
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 176, Level = 20, Gauge = 05000, Moves = new[] {118,204,186,281}, Location = 001 }, // Togetic: Cipher Peon Fein @ Outskirt Stand
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 175, Level = 20, Gauge = 00000, Moves = new[] {118,204,186,281}, IVs = new[] {0,0,0,0,0,0}, EReader = true, Locks = CTogepi }, // Togepi: Chaser ボデス @ Card e Room (Japanese games only)
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 179, Level = 37, Gauge = 00000, Moves = new[] {087,084,086,178}, IVs = new[] {0,0,0,0,0,0}, EReader = true, Locks = CMareep }, // Mareep: Hunter ホル @ Card e Room (Japanese games only)
new EncounterStaticShadow { Species = 212, Level = 50, Gauge = 00000, Moves = new[] {210,232,014,163}, IVs = new[] {0,0,0,0,0,0}, EReader = true, Locks = CScizor }, // Scizor: Bodybuilder ワーバン @ Card e Room (Japanese games only)
#region XD
private static readonly int[] MirorBXDLocations =
090, // Rock
091, // Oasis
092, // Cave
113, // Pyrite Town
059, // Realgam Tower
private static readonly EncounterStatic[] Encounter_XD = new[]
new EncounterStatic { Fateful = true, Gift = true, Species = 133, Level = 10, Location = 000, Moves = new[] {044} }, // Eevee (Bite)
new EncounterStatic { Fateful = true, Gift = true, Species = 152, Level = 05, Location = 016, Moves = new[] {246,033,045,338} }, // Chikorita
new EncounterStatic { Fateful = true, Gift = true, Species = 155, Level = 05, Location = 016, Moves = new[] {179,033,043,307} }, // Cyndaquil
new EncounterStatic { Fateful = true, Gift = true, Species = 158, Level = 05, Location = 016, Moves = new[] {242,010,043,308} }, // Totodile
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 216, Level = 11, Gauge = 03000, Moves = new[] {216,287,122,232}, Location = 143 }, // Teddiursa: Cipher Peon Naps @ Pokémon HQ Lab
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 165, Level = 10, Gauge = 02500, Moves = new[] {060,287,332,048}, Location = 153, Locks = Ledyba, }, // Ledyba: Casual Guy Cyle @ Gateon Port
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 261, Level = 10, Gauge = 02500, Moves = new[] {091,215,305,336}, Location = 162, Locks = Poochyena, }, // Poochyena: Bodybuilder Kilen @ Gateon Port
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 228, Level = 17, Gauge = 01500, Moves = new[] {185,204,052,046}, Location = 011, }, // Houndour: Cipher Peon Resix @ Cipher Lab
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 343, Level = 17, Gauge = 01500, Moves = new[] {317,287,189,060}, Location = 011, }, // Baltoy: Cipher Peon Browsix @ Cipher Lab
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 179, Level = 17, Gauge = 01500, Moves = new[] {034,215,084,086}, Location = 011, }, // Mareep: Cipher Peon Yellosix @ Cipher Lab
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 273, Level = 17, Gauge = 01500, Moves = new[] {202,287,331,290}, Location = 011, Locks = Seedot, }, // Seedot: Cipher Peon Greesix @ Cipher Lab
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 363, Level = 17, Gauge = 01500, Moves = new[] {062,204,055,189}, Location = 011, Locks = Spheal, }, // Spheal: Cipher Peon Blusix @ Cipher Lab
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 316, Level = 17, Gauge = 01500, Moves = new[] {351,047,124,092}, Location = 011, Locks = Gulpin, }, // Gulpin: Cipher Peon Purpsix @ Cipher Lab
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 167, Level = 14, Gauge = 01500, Moves = new[] {091,287,324,101}, Location = 010, Locks = Spinarak, }, // Spinarak: Cipher Peon Nexir @ Cipher Lab
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 322, Level = 14, Gauge = 01500, Moves = new[] {036,204,091,052}, Location = 009, Locks = Numel, }, // Numel: Cipher Peon Solox @ Cipher Lab
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 318, Level = 15, Gauge = 01700, Moves = new[] {352,287,184,044}, Location = 008, }, // Carvanha: Cipher Peon Cabol @ Cipher Lab
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 285, Level = 15, Gauge = 01800, Moves = new[] {206,287,072,078}, Location = 008, Locks = Shroomish, }, // Shroomish: Cipher R&D Klots @ Cipher Lab
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 301, Level = 18, Gauge = 02500, Moves = new[] {290,186,213,351}, Location = 008, Locks = Delcatty, }, // Delcatty: Cipher Admin Lovrina @ Cipher Lab
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 100, Level = 19, Gauge = 02500, Moves = new[] {243,287,209,129}, Location = 092, Locks = Voltorb, }, // Voltorb: Wanderer Miror B. @ Cave Poké Spot
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 296, Level = 18, Gauge = 02000, Moves = new[] {280,287,292,317}, Location = 109, Locks = Makuhita, }, // Makuhita: Cipher Peon Torkin @ ONBS Building
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 037, Level = 18, Gauge = 02000, Moves = new[] {257,204,052,091}, Location = 109, Locks = Vulpix, }, // Vulpix: Cipher Peon Mesin @ ONBS Building
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 355, Level = 19, Gauge = 02200, Moves = new[] {247,270,310,109}, Location = 110, Locks = Duskull, }, // Duskull: Cipher Peon Lobar @ ONBS Building
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 280, Level = 20, Gauge = 02200, Moves = new[] {351,047,115,093}, Location = 119, Locks = Ralts, }, // Ralts: Cipher Peon Feldas @ ONBS Building
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 303, Level = 22, Gauge = 02500, Moves = new[] {206,047,011,334}, Location = 111, Locks = Mawile, }, // Mawile: Cipher Cmdr Exol @ ONBS Building
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 361, Level = 20, Gauge = 02500, Moves = new[] {352,047,044,196}, Location = 097, Locks = Snorunt }, // Snorunt: Cipher Peon Exinn @ Phenac City
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 204, Level = 20, Gauge = 02500, Moves = new[] {042,287,191,068}, Location = 096, Locks = Pineco, }, // Pineco: Cipher Peon Gonrap @ Phenac City
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 177, Level = 22, Gauge = 02500, Moves = new[] {248,226,101,332}, Location = 094, Locks = Natu, }, // Natu: Cipher Peon Eloin @ Phenac City
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 315, Level = 22, Gauge = 03000, Moves = new[] {345,186,320,073}, Location = 113, Locks = Roselia }, // Roselia: Cipher Peon Fasin @ Phenac City
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 315, Level = 22, Gauge = 03000, Moves = new[] {345,186,320,073}, Location = 094, Locks = Roselia }, // Roselia: Cipher Peon Fasin @ Phenac City
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 052, Level = 22, Gauge = 03500, Moves = new[] {163,047,006,044}, Location = 113, Locks = Meowth }, // Meowth: Cipher Peon Fostin @ Phenac City
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 052, Level = 22, Gauge = 03500, Moves = new[] {163,047,006,044}, Location = 094, Locks = Meowth }, // Meowth: Cipher Peon Fostin @ Phenac City
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 220, Level = 22, Gauge = 02500, Moves = new[] {246,204,054,341}, Location = 100, Locks = Swinub }, // Swinub: Cipher Peon Greck @ Phenac City
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 021, Level = 22, Gauge = 04500, Moves = new[] {206,226,043,332}, Location = 059, Locks = Spearow }, // Spearow: Cipher Peon Ezin @ Phenac Stadium
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 021, Level = 22, Gauge = 04500, Moves = new[] {206,226,043,332}, Location = 107, Locks = Spearow }, // Spearow: Cipher Peon Ezin @ Phenac Stadium
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 088, Level = 23, Gauge = 03000, Moves = new[] {188,270,325,107}, Location = 059, Locks = Grimer }, // Grimer: Cipher Peon Faltly @ Phenac Stadium
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 088, Level = 23, Gauge = 03000, Moves = new[] {188,270,325,107}, Location = 107, Locks = Grimer }, // Grimer: Cipher Peon Faltly @ Phenac Stadium
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 086, Level = 23, Gauge = 03500, Moves = new[] {057,270,219,058}, Location = 107, Locks = Seel }, // Seel: Cipher Peon Egrog @ Phenac Stadium
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 337, Level = 25, Gauge = 05000, Moves = new[] {094,226,240,317}, Location = 107, Locks = Lunatone }, // Lunatone: Cipher Admin Snattle @ Phenac Stadium
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 175, Level = 25, Gauge = 04500, Moves = new[] {266,161,246,270}, Location = 164, Gift = true }, // Togepi: Pokémon Trainer Hordel @ Outskirt Stand
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 299, Level = 26, Gauge = 04000, Moves = new[] {085,270,086,157}, Location = 090, Locks = Nosepass }, // Nosepass: Wanderer Miror B. @ Pyrite Colosseum/Realgam Colosseum/Poké Spots
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 299, Level = 26, Gauge = 04000, Moves = new[] {085,270,086,157}, Location = 113, Locks = Nosepass }, // Nosepass: Wanderer Miror B. @ Pyrite Colosseum/Realgam Colosseum/Poké Spots
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 335, Level = 28, Gauge = 05000, Moves = new[] {280,287,068,306}, Location = 071 }, // Zangoose: Thug Zook @ Cipher Key Lair
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 335, Level = 28, Gauge = 05000, Moves = new[] {280,287,068,306}, Location = 090 }, // Zangoose: Thug Zook @ Cipher Key Lair
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 046, Level = 28, Gauge = 04000, Moves = new[] {147,287,163,206}, Location = 064, Locks = Paras }, // Paras: Cipher Peon Humah @ Cipher Key Lair
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 058, Level = 28, Gauge = 04000, Moves = new[] {053,204,044,036}, Location = 064, Locks = Growlithe }, // Growlithe: Cipher Peon Humah @ Cipher Key Lair
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 058, Level = 28, Gauge = 04000, Moves = new[] {053,204,044,036}, Location = 113, Locks = Growlithe }, // Growlithe: Cipher Peon Humah @ Cipher Key Lair
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 015, Level = 30, Gauge = 04500, Moves = new[] {188,226,041,014}, Location = 059 }, // Beedrill: Cipher Peon Lok @ Cipher Key Lair
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 012, Level = 30, Gauge = 04000, Moves = new[] {094,234,079,332}, Location = 059, Locks = Butterfree }, // Butterfree: Cipher Peon Targ @ Cipher Key Lair
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 049, Level = 32, Gauge = 04000, Moves = new[] {318,287,164,094}, Location = 059, Locks = Venomoth }, // Venomoth: Cipher Peon Angic @ Cipher Key Lair
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 097, Level = 34, Gauge = 05500, Moves = new[] {094,226,096,247}, Location = 059, Locks = Hypno }, // Hypno: Cipher Admin Gorigan @ Cipher Key Lair
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 354, Level = 37, Gauge = 07000, Moves = new[] {185,270,247,174}, Location = 059, Locks = Banette }, // Banette: Cipher Peon Litnar @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 090, Level = 29, Gauge = 04000, Moves = new[] {036,287,057,062}, Location = 065 }, // Shellder: Cipher Peon Gorog @ Cipher Key Lair
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 015, Level = 30, Gauge = 04500, Moves = new[] {188,226,041,014}, Location = 066 }, // Beedrill: Cipher Peon Lok @ Cipher Key Lair
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 017, Level = 30, Gauge = 04000, Moves = new[] {017,287,211,297}, Location = 066, Locks = Pidgeotto }, // Pidgeotto: Cipher Peon Lok @ Cipher Key Lair
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 114, Level = 30, Gauge = 04000, Moves = new[] {076,234,241,275}, Location = 067, Locks = Tangela }, // Tangela: Cipher Peon Targ @ Cipher Key Lair
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 012, Level = 30, Gauge = 04000, Moves = new[] {094,234,079,332}, Location = 067, Locks = Butterfree }, // Butterfree: Cipher Peon Targ @ Cipher Key Lair
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 082, Level = 30, Gauge = 04500, Moves = new[] {038,287,240,087}, Location = 067, Locks = Magneton }, // Magneton: Cipher Peon Snidle @ Cipher Key Lair
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 049, Level = 32, Gauge = 04000, Moves = new[] {318,287,164,094}, Location = 070, Locks = Venomoth }, // Venomoth: Cipher Peon Angic @ Cipher Key Lair
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 070, Level = 32, Gauge = 04000, Moves = new[] {345,234,188,230}, Location = 070, Locks = Weepinbell }, // Weepinbell: Cipher Peon Angic @ Cipher Key Lair
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 024, Level = 33, Gauge = 05000, Moves = new[] {188,287,137,044}, Location = 070, Locks = Arbok }, // Arbok: Cipher Peon Smarton @ Cipher Key Lair
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 057, Level = 34, Gauge = 06000, Moves = new[] {238,270,116,179}, Location = 069, Locks = Primeape }, // Primeape: Cipher Admin Gorigan @ Cipher Key Lair
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 097, Level = 34, Gauge = 05500, Moves = new[] {094,226,096,247}, Location = 069, Locks = Hypno }, // Hypno: Cipher Admin Gorigan @ Cipher Key Lair
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 055, Level = 33, Gauge = 06500, Moves = new[] {127,204,244,280}, Location = 088, Locks = Golduck }, // Golduck: Navigator Abson @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 302, Level = 33, Gauge = 07000, Moves = new[] {247,270,185,105}, Location = 088, Locks = Sableye }, // Sableye: Navigator Abson @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 085, Level = 34, Gauge = 08000, Moves = new[] {065,226,097,161}, Location = 076, Locks = Dodrio }, // Dodrio: Chaser Furgy @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 020, Level = 34, Gauge = 06000, Moves = new[] {162,287,184,158}, Location = 076, Locks = Raticate }, // Raticate: Chaser Furgy @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 083, Level = 36, Gauge = 05500, Moves = new[] {163,226,014,332}, Location = 076, Locks = Farfetchd }, // Farfetch'd: Cipher Admin Lovrina @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 334, Level = 36, Gauge = 06500, Moves = new[] {225,215,076,332}, Location = 076, Locks = Altaria }, // Altaria: Cipher Admin Lovrina @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 115, Level = 35, Gauge = 06000, Moves = new[] {089,047,039,146}, Location = 085, Locks = Kangaskhan }, // Kangaskhan: Cipher Peon Litnar @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 354, Level = 37, Gauge = 07000, Moves = new[] {185,270,247,174}, Location = 085, Locks = Banette }, // Banette: Cipher Peon Litnar @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 126, Level = 36, Gauge = 07000, Moves = new[] {126,266,238,009}, Location = 077, Locks = Magmar }, // Magmar: Cipher Peon Grupel @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 127, Level = 35, Gauge = 07000, Moves = new[] {012,270,206,066}, Location = 077, Locks = Pinsir }, // Pinsir: Cipher Peon Grupel @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 078, Level = 40, Gauge = 06000, Moves = new[] {076,226,241,053}, Location = 080, Locks = Rapidash }, // Rapidash: Cipher Peon Kolest @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 219, Level = 38, Gauge = 05500, Moves = new[] {257,287,089,053}, Location = 080, Locks = Magcargo }, // Magcargo: Cipher Peon Kolest @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 107, Level = 38, Gauge = 06000, Moves = new[] {005,270,170,327}, Location = 081, Locks = Hitmonchan }, // Hitmonchan: Cipher Peon Karbon @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 106, Level = 38, Gauge = 07000, Moves = new[] {136,287,170,025}, Location = 081, Locks = Hitmonlee }, // Hitmonlee: Cipher Peon Petro @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 108, Level = 38, Gauge = 05000, Moves = new[] {038,270,111,205}, Location = 084, Locks = Lickitung }, // Lickitung: Cipher Peon Geftal @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 123, Level = 40, Gauge = 08000, Moves = new[] {013,234,318,163}, Location = 084, Locks = Scyther }, // Scyther: Cipher Peon Leden @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 113, Level = 39, Gauge = 04000, Moves = new[] {085,186,135,285}, Location = 084, Locks = Chansey }, // Chansey: Cipher Peon Leden @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 113, Level = 39, Gauge = 04000, Moves = new[] {085,186,135,285}, Location = 087, Locks = Chansey }, // Chansey: Cipher Peon Leden @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 338, Level = 41, Gauge = 07500, Moves = new[] {094,226,241,322}, Location = 087, Locks = Solrock }, // Solrock: Cipher Admin Snattle @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 121, Level = 41, Gauge = 07500, Moves = new[] {127,287,058,105}, Location = 087, Locks = Starmie }, // Starmie: Cipher Admin Snattle @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 277, Level = 43, Gauge = 07000, Moves = new[] {143,226,097,263}, Location = 087 }, // Swellow: Cipher Admin Ardos @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 125, Level = 43, Gauge = 07000, Moves = new[] {238,266,086,085}, Location = 087, Locks = Electabuzz }, // Electabuzz: Cipher Admin Ardos @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 143, Level = 43, Gauge = 09000, Moves = new[] {090,287,174,034}, Location = 087, Locks = Snorlax }, // Snorlax: Cipher Admin Ardos @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 062, Level = 42, Gauge = 07500, Moves = new[] {056,270,240,280}, Location = 087, Locks = Poliwrath }, // Poliwrath: Cipher Admin Gorigan @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 122, Level = 42, Gauge = 06500, Moves = new[] {094,266,227,009}, Location = 087, Locks = MrMime }, // Mr. Mime: Cipher Admin Gorigan @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 051, Level = 40, Gauge = 05000, Moves = new[] {089,204,201,161}, Location = 075, Locks = Dugtrio }, // Dugtrio: Cipher Peon Kolax @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 310, Level = 44, Gauge = 07000, Moves = new[] {087,287,240,044}, Location = 073, Locks = Manectric }, // Manectric: Cipher Admin Eldes @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 373, Level = 50, Gauge = 09000, Moves = new[] {337,287,349,332}, Location = 073, Locks = Salamence }, // Salamence: Cipher Admin Eldes @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 105, Level = 44, Gauge = 06500, Moves = new[] {089,047,014,157}, Location = 073, Locks = Marowak }, // Marowak: Cipher Admin Eldes @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 131, Level = 44, Gauge = 06000, Moves = new[] {056,215,240,059}, Location = 073, Locks = Lapras }, // Lapras: Cipher Admin Eldes @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 249, Level = 50, Gauge = 12000, Moves = new[] {354,297,089,056}, Location = 074 }, // Lugia: Grand Master Greevil @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 112, Level = 46, Gauge = 07000, Moves = new[] {224,270,184,089}, Location = 074 }, // Rhydon: Grand Master Greevil @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 146, Level = 50, Gauge = 10000, Moves = new[] {326,234,261,053}, Location = 074, Locks = Moltres }, // Moltres: Grand Master Greevil @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 103, Level = 46, Gauge = 09000, Moves = new[] {094,287,095,246}, Location = 074, Locks = Exeggutor }, // Exeggutor: Grand Master Greevil @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 128, Level = 46, Gauge = 09000, Moves = new[] {089,287,039,034}, Location = 074, Locks = Tauros }, // Tauros: Grand Master Greevil @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 144, Level = 50, Gauge = 10000, Moves = new[] {326,215,114,058}, Location = 074, Locks = Articuno }, // Articuno: Grand Master Greevil @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 145, Level = 50, Gauge = 10000, Moves = new[] {326,226,319,085}, Location = 074, Locks = Zapdos }, // Zapdos: Grand Master Greevil @ Citadark Isle
new EncounterStaticShadow { Fateful = true, Species = 149, Level = 55, Gauge = 09000, Moves = new[] {063,215,349,089}, Location = 162, Locks = Dragonite }, // Dragonite: Wanderer Miror B. @ Gateon Port
internal static readonly EncounterArea3[] SlotsXD =
new EncounterArea3 { Location = 090, Slots = new[] // Rock
new EncounterSlot {Species = 027, LevelMin = 10, LevelMax = 23, SlotNumber = 0}, // Sandshrew
new EncounterSlot {Species = 207, LevelMin = 10, LevelMax = 20, SlotNumber = 1}, // Gligar
new EncounterSlot {Species = 328, LevelMin = 10, LevelMax = 20, SlotNumber = 2}, // Trapinch
new EncounterArea3 { Location = 091, Slots = new[] // Oasis
new EncounterSlot {Species = 187, LevelMin = 10, LevelMax = 20, SlotNumber = 0}, // Hoppip
new EncounterSlot {Species = 231, LevelMin = 10, LevelMax = 20, SlotNumber = 1}, // Phanpy
new EncounterSlot {Species = 283, LevelMin = 10, LevelMax = 20, SlotNumber = 2}, // Surskit
new EncounterArea3 { Location = 092, Slots = new[] // Cave
new EncounterSlot {Species = 041, LevelMin = 10, LevelMax = 21, SlotNumber = 0}, // Zubat
new EncounterSlot {Species = 304, LevelMin = 10, LevelMax = 21, SlotNumber = 1}, // Aron
new EncounterSlot {Species = 194, LevelMin = 10, LevelMax = 21, SlotNumber = 2}, // Wooper
internal static readonly EncounterStatic[] Encounter_CXD = ConcatAll(Encounter_Colo, Encounter_XD);
private static IEnumerable<EncounterStatic> CloneMirorB(EncounterStatic arg)
yield return arg;
foreach (int loc in MirorBXDLocations)
yield return arg.Clone(loc);