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using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using static PKHeX.Core.EntityConverterResult;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// <summary>
/// Logic for converting a <see cref="PKM"/> from one generation specific format to another.
/// </summary>
public static class EntityConverter
/// <summary>
/// If a conversion method does not officially (legally) exist, then the program can try to convert via other means (illegal).
/// </summary>
public static bool AllowIncompatibleConversion { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Checks if the input <see cref="PKM"/> file is capable of being converted to the desired format.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pk"></param>
/// <param name="format"></param>
/// <returns>True if can be converted to the requested format value.</returns>
public static bool IsConvertibleToFormat(PKM pk, int format)
if (pk.Format >= 3 && pk.Format > format)
return false; // pk3->upward can't go backwards
if (pk.Format <= 2 && format is > 2 and < 7)
return false; // pk1/2->upward has to be 7 or greater
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Converts a PKM from one Generation format to another. If it matches the destination format, the conversion will automatically return.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pk">PKM to convert</param>
/// <param name="destType">Format/Type to convert to</param>
/// <param name="result">Comments regarding the transfer's success/failure</param>
/// <returns>Converted PKM</returns>
public static PKM? ConvertToType(PKM pk, Type destType, out EntityConverterResult result)
Type fromType = pk.GetType();
if (fromType == destType)
result = None;
return pk;
var pkm = ConvertPKM(pk, destType, fromType, out result);
if (!AllowIncompatibleConversion || pkm != null)
return pkm;
if (pk is PK8 && destType == typeof(PB8))
result = SuccessIncompatibleManual;
return new PB8((byte[])pk.Data.Clone());
if (pk is PB8 && destType == typeof(PK8))
result = SuccessIncompatibleManual;
return new PK8((byte[])pk.Data.Clone());
// Try Incompatible Conversion
pkm = EntityBlank.GetBlank(destType);
if (!IsCompatibleWithModifications(pkm))
return null; // NoTransferRoute
result = SuccessIncompatibleReflection;
return pkm;
private static PKM? ConvertPKM(PKM pk, Type destType, Type srcType, out EntityConverterResult result)
result = CheckTransfer(pk);
if (result != Success)
return null;
Debug.WriteLine($"Trying to convert {srcType.Name} to {destType.Name}.");
// All types that inherit PKM have the generation specifier as the last char in their class name.
return ConvertPKM(pk, destType, ref result);
private static PKM? ConvertPKM(PKM pk, Type destType, ref EntityConverterResult result)
PKM? pkm = pk.Clone();
if (pkm.IsEgg)
while (true)
pkm = IntermediaryConvert(pkm, destType, ref result);
if (pkm == null) // fail convert
return null;
if (pkm.GetType() == destType) // finish convert
return pkm;
private static PKM? IntermediaryConvert(PKM pk, Type destType, ref EntityConverterResult result) => pk switch
// Non-sequential
PK1 pk1 when destType.Name[^1] - '0' > 2 => pk1.ConvertToPK7(),
PK2 pk2 when destType.Name[^1] - '0' > 2 => pk2.ConvertToPK7(),
PK2 pk2 when destType == typeof(SK2) => pk2.ConvertToSK2(),
PK3 pk3 when destType == typeof(CK3) => pk3.ConvertToCK3(),
PK3 pk3 when destType == typeof(XK3) => pk3.ConvertToXK3(),
PK4 pk4 when destType == typeof(BK4) => pk4.ConvertToBK4(),
// Invalid
PK2 { Species: > Legal.MaxSpeciesID_1 } => InvalidTransfer(out result, IncompatibleSpecies),
// Sequential
PK1 pk1 => pk1.ConvertToPK2(),
PK2 pk2 => pk2.ConvertToPK1(),
PK3 pk3 => pk3.ConvertToPK4(),
PK4 pk4 => pk4.ConvertToPK5(),
PK5 pk5 => pk5.ConvertToPK6(),
PK6 pk6 => pk6.ConvertToPK7(),
PK7 pk7 => pk7.ConvertToPK8(),
PB7 pb7 => pb7.ConvertToPK8(),
// Side-Formats back to Mainline
SK2 sk2 => sk2.ConvertToPK2(),
CK3 ck3 => ck3.ConvertToPK3(),
XK3 xk3 => xk3.ConvertToPK3(),
BK4 bk4 => bk4.ConvertToPK4(),
_ => InvalidTransfer(out result, NoTransferRoute),
private static PKM? InvalidTransfer(out EntityConverterResult result, EntityConverterResult value)
result = value;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Checks to see if a PKM is transferable relative to in-game restrictions and <see cref="PKM.Form"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pk">PKM to convert</param>
/// <returns>Indication if Not Transferable</returns>
private static EntityConverterResult CheckTransfer(PKM pk) => pk switch
PK4 { Species: (int)Species.Pichu, Form: not 0 } => IncompatibleForm,
PK6 { Species: (int)Species.Pikachu, Form: not 0 } => IncompatibleForm,
PB7 { Species: (int)Species.Pikachu, Form: not 0 } => IncompatibleForm,
PB7 { Species: (int)Species.Eevee, Form: not 0 } => IncompatibleForm,
_ => Success,
/// <summary>
/// Checks if the <see cref="PKM"/> is compatible with the input <see cref="PKM"/>, and makes any necessary modifications to force compatibility.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Should only be used when forcing a backwards conversion to sanitize the PKM fields to the target format.
/// If the PKM is compatible, some properties may be forced to sanitized values.</remarks>
/// <param name="pk">PKM input that is to be sanity checked.</param>
/// <param name="limit">Value clamps for the destination format</param>
/// <returns>Indication whether or not the PKM is compatible.</returns>
public static bool IsCompatibleWithModifications(PKM pk, IGameValueLimit limit)
if (pk.Species > limit.MaxSpeciesID)
return false;
MakeCompatible(pk, limit);
return true;
private static void MakeCompatible(PKM pk, IGameValueLimit limit)
if (pk.HeldItem > limit.MaxItemID)
pk.HeldItem = 0;
if (pk.Nickname.Length > limit.NickLength)
pk.Nickname = pk.Nickname[..pk.NickLength];
if (pk.OT_Name.Length > limit.OTLength)
pk.OT_Name = pk.OT_Name[..pk.OTLength];
if (pk.Move1 > limit.MaxMoveID || pk.Move2 > limit.MaxMoveID || pk.Move3 > limit.MaxMoveID || pk.Move4 > limit.MaxMoveID)
int maxEV = pk.MaxEV;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if (pk.GetEV(i) > maxEV)
pk.SetEV(i, maxEV);
int maxIV = pk.MaxIV;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if (pk.GetIV(i) > maxIV)
pk.SetIV(i, maxIV);
/// <inheritdoc cref="IsCompatibleWithModifications(PKM, IGameValueLimit)"/>
public static bool IsCompatibleWithModifications(PKM pk) => IsCompatibleWithModifications(pk, pk);
/// <summary>
/// Checks if the input <see cref="PKM"/> is compatible with the target <see cref="PKM"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pk">Input to check -> update/sanitize</param>
/// <param name="target">Target type PKM with misc properties accessible for checking.</param>
/// <param name="result">Comment output</param>
/// <param name="converted">Output compatible PKM</param>
/// <returns>Indication if the input is (now) compatible with the target.</returns>
public static bool TryMakePKMCompatible(PKM pk, PKM target, out EntityConverterResult result, out PKM converted)
if (!IsConvertibleToFormat(pk, target.Format))
converted = target;
if (!AllowIncompatibleConversion)
result = NoTransferRoute;
return false;
if (IsIncompatibleGB(target, target.Japanese, pk.Japanese))
converted = target;
result = IncompatibleLanguageGB;
return false;
var convert = ConvertToType(pk, target.GetType(), out result);
if (convert == null)
converted = target;
return false;
converted = convert;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Checks if a <see cref="GBPKM"/> is incompatible with the Generation 1/2 destination environment.
/// </summary>
public static bool IsIncompatibleGB(PKM pk, bool destJapanese, bool srcJapanese)
if (pk.Format > 2)
return false;
if (destJapanese == srcJapanese)
return false;
if (pk is SK2 sk2 && sk2.IsPossible(srcJapanese))
return false;
return true;