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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using static System.Buffers.Binary.BinaryPrimitives;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// <inheritdoc cref="EncounterArea" />
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="GameVersion.BDSP"/> encounter area
/// </summary>
public sealed record EncounterArea8b : EncounterArea
public readonly EncounterSlot8b[] Slots;
protected override IReadOnlyList<EncounterSlot> Raw => Slots;
public static EncounterArea8b[] GetAreas(BinLinkerAccessor input, GameVersion game)
var result = new EncounterArea8b[input.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
result[i] = new EncounterArea8b(input[i], game);
return result;
private EncounterArea8b(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data, GameVersion game) : base(game)
Location = ReadInt16LittleEndian(data);
Type = (SlotType)data[2];
Slots = ReadSlots(data);
private EncounterSlot8b[] ReadSlots(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data)
const int size = 4;
int count = (data.Length - 4) / size;
var slots = new EncounterSlot8b[count];
for (int i = 0; i < slots.Length; i++)
int offset = 4 + (size * i);
var entry = data.Slice(offset, size);
slots[i] = ReadSlot(entry);
return slots;
private EncounterSlot8b ReadSlot(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data)
ushort species = ReadUInt16LittleEndian(data);
byte form = (byte)(species >> 11);
species &= 0x3FF;
byte min = data[2];
byte max = data[3];
return new EncounterSlot8b(this, species, form, min, max);
public override bool IsMatchLocation(int location)
if (base.IsMatchLocation(location))
return true;
return CanCrossoverTo(location);
private bool CanCrossoverTo(int location)
if (Type is SlotType.Surf)
return Location switch
486 => location is 167, // Route 223 -> Pokémon League
167 => location is 486, // Pokémon League -> Route 223
420 => location is 489, // Route 229 -> Route 230
489 => location is 420, // Route 230 -> Route 229
// All other crossover surf locations are identical slot lists.
_ => false,
// No crossover
return false;
public override IEnumerable<EncounterSlot> GetMatchingSlots(PKM pk, EvoCriteria[] chain)
foreach (var slot in Slots)
foreach (var evo in chain)
if (slot.Species != evo.Species)
if (!slot.IsLevelWithinRange(pk.Met_Level))
if (slot.Form != evo.Form && slot.Species is not (int)Species.Burmy)
if (Type is SlotType.HoneyTree && IsInaccessibleHoneySlotLocation(slot, pk))
yield return slot;
private static bool IsInaccessibleHoneySlotLocation(EncounterSlot8b slot, PKM pk)
// A/B/C tables, only Munchlax is a 'C' encounter, and A/B are accessible from any tree.
// C table encounters are only available from 4 trees, which are determined by TID/SID of the save file.
if (slot.Species is not (int)Species.Munchlax)
return false;
// We didn't encode the honey tree index to the encounter slot resource.
// Check if any of the slot's location doesn't match any of the groupC trees' area location ID.
var location = pk.Met_Location;
var trees = SAV4Sinnoh.CalculateMunchlaxTrees(pk.TID, pk.SID);
return LocationID_HoneyTree[trees.Tree1] != location
&& LocationID_HoneyTree[trees.Tree2] != location
&& LocationID_HoneyTree[trees.Tree3] != location
&& LocationID_HoneyTree[trees.Tree4] != location;
private static readonly ushort[] LocationID_HoneyTree =
359, // 00 Route 205 Floaroma
361, // 01 Route 205 Eterna
362, // 02 Route 206
364, // 03 Route 207
365, // 04 Route 208
367, // 05 Route 209
373, // 06 Route 210 Solaceon
375, // 07 Route 210 Celestic
378, // 08 Route 211
379, // 09 Route 212 Hearthome
383, // 10 Route 212 Pastoria
385, // 11 Route 213
392, // 12 Route 214
394, // 13 Route 215
400, // 14 Route 218
404, // 15 Route 221
407, // 16 Route 222
197, // 17 Valley Windworks
199, // 18 Eterna Forest
201, // 19 Fuego Ironworks
253, // 20 Floaroma Meadow