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synced 2025-03-08 01:07:27 +00:00
Default settings do not flag, as Database view does not track the savefile (LegalityAnalysis only indirectly references the latest loaded save file, not the true source). Bulk Analysis will flag them correctly if run. Can be turned off.
258 lines
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258 lines
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using System;
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// <summary>
/// Verifies the Friendship, Affection, and other miscellaneous stats that can be present for OT/HT data.
/// </summary>
public sealed class HistoryVerifier : Verifier
protected override CheckIdentifier Identifier => CheckIdentifier.Memory;
public override void Verify(LegalityAnalysis data)
bool neverOT = !GetCanOTHandle(data.Info.EncounterMatch, data.pkm, data.Info.Generation);
VerifyHandlerState(data, neverOT);
VerifyOTMisc(data, neverOT);
private void VerifyTradeState(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pkm = data.pkm;
if (data.pkm is IGeoTrack t)
VerifyGeoLocationData(data, t, data.pkm);
if (pkm.VC && pkm is PK7 {Geo1_Country: 0}) // VC transfers set Geo1 Country
if (!pkm.IsUntraded)
// Can't have HT details even as a Link Trade egg, except in some games.
if (pkm.IsEgg && !EggStateLegality.IsValidHTEgg(pkm))
if (pkm.CurrentHandler != 0) // Badly edited; PKHeX doesn't trip this.
else if (pkm.HT_Friendship != 0)
else if (pkm is IAffection {HT_Affection: not 0})
// Don't check trade evolutions if Untraded. The Evolution Chain already checks for trade evolutions.
/// <summary>
/// Checks if the <see cref="PKM.CurrentHandler"/> state is set correctly.
/// </summary>
private void VerifyHandlerState(LegalityAnalysis data, bool neverOT)
var pkm = data.pkm;
var Info = data.Info;
// HT Flag
if (ParseSettings.CheckActiveHandler)
var tr = ParseSettings.ActiveTrainer;
var withOT = tr.IsFromTrainer(pkm);
var flag = pkm.CurrentHandler;
var expect = withOT ? 0 : 1;
if (flag != expect)
if (flag == 1)
if (pkm.HT_Name != tr.OT)
if (pkm is IHandlerLanguage h && h.HT_Language != tr.Language)
if ((Info.Generation != pkm.Format || neverOT) && pkm.CurrentHandler != 1)
/// <summary>
/// Checks the non-Memory data for the <see cref="PKM.OT_Name"/> details.
/// </summary>
private void VerifyOTMisc(LegalityAnalysis data, bool neverOT)
var pkm = data.pkm;
var Info = data.Info;
VerifyOTAffection(data, neverOT, Info.Generation, pkm);
VerifyOTFriendship(data, neverOT, Info.Generation, pkm);
private void VerifyOTFriendship(LegalityAnalysis data, bool neverOT, int origin, PKM pkm)
if (origin < 0)
if (origin <= 2)
VerifyOTFriendshipVC12(data, pkm);
if (neverOT)
// Verify the original friendship value since it cannot change from the value it was assigned in the original generation.
// If none match, then it is not a valid OT friendship.
var fs = pkm.OT_Friendship;
var enc = data.Info.EncounterMatch;
if (GetBaseFriendship(enc, origin) != fs)
private void VerifyOTFriendshipVC12(LegalityAnalysis data, PKM pkm)
// Verify the original friendship value since it cannot change from the value it was assigned in the original generation.
// Since some evolutions have different base friendship values, check all possible evolutions for a match.
// If none match, then it is not a valid OT friendship.
// VC transfers use SM personal info
var any = IsMatchFriendship(data.Info.EvoChainsAllGens.Gen7, PersonalTable.USUM, pkm.OT_Friendship);
if (!any)
private static bool IsMatchFriendship(EvoCriteria[] evos, PersonalTable pt, int fs)
foreach (var z in evos)
if (!pt.IsPresentInGame(z.Species, z.Form))
var entry = pt.GetFormEntry(z.Species, z.Form);
if (entry.BaseFriendship == fs)
return true;
return false;
private void VerifyOTAffection(LegalityAnalysis data, bool neverOT, int origin, PKM pkm)
if (pkm is not IAffection a)
if (origin < 6)
// Can gain affection in Gen6 via the Contest glitch applying affection to OT rather than HT.
// VC encounters cannot obtain OT affection since they can't visit Gen6.
if ((origin <= 2 && a.OT_Affection != 0) || IsInvalidContestAffection(a))
else if (neverOT)
if (origin == 6)
if (pkm.IsUntraded && pkm.XY)
if (a.OT_Affection != 0)
else if (IsInvalidContestAffection(a))
if (a.OT_Affection != 0)
/// <summary>
/// Checks the non-Memory data for the <see cref="PKM.HT_Name"/> details.
/// </summary>
private void VerifyHTMisc(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pkm = data.pkm;
var htGender = pkm.HT_Gender;
if (htGender > 1 || (pkm.IsUntraded && htGender != 0))
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LegalityCheckStrings.LMemoryHTGender, htGender)));
if (pkm is IHandlerLanguage h)
VerifyHTLanguage(data, h, pkm);
private void VerifyHTLanguage(LegalityAnalysis data, IHandlerLanguage h, PKM pkm)
if (h.HT_Language == 0)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pkm.HT_Name))
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pkm.HT_Name))
else if (h.HT_Language > (int)LanguageID.ChineseT)
private void VerifyGeoLocationData(LegalityAnalysis data, IGeoTrack t, PKM pkm)
var valid = t.GetValidity();
if (valid == GeoValid.CountryAfterPreviousEmpty)
else if (valid == GeoValid.RegionWithoutCountry)
if (t.Geo1_Country != 0 && pkm.IsUntraded) // traded
// ORAS contests mistakenly apply 20 affection to the OT instead of the current handler's value
private static bool IsInvalidContestAffection(IAffection pkm) => pkm.OT_Affection != 255 && pkm.OT_Affection % 20 != 0;
public static bool GetCanOTHandle(IEncounterTemplate enc, PKM pkm, int generation)
// Handlers introduced in Generation 6. OT Handling was always the case for Generation 3-5 data.
if (generation < 6)
return generation >= 3;
return enc switch
EncounterTrade => false,
EncounterSlot8GO => false,
WC6 wc6 when wc6.OT_Name.Length > 0 => false,
WC7 wc7 when wc7.OT_Name.Length > 0 && wc7.TID != 18075 => false, // Ash Pikachu QR Gift doesn't set Current Handler
WC8 wc8 when wc8.GetHasOT(pkm.Language) => false,
WB8 wb8 when wb8.GetHasOT(pkm.Language) => false,
WA8 wa8 when wa8.GetHasOT(pkm.Language) => false,
WC8 {IsHOMEGift: true} => false,
_ => true,
private static int GetBaseFriendship(IEncounterTemplate enc, int generation) => enc switch
IFixedOTFriendship f => f.OT_Friendship,
{ Version: GameVersion.BDSP or GameVersion.BD or GameVersion.SP }
=> PersonalTable.BDSP.GetFormEntry(enc.Species, enc.Form).BaseFriendship,
{ Version: GameVersion.PLA }
=> PersonalTable.LA .GetFormEntry(enc.Species, enc.Form).BaseFriendship,
_ => GetBaseFriendship(generation, enc.Species, enc.Form),
private static int GetBaseFriendship(int generation, int species, int form) => generation switch
6 => PersonalTable.AO[species].BaseFriendship,
7 => PersonalTable.USUM[species].BaseFriendship,
8 => PersonalTable.SWSH.GetFormEntry(species, form).BaseFriendship,
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(generation)),