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synced 2025-03-05 07:47:38 +00:00
[Language Reference](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/proposals/csharp-10.0/file-scoped-namespaces) Updates all the files, one less level of indentation. Some small changes were made to API surfaces, renaming `PKM pkm` -> `PKM pk`, and `LegalityAnalysis.pkm` -> `LegalityAnalysis.Entity`
264 lines
7.3 KiB
264 lines
7.3 KiB
using System;
using static System.Buffers.Binary.BinaryPrimitives;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
public sealed class FestaBlock5 : SaveBlock<SAV5B2W2>
public FestaBlock5(SAV5B2W2 SAV, int offset) : base(SAV) => Offset = offset;
public const ushort MaxScore = 9999;
public const int FunfestFlag = 2438;
public const int MaxMissionIndex = (int)Funfest5Mission.TheBerryHuntingAdventure;
public ushort Hosted
get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(Offset + 0xF0));
set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(Offset + 0xF0), Math.Min(MaxScore, value));
public ushort Participated
get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(Offset + 0xF2));
set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(Offset + 0xF2), Math.Min(MaxScore, value));
public ushort Completed
get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(Offset + 0xF4));
set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(Offset + 0xF4), Math.Min(MaxScore, value));
public ushort TopScores
get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(Offset + 0xF6));
set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(Offset + 0xF6), Math.Min(MaxScore, value));
public byte WhiteEXP
get => Data[Offset + 0xF8];
set => Data[Offset + 0xF8] = value;
public byte BlackEXP
get => Data[Offset + 0xF9];
set => Data[Offset + 0xF9] = value;
public byte Participants
get => Data[Offset + 0xFA];
set => Data[Offset + 0xFA] = value;
private static int GetMissionRecordOffset(int mission)
if ((uint)mission > MaxMissionIndex)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(mission));
return mission * sizeof(uint);
public Funfest5Score GetMissionRecord(int mission)
var raw = ReadUInt32LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(Offset + GetMissionRecordOffset(mission)));
return new Funfest5Score(raw);
public void SetMissionRecord(int mission, Funfest5Score score)
var value = score.RawValue;
WriteUInt32LittleEndian(Data.AsSpan(Offset + GetMissionRecordOffset(mission)), value);
public bool IsFunfestMissionsUnlocked
get => SAV.GetEventFlag(FunfestFlag);
set => SAV.SetEventFlag(FunfestFlag, value);
public bool IsFunfestMissionUnlocked(int mission)
if ((uint) mission > MaxMissionIndex)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(mission));
if (mission == 0)
return !IsFunfestMissionsUnlocked;
var req = FunfestMissionUnlockFlagRequired[mission];
foreach (var f in req)
if (!SAV.GetEventFlag(f))
return false;
return true;
public void UnlockFunfestMission(int mission)
if ((uint)mission > MaxMissionIndex)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(mission));
IsFunfestMissionsUnlocked = true;
var req = FunfestMissionUnlockFlagRequired[mission];
foreach (var f in req)
SAV.SetEventFlag(f, true);
public void UnlockAllFunfestMissions()
for (int i = 0; i < MaxMissionIndex; i++)
private readonly int[][] FunfestMissionUnlockFlagRequired =
Array.Empty<int>(), // 00
Array.Empty<int>(), // 01
new[] { 2444 }, // 02
Array.Empty<int>(), // 03
new[] { 2445 }, // 04
Array.Empty<int>(), // 05
new[] { 2462 }, // 06
new[] { 2452, 2476 }, // 07
new[] { 2476, 2548 }, // 08
new[] { 2447 }, new[] { 2447 }, // 09
new[] { 2453 }, new[] { 2453 }, // 10
new[] { 2504 }, // 11
new[] { 2457, 2507 }, // 12
new[] { 2458, 2478 }, // 13
new[] { 2456, 2508 }, // 14
new[] { 2448 }, new[] { 2448 }, // 15
new[] { 2549 }, // 16
new[] { 2449 }, // 17
new[] { 2479, 2513 }, // 18
new[] { 2479, 2550 }, // 19
new[] { 2481 }, // 20
new[] { 2459 }, // 21
new[] { 2454 }, // 22
new[] { 2551 }, // 23
new[] { 2400 }, // 24
new[] { 2400 }, // 25
new[] { 2400 }, new[] { 2400 }, // 26
new[] { 2400 }, new[] { 2400 }, // 27
new[] { 2400 }, // 28
new[] { 2400, 2460 }, // 29
new[] { 2400 }, // 30
new[] { 2400, 2461 }, new[] { 2400, 2461 }, // 31
new[] { 2437 }, // 32
new[] { 2450 }, // 33
new[] { 2451 }, // 34
new[] { 2455 }, // 35
new[] { 0105 }, // 36
new[] { 2400 }, // 37
new[] { 2557 }, // 38
public static int GetExpNeededForLevelUp(int lv)
return lv > 8 ? 50 : (lv * 5) + 5;
public static int GetTotalEntreeExp(int lv)
if (lv < 9)
return lv * (lv + 1) * 5 / 2;
return ((lv - 9) * 50) + 225;
public enum Funfest5Mission
TheFirstBerrySearch = 0,
CollectBerries = 1,
FindLostItems = 2,
FindLostBoys = 3,
EnjoyShopping = 4,
FindAudino = 5,
SearchFor3Pokemon = 6,
TrainwithMartialArtists = 7,
Sparringwith10Trainers = 8,
B_GetRichQuick = 9,
W_TreasureHunting = 10,
B_ExcitingTrading = 11,
W_ExhilaratingTrading = 12,
FindEmolga = 13,
WingsFallingontheDrawbridge = 14,
FindTreasures = 15,
MushroomsHideAndSeek = 16,
B_FindMysteriousOres = 17,
W_FindShiningOres = 18,
The2LostTreasures = 19,
BigHarvestofBerries = 20,
RingtheBell = 21,
TheBellthatRings3Times = 22,
PathtoanAce = 23,
ShockingShopping = 24,
MemoryTraining = 25,
PushtheLimitofYourMemory = 26,
FindRustlingGrass = 27,
FindShards = 28,
B_ForgottenLostItems = 29,
W_NotFoundLostItems = 30,
B_WhatistheBestPrice = 31,
W_WhatistheRealPrice = 32,
GivemetheItem = 33,
DoaGreatTradeUp = 34,
SearchHiddenGrottes = 35,
B_NoisyHiddenGrottes = 36,
W_QuietHiddenGrottes = 37,
FishingCompetition = 38,
MulchCollector = 39,
WhereareFlutteringHearts = 40,
RockPaperScissorsCompetition = 41,
TakeaWalkwithEggs = 42,
FindSteelix = 43,
TheBerryHuntingAdventure = 44,
public record struct Funfest5Score
public uint RawValue { get; set; }
public Funfest5Score(uint raw) => RawValue = raw;
public Funfest5Score(int total, int score, int level, bool isNew)
RawValue = 0;
Total = total;
Score = score;
Level = level;
IsNew = isNew;
// Structure - 32bits
// u32 bestTotal:14
// u32 bestScore:14
// u32 level:3
// u32 isNew:1
public int Total
get => (int)(RawValue & 0x3FFFu);
set => RawValue = (RawValue & ~0x3FFFu) | ((uint)value & 0x3FFFu);
public int Score
get => (int)((RawValue >> 14) & 0x3FFFu);
set => RawValue = (RawValue & 0xF0003FFFu) | (((uint)value & 0x3FFFu) << 14);
public int Level
get => (int)((RawValue >> 28) & 0x7u);
set => RawValue = (RawValue & 0x8FFFFFFFu) | (((uint)value & 0x7u) << 28);
public bool IsNew
get => RawValue >> 31 == 1;
set => RawValue = (RawValue & 0x7FFFFFFFu) | ((value ? 1u : 0) << 31);