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synced 2025-03-07 08:47:21 +00:00
`Moveset` struct stores 4 moves, and exposes methods to interact with a moveset. `IndividualValueSet` stores a 6 IV template (signed). Performance impact: * Less allocating on the heap: Moves - (8 bytes member ptr, 20 bytes heap->8 bytes member) * Less allocating on the heap: IVs - (8 bytes member ptr, 28 bytes heap->8 bytes member) * No heap pointers, no need to jump to grab data. * Easy to inline logic for checking if moves are present (no linq usage with temporary collections). End result is faster ctor times, less memory used, faster program.
190 lines
13 KiB
190 lines
13 KiB
using static PKHeX.Core.EncounterUtil;
using static PKHeX.Core.GameVersion;
using static PKHeX.Core.AbilityPermission;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// <summary>
/// Generation 3 Encounters
/// </summary>
internal static class Encounters3
private static readonly EncounterArea3[] SlotsSwarmRSE = GetSwarm("rse_swarm", "rs", RSE);
internal static readonly EncounterArea3[] SlotsR = ArrayUtil.ConcatAll(GetRegular("r", "ru", R), SlotsSwarmRSE);
internal static readonly EncounterArea3[] SlotsS = ArrayUtil.ConcatAll(GetRegular("s", "sa", S), SlotsSwarmRSE);
internal static readonly EncounterArea3[] SlotsE = ArrayUtil.ConcatAll(GetRegular("e", "em", E), SlotsSwarmRSE);
internal static readonly EncounterArea3[] SlotsFR = GetRegular("fr", "fr", FR);
internal static readonly EncounterArea3[] SlotsLG = GetRegular("lg", "lg", LG);
private static EncounterArea3[] GetRegular(string resource, string ident, GameVersion game) => EncounterArea3.GetAreas(Get(resource, ident), game);
private static EncounterArea3[] GetSwarm(string resource, string ident, GameVersion game) => EncounterArea3.GetAreasSwarm(Get(resource, ident), game);
static Encounters3()
MarkEncounterTradeStrings(TradeGift_RSE, TradeRSE);
MarkEncounterTradeStrings(TradeGift_FRLG, TradeFRLG);
private static readonly EncounterStatic3[] Encounter_RSE_Roam =
new(380, 40, S) { Roaming = true, Location = 016 }, // Latias
new(380, 40, E) { Roaming = true, Location = 016 }, // Latias
new(381, 40, R) { Roaming = true, Location = 016 }, // Latios
new(381, 40, E) { Roaming = true, Location = 016 }, // Latios
private static readonly EncounterStatic3[] Encounter_RSE_Regular =
// Starters
new(152, 05, E ) { Gift = true, Location = 000 }, // Chikorita @ Littleroot Town
new(155, 05, E ) { Gift = true, Location = 000 }, // Cyndaquil
new(158, 05, E ) { Gift = true, Location = 000 }, // Totodile
new(252, 05, RSE) { Gift = true, Location = 016 }, // Treecko @ Route 101
new(255, 05, RSE) { Gift = true, Location = 016 }, // Torchic
new(258, 05, RSE) { Gift = true, Location = 016 }, // Mudkip
// Fossil @ Rustboro City
new(345, 20, RSE) { Gift = true, Location = 010 }, // Lileep
new(347, 20, RSE) { Gift = true, Location = 010 }, // Anorith
// Gift
new(351, 25, RSE) { Gift = true, Location = 034 }, // Castform @ Weather Institute
new(374, 05, RSE) { Gift = true, Location = 013 }, // Beldum @ Mossdeep City
new(360, 05, RSE) { Gift = true, EggLocation = 253 }, // Wynaut Egg
// Stationary
new(352, 30, RSE) { Location = 034 }, // Kecleon @ Route 119
new(352, 30, RSE) { Location = 035 }, // Kecleon @ Route 120
new(101, 30, RS ) { Location = 066 }, // Electrode @ Hideout (R:Magma Hideout/S:Aqua Hideout)
new(101, 30, E ) { Location = 197 }, // Electrode @ Aqua Hideout
new(185, 40, E ) { Location = 058 }, // Sudowoodo @ Battle Frontier
// Stationary Lengendary
new(377, 40, RSE) { Location = 082 }, // Regirock @ Desert Ruins
new(378, 40, RSE) { Location = 081 }, // Regice @ Island Cave
new(379, 40, RSE) { Location = 083 }, // Registeel @ Ancient Tomb
new(380, 50, R ) { Location = 073 }, // Latias @ Southern Island
new(380, 50, E) { Location = 073, Fateful = true }, // Latias @ Southern Island
new(381, 50, S ) { Location = 073 }, // Latios @ Southern Island
new(381, 50, E) { Location = 073, Fateful = true }, // Latios @ Southern Island
new(382, 45, S ) { Location = 072 }, // Kyogre @ Cave of Origin
new(382, 70, E) { Location = 203 }, // Kyogre @ Marine Cave
new(383, 45, R ) { Location = 072 }, // Groudon @ Cave of Origin
new(383, 70, E) { Location = 205 }, // Groudon @ Terra Cave
new(384, 70, RSE) { Location = 085 }, // Rayquaza @ Sky Pillar
// Event
new(151, 30, E) { Location = 201, Fateful = true }, // Mew @ Faraway Island (Unreleased outside of Japan)
new(249, 70, E) { Location = 211, Fateful = true }, // Lugia @ Navel Rock
new(250, 70, E) { Location = 211, Fateful = true }, // Ho-Oh @ Navel Rock
new(386, 30, E) { Location = 200, Fateful = true, Form = 3 }, // Deoxys @ Birth Island
private static readonly EncounterStatic3[] Encounter_FRLG_Roam =
new(243, 50, FRLG) { Roaming = true, Location = 16 }, // Raikou
new(244, 50, FRLG) { Roaming = true, Location = 16 }, // Entei
new(245, 50, FRLG) { Roaming = true, Location = 16 }, // Suicune
private static readonly EncounterStatic3[] Encounter_FRLG_Stationary =
// Starters @ Pallet Town
new(001, 05, FRLG) { Gift = true, Location = 088 }, // Bulbasaur
new(004, 05, FRLG) { Gift = true, Location = 088 }, // Charmander
new(007, 05, FRLG) { Gift = true, Location = 088 }, // Squirtle
// Fossil @ Cinnabar Island
new(138, 05, FRLG) { Gift = true, Location = 096 }, // Omanyte
new(140, 05, FRLG) { Gift = true, Location = 096 }, // Kabuto
new(142, 05, FRLG) { Gift = true, Location = 096 }, // Aerodactyl
// Gift
new(106, 25, FRLG) { Gift = true, Location = 098 }, // Hitmonlee @ Saffron City
new(107, 25, FRLG) { Gift = true, Location = 098 }, // Hitmonchan @ Saffron City
new(129, 05, FRLG) { Gift = true, Location = 099 }, // Magikarp @ Route 4
new(131, 25, FRLG) { Gift = true, Location = 134 }, // Lapras @ Silph Co.
new(133, 25, FRLG) { Gift = true, Location = 094 }, // Eevee @ Celadon City
new(175, 05, FRLG) { Gift = true, EggLocation = 253 }, // Togepi Egg
// Celadon City Game Corner
new(063, 09, FR) { Gift = true, Location = 94 }, // Abra
new(035, 08, FR) { Gift = true, Location = 94 }, // Clefairy
new(123, 25, FR) { Gift = true, Location = 94 }, // Scyther
new(147, 18, FR) { Gift = true, Location = 94 }, // Dratini
new(137, 26, FR) { Gift = true, Location = 94 }, // Porygon
new(063, 07, LG) { Gift = true, Location = 94 }, // Abra
new(035, 12, LG) { Gift = true, Location = 94 }, // Clefairy
new(127, 18, LG) { Gift = true, Location = 94 }, // Pinsir
new(147, 24, LG) { Gift = true, Location = 94 }, // Dratini
new(137, 18, LG) { Gift = true, Location = 94 }, // Porygon
// Stationary
new(143, 30, FRLG) { Location = 112 }, // Snorlax @ Route 12
new(143, 30, FRLG) { Location = 116 }, // Snorlax @ Route 16
new(101, 34, FRLG) { Location = 142 }, // Electrode @ Power Plant
new(097, 30, FRLG) { Location = 176 }, // Hypno @ Berry Forest
// Stationary Legendary
new(144, 50, FRLG) { Location = 139 }, // Articuno @ Seafoam Islands
new(145, 50, FRLG) { Location = 142 }, // Zapdos @ Power Plant
new(146, 50, FRLG) { Location = 175 }, // Moltres @ Mt. Ember.
new(150, 70, FRLG) { Location = 141 }, // Mewtwo @ Cerulean Cave
// Event
new(249, 70, FRLG) { Location = 174, Fateful = true }, // Lugia @ Navel Rock
new(250, 70, FRLG) { Location = 174, Fateful = true }, // Ho-Oh @ Navel Rock
new(386, 30, FR ) { Location = 187, Fateful = true, Form = 1 }, // Deoxys @ Birth Island
new(386, 30, LG) { Location = 187, Fateful = true, Form = 2 }, // Deoxys @ Birth Island
private static readonly EncounterStatic3[] Encounter_RSE = ArrayUtil.ConcatAll(Encounter_RSE_Roam, Encounter_RSE_Regular);
private static readonly EncounterStatic3[] Encounter_FRLG = ArrayUtil.ConcatAll(Encounter_FRLG_Roam, Encounter_FRLG_Stationary);
private static readonly byte[] TradeContest_Cool = { 30, 05, 05, 05, 05, 10 };
private static readonly byte[] TradeContest_Beauty = { 05, 30, 05, 05, 05, 10 };
private static readonly byte[] TradeContest_Cute = { 05, 05, 30, 05, 05, 10 };
private static readonly byte[] TradeContest_Clever = { 05, 05, 05, 30, 05, 10 };
private static readonly byte[] TradeContest_Tough = { 05, 05, 05, 05, 30, 10 };
internal static readonly EncounterTrade3[] TradeGift_RSE =
new(RS, 0x00009C40, 296, 05) { Ability = OnlySecond, TID = 49562, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new(5,5,4,4,4,4), Contest = TradeContest_Tough }, // Slakoth (Level 5 Breeding) -> Makuhita
new(RS, 0x498A2E17, 300, 03) { Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 02259, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, Gender = 1, IVs = new(5,4,4,5,4,4), Contest = TradeContest_Cute }, // Pikachu (Level 3 Viridian Forest) -> Skitty
new(RS, 0x4C970B7F, 222, 21) { Ability = OnlySecond, TID = 50183, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, Gender = 1, IVs = new(4,4,5,4,4,5), Contest = TradeContest_Beauty }, // Bellossom (Level 21 Oddish -> Gloom -> Bellossom) -> Corsola
new(E , 0x00000084, 273, 04) { Ability = OnlySecond, TID = 38726, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new(5,4,5,4,4,4), Contest = TradeContest_Cool }, // Ralts (Level 4 Route 102) -> Seedot
new(E , 0x0000006F, 311, 05) { Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 08460, SID = 00001, OTGender = 0, Gender = 1, IVs = new(4,4,4,5,5,4), Contest = TradeContest_Cute }, // Volbeat (Level 5 Breeding) -> Plusle
new(E , 0x0000007F, 116, 05) { Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 46285, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new(5,4,4,4,5,4), Contest = TradeContest_Tough }, // Bagon (Level 5 Breeding) -> Horsea*
new(E , 0x0000008B, 052, 03) { Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 25945, SID = 00001, OTGender = 1, Gender = 0, IVs = new(4,5,4,5,4,4), Contest = TradeContest_Clever }, // Skitty (Level 3 Trade)-> Meowth*
// If Pokémon with * is evolved in a Generation IV or V game, its Ability will become its second Ability.
internal static readonly EncounterTrade3[] TradeGift_FRLG =
new(FRLG, 0x00009CAE, 122, 05) { Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 01985, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new(20,15,17,24,23,22), Contest = TradeContest_Clever }, // Abra (Level 5 Breeding) -> Mr. Mime
new(FR , 0x4C970B89, 029, 05) { Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 63184, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, Gender = 1, IVs = new(22,18,25,19,15,22), Contest = TradeContest_Tough }, // Nidoran♀
new( LG, 0x4C970B9E, 032, 05) { Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 63184, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, Gender = 0, IVs = new(19,25,18,22,22,15), Contest = TradeContest_Cool }, // Nidoran♂ *
new(FR , 0x00EECA15, 030, 16) { Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 13637, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 1, IVs = new(22,25,18,19,22,15), Contest = TradeContest_Cute }, // Nidorina *
new( LG, 0x00EECA19, 033, 16) { Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 13637, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new(19,18,25,22,15,22), Contest = TradeContest_Tough }, // Nidorino *
new(FR , 0x451308AB, 108, 25) { Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 01239, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new(24,19,21,15,23,21), Contest = TradeContest_Tough }, // Golduck (Level 25) -> Lickitung *
new( LG, 0x451308AB, 108, 25) { Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 01239, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new(24,19,21,15,23,21), Contest = TradeContest_Tough }, // Slowbro (Level 25) -> Lickitung *
new(FRLG, 0x498A2E1D, 124, 20) { Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 36728, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 1, IVs = new(18,17,18,22,25,21), Contest = TradeContest_Beauty }, // Poliwhirl (Level 20) -> Jynx
new(FRLG, 0x151943D7, 083, 03) { Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 08810, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new(20,25,21,24,15,20), Contest = TradeContest_Cool }, // Spearow (Level 3 Capture) -> Farfetch'd
new(FRLG, 0x06341016, 101, 03) { Ability = OnlySecond, TID = 50298, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 2, IVs = new(19,16,18,25,25,19), Contest = TradeContest_Cool }, // Raichu (Level 3) -> Electrode
new(FRLG, 0x5C77ECFA, 114, 05) { Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 60042, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, Gender = 0, IVs = new(22,17,25,16,23,20), Contest = TradeContest_Cute }, // Venonat (Level 5 Breeding) -> Tangela
new(FRLG, 0x482CAC89, 086, 05) { Ability = OnlyFirst, TID = 09853, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new(24,15,22,16,23,22), Contest = TradeContest_Tough }, // Ponyta (Level 5 Breeding) -> Seel *
// If Pokémon with * is evolved in a Generation IV or V game, its Ability will become its second Ability.
private const string tradeRSE = "traderse";
private const string tradeFRLG = "tradefrlg";
private static readonly string[][] TradeRSE = Util.GetLanguageStrings7(tradeRSE);
private static readonly string[][] TradeFRLG = Util.GetLanguageStrings7(tradeFRLG);
internal static readonly EncounterStatic3[] StaticR = GetEncounters(Encounter_RSE, R);
internal static readonly EncounterStatic3[] StaticS = GetEncounters(Encounter_RSE, S);
internal static readonly EncounterStatic3[] StaticE = GetEncounters(Encounter_RSE, E);
internal static readonly EncounterStatic3[] StaticFR = GetEncounters(Encounter_FRLG, FR);
internal static readonly EncounterStatic3[] StaticLG = GetEncounters(Encounter_FRLG, LG);