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synced 2025-03-07 08:47:21 +00:00
`Moveset` struct stores 4 moves, and exposes methods to interact with a moveset. `IndividualValueSet` stores a 6 IV template (signed). Performance impact: * Less allocating on the heap: Moves - (8 bytes member ptr, 20 bytes heap->8 bytes member) * Less allocating on the heap: IVs - (8 bytes member ptr, 28 bytes heap->8 bytes member) * No heap pointers, no need to jump to grab data. * Easy to inline logic for checking if moves are present (no linq usage with temporary collections). End result is faster ctor times, less memory used, faster program.
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382 lines
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using System;
using static PKHeX.Core.EncounterUtil;
using static PKHeX.Core.GameVersion;
using static PKHeX.Core.EncounterGBLanguage;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// <summary>
/// Generation 2 Encounters
/// </summary>
internal static class Encounters2
internal static readonly EncounterArea2[] SlotsGD = EncounterArea2.GetAreas(Get("gold", "g2"), GD);
internal static readonly EncounterArea2[] SlotsSV = EncounterArea2.GetAreas(Get("silver", "g2"), SI);
internal static readonly EncounterArea2[] SlotsC = EncounterArea2.GetAreas(Get("crystal", "g2"), C);
internal static readonly EncounterArea2[] SlotsGS = ArrayUtil.ConcatAll(SlotsGD, SlotsSV);
internal static readonly EncounterArea2[] SlotsGSC = ArrayUtil.ConcatAll(SlotsGS, SlotsC);
static Encounters2() => MarkEncounterTradeStrings(TradeGift_GSC, TradeGift_GSC_OTs);
private static readonly EncounterStatic2[] Encounter_GSC_Common =
new(152, 05, GSC) { Location = 001 }, // Chikorita @ New Bark Town
new(155, 05, GSC) { Location = 001 }, // Cyndaquil @ New Bark Town
new(158, 05, GSC) { Location = 001 }, // Totodile @ New Bark Town
new(175, 05, GSC) { EggLocation = 256 }, // Togepi
new(131, 20, GSC) { Location = 010 }, // Lapras @ Union Cave
new(133, 20, GSC) { Location = 016 }, // Eevee @ Goldenrod City
new(185, 20, GSC) { Location = 020 }, // Sudowoodo @ Route 36
new(236, 10, GSC) { Location = 035 }, // Tyrogue @ Mt. Mortar
new(130, 30, GSC) { Location = 038, Shiny = Shiny.Always, Gender = 0, IVs = new(0, 14, 10, 10, 10, 10) }, // Gyarados @ Lake of Rage (forcing shiny IVs result in always Male)
new(074, 21, GSC) { Location = 036 }, // Geodude @ Rocket Hideout (Mahogany Town)
new(109, 21, GSC) { Location = 036 }, // Koffing @ Rocket Hideout (Mahogany Town)
new(100, 23, GSC) { Location = 036 }, // Voltorb @ Rocket Hideout (Mahogany Town)
new(101, 23, GSC) { Location = 036 }, // Electrode @ Rocket Hideout (Mahogany Town)
new(143, 50, GSC) { Location = 061 }, // Snorlax @ Vermillion City
new(211, 05, GSC) { Location = 008 }, // Qwilfish Swarm @ Route 32 (Old Rod)
new(211, 20, GSC) { Location = 008 }, // Qwilfish Swarm @ Route 32 (Good Rod)
new(211, 40, GSC) { Location = 008 }, // Qwilfish Swarm @ Route 32 (Super Rod)
private static readonly EncounterStatic2[] Encounter_GS_Exclusive =
new(245, 40, GS), // Suicune
new(249, 70, GD), // Lugia @ Whirl Islands
new(249, 40, SI), // Lugia @ Whirl Islands
new(250, 40, GD), // Ho-Oh @ Tin Tower
new(250, 70, SI), // Ho-Oh @ Tin Tower
new(137, 15, GS), // Porygon @ Celadon Game Corner
new(133, 15, GS), // Eevee @ Celadon Game Corner
new(122, 15, GS), // Mr. Mime @ Celadon Game Corner
new(063, 10, GS), // Abra @ Goldenrod City (Game Corner)
new(147, 10, GS), // Dratini @ Goldenrod City (Game Corner)
new(023, 10, GS), // Ekans @ Goldenrod City (Game Corner) (Gold)
new(027, 10, GS), // Sandshrew @ Goldenrod City (Game Corner) (Silver)
new(223, 05, GS), // Remoraid Swarm @ Route 44 (Old Rod)
new(223, 20, GS), // Remoraid Swarm @ Route 44 (Good Rod)
new(223, 40, GS), // Remoraid Swarm @ Route 44 (Super Rod)
private static readonly EncounterStatic2[] Encounter_C_Exclusive =
new(245, 40, C) { Location = 023 }, // Suicune @ Tin Tower
new EncounterStatic2Odd(172) {Moves = new((int)Move.ThunderShock,(int)Move.Charm, (int)Move.DizzyPunch)}, // Pichu
new EncounterStatic2Odd(173) {Moves = new((int)Move.Pound, (int)Move.Charm, (int)Move.DizzyPunch)}, // Cleffa
new EncounterStatic2Odd(174) {Moves = new((int)Move.Sing, (int)Move.Charm, (int)Move.DizzyPunch)}, // Igglybuff
new EncounterStatic2Odd(236) {Moves = new((int)Move.Tackle, (int)Move.DizzyPunch)}, // Tyrogue
new EncounterStatic2Odd(238) {Moves = new((int)Move.Pound, (int)Move.Lick, (int)Move.DizzyPunch)}, // Smoochum
new EncounterStatic2Odd(239) {Moves = new((int)Move.QuickAttack, (int)Move.Leer, (int)Move.DizzyPunch)}, // Elekid
new EncounterStatic2Odd(240) {Moves = new((int)Move.Ember, (int)Move.DizzyPunch)}, // Magby
new(147, 15, C) { Location = 042, Moves = new((int)Move.ExtremeSpeed, (int)Move.Wrap, (int)Move.ThunderWave, (int)Move.Twister) }, // Dratini ExtremeSpeed
new(249, 60, C) { Location = 031 }, // Lugia @ Whirl Islands
new(250, 60, C) { Location = 023 }, // Ho-Oh @ Tin Tower
new(137, 15, C) { Location = 071 }, // Porygon @ Celadon Game Corner
new(025, 25, C) { Location = 071 }, // Pikachu @ Celadon Game Corner
new(246, 40, C) { Location = 071 }, // Larvitar @ Celadon Game Corner
new(063, 05, C) { Location = 016 }, // Abra @ Goldenrod City (Game Corner)
new(104, 15, C) { Location = 016 }, // Cubone @ Goldenrod City (Game Corner)
new(202, 15, C) { Location = 016 }, // Wobbuffet @ Goldenrod City (Game Corner)
private static readonly EncounterStatic2[] Encounter_GSC_Roam =
new EncounterStatic2Roam(243, 40, GSC), // Raikou
new EncounterStatic2Roam(244, 40, GSC), // Entei
new EncounterStatic2Roam(245, 40, GS), // Suicune
private static readonly EncounterStatic2[] Encounter_GS = ArrayUtil.ConcatAll(Encounter_GSC_Common, Encounter_GS_Exclusive, Encounter_GSC_Roam);
private static readonly EncounterStatic2[] Encounter_C = ArrayUtil.ConcatAll(Encounter_GSC_Common, Encounter_C_Exclusive, Encounter_GSC_Roam.AsSpan(0, 2));
private static readonly EncounterStatic2[] Encounter_GSC = ArrayUtil.ConcatAll(Encounter_GSC_Common, Encounter_GS_Exclusive, Encounter_C_Exclusive, Encounter_GSC_Roam);
internal static readonly EncounterTrade2[] TradeGift_GSC =
new(095, 03, 48926) { Gender = 0, IVs = new(08, 09, 06, 06, 06, 06) }, // Onix @ Violet City for Bellsprout [wild]
new(066, 05, 37460) { Gender = 1, IVs = new(12, 03, 07, 06, 06, 06) }, // Machop @ Goldenrod City for Drowzee [wild 9, hatched egg 5]
new(100, 05, 29189) { Gender = 2, IVs = new(08, 09, 08, 08, 08, 08) }, // Voltorb @ Olivine City for Krabby [egg]
new(112, 10, 00283) { Gender = 1, IVs = new(12, 07, 07, 06, 06, 06) }, // Rhydon @ Blackthorn City for Dragonair [wild]
new(142, 05, 26491) { Gender = 0, IVs = new(08, 09, 06, 06, 06, 06), OTGender = 1}, // Aerodactyl @ Route 14 for Chansey [egg]
new(078, 14, 15616) { Gender = 0, IVs = new(08, 09, 06, 06, 06, 06) }, // Rapidash @ Pewter City for Gloom [wild]
new(085, 10, 00283) { Gender = 1, IVs = new(12, 07, 07, 06, 06, 06), OTGender = 1}, // Dodrio @ Blackthorn City for Dragonair [wild]
new(178, 15, 15616) { Gender = 0, IVs = new(08, 09, 06, 08, 06, 06) }, // Xatu @ Pewter City for Haunter [wild]
new(082, 05, 50082) { Gender = 2, IVs = new(08, 09, 06, 06, 06, 06) }, // Magneton @ Power Plant for Dugtrio [traded for Lickitung]
new(021, 10, 01001) { Moves = new(64,45,43) }, // Spearow @ Goldenrod City for free
new(213, 15, 00518), // Shuckle @ Cianwood City for free
private const string tradeGSC = "tradegsc";
private static readonly string[][] TradeGift_GSC_OTs = Util.GetLanguageStrings8(tradeGSC);
internal static readonly EncounterStatic2[] StaticGSC = Encounter_GSC;
internal static readonly EncounterStatic2[] StaticGS = Encounter_GS;
internal static readonly EncounterStatic2[] StaticC = Encounter_C;
internal static readonly EncounterStatic2E[] StaticEventsVC =
new(251, 30, C) { Location = 014, Language = EncounterGBLanguage.Any }, // Celebi @ Ilex Forest (VC)
private static readonly string[] PCNYx = {"PCNYa", "PCNYb", "PCNYc", "PCNYd"};
internal static readonly EncounterStatic2E[] StaticEventsGB =
// Stadium 2 Baton Pass Farfetch'd
new(083, 05, C) {Moves = new(226, 14, 97, 163), Location = 127, TID = 2000, OT_Name = "スタジアム"},
new(083, 05, C) {Moves = new(226, 14, 97, 163), Location = 127, TID = 2000, OT_Name = "Stadium", Language = International},
new(083, 05, C) {Moves = new(226, 14, 97, 163), Location = 127, TID = 2001, OT_Names = new[]{"Stade", "Stadion", "Stadio", "Estadio"}, Language = International},
// Stadium 2 Earthquake Gligar
new(207, 05, C) {Moves = new(89, 68, 17), Location = 127, TID = 2000, OT_Name = "スタジアム"},
new(207, 05, C) {Moves = new(89, 68, 17), Location = 127, TID = 2000, OT_Name = "Stadium", Language = International},
new(207, 05, C) {Moves = new(89, 68, 17), Location = 127, TID = 2001, OT_Names = new[]{"Stade", "Stadion", "Stadio", "Estadio"}, Language = International},
//New York Pokémon Center Events
// Legendary Beasts (November 22 to 29, 2001)
new(243, 05, C) {OT_Names = PCNYx, CurrentLevel = 40, Shiny = Shiny.Always, Location = 127, Language = International}, // Shiny Raikou
new(244, 05, C) {OT_Names = PCNYx, CurrentLevel = 40, Shiny = Shiny.Always, Location = 127, Language = International}, // Shiny Entei
new(245, 05, C) {OT_Names = PCNYx, CurrentLevel = 40, Shiny = Shiny.Always, Location = 127, Language = International}, // Shiny Suicune
// Legendary Birds (November 30 to December 6, 2001)
new(144, 05, C) {OT_Names = PCNYx, CurrentLevel = 50, Shiny = Shiny.Always, Location = 127, Language = International}, // Shiny Articuno
new(145, 05, C) {OT_Names = PCNYx, CurrentLevel = 50, Shiny = Shiny.Always, Location = 127, Language = International}, // Shiny Zapdos
new(146, 05, C) {OT_Names = PCNYx, CurrentLevel = 50, Shiny = Shiny.Always, Location = 127, Language = International}, // Shiny Moltres
// Christmas Week (December 21 to 27, 2001)
new(225, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(006), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Pay Day Delibird
new(251, 05, C) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Location = 127, Language = International}, // Celebi
// The Initial Three Set (December 28, 2001 to January 31, 2002)
new(001, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(246), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Bulbasaur Ancientpower
new(004, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(242), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Charmander Crunch
new(007, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(192), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Squirtle Zap Cannon
new(152, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(080), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Chikorita Petal Dance
new(155, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(038), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Cyndaquil Double-Edge
new(158, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(066), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Totodile Submission
// Valentine Week (February 1 to 14, 2002)
new(029, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(142), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Nidoran (F) Lovely Kiss
new(029, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(186), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Nidoran (F) Sweet Kiss
new(032, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(142), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Nidoran (M) Lovely Kiss
new(032, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(186), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Nidoran (M) Sweet Kiss
new(069, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(142), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Bellsprout Lovely Kiss
new(069, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(186), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Bellsprout Sweet Kiss
// Swarm Week (February 22 to March 14, 2002)
new(183, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(056), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Marill Hydro Pump
new(193, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(211), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Yanma Steel Wing
new(206, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(032), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Dunsparce Horn Drill
new(209, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(142), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Snubbull Lovely Kiss
new(211, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(038), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Qwilfish Double-Edge
new(223, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(133), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Remoraid Amnesia
// Shiny RBY Starters (March 15 to 21, 2002)
new(003, 05, C) {OT_Names = PCNYx, CurrentLevel = 40, Shiny = Shiny.Always, Location = 127, Language = International}, // Shiny Venusaur
new(006, 05, C) {OT_Names = PCNYx, CurrentLevel = 40, Shiny = Shiny.Always, Location = 127, Language = International}, // Shiny Charizard
new(009, 05, C) {OT_Names = PCNYx, CurrentLevel = 40, Shiny = Shiny.Always, Location = 127, Language = International}, // Shiny Blastoise
// Babies Week (March 22 to April 11, 2002)
new(172, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(047), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Pichu Sing
new(173, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(129), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Cleffa Swift
new(174, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(102), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Igglybuff Mimic
new(238, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(118), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Smoochum Metronome
new(239, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(228), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Elekid Pursuit
new(240, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(185), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Magby Faint Attack
// Spring Into Spring (April 12 to May 4, 2002)
new(054, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(080), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Psyduck Petal Dance
new(152, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(080), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Chikorita Petal Dance
new(172, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(080), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Pichu Petal Dance
new(173, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(080), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Cleffa Petal Dance
new(174, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(080), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Igglybuff Petal Dance
new(238, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(080), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Smoochum Petal Dance
// Baby Weeks (May 5 to June 7, 2002)
new(194, 05, GS) {Moves = new(187), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Wooper Belly Drum
// Tropical Promotion to Summer Festival 1 (June 8 to 21, 2002)
new(060, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(074), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Poliwag Growth
new(116, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(114), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Horsea Haze
new(118, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(014), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Goldeen Swords Dance
new(129, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(179), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Magikarp Reversal
new(183, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(146), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Marill Dizzy Punch
// Tropical Promotion to Summer Festival 2 (July 12 to August 8, 2002)
new(054, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(161), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Psyduck Tri Attack
new(072, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(109), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Tentacool Confuse Ray
new(131, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(044), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Lapras Bite
new(170, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(113), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Chinchou Light Screen
new(223, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(054), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Remoraid Mist
new(226, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(016), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Mantine Gust
// Safari Week (August 9 to 29, 2002)
new(029, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(236), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Nidoran (F) Moonlight
new(032, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(234), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Nidoran (M) Morning Sun
new(113, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(230), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Chansey Sweet Scent
new(115, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(185), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Kangaskhan Faint Attack
new(128, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(098), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Tauros Quick Attack
new(147, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(056), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Dratini Hydro Pump
// Sky Week (August 30 to September 26, 2002)
new(021, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(049), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Spearow SonicBoom
new(083, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(210), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Farfetch'd Fury Cutter
new(084, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(067), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Doduo Low Kick
new(177, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(219), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Natu Safeguard
new(198, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(251), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Murkrow Beat Up
new(227, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(210), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Skarmory Fury Cutter
// The Kanto Initial Three Pokémon (September 27 to October 3, 2002)
new(150, 05, C) {OT_Names = PCNYx, CurrentLevel = 70, Shiny = Shiny.Always, Location = 127, Language = International}, // Shiny Mewtwo
// Power Plant Pokémon (October 4 to October 10, 2002)
new(172, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(146), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Pichu Dizzy Punch
new(081, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(097), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Magnemite Agility
new(239, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(146), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Elekid Dizzy Punch
new(100, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(097), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Voltorb Agility
// Scary Face Pokémon (October 25 to October 31, 2002)
new(173, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(184), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Cleffa Scary Face
new(174, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(184), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Igglybuff Scary Face
new(183, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(184), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Marill Scary Face
new(172, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(184), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Pichu Scary Face
new(194, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(184), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Wooper Scary Face
// Silver Cave (November 1 to November 7, 2002)
new(114, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(235), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Tangela Synthesis
new(077, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(067), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Ponyta Low Kick
new(200, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(095), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Misdreavus Hypnosis
new(246, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(099), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Larvitar Rage
// Union Cave Pokémon (November 8 to 14, 2002)
new(120, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(239), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Staryu Twister
new(098, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(232), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Krabby Metal Claw
new(095, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(159), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Onix Sharpen
new(131, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(248), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Lapras Future Sight
// Johto Legendary (November 15 to 21, 2002)
new(250, 05, C) {OT_Names = PCNYx, CurrentLevel = 40, Shiny = Shiny.Always, Location = 127, Language = International}, // Shiny Ho-Oh
new(249, 05, C) {OT_Names = PCNYx, CurrentLevel = 40, Shiny = Shiny.Always, Location = 127, Language = International}, // Shiny Lugia
// Celebi Present SP (November 22 to 28, 2002)
new(151, 05, C) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Shiny = Shiny.Always, Location = 127, Language = International}, // Shiny Mew
// Psychic Type Pokémon (November 29 to December 5, 2002)
new(063, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(193), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Abra Foresight
new(096, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(133), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Drowzee Amnesia
new(102, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(230), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Exeggcute Sweet Scent
new(122, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(170), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Mr. Mime Mind Reader
// The Johto Initial Three Pokémon (December 6 to 12, 2002)
new(154, 05, C) {OT_Names = PCNYx, CurrentLevel = 40, Shiny = Shiny.Always, Location = 127, Language = International}, // Shiny Meganium
new(157, 05, C) {OT_Names = PCNYx, CurrentLevel = 40, Shiny = Shiny.Always, Location = 127, Language = International}, // Shiny Typhlosion
new(160, 05, C) {OT_Names = PCNYx, CurrentLevel = 40, Shiny = Shiny.Always, Location = 127, Language = International}, // Shiny Feraligatr
// Rock Tunnel Pokémon (December 13 to December 19, 2002)
new(074, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(229), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Geodude Rapid Spin
new(041, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(175), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Zubat Flail
new(066, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(037), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Machop Thrash
new(104, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(031), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Cubone Fury Attack
// Ice Type Pokémon (December 20 to 26, 2002)
new(225, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(191), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Delibird Spikes
new(086, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(175), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Seel Flail
new(220, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(018), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Swinub Whirlwind
// Pokémon that Appear at Night only (December 27, 2002 to January 2, 2003)
new(163, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(101), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Hoothoot Night Shade
new(215, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(236), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Sneasel Moonlight
// Grass Type ( January 3 to 9, 2003)
new(191, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(150), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Sunkern Splash
new(046, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(235), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Paras Synthesis
new(187, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(097), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Hoppip Agility
new(043, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(073), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Oddish Leech Seed
// Normal Pokémon (January 10 to 16, 2003)
new(161, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(146), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Sentret Dizzy Punch
new(234, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(219), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Stantler Safeguard
new(241, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(025), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Miltank Mega Kick
new(190, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(102), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Aipom Mimic
new(108, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(003), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Lickitung DoubleSlap
new(143, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(150), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Snorlax Splash
// Mt. Mortar (January 24 to 30, 2003)
new(066, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(206), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Machop False Swipe
new(129, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(145), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Magikarp Bubble
new(236, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(099), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Tyrogue Rage
// Dark Cave Pokémon (January 31 to February 6, 2003)
new(206, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(031), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Dunsparce Fury Attack
new(202, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(102), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Wobbuffet Mimic
new(231, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(071), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Phanpy Absorb
new(216, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(230), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Teddiursa Sweet Scent
// Valentine's Day Special (February 7 to 13, 2003)
new(060, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(186), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Poliwag Sweet Kiss
new(060, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(142), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Poliwag Lovely Kiss
new(143, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(186), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Snorlax Sweet Kiss
new(143, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(142), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Snorlax Lovely Kiss
// Rare Pokémon (February 21 to 27, 2003)
new(140, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(088), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Kabuto Rock Throw
new(138, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(088), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Omanyte Rock Throw
new(142, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(088), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Aerodactyl Rock Throw
new(137, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(112), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Porygon Barrier
new(133, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(074), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Eevee Growth
new(185, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(164), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Sudowoodo Substitute
// Bug Type Pokémon (February 28 to March 6, 2003)
new(123, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(049), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Scyther SonicBoom
new(214, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(069), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Heracross Seismic Toss
new(127, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(088), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Pinsir Rock Throw
new(165, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(112), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Ledyba Barrier
new(167, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(074), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Spinarak Growth
new(193, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(186), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Yanma Sweet Kiss
new(204, 05, GS) {OT_Names = PCNYx, Moves = new(164), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10, Language = International}, // Pineco Substitute
// Japanese Only (all below)
new(251, 30, GSC) {Location = 014}, // Celebi @ Ilex Forest (GBC)
// Gen2 Events
// Egg Cycles Subject to Change. OTs for Eggs are unknown.
// Pokémon Center Mystery Egg #1 (December 15, 2001 to January 14, 2002)
new(152, 05, GSC) {Moves = new(080), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10}, // Chikorita Petal Dance
new(172, 05, GSC) {Moves = new(047), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10}, // Pichu Sing
new(173, 05, GSC) {Moves = new(129), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10}, // Cleffa Swift
new(194, 05, GSC) {Moves = new(187), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10}, // Wooper Belly Drum
new(231, 05, GSC) {Moves = new(227), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10}, // Phanpy Encore
new(238, 05, GSC) {Moves = new(118), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10}, // Smoochum Metronome
// Pokémon Center Mystery Egg #2 (March 16 to April 7, 2002)
new(054, 05, GSC) {Moves = new(080), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10}, // Psyduck Petal Dance
new(152, 05, GSC) {Moves = new(080), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10}, // Chikorita Petal Dance
new(172, 05, GSC) {Moves = new(080), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10}, // Pichu Petal Dance
new(173, 05, GSC) {Moves = new(080), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10}, // Cleffa Petal Dance
new(174, 05, GSC) {Moves = new(080), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10}, // Igglybuff Petal Dance
new(238, 05, GSC) {Moves = new(080), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10}, // Smoochum Petal Dance
// Pokémon Center Mystery Egg #3 (April 27 to May 12, 2002)
new(001, 05, GSC) {Moves = new(246), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10}, // Bulbasaur Ancientpower
new(004, 05, GSC) {Moves = new(242), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10}, // Charmander Crunch
new(158, 05, GSC) {Moves = new(066), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10}, // Totodile Submission
new(163, 05, GSC) {Moves = new(101), EggLocation = 256, EggCycles = 10}, // Hoot-Hoot Night Shade