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synced 2024-12-01 00:09:14 +00:00
With the approaching games, PKM sprites are a different size from the 3DS era (as already hinted by LGPE, which has 56x68). It'll be a little easier to manage with this portion of the library walled off from the rest of the codebase. Eventually the net46 target will use fody or something to merge in these extra dependency dll's automatically to not disturb the usual exe/dll experience.
207 lines
8.6 KiB
207 lines
8.6 KiB
using System.Drawing;
using PKHeX.Core;
using PKHeX.Drawing.Properties;
namespace PKHeX.Drawing
public static class SpriteUtil
public static ISpriteBuilder<Image> Spriter { get; set; } = new SpriteBuilder();
public static Image GetBallSprite(int ball)
string resource = PKX.GetResourceStringBall(ball);
return (Image)Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(resource) ?? Resources._ball4; // Poké Ball (default)
public static Image GetSprite(int species, int form, int gender, int item, bool isegg, bool shiny, int generation = -1, bool isBoxBGRed = false)
return Spriter.GetSprite(species, form, gender, item, isegg, shiny, generation, isBoxBGRed);
public static Image GetRibbonSprite(string name)
var resource = name.Replace("CountG3", "G3").ToLower();
return (Bitmap)Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(resource);
public static Image GetRibbonSprite(string name, int max, int value)
var resource = GetRibbonSpriteName(name, max, value);
return (Bitmap)Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(resource);
private static string GetRibbonSpriteName(string name, int max, int value)
if (max != 4) // Memory
var sprite = name.ToLower();
if (max == value)
return sprite + "2";
return sprite;
// Count ribbons
string n = name.Replace("Count", string.Empty).ToLower();
return value switch
2 => n + "super",
3 => n + "hyper",
4 => n + "master",
_ => n
public static Image GetTypeSprite(int type, int generation = PKX.Generation)
if (generation <= 2)
type = (int)((MoveType)type).GetMoveTypeGeneration(generation);
return (Bitmap)Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject($"type_icon_{type:00}");
private static Image GetSprite(MysteryGift gift)
if (gift.Empty)
return null;
var img = GetBaseImage(gift);
if (gift.GiftUsed)
img = ImageUtil.ChangeOpacity(img, 0.3);
return img;
private static Image GetBaseImage(MysteryGift gift)
if (gift.IsEgg && gift.Species == 490) // Manaphy Egg
return Resources._490_e;
if (gift.IsPokémon)
return GetSprite(gift.Species, gift.Form, gift.Gender, gift.HeldItem, gift.IsEgg, gift.IsShiny, gift.Format);
if (gift.IsItem)
int item = gift.ItemID;
if (Legal.ZCrystalDictionary.TryGetValue(item, out int value))
item = value;
return (Image)(Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject($"item_{item}") ?? Resources.Bag_Key);
return Resources.unknown;
private static Image GetSprite(PKM pk, bool isBoxBGRed = false)
var img = GetSprite(pk.Species, pk.AltForm, pk.Gender, pk.SpriteItem, pk.IsEgg, pk.IsShiny, pk.Format, isBoxBGRed);
if (pk is IShadowPKM s && s.Purification > 0)
const int Lugia = 249;
if (pk.Species == Lugia) // show XD shadow sprite
img = Spriter.GetSprite(Resources._249x, Lugia, pk.HeldItem, pk.IsEgg, pk.IsShiny, pk.Format, isBoxBGRed);
GetSpriteGlow(pk, 75, 0, 130, out var pixels, out var baseSprite, true);
var glowImg = ImageUtil.GetBitmap(pixels, baseSprite.Width, baseSprite.Height, baseSprite.PixelFormat);
img = ImageUtil.LayerImage(glowImg, img, 0, 0);
return img;
private static Image GetSprite(SaveFile sav)
string file = "tr_00";
if (sav is SAV6AO)
file = $"tr_{sav.MultiplayerSpriteID:00}";
return Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(file) as Image;
private static Image GetWallpaper(SaveFile sav, int box)
string s = BoxWallpaper.GetWallpaperResourceName(sav.Version, sav.GetBoxWallpaper(box));
return (Bitmap)Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(s) ?? Resources.box_wp16xy;
private static Image GetSprite(PKM pk, SaveFile sav, int box, int slot, bool flagIllegal = false)
if (!pk.Valid)
return null;
bool inBox = (uint)slot < MaxSlotCount;
bool empty = pk.Species == 0;
var sprite = empty ? null : pk.Sprite(isBoxBGRed: inBox && BoxWallpaper.IsWallpaperRed(sav.Version, sav.GetBoxWallpaper(box)));
if (!empty && flagIllegal)
if (box >= 0)
pk.Box = box;
var la = new LegalityAnalysis(pk, sav.Personal);
if (!la.Valid)
sprite = ImageUtil.LayerImage(sprite, Resources.warn, 0, FlagIllegalShiftY);
if (inBox) // in box
var flags = sav.GetSlotFlags(box, slot);
if (flags.HasFlagFast(StorageSlotFlag.Locked))
sprite = ImageUtil.LayerImage(sprite, Resources.locked, SlotLockShiftX, 0);
int team = flags.IsBattleTeam();
if (team >= 0)
sprite = ImageUtil.LayerImage(sprite, Resources.team, SlotTeamShiftX, 0);
int party = flags.IsParty();
if (party >= 0)
sprite = ImageUtil.LayerImage(sprite, PartyMarks[party], PartyMarkShiftX, 0);
if (flags.HasFlagFast(StorageSlotFlag.Starter))
sprite = ImageUtil.LayerImage(sprite, Resources.starter, 0, 0);
return sprite;
private const int MaxSlotCount = 30; // slots in a box
private const int SpriteWidth = 40;
private const int SpriteHeight = 30;
private const int PartyMarkShiftX = SpriteWidth - 16;
private const int SlotLockShiftX = SpriteWidth - 14;
private const int SlotTeamShiftX = SpriteWidth - 19;
private const int FlagIllegalShiftY = SpriteHeight - 16;
private static readonly Bitmap[] PartyMarks =
Resources.party1, Resources.party2, Resources.party3, Resources.party4, Resources.party5, Resources.party6,
public static void GetSpriteGlow(PKM pk, byte[] bgr, out byte[] pixels, out Image baseSprite, bool forceHollow = false)
GetSpriteGlow(pk, bgr[0], bgr[1], bgr[2], out pixels, out baseSprite, forceHollow);
public static void GetSpriteGlow(PKM pk, byte blue, byte green, byte red, out byte[] pixels, out Image baseSprite, bool forceHollow = false)
bool egg = pk.IsEgg;
baseSprite = GetSprite(pk.Species, pk.AltForm, pk.Gender, 0, egg, false, pk.Format);
GetSpriteGlow(baseSprite, blue, green, red, out pixels, forceHollow || egg);
public static void GetSpriteGlow(Image baseSprite, byte blue, byte green, byte red, out byte[] pixels, bool forceHollow = false)
pixels = ImageUtil.GetPixelData((Bitmap)baseSprite);
if (!forceHollow)
ImageUtil.GlowEdges(pixels, blue, green, red, baseSprite.Width);
// If the image has any transparency, any derived background will bleed into it.
// Need to undo any transparency values if any present.
// Remove opaque pixels from original image, leaving only the glow effect pixels.
var original = (byte[])pixels.Clone();
ImageUtil.GlowEdges(pixels, blue, green, red, baseSprite.Width);
ImageUtil.RemovePixels(pixels, original);
public static Image GetLegalIndicator(bool valid) => valid ? Resources.valid : Resources.warn;
// Extension Methods
public static Image WallpaperImage(this SaveFile sav, int box) => GetWallpaper(sav, box);
public static Image Sprite(this MysteryGift gift) => GetSprite(gift);
public static Image Sprite(this SaveFile sav) => GetSprite(sav);
public static Image Sprite(this PKM pk, bool isBoxBGRed = false) => GetSprite(pk, isBoxBGRed);
public static Image Sprite(this PKM pk, SaveFile sav, int box, int slot, bool flagIllegal = false)
=> GetSprite(pk, sav, box, slot, flagIllegal);