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synced 2025-03-01 05:47:14 +00:00
Adds a new primary Hover Preview tooltip form. Users can change setting to use the old tooltip if they want. When the user hovers over a slot in their Box / Party, PKHeX displays a tooltip indicating details about the Pokémon. This text tooltip shows the Showdown text (with some localization based on program setting), and includes details about the encounter the legality check matched it to.
167 lines
5.1 KiB
167 lines
5.1 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using PKHeX.Core;
using PKHeX.Drawing.PokeSprite;
using PKHeX.WinForms.Controls;
namespace PKHeX.WinForms;
public sealed partial class SAV_GroupViewer : Form
private readonly SaveFile SAV;
private readonly IPKMView View;
private readonly IReadOnlyList<SlotGroup> Groups;
private readonly SummaryPreviewer Preview = new();
public int CurrentGroup { get; set; } = -1;
public SAV_GroupViewer(SaveFile sav, IPKMView view, IReadOnlyList<SlotGroup> groups)
SAV = sav;
View = view;
Groups = groups;
int count = groups[0].Slots.Length;
MouseWheel += (s, e) => CurrentGroup = e.Delta > 1 ? MoveLeft() : MoveRight();
var names = groups.Select(z => $"{z.GroupName}").ToArray();
CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex = GetFirstTeamWithContent(groups);
foreach (PictureBox pb in Box.Entries)
pb.Click += (o, args) => OmniClick(pb, args);
pb.ContextMenuStrip = mnu;
pb.MouseMove += (o, args) => Preview.UpdatePreviewPosition(args.Location);
pb.MouseEnter += (o, args) => HoverSlot(pb, args);
pb.MouseLeave += (o, args) => Preview.Clear();
Closing += (s, e) => Preview.Clear();
private void HoverSlot(object sender, EventArgs e)
var group = Groups[CurrentGroup];
var pb = (PictureBox)sender;
var index = Box.Entries.IndexOf(pb);
var slot = group.Slots[index];
Preview.Show(pb, slot);
private void OmniClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
switch (ModifierKeys)
case Keys.Control: ClickView(sender, e); break;
private static int GetFirstTeamWithContent(IReadOnlyList<SlotGroup> groups)
for (int i = 0; i < groups.Count; i++)
if (groups[i].Slots.Any(z => z.Species != 0))
return i;
return 0;
private void Regenerate(int count)
int deltaW = Width - Box.Width;
int deltaH = Height - Box.Height;
var height = count / 5;
var width = count / height;
bool changed = Box.InitializeGrid(width, height, SpriteUtil.Spriter);
if (!changed)
Width = Box.Width + deltaW + 2;
Height = Box.Height + deltaH + 2;
private void RecenterControls()
if (Width < Box.Width)
Width = Box.Width;
Box.Location = Box.Location with { X = Box.Location.X - 8 }; // manual fudge
int p1 = CB_BoxSelect.Location.X;
int p2 = CB_BoxSelect.Location.X;
var delta = p2 - p1;
if (delta == 0)
B_BoxLeft.SetBounds(B_BoxLeft.Location.X + delta, 0, 0, 0, BoundsSpecified.X);
B_BoxRight.SetBounds(B_BoxRight.Location.X + delta, 0, 0, 0, BoundsSpecified.X);
private void LoadGroup(int index)
if (index == CurrentGroup)
var (_, slots) = Groups[index];
var sav = SAV;
for (int i = 0; i < slots.Length; i++)
Box.Entries[i].Image = slots[i].Sprite(sav, -1, -1, true);
if (slotSelected != -1 && (uint)slotSelected < Box.Entries.Count)
Box.Entries[slotSelected].BackgroundImage = groupSelected != index ? null : SpriteUtil.Spriter.View;
CurrentGroup = index;
public int MoveLeft(bool max = false)
int newBox = max ? 0 : (CurrentGroup + Groups.Count - 1) % Groups.Count;
return newBox;
public int MoveRight(bool max = false)
int newBox = max ? Groups.Count - 1 : (CurrentGroup + 1) % Groups.Count;
return newBox;
private int groupSelected = -1;
private int slotSelected = -1;
private void ClickView(object sender, EventArgs e)
var pb = WinFormsUtil.GetUnderlyingControl<PictureBox>(sender);
if (pb == null)
int index = Box.Entries.IndexOf(pb);
var group = Groups[CurrentGroup];
View.PopulateFields(group.Slots[index], false);
if (slotSelected != index && (uint)slotSelected < Box.Entries.Count)
Box.Entries[slotSelected].BackgroundImage = null;
groupSelected = CurrentGroup;
slotSelected = index;
Box.Entries[index].BackgroundImage = SpriteUtil.Spriter.View;
private void B_BoxRight_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex = MoveRight((ModifierKeys & Keys.Control) != 0);
private void B_BoxLeft_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex = MoveLeft((ModifierKeys & Keys.Control) != 0);
private void CB_BoxSelect_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) => LoadGroup(CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex);