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synced 2025-02-17 05:48:44 +00:00
Uninitialized sectors are now no longer updated for checksums Checksums will be updated if not uninitialized (replacing battle video) Not that the game really checks the checksum (lol)
298 lines
12 KiB
298 lines
12 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using static System.Buffers.Binary.BinaryPrimitives;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// <summary>
/// Generation 3 <see cref="SaveFile"/> object for <see cref="GameVersion.E"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <inheritdoc cref="SAV3" />
public sealed class SAV3E : SAV3, IGen3Hoenn, IGen3Joyful, IGen3Wonder, IDaycareRandomState<uint>
// Configuration
protected override SAV3E CloneInternal() => new(Write()) { Language = Language };
public override GameVersion Version { get => GameVersion.E; set { } }
public override PersonalTable3 Personal => PersonalTable.E;
public override int EventFlagCount => 8 * 300;
public override int EventWorkCount => 0x100;
protected override int DaycareSlotSize => SIZE_STORED + 0x3C; // 0x38 mail + 4 exp
protected override int EggEventFlag => 0x86;
protected override int BadgeFlagStart => 0x867;
public SAV3E(byte[] data) : base(data) => Initialize();
public SAV3E(bool japanese = false) : base(japanese) => Initialize();
protected override int EventFlag => 0x1270;
protected override int EventWork => 0x139C;
public override int MaxItemID => Legal.MaxItemID_3_E;
protected override int PokeDex => 0x18; // small
protected override int DaycareOffset => 0x3030; // large
// storage
private void Initialize() => Box = 0;
#region Small
public override bool NationalDex
get => PokedexNationalMagicRSE == PokedexNationalUnlockRSE;
PokedexMode = value ? (byte)1 : (byte)0; // mode
PokedexNationalMagicRSE = value ? PokedexNationalUnlockRSE : (byte)0; // magic
SetEventFlag(0x896, value);
SetWork(0x46, PokedexNationalUnlockWorkRSE);
public override uint SecurityKey
get => ReadUInt32LittleEndian(Small.AsSpan(0xAC));
set => WriteUInt32LittleEndian(Small.AsSpan(0xAC), value);
public RTC3 ClockInitial
get => new(Small.AsSpan(0x98, RTC3.Size).ToArray());
set => SetData(Small.AsSpan(0x98), value.Data);
public RTC3 ClockElapsed
get => new(Small.AsSpan(0xA0, RTC3.Size).ToArray());
set => SetData(Small.AsSpan(0xA0), value.Data);
public uint BerryPowder
get => ReadUInt32LittleEndian(Small.AsSpan(0x1F4)) ^ SecurityKey;
set => WriteUInt32LittleEndian(Small.AsSpan(0x1F4), value ^ SecurityKey);
public ushort JoyfulJumpInRow { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Small.AsSpan(0x1FC)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Small.AsSpan(0x1FC), Math.Min((ushort)9999, value)); }
// u16 field2;
public ushort JoyfulJump5InRow { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Small.AsSpan(0x200)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Small.AsSpan(0x200), Math.Min((ushort)9999, value)); }
public ushort JoyfulJumpGamesMaxPlayers { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Small.AsSpan(0x202)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Small.AsSpan(0x202), Math.Min((ushort)9999, value)); }
// u32 field8;
public uint JoyfulJumpScore { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Small.AsSpan(0x208)); set => WriteUInt32LittleEndian(Small.AsSpan(0x208), Math.Min(99990, value)); }
public uint JoyfulBerriesScore { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Small.AsSpan(0x20C)); set => WriteUInt32LittleEndian(Small.AsSpan(0x20C), Math.Min(99990, value)); }
public ushort JoyfulBerriesInRow { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Small.AsSpan(0x210)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Small.AsSpan(0x210), Math.Min((ushort)9999, value)); }
public ushort JoyfulBerries5InRow { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Small.AsSpan(0x212)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Small.AsSpan(0x212), Math.Min((ushort)9999, value)); }
public uint BP
get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Small.AsSpan(0xEB8));
if (value > 9999)
value = 9999;
WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Small.AsSpan(0xEB8), (ushort)value);
public uint BPEarned
get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Small.AsSpan(0xEBA));
if (value > 65535)
value = 65535;
WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Small.AsSpan(0xEBA), (ushort)value);
#region Large
public override int PartyCount { get => Large[0x234]; protected set => Large[0x234] = (byte)value; }
public override int GetPartyOffset(int slot) => 0x238 + (SIZE_PARTY * slot);
public override uint Money
get => ReadUInt32LittleEndian(Large.AsSpan(0x0490)) ^ SecurityKey;
set => WriteUInt32LittleEndian(Large.AsSpan(0x0490), value ^ SecurityKey);
public override uint Coin
get => (ushort)(ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Large.AsSpan(0x0494)) ^ SecurityKey);
set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Large.AsSpan(0x0494), (ushort)(value ^ SecurityKey));
private const int OFS_PCItem = 0x0498;
private const int OFS_PouchHeldItem = 0x0560;
private const int OFS_PouchKeyItem = 0x05D8;
private const int OFS_PouchBalls = 0x0650;
private const int OFS_PouchTMHM = 0x0690;
private const int OFS_PouchBerry = 0x0790;
private const int OFS_BerryBlenderRecord = 0x9BC;
private const int OFS_TrendyWord = 0x2E20;
private const int OFS_TrainerHillRecord = 0x3718;
protected override InventoryPouch3[] GetItems()
const int max = 99;
var info = ItemStorage3E.Instance;
new(InventoryType.Items, info, max, OFS_PouchHeldItem, (OFS_PouchKeyItem - OFS_PouchHeldItem) / 4),
new(InventoryType.KeyItems, info, 1, OFS_PouchKeyItem, (OFS_PouchBalls - OFS_PouchKeyItem) / 4),
new(InventoryType.Balls, info, max, OFS_PouchBalls, (OFS_PouchTMHM - OFS_PouchBalls) / 4),
new(InventoryType.TMHMs, info, max, OFS_PouchTMHM, (OFS_PouchBerry - OFS_PouchTMHM) / 4),
new(InventoryType.Berries, info, 999, OFS_PouchBerry, 46),
new(InventoryType.PCItems, info, 999, OFS_PCItem, (OFS_PouchHeldItem - OFS_PCItem) / 4),
private Span<byte> PokeBlockData => Large.AsSpan(0x848, PokeBlock3Case.SIZE);
public PokeBlock3Case PokeBlocks
get => new(PokeBlockData);
set => value.Write(PokeBlockData);
protected override int SeenOffset2 => 0x988;
public DecorationInventory3 Decorations => new(Large.AsSpan(0x2734, DecorationInventory3.SIZE));
private Span<byte> SwarmSpan => Large.AsSpan(0x2B90, Swarm3.SIZE);
public Swarm3 Swarm
get => new(SwarmSpan.ToArray());
set => SetData(SwarmSpan, value.Data);
private void ClearSwarm() => SwarmSpan.Clear();
public IReadOnlyList<Swarm3> DefaultSwarms => Swarm3Details.Swarms_E;
public int SwarmIndex
get => Array.FindIndex(Swarm3Details.Swarms_E, z => z.MapNum == Swarm.MapNum);
var arr = DefaultSwarms;
if ((uint)value >= arr.Count)
Swarm = arr[value];
protected override int MailOffset => 0x2BE0;
protected override int GetDaycareEXPOffset(int slot) => GetDaycareSlotOffset(slot + 1) - 4; // @ end of each pk slot
uint IDaycareRandomState<uint>.Seed // after the 2 slots, before the step counter
get => ReadUInt32LittleEndian(Large.AsSpan(GetDaycareEXPOffset(2)));
set => WriteUInt32LittleEndian(Large.AsSpan(GetDaycareEXPOffset(2)), value);
protected override int ExternalEventData => 0x31B3;
/// <summary>
/// Max RPM for 2, 3 and 4 players. Each value unit represents 0.01 RPM. Value 0 if no record.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>2 players: index 0, 3 players: index 1, 4 players: index 2</remarks>
public const int BerryBlenderRPMRecordCount = 3;
private Span<byte> GetBlenderRPMSpan(int index)
if ((uint)index >= BerryBlenderRPMRecordCount)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index));
return Large.AsSpan(OFS_BerryBlenderRecord + (index * 2));
public ushort GetBerryBlenderRPMRecord(int index) => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(GetBlenderRPMSpan(index));
public void SetBerryBlenderRPMRecord(int index, ushort value)
WriteUInt16LittleEndian(GetBlenderRPMSpan(index), value);
State.Edited = true;
public bool GetTrendyWordUnlocked(TrendyWord3E word)
return GetFlag(OFS_TrendyWord + ((byte)word >> 3), (byte)word & 7);
public void SetTrendyWordUnlocked(TrendyWord3E word, bool value)
SetFlag(OFS_TrendyWord + ((byte)word >> 3), (byte)word & 7, value);
State.Edited = true;
/** Each value unit represents 1/60th of a second. Value 0 if no record. */
public uint GetTrainerHillRecord(TrainerHillMode3E mode)
return ReadUInt32LittleEndian(Large.AsSpan(OFS_TrainerHillRecord + ((byte)mode * 4)));
public void SetTrainerHillRecord(TrainerHillMode3E mode, uint value)
WriteUInt32LittleEndian(Large.AsSpan(OFS_TrainerHillRecord + ((byte)mode * 4)), value);
State.Edited = true;
#region eBerry
private const int OFFSET_EBERRY = 0x31F8;
private const int SIZE_EBERRY = 0x34;
public override Span<byte> EReaderBerry() => Large.AsSpan(OFFSET_EBERRY, SIZE_EBERRY);
#region eTrainer
public override Span<byte> EReaderTrainer() => Small.AsSpan(0xBEC, 0xBC);
public int WonderOffset => WonderNewsOffset;
private const int WonderNewsOffset = 0x322C;
private int WonderCardOffset => WonderNewsOffset + (Japanese ? WonderNews3.SIZE_JAP : WonderNews3.SIZE);
private int WonderCardExtraOffset => WonderCardOffset + (Japanese ? WonderCard3.SIZE_JAP : WonderCard3.SIZE);
private Span<byte> WonderNewsData => Large.AsSpan(WonderNewsOffset, Japanese ? WonderNews3.SIZE_JAP : WonderNews3.SIZE);
private Span<byte> WonderCardData => Large.AsSpan(WonderCardOffset, Japanese ? WonderCard3.SIZE_JAP : WonderCard3.SIZE);
private Span<byte> WonderCardExtraData => Large.AsSpan(WonderCardExtraOffset, WonderCard3Extra.SIZE);
public WonderNews3 WonderNews { get => new(WonderNewsData.ToArray()); set => SetData(WonderNewsData, value.Data); }
public WonderCard3 WonderCard { get => new(WonderCardData.ToArray()); set => SetData(WonderCardData, value.Data); }
public WonderCard3Extra WonderCardExtra { get => new(WonderCardExtraData.ToArray()); set => SetData(WonderCardExtraData, value.Data); }
// 0x338: 4 easy chat words
// 0x340: news MENewsJisanStruct
// 0x344: uint[5], uint[5] tracking?
private Span<byte> MysterySpan => Large.AsSpan(0x3728, MysteryEvent3.SIZE);
public override Gen3MysteryData MysteryData
get => new MysteryEvent3(MysterySpan.ToArray());
set => SetData(MysterySpan, value.Data);
private Span<byte> RecordMixingData => Large.AsSpan(0x3B14, RecordMixing3Gift.SIZE);
public RecordMixing3Gift RecordMixingGift { get => new(RecordMixingData.ToArray()); set => SetData(RecordMixingData, value.Data); }
protected override int SeenOffset3 => 0x3B24;
private const int Walda = 0x3D70;
public ushort WaldaBackgroundColor { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Large.AsSpan(Walda + 0)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Large.AsSpan(Walda + 0), value); }
public ushort WaldaForegroundColor { get => ReadUInt16LittleEndian(Large.AsSpan(Walda + 2)); set => WriteUInt16LittleEndian(Large.AsSpan(Walda + 2), value); }
public byte WaldaIconID { get => Large[Walda + 0x14]; set => Large[Walda + 0x14] = value; }
public byte WaldaPatternID { get => Large[Walda + 0x15]; set => Large[Walda + 0x15] = value; }
public bool WaldaUnlocked { get => Large[Walda + 0x16] != 0; set => Large[Walda + 0x16] = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); }
private const uint EXTRADATA_SENTINEL = 0x0000B39D;
public bool HasBattleVideo => Data.Length > SaveUtil.SIZE_G3RAWHALF && ReadUInt32LittleEndian(GetFinalExternalData().Span) == EXTRADATA_SENTINEL;
public void SetExtraDataSentinelBattleVideo() => WriteUInt32LittleEndian(GetFinalExternalData().Span, EXTRADATA_SENTINEL);
public Memory<byte> BattleVideoData => GetFinalExternalData().Slice(4, BattleVideo3.SIZE);
public BattleVideo3 BattleVideo
// decouple from the save file object on get, as the consumer might not be aware that mutations will touch the save.
get => HasBattleVideo ? new BattleVideo3(BattleVideoData.ToArray()) : new BattleVideo3();
set => SetData(BattleVideoData.Span, value.Data);