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synced 2025-02-16 13:28:35 +00:00
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94 lines
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using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using PKHeX.Core;
using PKHeX.Core.Properties;
namespace PKHeX.WinForms
public partial class KChart : Form
private readonly string[] species = GameInfo.Strings.specieslist;
private readonly string[] abilities = GameInfo.Strings.abilitylist;
private readonly bool alolanOnly = Main.SAV.Generation == 7 && DialogResult.Yes == WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Alolan Dex only?");
private static int[] baseForm;
private static int[] formVal;
public KChart()
Array.Resize(ref species, Main.SAV.Personal.TableLength);
var AltForms = Main.SAV.Personal.getFormList(species, Main.SAV.MaxSpeciesID);
species = Main.SAV.Personal.getPersonalEntryList(AltForms, species, Main.SAV.MaxSpeciesID, out baseForm, out formVal);
for (int i = 1; i < species.Length; i++)
DGV.Sort(DGV.Columns[0], ListSortDirection.Ascending);
private void popEntry(int index)
var p = Main.SAV.Personal[index];
int s = index > Main.SAV.MaxSpeciesID ? baseForm[index] : index;
var f = index <= Main.SAV.MaxSpeciesID ? 0 : formVal[index];
bool alolan = s > 721 || Legal.PastGenAlolanNatives.Contains(s);
if (alolanOnly && !alolan)
var row = new DataGridViewRow();
int r = 0;
row.Cells[r++].Value = s.ToString("000") + (f > 0 ? "-"+f.ToString("00") :"");
row.Cells[r++].Value = PKMUtil.getSprite(s, f, 0, 0, false, false, Main.SAV.Generation);
row.Cells[r++].Value = species[index];
row.Cells[r++].Value = s > 721 || Legal.PastGenAlolanNatives.Contains(s);
row.Cells[r].Style.BackColor = mapColor((int)((p.BST - 175) / 3f));
row.Cells[r++].Value = p.BST.ToString("000");
row.Cells[r++].Value = PKMUtil.getTypeSprite(p.Types[0]);
row.Cells[r++].Value = p.Types[0] == p.Types[1] ? Resources.slotTrans : PKMUtil.getTypeSprite(p.Types[1]);
row.Cells[r].Style.BackColor = mapColor(p.HP);
row.Cells[r++].Value = p.HP.ToString("000");
row.Cells[r].Style.BackColor = mapColor(p.ATK);
row.Cells[r++].Value = p.ATK.ToString("000");
row.Cells[r].Style.BackColor = mapColor(p.DEF);
row.Cells[r++].Value = p.DEF.ToString("000");
row.Cells[r].Style.BackColor = mapColor(p.SPA);
row.Cells[r++].Value = p.SPA.ToString("000");
row.Cells[r].Style.BackColor = mapColor(p.SPD);
row.Cells[r++].Value = p.SPD.ToString("000");
row.Cells[r].Style.BackColor = mapColor(p.SPE);
row.Cells[r++].Value = p.SPE.ToString("000");
row.Cells[r++].Value = abilities[p.Abilities[0]];
row.Cells[r++].Value = abilities[p.Abilities[1]];
row.Cells[r].Value = abilities[p.Abilities[2]];
private static Color mapColor(int v)
const float maxval = 180; // shift the green cap down
float x = 100f * v / maxval;
if (x > 100)
x = 100;
double red = 255f * (x > 50 ? 1 - 2 * (x - 50) / 100.0 : 1.0);
double green = 255f * (x > 50 ? 1.0 : 2 * x / 100.0);
return Blend(Color.FromArgb((int)red, (int)green, 0), Color.White, 0.4);
public static Color Blend(Color color, Color backColor, double amount)
byte r = (byte)(color.R * amount + backColor.R * (1 - amount));
byte g = (byte)(color.G * amount + backColor.G * (1 - amount));
byte b = (byte)(color.B * amount + backColor.B * (1 - amount));
return Color.FromArgb(r, g, b);