Kurt 3c232505e5
Refactoring: Narrow some value types (Species, Move, Form) (#3575)
In this pull request I've changed a ton of method signatures to reflect the more-narrow types of Species, Move# and Form; additionally, I've narrowed other large collections that stored lists of species / permitted values, and reworked them to be more performant with the latest API spaghetti that PKHeX provides. Roamer met locations, usually in a range of [max-min]<64, can be quickly checked using a bitflag operation on a UInt64. Other collections (like "Is this from Colosseum or XD") were eliminated -- shadow state is not transferred COLO<->XD, so having a Shadow ID or matching the met location from a gift/wild encounter is a sufficient check for "originated in XD".
2022-08-26 23:43:36 -07:00

169 lines
5.2 KiB

using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using static PKHeX.Core.EggSource5;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// <summary>
/// Inheritance logic for Generation 5.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Refer to <see cref="EggSource5"/> for inheritance ordering.</remarks>
public static class MoveBreed5
private const int level = 1;
/// <inheritdoc cref="MoveBreed.Validate"/>
public static bool Validate(ushort species, GameVersion version, ReadOnlySpan<ushort> moves, Span<byte> origins)
var count = moves.IndexOf((ushort)0);
if (count == 0)
return false;
if (count == -1)
count = moves.Length;
var learn = GameData.GetLearnsets(version);
var table = GameData.GetPersonal(version);
var learnset = learn[species];
var pi = table[species];
var egg = Legal.EggMovesBW[species].Moves;
var actual = MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, EggSource5>(origins);
Span<byte> possible = stackalloc byte[count];
var value = new BreedInfo<EggSource5>(actual, possible, learnset, moves, level);
if (species is (int)Species.Pichu && moves[count - 1] is (int)Move.VoltTackle)
actual[--count] = VoltTackle;
bool valid;
if (count == 0)
valid = VerifyBaseMoves(value);
bool inherit = Breeding.GetCanInheritMoves(species);
MarkMovesForOrigin(value, egg, count, inherit, pi);
valid = RecurseMovesForOrigin(value, count - 1);
if (!valid)
CleanResult(actual, possible);
return valid;
private static void CleanResult(Span<EggSource5> valueActual, Span<byte> valuePossible)
for (int i = 0; i < valuePossible.Length; i++)
var poss = valuePossible[i];
if (poss == 0)
if (valueActual[i] != 0)
for (int j = 0; j < (int)Max; j++)
if ((poss & (1 << j)) == 0)
valueActual[i] = (EggSource5)j;
private static bool RecurseMovesForOrigin(in BreedInfo<EggSource5> info, int start, EggSource5 type = Max - 1)
int i = start;
var unpeel = type - 1;
if (unpeel != 0 && RecurseMovesForOrigin(info, i, unpeel))
return true;
var permit = info.Possible[i];
if ((permit & (1 << (int)type)) == 0)
return false;
info.Actual[i] = type;
} while (--i >= 0);
return VerifyBaseMoves(info);
private static bool VerifyBaseMoves(in BreedInfo<EggSource5> info)
var count = 0;
foreach (var x in info.Actual)
if (x == Base)
var moves = info.Moves;
if (count == -1)
return moves[^1] != 0;
var baseMoves = info.Learnset.GetBaseEggMoves(info.Level);
if (baseMoves.Length < count)
return false;
if (moves[^1] == 0 && count != baseMoves.Length)
return false;
for (int i = count - 1, b = baseMoves.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--, b--)
var move = moves[i];
var expect = baseMoves[b];
if (expect != move)
return false;
// A low-index base egg move may be nudged out, but can only reappear if sufficient non-base moves are before it.
if (baseMoves.Length == count)
return true;
for (int i = count; i < info.Actual.Length; i++)
var isBase = (info.Possible[i] & (1 << (int)Base)) != 0;
if (!isBase)
var baseIndex = baseMoves.IndexOf(moves[i]);
var min = moves.Length - baseMoves.Length + baseIndex;
if (i < min + count)
return false;
return true;
private static void MarkMovesForOrigin(in BreedInfo<EggSource5> value, ReadOnlySpan<ushort> eggMoves, int count, bool inheritLevelUp, PersonalInfo info)
var possible = value.Possible;
var learn = value.Learnset;
var baseEgg = value.Learnset.GetBaseEggMoves(value.Level);
var tm = info.TMHM;
var tmlist = LearnSource5.TMHM_BW.AsSpan(0, 95); // actually 96, but TM96 is unavailable (Snarl - Lock Capsule)
var moves = value.Moves;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
var move = moves[i];
if (baseEgg.IndexOf(move) != -1)
possible[i] |= 1 << (int)Base;
if (inheritLevelUp && learn.GetLevelLearnMove(move) != -1)
possible[i] |= 1 << (int)ParentLevelUp;
if (eggMoves.Contains(move))
possible[i] |= 1 << (int)FatherEgg;
var tmIndex = tmlist.IndexOf(move);
if (tmIndex != -1 && tm[tmIndex])
possible[i] |= 1 << (int)FatherTM;